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Fandom Pokémon: Life Long Odyssey

Elikacheese said:
is here, so what to do?
I know.

I am working on a post right now, but I have to leave for work soon. Waiting between 1-2 days between posts is an average and even pace for RP's like this, so don't worry if I can't post for a day or two.
Elikacheese said:
What are your thoughts on the sun, and moon starters, and legendaries?
I already hate them.

Sadly I have no hope for this generation. After Gen II, maybe Gen III, the franchise went to complete crap. The same formula over and over and over again with no real variation save on the Pokemon you can catch. Each generation introduces "new mechanics," but doesn't change the overall flow or formula.

The franchise is due for a major change, but thanks to the Japanese sense of tradition and dedication to culture, they won't change it. They'll keep making the same game with a new paint job every generation until it finally dies.
Elikacheese said:
Welp as least I got to know your thoughts about it.
Sadly my love of the games has been dwindling since Gen III. The reuse of the same formula and path of story got very old, very quickly. At least Gen I and II had the same primary antagonists so there was some semblance of a singular cohesive story with a bit of an evolution to the mythos and lore.

But with Gen III, that all changed. The evolution of the story was replaced with a "reboot" to the same story and basically just a copy and paste job with new colors. As a creative writer, I hate that. It's lazy, contrived, and otherwise completely unoriginal and uninspired. They can make as many new Pokemon as they want, but as long as the games are just a copy and paste formula it is destined to die. And quickly is with old school fans like myself who grew up on the Gen I and II games.
(Will post after my last AP Exam, which is tomorrow).

For me, I believe that the storyline of Gen 2 wasn't all that great. When people say that, I think it's nostalgia speaking. While Kanto did have a cohesive and linear storyline, that has since been uncommon in the franchise, it was definitely not present in Gen 2. As far as that aspect of the game, Gen 3 didn't really have it either. It was somewhat present as far as mythology goes in Gen 4 (making it my favorite game), and I thought Gen 5 had the deepest and most thought-provoking story line of any of its predecessors. But I see what you mean by the game as far as story line and formulaicness is digressing, as Gen 6 was filled to the brim with features, but the story line was completely incoherent, poorly paced, overly ambiguous, and probably the worst game yet as far as story goes but the best one yet as far as changing the formula of the game mechanics. But actually analyzing and playing all six generations, I think we could rank the games as far as plot goes from best to worst being 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, then 6, so hopefully Alola will improve on this.

I think the repetitiveness of the game mechanics is a good thing. It's the core of the franchise, and even that has been shaken up a lot beginning the huge change in Generation 4. No Call of Duty Game ever really changes anything, all first person shooters are relatively the same with each new installment. A significant change in mechanics shouldn't be made, as it would change the competitive scene, and the core of the franchise. Pokemon is a turn based RPG at heart, and there's nothing wrong with that.

As far as changing the repetitiveness that is found in the stories, I agree with that, as every story seems to be a rehash of the last, except Sinnoh seems to be a much better version of the Hoenn story, and Unova was completely original in my eyes. However, I agree that the whole evil Team Dynamic is something that could be done without. The Delta Episode in ORAS was yet another incoherent and ambiguous story, but was a positive step forward in making each game have an actually distinct story. It is something that could be done, instead of implementing the mundane, outdated "evil team". This could have especially been done well in Gen 4. I think they really could have gone incredibly far replacing Team Galactic with a small cult, and portraying the "crazed madman" side of Cyrus that was not tapped into much, but had such raw power in its character design that greatly helped Gen 4's story not be the complete trash it could have been. The stories are getting more and more unclear and are being left to fan interpretation and speculation for the most part to be made sense of. And to be honest, the reason I shout nostalgia value at Gen 1 is because Gen 1 and Gen 5 were actually a particularly bad at this, while Gen 4 was one of the more clear stories along with Johto and Hoenn. The clarity of the stories does not necessarily make them better, but it is rather the originality and how much emotion and thought it provokes.

Gen 1 had a great story because everything it was doing was original at the time, and the player could relate personally to Red. More so than any other game, it told the story of a ten year old boy on an adventure.

