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Fandom Pokemon League (Darigea, Still Accepting)

[Route 59, waterfall view, off path.]

Rex was walking along with his two partners following behind.

"Well, they did say that the view of the waterfall was breathtaking, guess I'll head there and enjoy the sight. Who knows, I might find my third partner there. Come to think of it...I'll need at least one Pokemon that can surf, dive and climb waterfalls. I'll probably also need a Pokemon that can fly."

As he continued following the path off from route 59, more and more of the waterfall became visible.

"This really is breathtaking. Let's see what pokemon gather round here."

Looking all around, he paid more focus to the water and saw Feebas and Magikarp swimming around in it.

"I'll try my luck then. Whichever I get will be my water Pokemon."

He sits down at the water's edge and held out his hand holding a pokeball.
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Yuki walked back to the Pokemon center looking a little bit depressed but then noticed Malik and gnar outside with pichu and the meowth. "Hey I'm back. Sorry I took long, there was an announcement on the holocaster saying that there is an event going on at shellport but I don't think we will be able to make it. So is there anyplace you would want to go? I'm still a bit new to this place since I went to the other regions before here, but I grew up in this town with Gnar."

@Creepypasta Hound
Location: Jade Town

James Avanti smiled slightly to himself as he watched the sight before him as the two powerhouse Pokemon of his team stood face to face against each other. His fingers lazily ran through the fur of the Espeon that was snoozing in his lap and his breathe caught in his throat while his anticipation began to build. He loved coming out to the mountains in the morning to watch his Blastoise and Gourgeist face off and just like that the two Pokemon sprang into action. The turtle pokemon suddenly leaped forward toward Gourgeist, his head and limbs retracting into his shell as his body was covered completely in water. For a creature so large it was impressive to see it move so quickly; however, Gourgeist was just as easily able to counter by vanishing immediately.

Blastoise flew past the spot were Gourgeist stood and landed on all fours kicking up dust as his legs and hands slid against the ground, his eyes darting left and right rapidly. Just as quickly as it had vanished, the ghost Pokemon reappeared floating behind Blastoise it’s own body covered in a flame as it charged looking to do some damage. Blastoise remained still asides from the large water cannon on it’s left side which turned to face Gourgeist and blasted a huge stream of water directly toward her causing both Pokemon to be covered in a cloud of steam.

"Good reaction Blastoise..." James muttered to himself as he watched the steam slowly dissipate to find Blastoise hidden inside his shell safe from the hot steam and Gourgeist floating nearby. Both Pokemon smiled slightly and with a mutter of their own name attacked with a seed bomb and ice beam, the two attacks colliding in midair causing another obstruction of view with dust. James watched bites of rock crumble around him, the larger pieces being surrounded by a purple glow and tossed aside leaving him safe from harm.

“I think that’s enough for now.” The dust had finally settled to find the two Pokemon standing right against each other. Blastoise’s hands were pinned to its sides by Gourgeist’s long strands of hair while both cannons on the Pokemon’s back faced point blank into Gourgeist. “You guys are going to have to go all out against each other one day.

Gourgeist released his binds and floated over toward James and rested itself on the rock by his side causing Espeon to jump up and begin swatting playfully at it’s hair. “Great job get some rest.” With that James grabbed a small red and white Pokeball from his waist and with the click of a button called Blastoise into it. James jumped up from his seat and patted the dust off himself before turning to the other two laughing and reaching down to pick up Espeon. The small purple feline purred it’s own name in response and licking James’ chin.

“What do you think guys? Reckon the three of us can become gym leaders?”

“Gourg!” “Esp!” Came the responses full of enthusiasm and excitement from both Pokemon.

“Alright then!” James reached into his back pocket retracting the acceptance letter and instruction that he had folded safely. “I guess we need to go see the good old mayor…”
[Route 59, Jade Plains, Middle Sector.]

Rex was gazing at his third pokeball, a small fish inside of it. It was a rather unique encounter. While watching the shoal of Magikarp and Feebas swimming around, he noticed there was a silhouette further away from them. Heading over, he saw a lone Feebas by itself. Dipping his hand into the water, the Feebas noticed and swam over slowly.

"What are you doing away from your group? Hmm, do you want to come with me? I can help train you up even stronger than you are right now. You'll be welcome in my group. If you want to, then here, come on in."

He took out a pokeball and held it nearthe Feebas. It looked over and swam around it for a while before bumping against it and joining Rex and his team.

