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Fandom Pokémon: Life Long Odyssey

Elikacheese said:
Sleep powder is at level 10 when Petilil learns it.
As iampyrus said, this RP doesn't concern itself too much with levels. The only thing I'm concerned with is whether a young Pokemon would realistically be capable of learning a technique or not.

Take a Bulbasaur for instance as a comparison. I imagine it could easily, within its first 1-2 years of life, learn tackle, headbutt, bite, growl, sand attack, leech see, vine whip, sleep powder, poison powder, stun spore, Absorb, and towards the end of those two years even razor leaf.

But I would not expect a Bulbasaur that's 2 years or younger to learn Megadrain, Gigadrain, Solar Beam, Leaf Storm, or any other powerful grass/poison type moves.

Does that make sense? So long as it's feasible for a younger Pokemon to learn it, then you're okay. As a human example you would imagine a young human being to be able to learn how to use a skateboard, but you would not expect them to suddenly become Tony Hawk. Anything outside the realm of realistic expectations is not okay.
Eh fine, I guess it doesn't really matter. I am also lucky that the Petilil is not old as brick.
Elikacheese said:
I wonder what made the others drop out.
Boredom, but it's their own fault.

When you play an RP solo, you have to keep moving. The moment you stop posting you lose track of your character's frame of mind. Most role-players can only hold interest in what their character was doing for about one to two days before they forget or lose interest entirely and they cease to want to post.
But there is one thing, I'll never leave this forum since all the others died out too quickly. And I honestly thank you for telling me what to do.
Elikacheese said:
But there is one thing, I'll never leave this forum since all the others died out too quickly. And I honestly thank you for telling me what to do.
You're very welcome.

Playing a Pokemon RP is hard because everyone involved (or mostly everyone) is of one particular mindset out of two possibilities: The solo adventurer like the games, or the group player like Ash from the show.

If it's not one, it's the other. But most can't pull the solo act off for the reasons I mentioned above. Even I've had difficulty with it in the past despite my sincerest determination to push forward. Those who are of the latter and play in a group usually do much better, but the moment even one member of the group drops out or disappears, the others lose heart and interest within a month or so.

But here I have resolved never to quit on this forum because it's my true love and brain child when it comes to the Pokemon RP world. A gritty, realistic world of humans and Pokemon where the laws of nature reign supreme despite humankind's efforts to divide and conquer it. This is where I always thought Pokemon should have eventually gone, but Nintendo's death grip on tradition and not changing their formula despite the outcry from fans for something other than handheld has irked me to the point of ignoring their franchise altogether and creating my own universe within the franchise's lore. As pretentious as it sounds, their games aren't good enough for me anymore. I need something more as an older veteran player and fan of the franchise. This handheld kid nonsense that's totally detached from reality just doesn't do it for me anymore, hence the RP.
Elikacheese said:
True, they even removed swim suits from Fire emblem Fates.
And the petting game, which was BS. There's no way the American culture is so pussified that we need to shield the "kids" from the concept of touching the face of the one you love. I mean come on!!
Elikacheese said:
If girls, and boys at the age of 10 twerk then we deserve the game, and the swim suits
Indeed. Hence why I have the Japanese 3DS and the Japanese versions of the game so I can enjoy the original untouched version.
Elikacheese said:
Is it forbidden to use somebody else's character?
Yes. You may ask permission to engage their character, but you may not post any direct actions of said character. It is the sole right of the creator of said character to do so.
Elikacheese said:
I gotta admit my character might be a few hours ahead.
That's fine. If he stops to rest in town the others should catch up soon enough.
Elikacheese said:
If a new person were to join, would that have to join, and start their journey with a huge summary?
They'd have to start from scratch like everyone, beginning with receiving their Pokemon from Professor Oak and beginning everything like we did. Fair is fair, after all. Just because we're farther along doesn't mean that they are suddenly given special treatment to catch up for the sake of their characters not being alone.

I know it sounds a bit harsh, but that's the nature of a sandbox RP. Everyone's journeys are their own, and everyone who joins must begin from nothing and work their way up.
Yep that sounds like a lot of sense. And also Kyero when we're done with the pokemon league, and all of the current characters partake it again, should we add second characters?
Elikacheese said:
Yep that sounds like a lot of sense. And also Kyero when we're done with the pokemon league, and all of the current characters partake it again, should we add second characters?
You don't have to.

In fact you don't even have to remain in Kanto. If you're so inclined you can visit any other Region you want at any time. If you register for the Kanto Pokemon Gym Challenge, then you'll have to stay in Kanto to complete it as far as you can. But you can cancel your registration at any time at a local Pokemon Center or Pokemon Police Station.

Since you're registered as a Pokemon Trainer already, you are under no obligation to register for either the Pokemon League Championship or the Pokemon Kanto Gym Challenge. They are 100% optional. As a registered Pokemon Trainer you are free to live your life with Pokemon in whatever manner you see fit.

If you want to create multiple characters, you're welcome to do so but I wouldn't advise it unless they stick together the entire time.

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