Gen 5 had a great story because it provoked more thought and emotion than any other generation. It was the deepest story of all, because it question the very premise of the franchise, challenging the player with tough moral questions to confuse them, and even granting them a character in N who probably reflected the average player more than the playable character themselves. N did not know what was right, but he spent time trying to figure out what was right and do it. While it still ultimately had a cheesy and somewhat disappointing conclusion, it still took the player places no other game had dared to go before.

Gen 4 was nice because of its originality. It was not the plot of the main adventure itself that necessarily made the story for this game great, as it was somewhat marred by the sporadic and unmotivated actions of Team Galactic. I say this because of the excellent character development that occurred, along with the cohesive and coherent story of the region. The most important characters of the game, Barry, Cyrus, and Cynthia, were characterized incredibly well, especially Cyrus. Never had I felt more connected to the rival than in Gen 4, and more chilled by an evil villain than by Cyrus. While Cyrus' motives were not always clear, it was his characterization that made his motives apparent to the reader even before the were revealed. Even through hidden journal easter eggs throughout the game, the Galactic admins had great characterization and distinctive personalities too. And while the journey through the region was relatively unmemorable and irrelevant, it was really the thoughts, actions, belief and development of the characters that kept the story going. No conclusion to a game was more satisfying, nor had the same ominous, creepy, and perhaps ironic effect as Pokemon Platinum which made you question whether the villain was genuinely bad, and made you feel bad for him. The rival was characterized well too, but was slightly outdone by the Gen 2 rival. Cynthia is a recurring favorite in the Pokemon franchise for the same reason. Also, the mythology of the Pokemon world was for the first time made clear, in a way that made sense and was completely followable. While it was not explained through the main games, it was definitely present if you looked for it. That it was made Gen 4 one of the best stories of the franchise.

Gen 2 was not memmorable, because it served no other purpose than being a sequel to gen 1. The only memorable thing about the story was the rival. I just finished replaying HeartGold a month ago and I could barely tell you a thing that happened in it.

Gen 3 the core of the plot didn't make sense. Team Aqua wants more water and Magma wants more land. The core of this plot is logically fallible, and was a horrid premise to begin with.

I shouldn't have to explain why the series of random events that occured in Gen 6 that ultimately led to another random and unrelated event made for a bad and non-sequential story.

That is why I immediately assume nostalgia when people claim that Gen 1-3 were the best story wise, because especially in Gen 3, the story was juvenile, repetitive, and relatively not present. I think overall, Nintendo has been improving the quality of the bad formula that goes into the story of Pokemon games, especially with the Delta Episode switching things up. The Delta episode was still a bad story nonetheless, but it was a step in the right direction. While Kalos was a major digression from the excellent stories of Gen 4 and 5, having seen what GameFreak has done in those two stories sequentially gives me hope for a better future. While Nintendo will probably never rid itself of the evil team mechanic, I strongly believe that they can work within it and improve the quality. The two stories, if combined, really could have been excellent. Cyrus is everything Ghestis should have been, while Team Plasma is a much larger scale of what Team Galactic should have been. Cynthia is a better Alder, and Barry is a better Cheren and Bella. Gen 4 had a lackluster plot but an excellent resolution, while Gen 5 had an excellent plot but a corny resolution. By combining all the positive aspects of Gen 4 and 5, and perhaps reshaping the Dynamic of the evil team to make them more realistic by making them more of a cult or criminal organization, I believe that the story could greatly be improved without having to shake up tradition too much. Team Rocket was the best attempt at creating a good evil Team, but it was still not all the way there (the presence of a "good team" AKA some form of police force, would greatly help evil teams be more viable). The path the main character takes to defeat the evil team is something that's much harder to change, given gyms are a necessity to the franchise, but it is still doable by adding more twists, turns, and unforeseen obstacles throughout the story.