"Welcome to the group! Let's see, I'll need a nickname for you as well. You evolve into a Milotic...requires a high beauty stat however. You,re a female too. Hmm, how about Serenity?"

The Feebas spun in a circle inside the ball and Rex smiled.

"Serenity it is! You'll get to see Carnage and Ace soon. For now, let's hurry up to Jade Town. We're almost there."
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The battle raged for quite some time. Both teams fought well, but Douglas found himself getting outclassed. The Bastiodons stupidly high defences made it seem like attacks just bounced right off as it shielded itself and the Armaldo. It was super annoying, but this was a war of attrition. Douglas knew if that he could just make Cacnea land a leech seed the Bastiodon would eventually go down, or at least sap away enough strength so Sandslash could do some harm, the only issue was Armaldo. Sure, he wasn't all that fast, but each time Douglas had made Cacnea use leech seed, Armaldo had been there to counter. "Okay, Let's try again!" Douglas said, stomping one foot hard into the ground, making a small dust cloud. "Cacnea, jump and use leech seed on Bastiodon! And while he is in the air you use earthquake, okay Sandslash?" The plan was to make the ground so shaky that Armaldo simply wouldn't have the time to get close to Bastiodon and slash away the seeds.

Cacnea jumped up into the air as high as it could, and Sandslash unleashed a powerful earthquake that made it hard to stand. The ground began to move as if was a wave and all around them Douglas could hear the sounds of the earth cracking apart, and best of all, it seemed to work. The Armaldo was too occupied with just trying to remain on its feet, let alone move. So when Cacnea fired it's leech seeds towards Bastiodon there was nothing Armaldo could do, and the seeds hit their target. "Score!" Douglas cheered as he watched the vines wrapped themselves around Bastiodon, sapping its strength.

"Okay, enough fun" Thar suddenly said, raising his cane and pointing it towards Cacnea. "Armaldo, get that thing down, use Smack Down." Armaldo suddenly regained it footing and opened his and as he did a metallic ball of energy started to form. The ball of energy kept growing, but eventually Armaldo fired it and hit Cacnea mid-air. The impact resulted in an explosion and Cacnea plummeted to the ground and got knocked out. "Next one," Thar said smiling and Douglas could feel a chill go down his spine, this was bad. "Bastiodon, time to fire back. Metal Brust!" and upon hearing that Douglas knew it was all over. Bastiodon's body started to glow and absorbed all the damage the leech seed and earthquake were doing, it then opened it's mouth and fired back an orb that contained all that damage and a little extra. Upon impact with Sandslash the ball just kept traveling, sending Sandslash right into a house, knocking it out.

This battle was over. Douglas had lost.
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[Murdoc, Pearlville, Battle with the Mayor]

"Awwright, Lulu, it's your time to shine!" Murdoc yelled. He was hyped up and overly confident in his abilities. He wasn't even going to wait for Mayor Beverly to choose her Pokemon first. His aged Pelipper had been reliable in a fight even in recent years. Lulu flapped its wings and flew into the arena and landed several feet in front of its trainer.

"You're so insistent on using that bird before I release my Pokemon. I'll make you regret that," the mayor said sternly. She threw a Pokeball into the arena. "Go! Eelektrik!" The eel-like Pokemon made its appearance and instantly projected an electrifying display in order to intimidate its opponent.

"Argh! An electric type. No matt'r. Lulu, Water Pulse." Murdoc was slightly worried about Lulu's chances against the electric Pokemon. A strong wave of water burst from the Pelipper's beak. The Eelektrik slithered out of the path of the pulse of water. "Good, now use Thunderbolt!" The eel only took a moment to let loose the electric blast. But Lulu took to the air just a moment before she would have been struck. "Nice reactions... for an old bird."

"Thanks. I told ya Lulu could handle this just fine," Murdoc smirked. His confidence in this fight grew rapidly. "Ya got to keep flyin' to avoid its attacks, Lulu. Now use Stockpile." Pelipper began to glow while storing up energy.

"That's strategy's not going to work. Eelektrik, Discharge!" The eel took a couple seconds to charge up a massive a mount of electric energy and released it, covering a wide enough area that the Pelipper had no room to escape. "Lulu, Protect!" Murdoc reacted quickly. Lulu was surrounded by a bluish field of energy, which absorbed the electric attack. "Now, use another Stockpile." Murdoc laughed. "What d'ya think now, Mayor? The strategy seems to be holding up."

