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Fandom Poke`mon Redwood: A Collaborative Adventure


"A-ah, thank you," She nodded while taking the pokeball from the man.

Rosie had indeed made the right call, the small brunette decided, upon finishing reading her mother's letter. She sighed and frowned, she knew she wasn't going to be able to meet her mother in Heatwave City if she was on the run... because she had to backtrack home for the Repairman. With a heavy heart, she saved the number in the letter onto her PokeGear Device... but saved it as "PrettyPrecious" on her phone, just in case... She didn't want anyone who saw her Pokegear to have proof she knew how to contact her Mother. She shoved the note into her large purse as she looked at the new pokeball in her hand.

Maybe if she acquired a large flying Pokemon... Would that even be possible to catch one that large? Maybe this pokemon was one...?

She opened the Pokeball to find..

It was an Eevee! She'd always wanted one!


"So cute!" She squeed, scooping it up into a hug after it yawned, looking around at its initial release.

The Eevee growled quietly a bit, flinching at her touch, but aside that it didn't seem to protest too much to her.

"Heh, sorry... You've been in there a bit, huh? Might wanna stretch your legs! I'll let you out a bit! Lemme carry you just a sec, haha!" The pink trainer said to her new friend happily, helping it not be so wobbly and very gently petting it as she knew what it was like to be skiddish, she was as well.

She was going to register it and give it a nickname, but as she did she noticed out of the corner of her eye... could it be... Moonlight?!

Yes! Yes! It was Moonlight! It was almost hard to tell since we was wearing a hat but Rosie was sure it was her!

"Moonlight! Moonlight!" Rosie called while running to her, her new Eevee in her arms, "Oh, Moonlight, thank goodness I found you... Mr. Damian and I were so worried...!"
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I sat there on the window sill Indian style looking outside with a small smile on my face.

I hope Tobi can beat up Axel...He was soooo kool... I really wanna see my brother...I wonder what he looks like now...I wonder how old he is.. hmmm

"Moony? I know your all googly eyes but you have been sitting in that same spot for 30 minutes. Do your legs hurt?"

I snap out of my thoughts and look up at him. He sitting across from me. I stick my tongue at him and laugh.

"I am not all Googly eye about Tobi... Shut up. I-I am thinking about Luther. I'm wondering what he looks like now. I hope he's still alive."

He hugs me and I hugged him back.

"It's OK moony he's alive I know he Is."

He lets me go and I stretched my legs out in front of me

"Moonlight! Moonlight!"

I look over and see Rosie Running over to me head to toe in pink. She is carrying a cute little brown ball of fur. She stops next to me breathing a lot.

"Oh, Moonlight, thank goodness I found you... Mr. Damian and I were so worried...!"

I looked at her confused she looked really happy to see me for some reason I glanced over at Chad.

"What's her deal? she made you upset the other day and know she all happy go lucky...It's weird"

"uh...why were you worried? You just think I'm a little baby who needs to be babysat so I don't break the rest of your house...I am fine I have Chad, Tobi, Dopey and Little Nightmare."

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Rosie’s heart sank as she sighed and looked down, her worst fears and suspicions confirmed upon Moonlights response to seeing her again.

“So, you did hear...” Rosie muttered, hanging her head, adding, “Moonlight, I’m sorry... I didn’t mean to condescend you...”

She began to gently pet her Eevee, it’s tranquility seeping into her so she could talk with Moonlight with optimum sincerity.

“The day before yesterday was... one of the worst and best days of my life and... I’m sorry I said that. I didn’t mean to hurt you... I was just worried about taking care of what my Mother left behind for me... I don’t know where she is or if I’ll find her again... and...” Rosie could hardly finish these word without almost fighting tears, but she pressed through, “I don’t think you need a baby sitter... We are both adults here. And I know you have them... I... We... Mr. Damian and I, would like to be there for you as well... I am so sorry for how I sounded yesterday... Can you please forgive me?”
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"Well at least your mom didn't try to kill you because she stopped loving you," I said irritated. It's not that I wanted to make a contest out of it, I just thought she seemed kinda spoiled so I figured I should teach her about what other people feel.
"It's just a stupid house, I'm a real person and I thought we were friends, then you said that. Even Damian was calling you captain like you were the boss or something, but I guess maybe he was joking. I just want to show everyone they're wrong about me... I forgive you, but you still hurt me. You need to do something about that uppity attitude or it's gonna keep happening." I take off Tobi's hat and mess with it nervously.

