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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

Typh held his hands up "Whoa, wait a second we have a machine that allows us to battle" He said to hopefully explain it to her. Battling was fun but people usually got disappointed if you didn't meet their standards.
"A machine? Really?" Kia would let out a loud sigh. "If we must. Just remember that I won't go easy on you!" She'd say as she clenched her hand into a fist before raising it in the air. "Let's do this!"

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Typh nodded as he started towards the gym. The machine would appear after they touched the console or something like that since they didn't know how to use it yet.
"I sure hope so," Rikuto mused to Mari. He began pouring the batter into the pan and letting it sizzle in the heat. While he was waiting for the batter to harden and cook, he pulled out a can of soda and popped it open. He swigged it down to get his caffeine. "Doing anything special today?" He called out.
"This puny thing? Please, I could smash this thing in my sleep!" Kia would say as she walked to her side of the battlefield. "Forget the machine, just fight me!"

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"No, I'm not doing anything. Did you have something planned?" Mari asked him as she got out of the bathroom. She was completely changed and in a better situation than before.

Typh smiled at her "I think the machine will be alright" He said as he clicked the machine and it surrounded the two in a sphere before simulating a large arena turning them into their Pokemon forms in the process.
Palkia stood tall and proud within the arena. "You're going down!" She'd yell cockily. Kia would then charge at him, attempting to use Dragon Claw.

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Typh smirked at her standing completely still until the moment it was about to connect so he simply jumped to the side moving barely beyond the area of impact. His smirk hadn't disappeared yet so he continued to look at her before using Swords Dance.
"I can't dodge this one" Typh said aloud as he used Double Team having some of his doppelgangers take the blow rather than himself.What he didn't expect was when he was next to the one hit and got hit flying backwards before landing on his paws.
"Found ya'!" Kia would charge up aura into her hands. "Ready to go down?" She'd say as she smashed the ground with her fists, sending an aura shockwave towards Typh. "This is my way of modifying my attacks..."

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"Well we all have modification then" Typh smirked as he was surrounded in a pink light. A moment later he was in the sky "Mine just happens to be a mega form" He said smiling down on her.
Kia would try using protect but it would fail and she'd be hit, full on by the attack. Her body would have a few cuts and bruises. "Not many people last this long..." She'd lower her stance. "I've learnt everything I needed to know from our fight. Seems like you'll be a dependable friend." She'd walk over to him slowly and extend her arm to shake. "Nice to meet you. I'm Kia."

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The machine shut off and Typh moved over to Kia he took her hand "My name's Typh, and sorry for injuring you." He said with a gentle smile.
"Trust me, I've been hurt way worse than this." Kia would shake his hand and retract her hand back. "Y'know, you can learn a lot about people just by fighting them." She'd say as she started walking.

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Typh still stood where he had before thinking on those words. "I never thought of it like that" He said before looking at his hands.
"Most people don't either. They think fighting is all bad but its a way of life for me." Kia would turn around. "By the way, you're a pretty good fighter." And with that, she'd head to her dorm. (Btw who's my dorm partner(s)

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Eric watched the whole fight he was amazed by her. He could feel her power radiating. Then he saw absol and felt immediately awkward. He turned and walk over to Kia. "Hey I saw you fight it was awesome. Im Eric by the way whats your name?" (I'll take her sense scarlet disappeared)

Kia would turn to see the newcomer. "I'm Kia. Glad to meet you. I think you're supposed to be my roommate correct?" She'd let out a small smile.

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"I don't know but hopefully. And you know you could ha e taken him out in one move right. All you needed to use was spexial rend." He said with a smile.
"I find it more fun to taunt them into thinking they can win. It allows you to mess with your opponent." Kia would say as she arrived at her dorm.

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"Wow that's messed up. WAIT." He stopped her. "First let me make sure nothimg im tbere will potentially get me killed. It'll just be a minute." He walked in and cleaned the room. "Ok its good you can come in now." He was lating on his bed.

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