"Ugh, you are getting really annoying." She pointed a finger at Murdoc. "Protect won't work forever. Its chances of failing increase each time you use it. Eelektrik, Dicharge again." The Eelektrik let loose another wave of electric energy at the pelican Pokemon. "You know what tah do, Lulu." The bluish field surrounded Lulu once more. And once again, it absorbed the attack.

(to be continued...)

Darin Lesten

Darin wandered down the concrete path in Opal Hills, trees rising to amazing heights next to him, while to his other side,a large field stretched out. He watched as a few younger Trainers spent some time with their Pokemon, either just relaxing and enjoying the weather, or having battles with each other. Either way, he enjoyed watching as he silently strolled along.

He had only just arrived in the town a few days ago, but he knew that it was well-known for it's hospitality and friendly attitude towards visitors. And from what he had seen so far, that was true. Upon his arrival, he had stopped by a small restaurant in order to grab some food, and the service he had received was excellent. And when he had stopped by a small market, he had had a rather nice chat with the clerk. Overall, he felt genuinely happy with how the town functioned.

But while the town was nice, he was starting to feel homesick. For the last few months, he had been working on making it over to Precidia, then down through Welland, and had begun making his way back up north. He would have gone through the sea routes, but Loco was not yet ready for such a task. He needed more training, as he was only used to short trips with the Trainer tugging along on him. When he returned to Gazania, he would spend some time there with his family before going south to Winston to spend some time training. Ecopolis was one of the few places he had not yet been, and he was interested in making the trip. And if he could save some money by training Loco up so he could make the trip, he would do so. That was something his sister had taught him. On an adventure, it was always wise to make sure you had enough money for any situation that came up. If you were stuck on a route with no items, then you were in deep trouble.

Darin looked farther along the path, and saw a sign leading out of the town. When he was close enough, he saw that it read 'Route 57: Opal Hills to Jade Town'. He sighed. He had rested well and stocked up on items, but Gazania still felt like it was a long way away. He just wanted to get home and sleep in a familiar bed, with a good home-cooked meal. With that driving him, he walked out of town towards, making his way to Jade Town.

(Is this alright for now? Just wanted to make something quick. Just not exactly sure what to do at the moment...)
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[Jade Town]

Rex finally arrived at Jade Town and was perspiring quite a bit. Looking at his pokeballs, Carnage and Ace had returned to them earlier on as he didn't want them to take up too much space in the open.

"I really need to rest first, and you guys too. First up is the Pokemon Center. Then we'll head to the Mayor's residence to get my Holo Caster and properly start on our journey. Oh, and I also need to introduce Serenity to you two."
[Jade Town, Pokemon Center]

Rex found the Pokemon Center easily enough and entered, finding a Chansey and getting it to take away his Pokemon for a moment to heal. Going over to the map on display at one side, he nodded.

"Hmm, guess i'll head to Precidia after I'm done with this place. Best to stock up on some potions and other tools."

His Pokemon were soon returned to him and he left, opening up his pokeballs and letting Carnage and Ace freee while he held Serenity in his hands.

"Well, meet my partners. I'll find chances to let you swim about when we are near water. For now, your main goal is to groom yourself to a perfect beauty. Once you evolve, I can seriously begin training you with them."

Carnage and Ace both nodded slightly to Serenity before stretching themselves out.

"Guess it won't hurt to laze about for a while."
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Yuki looked around waiting for his answer and noticed a tyrantrum and a blaziken and their trainer holding out his hands talking to them. Looking back at Gnar she pointed towards them. "Hey Gnar wanna go meet them? They look like they are awesom and I bet that tyrantrum was hard to train." Gnar nodded and started to walk over to them with Yuki. When they got there Yuki smiled "Hi, I'm Yuki and this is Gnar. Nice to meet you."
Rex turned to the girl who approached him and smiled slightly. He saw the Garchomp following her and knew she was a trainer as well.

"Hello. My name is Rex, I assume you are a trainer too? Could you possibly be applying for a position as a Gym leader too?"

Serenity shivered slightly and he returned it to its pokeball. Carnage and Ace on the other hand were gazing at the Garchomp. Carnage was growling and lightly stamping it's feet while Ace just silently gazed on with its arms folded.
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Location: Jade Town

James had finally arrived at the gate dividing the mountains from the town of the city and sighed in relief. He might love watching his Pokemon battle with each other, but he sure didn't enjoy waking up so early to do so. Opening the door, he was greeted by the smiling face of Anthony, the elderly security guard that had worked at this gate for as long as James could recall. Espeon bolted past James and ran into Anthony's arms and began nuzzling gently into his chin.

