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Fandom Pokehumans Reboot OOC

Just have him visit tally housei n the moutains and see Isabella hurt she has a broken leg stuck in bed
13 candies away from melmetal on Pokémon go, then I may or may not transfer it to let’s go.
Um...bad situation with friends....didn't end well...for them that is

I wasn't involved but I was guilty be association, aka being their friend in the first place so I'm grounded and trying to find new friends atm
Oh life how it loves me..
yeah my feelings are all over i found out something i tell you later not on here
We’rE at the Pokéhuman village. Roxy went to find an apartment while she also adopts a kid, Mitchelle. Isabella got a wheelchair with everyone, and Dio was taken by a darkrai.

Meanwhile Giovanni is doing something called operation Metagross, has his Deoxys armor back, and has the help of a darkrai
Oh my Irene, I missed a lot more than I thought... I need extreme detail so I'll have to review it on my own time. Thanks for the recap!

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