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Pokehumans Roleplay w/ Ikuto

Drago flew through the clouds, way high up in the sky. If someone were to see him, they would probably be in awe because his body glistened. He smiled and shot down to the lake below and splashed into the water, swimming around the clear as day liquid with a relaxed expression.

Talon was in his pokeball. Why he was in a pokeball? He didnt know. He sat down and huffed, waiting for his owner to call him out.


(For the pokeballs can we do the theory about how they shrink down and have a room inside? )
Yeah, sure thing. 


Lou was sitting on a log, not really sure where he was in the wild. He was lightly chewing on his tail, a habit he had while he was waiting for something to come by, so he could kill it and eat it, or talk with them, considering he remembered that most everyone had turned part human.


Reqium huffed as he sat down on a bench in one of the towns, near a store. He didn't like being basically part animal, but it at least made his guns and hunting knife look pretty dope. He pulled out the knife and looked at it, all dark and shadowy and glistening. He sighed to himself and put it back in his sheath, attempting to lean back, but since there was nothing to lean back against, he fell off the bench.

Drago popped out of the water and walked along the "shore" . He looked around and waited for something awesome to happen.

Jesse walked upon Umbra and smiled. "prepare to be caught you animal!" He smirked. "GO TALON!" He unleashed Talon from the ball.

Talon yawned and looked back at Jesse. "is this necessary....."


Reqium got up and brushed himself off, before looking at the beach bum before him with his Pokehuman. "You've got to be kidding me..." He muttered, pulling out his hunting knife. "I've been in town less than two minutes, and someone's trying to catch me..." He looked between Jesse and Talon with a pathetic stare, before saying, "Please get your animal away from me... and for the love of god, don't throw your balls at me..." He joked.

Jesse blinked, then busted up laughing. "alright......y-you're off the hook" He looked at Talon. "ret-"

"NO! i am not getting back in that thing......its boring to be alone....yes its cozy.....but boring....im pretty much human now....so please treat me like it" 

Jesse blinked and then put away the ball. "fine...." He walked off and left Talon to do what he wants.

Talon let out a sigh of relief.


Reqium put his knife away and looked at Talon, his eyes growing and shrinking, kind of like a camera. "What's it like in there anyways? I always wondered when I was still a human..." 


Lou peeked through the trees, and could faintly see the shoreline from where he was. "At least I know where that is..." he muttered to himself. He stopped dead when he saw something walking along the beach. He hopped quickly into a tree to try and get a better look at it, to see if he could hunt it.

Drago squeezed water out of his long silky white hair and his wings shook in response. He looked around, feeling eyes on him, but when he couldnt find anyone, he walked on top of the water.

"eh....its like a room....theres like a bed and furniture....but its so lonely...." Talon stretched, his back popping.


"Inside that tiny thing?" Reqium said, confused. "That doesn't make logical sense... how would you fit a bed in there, nevertheless animals?"


Lou watched silently as he looked around for a second, before watching him go to the water. He cocked his head, confused at how he did this. He took another second of watching him, before concluding he didn't look like something he could probably eat. He swung to a tree a bit closer to the beach to get a closer look, as he didn't want to reveal himself just yet.

"its all shrunk.....we shrink inside..." Talon's flamed tail wagged.

Drago did a beautiful dance on the water. He stirred up the water and it swirled into a small hurricane, not dangerous though.


"Which makes less sense..." Reqium chuckled. "What's the point anyways? Weapons are more powerful than animals... And isn't it the equivalent of dog fighting?"


Lou watched, confused at how he did it. He watched him for a couple more seconds, before deciding to hop onto the beach. He slowly walked forward, but stopped a fair bit before the water touched the sand. "I hate water..." he muttered to himself. He looked back up at him and waited to be noticed.

"well....they dont do it to make another hurt......we do it for competition and there is equal consent" He blushed for no apparent reason.

Drago stopped the water and looked at him, tilting his head to the side. He knew someone was there, but he didnt know.


"Then what's the point? There's no reason to fight unless you get paid to." Reqium said, crossing his arms. He didn't understand why people would fight others or kill others unless they got money for doing so, which was the only payment he took.


Lou continued to look at him for a couple seconds, before sighing and yelling, "Oi! Over 'ere! On the beach!"

"w-well....i get a home....and someone loves me....i wasnt human before i changed.....i was pokemon"

Drago walked over to him and blinked again. "yes?"

(i just realized my last sentence didnt really make sense....i must have been distracted xD )

xD  It's fine


"I was human... I never really liked being part animal. For the most part, my life was okay as a human..." Reqium sighed. He put his hands in his pocket and clutched a wooden figure his wife had made for him before she had died. "I guess I'm probably a bit biased on the fighting. I'm a hired arm, a mercenary, to be specific. I'm just used to getting paid to fight."


Lou looked down to make sure he was away from the water, before looking back up at Drago. "How're ye doing that? With the water?" He asked, cocking his head.

He nodded a bit and rubbed the back of his neck. "you wont kill me right?" Talon gave a nervous laugh.

Drago smiled a bit. "i have water type moved" His voice was low and smooth.


"Not unless I'm paid to," Reqium said, shrugging his shoulders. His face was still serious, so it was obvious he meant it.


"Eh, never really liked water," Lou said, sitting down in the sand. "Always freaked me out. Not really sure why..."

Talon nodded, hoping no one wants him death. "r-right...."

"the water is feared by lots of people....but you should make it fear you......take control over it..." He smiled and looked at the water below his feet.


Reqium saw his face and said, "Don't worry about it. Just don't piss anyone off. Well, anyone that knows me, at least." He finished with a maniacal grin.


"What? But water isn't sentient..." Lou said, scratching his head and looking at the water. "Besides, psychic suits me just fine. Fighting too, but mostly psychic."


Reqium instinctively reached for his gun, as he did with any sudden movements he heard or saw. After a second, he managed to pull his hand away from the holster on his back. "Don't... do that..." Reqium said, his eye twitching a bit.


"Eh, kinda." Lou shrugged, laying down in the sand. "First fight I was in and I got whooped." He laughed.

Talon tilted his head. "do what?" He had no idean he did it, it was his body moving instinctively.

Drago looked at him. "no one has actually come in contact with me.....you are the first.....i have never battled anyone before" He smiled a beautiful smile.


"Don't make sudden movements... I'm a bit jumpy..." Reqium said, still obviously on edge a bit. He looked around nervously, but nothing appeared to catch his interest, so he put his attention back to Talon.


"Really? Huh, must be boring, eh?" Lou asked. "I've only really been in one battle. I hunt a lot, but it isn't really fighting..."


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