"Oh! Good morning to you too Espeon!" Anthony's voice came as if from a much younger man, it seemed as if he could tell you a story and put you to sleep. His strong hands ran gently through the Pokemon's fur as his eyes glanced eagerly at the backpack James had started rummaging through. After some rummaging, James finally pulled out a silver thermos and placed it on the counter besides them. "And a very good morning to you James."

"Mornin' Tony." James replied as he reached his arms over and retrieved the Espeon from him. "Make sure you leave it outside before going home tonight." Reaching forward, James placed his hand on Anthony's shoulder and gave a friendly squeeze before walking past and making his way into town.

Jade Town to those who never lived there might seem more boring than anything else, although that might be due to the smaller size of the buildings surrounding them. Everything felt oddly small due to the towering mountains surrounding the city, but to James it was like having a large family that he could always come home to. James placed Espeon down on the ground and slung his backpack back over his shoulder before looking down at his Pokemon with a smile.

"Why don't we stop by the Pokemon Center first? I'm sure the other two could use it after the training this morning." James muttered mostly to himself but was responded to with a small "Esp!" before starting on his way. Luckily they were pretty close to where they needed to go and had to only walk a few minutes before the large red roof came into sight. Espeon jumped happily around James as they made their way until the front entrance of the building came into view. Espeon froze and stared at the group of trainers hanging around with their Pokemon. A group including a giant red dinosaur Pokemon that James recognized to be a Tyrantrum alongside a Blaziken and Garchomp blocked the entrance.

James stopped in his tracks and stared in awe at the collection of powerful Pokemon before him, however, Espeon had a less calm reaction. Bounding forward, the small Pokemon ran at the crown and began leaping around the various Pokemon attempting to get them to play.

"Espeon!" James cried as he chased after them, attempting to grab Espeon in his hands and failing. "I'm so sorry! Espeon is a little easily excited!"
Rex was watching Carnage and Ace carefully, in case they started a fight, even though they had no ill intent and only wanted to prove their strength. Ace suddenly looked away and called out softly, arms reaching out and lightly trying to grab at the flash of movement around while Carnage stomped lightly. Rex saw a trainer run to them and try to catch his Espeon but failing. A few seconds later, Carnage was growling slightly with the Espeon on top of its head. Rex nodded to the trainer.

"You alright? An Espeon huh, rare to see one. Well, Eevees are already rare as it is."
Yuki looked over at the Espeon and tried to hide her giggle. Gnar shook his head as he watched the Espeon jump around them. "That's a cute Espeon you have there. I haven't seen one in a while." Yuki walked over to the tyrantrum and picked up the Espeon off of his head and set it on the ground. "Hey Espeon if you want to play I don't think my Meowstic and Noibat would mind. What do you say?" Yuki looked back at Rex and realized she forgot to answer him. "Yes to both of your questions by the way. I just got my holocaster a little while ago. If you don't have yours yet I can take you to the mayor to get yours. Also I was wondering if you would have a Pokemon battle with me. I just recently got a megastone and wanted to try it out."
Rex nodded slightly.

"That would help me a lot. I had not read my letter properly and missed the note about getting a Holocaster. By then I had already left Gazania for a while, returning would've just been awkward."

He looked at Carnage and Ace for their response. Ace shook it's head while Carnage growled at Gnar.

"Hmm, well, looks like Carnage here is fine with battling. Ace here is rather picky about his battles, though he will battle if I ask him to. I don't usually force them so if they don't feel like it then I usually let them watch."

He was rather surprised she had a mega stone however. They were said to be rare.

"So, how shall we do this battle? Single? Double? Triple? I only have three Pokemon with me at the moment and I doubt Serenity would really want to battle."
Yuki laughed at his response and smiled at carnage and then looked at Gnar to see him glaring at carnage. "Single sounds good, no substitutions since I see that ace doesn't want to battle." Looking around she tried to see where the closest place was that they could battle. Spotting one she smiled and pointed towards it. "There is a place down the road from the pokemon center that is for battles if you want to go there" Yuki looked at Gnar and smiled then looked at Rex and james. "I'll show you the way. James you can watch if you want."

@Kiosis @Dark Sanctuary T-T it's hard doing the color thing on the phone
Rex placed his hand on Carnage's mouth and smiled.