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The brown-eyed and haired trainer winced at Moonlights words, though if she had anything to retort or say back she simply nodded and didn't say it at all. A concerned look away was all that was outwardly showing.

"Ah, I see..." Was all she said in return.

She hoped Moonlight didn't think she put Damian up to that, and he probably joked that way because they were guests in her home...

But Rosie said none of that outloud for fear of making herself look worse in Moonlights eyes.

"Moonlight... Of course I see you as a person... You know you and I are a lot alike... We're both sheltered and looking for our brothers... I'm sorry if you felt like I didn't see you as an equal, but I promise you, you are to me. I'll do my best, but I'm only human and make mistakes. We all do. I just ask you talk to me about it as best you can with civility instead of just running away..." Rosie pleaded, and that was really all she felt she could say.
"I didn't run away. I left to prove to you guys that I am not a baby. If I would have talked to you to get my point a crossed I would have been mean cuz what I've seen that's what adults do to prove themselves. I am tired of people thinking I can't do anything just cuz I was taught nothing. plus you kinda judge so I didn't see the point. I don't hate you I just don't know who to act around you so it scares me"

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Damian chuckled as he took her Pokégear number and registered it into his Pokégear. Then he put it away and meandered into the tall grass. His first encounter was with a Ledyba, a Bug/Flying type. To test the waters he had Elekid use Quick Attack. It did minimal damage and the Ledyba countered with supersonic, confusing Slugger. Damian decided to throw his Pokéball but it failed and the Ledyba tried to use supersonic again, but to no avail. Damian didn't like his odds so he withdrew Slugger and ran from the battle. He didn't really want a Ledyba anyway.

"Ain't no shame in running" Damian chirped after he caught his breath, "It's a good thing returning to the ball is all that's required to cure confusion, that shit gets old real fast"

After a few minutes of meandering Damian ran into his next encounter, a Mareep, but because he already had an electric type, he ran from it, opting to find a different pokemon.

He got his chance as a Pokémon leapt at him from the grass. Croagunk Lvl 7.

"Oh damn!" Damian shouted in surprise. He wanted this Fighting and Poison type, but he wasn't comfortable with the level gap, so he opted to run. He meandered once more, hoping for a lower level Croagunk. In some bizarre twist of fate he found just that. Croagunk. Female. Lvl 6.

Damian winced at the level once more, but thinking he probably wouldn't find one a lower level decided to try his luck.

"Slugger use Leer" he shouted to his Pokémon.

Slugger did as commanded and was successful at lowering his enemy's defence, but was returned upon with Astonish. The move took down over half Slugger's health, causing Damian to let out an exasperated "Fuuuuuu..."

Damian regained his composure and made a split second judgement, pulling out his Luxury Ball, and hurling it at the Croagunk.

The ball shook once, twice, and three times before making that all too satisfying click sound and landed Damian a brand new addition to his team.


"WHOO HOO, FUCK YEAH!" Damian cheered as he picked up his now full Luxury Ball, and set it in the second slot of his bag strap. He then turned to Slugger who, despite taking quite the hit, celebrated by thrashing about and making his adorable sounds. Damian puled out his Pokégear and checked out his stats. Slugger had shot up 3 levels to level 4.

"Nice going little guy" Damian cheered as he pulled his Luxury ball back out and Let his new Croagunk out.

"Hmm, what am I gonna call you girl?" Damian pondered as he looked over her info.

"Astonish and...Mud-Slap? Boy am I glad you chose Astonish" he chuckled.

"Gentle nature, but capable of taking hits, Poison and Fighting type, quite the deadly combo, ironic considering your nature..."

Damian thought for a while and eventually reached a verdict,

"Alright I've decided. Henceforth you shall be known as... Fatale"

He stopped for a moment to admire his handywork, and then put both his Pokémon back in there balls to continue training.

The rest of his training was pretty standard, running into some Ratata, a few Ledyba, and an infuriating group of Spearow. Only infuriating because their dual typing of Flying/Normal prevented Fatale from being of any use. Eventually Slugger fainted and Fatale reached lvl 7 before fainting herself.

"Ugh" Damian groaned as he quickly made his way out of the tall grass, "Well it was about time I headed to the Tarton center anyway..."

With that Damian meandered, this time purposefully, into Tarton, Combeelining for the Pokémon Center. As he entered he saw Rosie and Moonlight having a not too friendly looking conversation...

