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Fandom Pokémon: Life Long Odyssey


Three Thousand Club
Hello everyone!

Welcome to Pokémon: Life Long Odyssey!!

If you have questions, please ask NOW!

Thank you!

This RP is focused on a more realistic adventure with the creatures we all know and love. I will have all of the relevant information pertaining to how this RP differs from the games and manga/anime very soon in a new "Mechanics" page as well as in a new "Rules" page.

These pages have been requested and should be up and filled in by the end of the day. Please wait until they are up before making a character, as there are many details about this RP which you are going to need to know before you make a character.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I will answer as best I can as quickly as I can.

To get some of the obvious out of the way:

Q: How do we begin this RP?

A: We begin by visiting Professor Oak to receive our first Pokémon. From there we will figure things out as we go along.

Q: Can I join even after the RP begins?

A: Absolutely. As an open sandbox this RP has no real end and as such it's never too late to join.

Q: Where does the RP take place?

A: Kanto is where it begins. Whether it goes to other regions or not depends on whether or not the RP is successful.

Q: When does the RP begin?

A: Whenever I decide to start it.

Q: Can I join right away?

A: Yes, you may. But as per the rules of Character Submission you must contact me with your intent to join before you can submit a character to the RP. If I see a character posted there and did not hear from you first, I will delete the character and leave you a rather scathing reminder of how to follow the rules.

Here are some questions to help you fill out the three major sections which require paragraph responses:

Description: The description requires at least two paragraphs each with five sentences minimum. To that end, use the following questions (or any other details you can think of) to fulfill those requirements.

Do not feel like each of these questions requires only one sentence to answer. If you can answer each question with more than one sentence, go for it!

* When looking at your character, what is the first thing that stands out?

* Are they tall, short, lean, stocky?

* What is the color of their hair, and how do they usually keep it?

* If they are lean, are they muscular or slender?

* If they are muscular, what type of musculature do they have? (Big and bulky like Arnold Schwarzenegger, lean and cut like Bruce Lee, or somewhere in-between?)

* Are the softer, more feminine?

* Are they a bit overweight and just carrying a few extra pounds perhaps?

* What are the most muscular parts of the body? (Arms, legs, abs, chest, what?)

* When looking at your character's face, what shape is it and what are the first areas which stand out when looking at it?

* When looking at your character's eyes, what shape are they, what color are they, and are they strong or are they just kind of... there?

* What kind of clothing does your character typically wear?

Personality: The personality is required to be at least two paragraphs with a minimum of seven sentences each. Use the following questions as examples to help fill up the information requirement.

Please note that these questions are not meant to be one sentence answers. You can milk them for up to two or even three sentences to answer each one

* What is your character's general disposition? (How do they carry themselves?)

* What are their usual mannerisms and from where did these mannerisms come from? (Nervous twitches, habits, etc,)

* How do they act around different social class people?

* Are they honest or tend to lie, and why?

* What are their moral principles, and from whom did they learn them from and why?

* Was it even a single person or many who they learned their moral principles from?

* How do they behave and conduct themselves in the heat of battle?

* Do they know when to speak and when to be quiet?

* Are they afraid to speak their mind or are they perfectly at home saying anything and everything that come sot mind?

* Are they driven to accomplish their goals or do they give up easily, and why?

* Do they look to the future or do they often dwell on the past and let it obstruct their objectivity?

* Are they objective or subjective? (Do they look at problems with a clear head or a biased point of view which interferes with their being able to make a rational decision)

* What are their family values, and from who did they learn them from?

There are more but that's about all you should need to fulfill the personality requirement.

Biography: And finally we have the bio which is the biggest section of the profile. Use the following questions to help fill out the bio, and as always don't think of these questions as one sentence answer questions. If you can answer in more than one sentence, then you should be fine. And the Bio requires at least three paragraphs with a minimum of five sentences each:

* Who are your character's parents?

* Where were the parents born?

* How did the parents meet?

* Was it love at first sight or did it take time to develop?

* When they got together, how soon did they agree to have children and how many did they initially plan on?