"Well, I'm counting on you. This will be the rare chance you get to face strong opponents. Just enjoy it as much as you can and learn from it. Wins and losses don't mean that much at times. Well, even if you lose, I trust you to be able to inflict quite some pain."

Carnage growled and nodded slightly to Rex before letting off a single snap of its mouth in Gnar's direction. Rex smiled and nodded.

"Singles it is. My Carnage against your Gnar. We go all out until one of us calls back their Pokemon or it drops."
Douglas felt a bit down after his battle with Thar. The man had just been toying around and when he finally got serious he won in just two moves. Thankfully after he had healed his Pokemon, had a long talk with Thar and receiving the Holocaster, he felt better. Sure, Thar had said that Douglas would have to win the match to get his prize, but Thar had intended to give the Holocaster to Douglas no matter how the matched ended. So after all that Douglas headed out, ready to explore the world, his first stop being route 58.
Location: Jade Town

James let out a sigh of relief when he realized that Espeon hadn't caused and trouble and leaned down to scratch the Pokemon's head. "Yes, Espeon and I haven't been together very long, but we care for each other completely." Espeon purred gently at the touch laying it's body on the ground before glancing at the Pokeball's at the girl's side contemplating the question of more play partners.

Also I was wondering if you would have a Pokemon battle with me. I just recently got a megastone and wanted to try it out.

As if a shock went through both James and Espeon at these words they both reacted as if on instincts. Espeon's ears perked up and it seemed as if it's entire body was tensing while James reached to his waist and rested his fingers against the pokeball containing his Blastoise. The ball shook slightly in response and as if on cue it erupted open in a flash of light revealing the turtle Pokemon who seemed anxious for a fight. "Blastoise!" it roared while pointing at himself before falling onto one knee breathing heavily.

"Blastoise... this doesn't involve you!" James cried and pushed against Blastoise's shell trying to get the Pokemon out of the way. A cannon on the back of Blastoise turned toward James menacingly, as the two faced off. Suddenly both were covered in a purple glow and began being lifted into the air away from each other as Espeon's eyes glowed with power.

"Esp!" It muttered in frustration as it began leading them to the battle arena and released James over the referee box. "Oww... fine fine!" He sighed and stood up facing the others as a thud behind him suggested Blastoise being dropped as well.

"I guess I will be refereeing this match! This will be a 1 v 1 Pokemon battle between Garchomp and Tyrantrum. Begin when you are ready!"
Rex nodded as Carnage growled lowly.

"You know what you were taught and trained. Don't go all rough out yet. We gotta know what their Garchomp is capable of. Try and get a few bites in while slowly approaching and trying to dodge."

Carnage growled as it approaches Gnar and attempts to bite down against it when there is the chance.

"Alright gnar I think it's time to use the mega stone." Gnar nodded and the stone on his neck started to shine along with the stones not the ring on yuki's finger. The shining got brighter around Gnar as he changed.

Gnar looked back at Yuki and then looked at Carnage growling as he waited to be told what to do.

Yuki smirked when she saw that it was a successful transformation.
"Alright Gnar, wait till carnage gets close and then use dragon claw."

@Dark Sanctuary
Carnage growled as it slowly approached the Mega-evolved form of Gnar, keeping clear of its claws for a while before rushing in and sinking it's fangs down on Gnar, a wild primal glint in its eyes.

Rex was watching along with Ace and Serenity in his hands.

"Carnage...play it carefully, don't rush in blindly. Find your chances."
Yuki smirked when carnage got in close "Gnar jump in front of carnage and use dragon breath and if that doesn't work use dragon claw one more time." Gnar jumped right in front of carnage and opened his mouth as blue flames came out towards carnage.
Max was walking by with leelah and moe when he saw the battle roaring

Two trainers were going at it and things were getting heavy

"Awesome come on guys lets see how they hang in there"

Max and his Pokemon have a seat close to the battle but far away enough to not take any stray blows

He is careful not to attract to much attention not wanting the trainers to loose focus.

@Brokenbri @Dark Sanctuary
Rex grinned.

"Bear it Carnage! Don't let up on it! Rush it with double team and crush it down with Ice Fang!"

Carnage roared as it rushed up at Gnar, seeming to split into two as it's fangs suddenly twinkled, turning white with a frosty look. It had managed to use the chance to avoid most of the breath, though it still did some damage. Enduring the pain, Carnage sunk it's fangs down on Gnar.

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