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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

Psychi arose from the couch, stretching tiredly. He had spent a good portion of his night cleaning Desdemona's kitchen (not begrudgingly, of course; he seemed oddly motivated to do it) and was fairly rested up to that point. He stood up and, after checking to make sure that Desdemona wasn't using the restroom, quickly went inside and took a shower. @Karcen

Rikuto only had about two hours of sleep. Still, he didn't care. He threw his pillow over at his roommate. "Hey, baby cakes! It's SUNDAY! You know what that means, don't you?" He grinned widely. "Paaaaaancakes!" @ScaraByte
Melody smiled at the school before getting in the limousine and driving off. "Ms. Melody, did you enjoy your time?" Her manager asked her with a smile to which she nodded "Yes thank you Alios" she smiled out the window as the drove off to the airport.

Mariyan sat up and threw the pillow off her "Why did you wake me up... and further more why did you call me Baby Cakes?" She asked blushing lightly. She had a boyfriend and been deflowered but still her boyfriend seemed to disappear as of recent so maybe he transferred out without telling her. She was in her scarlet red tank-top and some black shorts which she had slept in but still it felt a little revealing.
"That's your new nickname! I give all my friends nicknames," Rikuto explained cheerily. He stretched. "Wow, that's more sleep that I thought I would actually get. And I woke you up because of pancakes!" He threw his second pillow at her. "Get up, sleepyhead, or I won't make you any." He hopped off his bed and dashed to the kitchen.
Eric woke up and jumped out of bed. He had been at this school for too long not to have made any progress. The only students he talked to had either left awkwardly, disappeared tried to kill him.

He got ready and walked around. "Hopefully the cafeteria is open." He had no food to cook.
Mariyan sighed "I don't understand though, do you have pancake addiction?" She asked sarcastically before pushing the covers off of herself and to the foot of her bed. Rikuto is definitely an interesting guy and thats certain but still She thought to herself before stretching her arms out and throwing his pillows back to his bed. "Fine i'll get up just don't expe-" Her words were cut short as she rolled off her bed into the floor, it caused a thump but she stood up regaining her breath and hoping it wasn't noticeable.

((The school's only been open for 4 days in all...))
"Pancakes are just great on Sundays," Rikuto said dreamily, reminiscing of an innocent time so long ago. He pulled out some pans from the cuppard and flinched when he heard Mariyan hit herself. "Geez, you okay back there? You didn't kill yourself, did you?? I do not want to get charged on an account of first degree murder again!"
"I-i'm good, besides I have my will wrote out already just in case" Mari said with a smiled as she walked to see what he was doing. This school had some very... unique people in it so that was a plus She thought to herself with a smile. "I have the feeling my boyfriend transferred out..." She said halfheartedly trying to shrug it off as something she didn't care about but in truth it hurt more than she thought it ever could.
Lauren woke up with a slight headache, she had remembered last night that Rikuto ended up calling his roommate and they all went to the pier ruining her chance to apologise to him about how she acted without speaking but she was too nervous around that girl. She put on her glasses and sighed "maybe I just suck at these kind of things" she said before dragging her self to the bathroom to take a shower. She got dressed and cooked bacon that she bought the day before "breakfast is on the table" and with a sandwich in her mouth she ran out to prepare for class.

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Des woke up and for the first time in a few days she was alone and the bed felt rather big. Yesterday had gone a lot further than she meant it to, well she hadn't meant it to go anywhere so anywhere was far. She didn't regret it as others might she after all did like Psychi and well while some might see that as a really big deal it did prove a few things but wasn't proof of love though it was some part of it.

When She was fully awake she heard the shower going, she could wait for Psychi, but she was a little worried she was sure her sister would have returned after her leaving, but she hadn't and now Des was a little worried. Des went to the Bathroom door " Psychi that you in there?" She asked not sure if it really was psychi of if it was sil.
Megan got up and took a shower and got dressed for the day and was more or less waiting on her bed, waiting for the supposed dear person to show up.

Jack and the crew had finally set up everything they needed to surprised his sister but he did notice Melody when she left that morning "Huh I didn't know she went here? Ah whatever don't matter to me!" He whispered to himself. They were going to do a surprise song for Megan from one of their albums, and this was her favorite too.

@CactusWren ((What do you think the band name should be?))


"Aww, I'm sorry about that," Rikuto said sympathetically. "He didn't even bother to say bye?" He turned back to the counter and began prepping for some legit homemade pancakes, yo. "Well, that's a shame. If you're free I might just steal you away- and I'm not going to give you back."


Psychi only heard the knock on the door when Desdemona called for him. Unsure if it was her or Silette, he quickly wrapped a towel around his waist and opened the door enough to just poke his head out. "Ah, Ms Desdemona." He shrugged. "Is there anything you need?" He looked somewhat embarrassed when he added, "Or did you want to join me?"


(Wasn't it a dragon type name? You can keep it at that; he was the one who started the band, after all X3)

"So how are we going to do this?" Wednesday asked Jack, planting her hands on her hips. "Find her dorm and play for her in view of her window?"
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Sean wiggled under the cover so only his head was visible. He was still asleep of course but he was still in visible range rather than pretty much invisible.


Maritan smiled at Rikuto "Well I might, be interested in you" She said before walking back to the dorm area. She was embarrassed but if her boy... ex-boyfriend wanted to leave he should have told her or at least notified her.

Rikuto laughed and shook his head. "Well we'll see. It isn't exactly polite to want to date a girl who's just been dumped, so I'll give it a few weeks. Besides, I might be interested in someone else." He appeared thoughtful as he stirred the ingredients together.
Mari smiled as she got her clothes to change into. "Well I hope whoever you date in the end is good to you, Because you deserve that much." She said before disappearing into the bathroom and locking the door so she could change. The school was an interesting place for sure and now people were entering and leaving but where were they going to and from? The better question why were they disappearing without a trace in general?
Kia arrived at the school. "They better have some strong Pokémon in here..." She'd mutter under her breath as she entered the school.

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Typh got out of bed and took a shower changing quickly "Hey Melody it's-" He started to say but remembered she wasn't here at the moment. He walked to the hallways of the school then since he had nothing better to do and maybe he could meet someone new.
Typh walked past a classroom and saw a girl further down the hallway. "Hey are you lost?" He asked her with a confused looking face.
"Not exactly... I just arrived." Kia would say as he examined the person. "An Absol? Can you fight?"

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Typh got sort of nervous to the question "Eh... Well I can" He said before examining the girl. I don't think I've seen this Pokemon before He thought to himself.
Kia would figure out what Typh was thinking. "I'm Palkia. The legendary Pokémon that controls space." She'd say casually as if it was no big deal. "So, what say we have a match?"

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Typh was still confused "S-sure we can have a match but how did you know what I was thinking?" He asked her completely and totally confused in all generality.
"Your face told me everything. I just read your face like a book. Not that a read books..." Kia would say as she prepared herself for battle. "Now, ready for that fight?"

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