* Is your character first born or do they have older siblings? (younger siblings?)

* Where was your character born?

* Growing up in your character's early years, what kinds of experiences did they have?

* Did they love their siblings or fight all the time and think they hated them like most kids?

* Did they love their parents or did they grow to resent them for whatever reason?

* Growing up, what convinced them to become what they are now and why?

* Who in their lives, family or otherwise, influenced their choice to become what they are today?

* Is your character educated or only taught what they needed to know to become what they are today?

* Are they politically inclined or do they irrationally believe one side of an argument because it hits an emotional chord?

* Have they ever been in love, truly in love, or just had a few infatuation related relationships which did or did not last?

* Where do they stand now?

* What do they plan to do at this stage of their life as the RP begins?
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Nico said:
@Kyero I'm interested in joining
Thanks for your interest. I am currently working on filling the new pages with information, and I will inform you when I am finished with my task. Please wait to submit a character until I have provided all the info.
@Kyero I am thoroughly interested in this RP. Never have I seen a fandom RP that's this in depth before,. OR one that actually makes Pokemon serious instead of the normal cartoonish approach.
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The Endergod] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/3902-kyero/ said:
@Kyero[/URL] I am thoroughly interested in this RP. Never have I seen a fandom RP that's this in depth before,. OR one that actually makes Pokemon serious instead of the normal cartoonish approach.
Thank you kindly.
Nico said:
@Kyero I'm interested in joining
All of the information is now provided. You are free to read it at your leisure and craft your profile based on the information and rules provided.

Good luck!
Hey guys!

I have updated the "Items" page with information regarding the costs of various items including the Potions, Status Ailment healing items, Poké Balls, and Pokémon Foods.

Pokemon rangers...

Going from sea, land, air, through storms, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, swamps, pandemics, epidemics, floods of pokemon left in the wake of breeding for shinies, catastrophic battles between legendary class pokemon, zubat caves, sandstorms, blizzards, electrical storms and even the distortion world;

To whip your ass.
Orikanyo said:
Pokemon rangers...
Going from sea, land, air, through storms, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, swamps, pandemics, epidemics, floods of pokemon left in the wake of breeding for shinies, catastrophic battles between legendary class pokemon, zubat caves, sandstorms, blizzards, electrical storms and even the distortion world;

To whip your ass.
Kyero said:
But they cannot beat me... IF I DON'T MAKE EYE CONTACT!

*puts blindfold over his eyes*

Trainers beware! You cannot defeat what you cannot fight! I am invincible! Eyecontact my glorious ass!
Hey guys!!

I updated the Rules and Lore page. The Rules page has a new rule regarding shiny Pokemon, and the Lore Page has a new section about Pokemon Breeders.

As a law student, or atleast learning law in my courses, I like that contract.
Orikanyo said:
As a law student, or atleast learning law in my courses, I like that contract.
I don't know jack about law but the contract I threw together made basic sense. If you think anything needs to be added or adjusted let me know.
I'll take a bette look after this exam, see if theirs any holes or something of the sort, I'll take it as a bit of practice for tomorrow.
So far I see little issue with it, the part where it states the pokemon is pretty much traded in owner ship rings abit of an alarm though.

Stating that it will be under care of the doctor/breeder will make less assumptions, those can cause QUITE a few issues in courts and espeacally since the egg will have been created whilst under the breeder's ownership, thus would legally theirs.

It's a simple matter of wording, he'll you wouldn't want to know how many times laws and even human rights get ammended to meet the present values of society, it's all about ironing out the wrinkles when it comes to law.

The part where it states the trainer should not be allowed to interfere with the work taking place is a interesting part, such a thing would arrise from a past issue brought to court, the connections to the policies of the third party organizations and code regulations is also good.

Over all, I'd use it, after a few more times looking over it that is.

But I'd have a lawyer look over it before any true signing takes place, espeacally say if your realeasing a show pokemon to one, say like a Milotic or furfou. Always good to be careful.