Except for Kalos, I don't think Pokemon is going more downhill. I think its improving, and by capitalizing on the positive aspects of Gen 1, 4, 5 and the Delta Episode, I think the story could improve greatly, without any significant change to the formula. More plot twists are in order to help the main character's journey not be so mundane or repetitive, and more coherent, sequential, and logical events are needed to make the stories, in the crudest terms, make more sense. The evil team needs to be changed, but not gotten rid of. Perhaps not calling it "Team" X or Team Y would help, and just calling them something else. It would give a fresh new view on them, and allow for Nintendo to make them take a separate path than poorly organized crime and bad villains like Archie, Maxie, and Lysandre. I believe if said changes are made, Alola could perhaps be the best region left, because I love the starters. There's even a great opportunity for the evil Team to take on the cult direction that Team Galactic should have taken given some occult practice of worshiping the sun or moon, and trying to eclipse the other out because of some prophecy.
Btw Starters: Love em :) . Mascot Legends Hate em both.

My favorite is Rowlet followed by Litten (only slightly) then Popplio (only slightly again). That's abnormal for me, because typically I like water the most. The only time I chose fire was gen 1. I chose water Gens 2, 3, and 4. I chose grass in 5 and 6.

Predicitons for starters finally evolutions and stats:

Litten - Fire posion (flammable fur, cmon) or pure fire. Fire dark is the go-to though :/

Fast, special attacker.

HA: idk

Rowlett: Grass flying ofc, with a slight chance of grass dragon

Either a slow (base 80) bulky mixed attacker, with high base HP, decent SpDef, and poor defense or a slower (base 70) bulky defensive wiith high base HP, decent defense, and high SpDef, Pokemon.

HA: Compound eyes? Thick Fat?

Popplio: Water fairy or pure water.

A bulky, slow, physical attacker. Base 90 HP, 95 in defense, 85 in special defense, 100 in attack.

HA: Swift swim 200% sure
iampyrus said:
(Will post after my last AP Exam, which is tomorrow).
For me, I believe that the storyline of Gen 2 wasn't all that great. When people say that, I think it's nostalgia speaking. While Kanto did have a cohesive and linear storyline, that has since been uncommon in the franchise, it was definitely not present in Gen 2. As far as that aspect of the game, Gen 3 didn't really have it either. It was somewhat present as far as mythology goes in Gen 4 (making it my favorite game), and I thought Gen 5 had the deepest and most thought-provoking story line of any of its predecessors. But I see what you mean by the game as far as story line and formulaicness is digressing, as Gen 6 was filled to the brim with features, but the story line was completely incoherent, poorly paced, overly ambiguous, and probably the worst game yet as far as story goes but the best one yet as far as changing the formula of the game mechanics. But actually analyzing and playing all six generations, I think we could rank the games as far as plot goes from best to worst being 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, then 6, so hopefully Alola will improve on this.

I think the repetitiveness of the game mechanics is a good thing. It's the core of the franchise, and even that has been shaken up a lot beginning the huge change in Generation 4. No Call of Duty Game ever really changes anything, all first person shooters are relatively the same with each new installment. A significant change in mechanics shouldn't be made, as it would change the competitive scene, and the core of the franchise. Pokemon is a turn based RPG at heart, and there's nothing wrong with that.

As far as changing the repetitiveness that is found in the stories, I agree with that, as every story seems to be a rehash of the last, except Sinnoh seems to be a much better version of the Hoenn story, and Unova was completely original in my eyes. However, I agree that the whole evil Team Dynamic is something that could be done without. The Delta Episode in ORAS was yet another incoherent and ambiguous story, but was a positive step forward in making each game have an actually distinct story. It is something that could be done, instead of implementing the mundane, outdated "evil team". This could have especially been done well in Gen 4. I think they really could have gone incredibly far replacing Team Galactic with a small cult, and portraying the "crazed madman" side of Cyrus that was not tapped into much, but had such raw power in its character design that greatly helped Gen 4's story not be the complete trash it could have been. The stories are getting more and more unclear and are being left to fan interpretation and speculation for the most part to be made sense of. And to be honest, the reason I shout nostalgia value at Gen 1 is because Gen 1 and Gen 5 were actually a particularly bad at this, while Gen 4 was one of the more clear stories along with Johto and Hoenn. The clarity of the stories does not necessarily make them better, but it is rather the originality and how much emotion and thought it provokes.