That said, I shall be taking up a froakie as my starter. It was a toss up between cindaquil or froakie, but a ninja toad can be more useful in narrative.
Orikanyo said:
So far I see little issue with it, the part where it states the pokemon is pretty much traded in owner ship rings abit of an alarm though.
Stating that it will be under care of the doctor/breeder will make less assumptions, those can cause QUITE a few issues in courts and espeacally since the egg will have been created whilst under the breeder's ownership, thus would legally theirs.

It's a simple matter of wording, he'll you wouldn't want to know how many times laws and even human rights get ammended to meet the present values of society, it's all about ironing out the wrinkles when it comes to law.

The part where it states the trainer should not be allowed to interfere with the work taking place is a interesting part, such a thing would arrise from a past issue brought to court, the connections to the policies of the third party organizations and code regulations is also good.

Over all, I'd use it, after a few more times looking over it that is.

But I'd have a lawyer look over it before any true signing takes place, espeacally say if your realeasing a show pokemon to one, say like a Milotic or furfou. Always good to be careful.

That said, I shall be taking up a froakie as my starter. It was a toss up between cindaquil or froakie, but a ninja toad can be more useful in narrative.
I changed the wording there, as you're right that it could get a bit sketchy. Pokémon Breeders with less honorable goals could try to exploit that if they wanted to.
Hey everyone!

If you think of anything that you believe should be a part of the RP's lore or mechanics, send them my way. I'm always open to discussing further additions to the RP's basic functionality.
Also everyone do tag me in any such important messages as the notification system is a bit messy here.

For instance I didn't get the notification about @DemonPrinceDraiton adding a WIP character profile to the 'Character Sign-Up' page. I happened to check and it was there, but there was no notification for it.

So yes. Please tag me in any important posts that you decide to make regarding either your profile, ideas about the RP's lore and mechanics, or what have you.

Thank you!!

What about Pokemon Ranchers? They are basically run the Pokemon farms where all the food come from, so there should probably be some info regarding them. Pokemon Ranches could also be an alternative to the Pokemon storage system. Something more natural for your pokemon to stay at.
Kyero said:
Also everyone do tag me in any such important messages as the notification system is a bit messy here.
For instance I didn't get the notification about @DemonPrinceDraiton adding a WIP character profile to the 'Character Sign-Up' page. I happened to check and it was there, but there was no notification for it.

So yes. Please tag me in any important posts that you decide to make regarding either your profile, ideas about the RP's lore and mechanics, or what have you.

Thank you!!
Sorry, I am still getting used to the mechanics of this specific site. I am so used to my old rp home, which was very strict on everything, but in a good way. Just let me know if there is anything I can do to fix my posts. I will gladly do it.
DemonPrinceDraiton said:
Sorry, I am still getting used to the mechanics of this specific site. I am so used to my old rp home, which was very strict on everything, but in a good way. Just let me know if there is anything I can do to fix my posts. I will gladly do it.
You're doing fine. The profile you have is currently incomplete but you've got plenty of time before we start. I want to give everyone the chance to read everything and add their profiles as well before we begin so take your time and keep working on the profile until it meets all the requirements.
AlphaDraco said:
What about Pokemon Ranchers? They are basically run the Pokemon farms where all the food come from, so there should probably be some info regarding them. Pokemon Ranches could also be an alternative to the Pokemon storage system. Something more natural for your pokemon to stay at.

Pokémon Ranches I could definitely see being used for food production. But for Pokémon Storage I have something else in mind I'm working on at the moment. But thanks for the info. I'll get to work adding a section to the "Lore" page regarding Pokémon Ranchers right now.
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Kyero said:
You're doing fine. The profile you have is currently incomplete but you've got plenty of time before we start. I want to give everyone the chance to read everything and add their profiles as well before we begin so take your time and keep working on the profile until it meets all the requirements.
Yeah, I had just looked over it and put in the body type.
"Free roam pokemon storage"

Man I can imagine folks who used that would be pretty much the equivalent of "I'm a vegan" nowadays.

Though no doubt there are still those in the pokemon world...

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