Gen 1 had a great story because everything it was doing was original at the time, and the player could relate personally to Red. More so than any other game, it told the story of a ten year old boy on an adventure.

Gen 5 had a great story because it provoked more thought and emotion than any other generation. It was the deepest story of all, because it question the very premise of the franchise, challenging the player with tough moral questions to confuse them, and even granting them a character in N who probably reflected the average player more than the playable character themselves. N did not know what was right, but he spent time trying to figure out what was right and do it. While it still ultimately had a cheesy and somewhat disappointing conclusion, it still took the player places no other game had dared to go before.

Gen 4 was nice because of its originality. It was not the plot of the main adventure itself that necessarily made the story for this game great, as it was somewhat marred by the sporadic and unmotivated actions of Team Galactic. I say this because of the excellent character development that occurred, along with the cohesive and coherent story of the region. The most important characters of the game, Barry, Cyrus, and Cynthia, were characterized incredibly well, especially Cyrus. Never had I felt more connected to the rival than in Gen 4, and more chilled by an evil villain than by Cyrus. While Cyrus' motives were not always clear, it was his characterization that made his motives apparent to the reader even before the were revealed. Even through hidden journal easter eggs throughout the game, the Galactic admins had great characterization and distinctive personalities too. And while the journey through the region was relatively unmemorable and irrelevant, it was really the thoughts, actions, belief and development of the characters that kept the story going. No conclusion to a game was more satisfying, nor had the same ominous, creepy, and perhaps ironic effect as Pokemon Platinum which made you question whether the villain was genuinely bad, and made you feel bad for him. The rival was characterized well too, but was slightly outdone by the Gen 2 rival. Cynthia is a recurring favorite in the Pokemon franchise for the same reason. Also, the mythology of the Pokemon world was for the first time made clear, in a way that made sense and was completely followable. While it was not explained through the main games, it was definitely present if you looked for it. That it was made Gen 4 one of the best stories of the franchise.

Gen 2 was not memmorable, because it served no other purpose than being a sequel to gen 1. The only memorable thing about the story was the rival. I just finished replaying HeartGold a month ago and I could barely tell you a thing that happened in it.

Gen 3 the core of the plot didn't make sense. Team Aqua wants more water and Magma wants more land. The core of this plot is logically fallible, and was a horrid premise to begin with.

I shouldn't have to explain why the series of random events that occured in Gen 6 that ultimately led to another random and unrelated event made for a bad and non-sequential story.

That is why I immediately assume nostalgia when people claim that Gen 1-3 were the best story wise, because especially in Gen 3, the story was juvenile, repetitive, and relatively not present. I think overall, Nintendo has been improving the quality of the bad formula that goes into the story of Pokemon games, especially with the Delta Episode switching things up. The Delta episode was still a bad story nonetheless, but it was a step in the right direction. While Kalos was a major digression from the excellent stories of Gen 4 and 5, having seen what GameFreak has done in those two stories sequentially gives me hope for a better future. While Nintendo will probably never rid itself of the evil team mechanic, I strongly believe that they can work within it and improve the quality. The two stories, if combined, really could have been excellent. Cyrus is everything Ghestis should have been, while Team Plasma is a much larger scale of what Team Galactic should have been. Cynthia is a better Alder, and Barry is a better Cheren and Bella. Gen 4 had a lackluster plot but an excellent resolution, while Gen 5 had an excellent plot but a corny resolution. By combining all the positive aspects of Gen 4 and 5, and perhaps reshaping the Dynamic of the evil team to make them more realistic by making them more of a cult or criminal organization, I believe that the story could greatly be improved without having to shake up tradition too much. Team Rocket was the best attempt at creating a good evil Team, but it was still not all the way there (the presence of a "good team" AKA some form of police force, would greatly help evil teams be more viable). The path the main character takes to defeat the evil team is something that's much harder to change, given gyms are a necessity to the franchise, but it is still doable by adding more twists, turns, and unforeseen obstacles throughout the story.

Except for Kalos, I don't think Pokemon is going more downhill. I think its improving, and by capitalizing on the positive aspects of Gen 1, 4, 5 and the Delta Episode, I think the story could improve greatly, without any significant change to the formula. More plot twists are in order to help the main character's journey not be so mundane or repetitive, and more coherent, sequential, and logical events are needed to make the stories, in the crudest terms, make more sense. The evil team needs to be changed, but not gotten rid of. Perhaps not calling it "Team" X or Team Y would help, and just calling them something else. It would give a fresh new view on them, and allow for Nintendo to make them take a separate path than poorly organized crime and bad villains like Archie, Maxie, and Lysandre. I believe if said changes are made, Alola could perhaps be the best region left, because I love the starters. There's even a great opportunity for the evil Team to take on the cult direction that Team Galactic should have taken given some occult practice of worshiping the sun or moon, and trying to eclipse the other out because of some prophecy.
Nice analysis.

I have to agree that nostalgia plays a big role in the Gen II and III argument.

For me when Gen I and Gen II are played back to back, as if they were a single game, the story that exists makes sense. It has obvious flaws, but if given the chance to develop what exists beyond just saying "here's Team Rocket, go defeat them," more could be gained all around by playing it.

I imagine that if we got some more backstory about how Team Rocket formed, when, and why, then much more of the games' story would come into light and become more meaningful. It's one of the things I intend to do in this RP, is slowly reveal how and why Team Rocket came to be in this RP not long before our characters really begin to really get into the thick of things.

My hope is that it will make the organization seem more human than just a "here's an enemy, go defeat and stand against them" kind of thing.
I am very interested in this and would like to join if that's alright. I read your interest check and my first thought was "FINALLY! someone who adds logic to the Pokémon world". May we be the child of a Canon/two canon characters? Because I have a really great character idea I'd like to try.
[QUOTE="Dynasty Girl]I am very interested in this and would like to join if that's alright. I read your interest check and my first thought was "FINALLY! someone who adds logic to the Pokémon world". May we be the child of a Canon/two canon characters? Because I have a really great character idea I'd like to try.

You may, but with a bit of a stipulation: This RP is not canon to the anime/manga franchise, so any backstory you give them may not reference events from the manga/anime show.

This means you can make them in the RP as parents, but they have to be designed your own way and have backstories all their own separate from the anime/manga.
Second Question: can we pick a Sun and Moon starter? (Once their complete evolution tree is revealed) Because I'm absolutely GAGA over Litten
[QUOTE="Dynasty Girl]Second Question: can we pick a Sun and Moon starter? (Once their complete evolution tree is revealed) Because I'm absolutely GAGA over Litten

If you'd like to wait to start until the entire evolutionary lines for the three of them have been revealed, you may do so.
Meh I'll write up a characters sheet tomorrow I love Litten buy there's no telling when we will get their entire evolution tree
@iampyrus - One thing about your post:

1) Uproar is loud, but not loud enough to cause ears to bleed. If they were bleeding, Shinx isn't the only one who should have suffered that fate.

If and when your ears start bleeding, substantial amounts of your hearing have most certainly been lost outright. Once you lose part of your hearing, there's never any getting it back. You are forever damaged and will never recover.

All living creatures share similar vocal chords, and unless Whismer's vocal chords function in the same way as a sonic wave generating gun with some kind of pinpoint laser setting that can be toggles on and off, Whismer can't stop the Uproar from affecting everyone and everything around it. There's no way to focus it into a beam once the wave has left its gaping mouth to hit only the Shinx. Everyone, Trey included, would have been ears bleeding and permanently losing bits of their hearing if that was truly the intensity of the attack.

So you might want to tone that down a bit so that Shinx was definitely feeling pain, but no bleeding was taking effect. Everyone watching would have been doing the same, covering their ears and turning away trying to get away from the sound.

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