"Hey guys, how are ya? Noice hat Moonlight" Damian gave a big dumb grin as he awaited an answer, hoping he alleviated some of the tension.
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I see Mr. Damian walking over to us I smiled at him but when he said nice hat.I blushed and looked down messing with it.

"oh..Uh thanks, Mr. Damian..but its uh...Tobi's hat he uh..gave it to me."

I blushed super embarrassed.

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Rosie winced and was pretty hurt by her words, ironically feeing exactly the same about her. She was so sure she was going to be judged by others she too judged them. Due to that Rosie herself no longer knew how to act around her.

And she also felt rather sad Moonlight thought that way, as her Mother always told her kindness would help her get her point across, not meanness... which is exactly how Moonlight seemed to operate. She didn’t really blame her grabted how she was raised... but it didn’t comfort her after everything was said.

She was about to say something when Damian “conveniently” found them, not sure if he relieved the tension or not.

Rosie simply nodded at them, no longer feeling the want nor need to speak.

It made Damian somewhat anxious that whatever they were talking about was serious enough to make them both sad, but he decided that whatever it was, it was between them and they would work it out eventually. With that in mind he decided to try and change the subject.

"Well, I was just popping in to heal Slugger and Fatale, then I was gonna head back out and train," Damian said once again trying to bait curiosity from his younger friends.

"You guys wanna join me? I hear the Gym Leader in this town is pretty tough, so we'll really need to work at it."

Damian looked back and forth from Rosie and Moonlight and then added,

"It's always nice to have company, we could even invite Tobi too"

Damian looked over around the Pokemon Center, seeing no sign of him.

"Where did he go anyway?" Damian asked, walking over to the counter and handing the Nurse his Pokemon.
"Oh, you have two poke`mon now Mr. Damian? That's awesome, so do I, well, I guess you already knew about that... wait, so does Rosie! I guess we all have two poke`mon now, that's kinda funny. Also yeah, the gym leader is an asshole, I fucking hate that guy! He should go die in the mud that's around his throne." I said to respond.

"Wow Moony, Isn't that kinda harsh..." Chad said, eyeing up Rosie kinda the same way he did to Alex.

"What? No, he promised if Tobi fought him he'd tell us where Luther was, he lied though, he tried to make him fight three guys first, then him. The rules that are posted are stupid too, they should post them outside not inside. Stupid Axel."

"I would like to go train and get more poke`mon, and... uh... Tobi ran off after he gave me his hat." I say blushing.

"I dunno where he went, but he usually stays out till, like, dark time so I should be back before then." I look over at Rosie.

"Do you wanna come too, Rosie? So you can train your little ball of fur there?" I point to the poke`mon she's holding since I don't know what it is, and I'm trying to be nice to her like I think an adult should be, like Alex.
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Damian froze when he saw what was in Rosie's arms. He hadn't noticed it when he walked in, mainly because he was trying to avoid awkward eye contact with the two distressed girls, but now he saw it in plain view.

"That's uh... that's an Eevee..."

Damian felt sad, but kept up a bright smile as not to ruin the moment.

"Where did you find it?"

Damian awaited an answer, not sure if he'd even WANT another Eevee, even if he did know...
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"O-oh... uhm... It... W-well..." Rosie began, flinching, unsure of how to answer him since she couldn't answer with the truth, but didn't want to tell a lie, finally blurting, "Th-they were around here, must have gotten lost and wandered in the area, ahaha..."

Rosie held her Eevee a little tighter, not enough to hurt it, however, and was a bit surprised at Moonlights offer after everything, thought she was glad to have it. On the subject of her Eevee, she had to register it! She decided to name it Dulcina, as a sort of fond gesture towards her mother who gave this Eevee to her... Though if anyone asked, she would simply tell them it was a cute name for a cute Pokemon. She wondered when would be a good time to call her Mother... She wouldn't have her number until Rosie called her... What would she even tell her? What could she tell her...?

Damian was right, it was going to take a lot of work to beat Tarton's gym leader... and he sounded pretty tough from the sounds of it.

She would have to evolve her Eevee at the least before challenging them. It sounded upon entering there were other trainers to beat as well. She had a lot to do in a short amount of time... Her work was certainly cut out for her...

She thought about it a moment as she looked at the two of them and realized she was the answer to "Whats wrong with this picture?"

The Professor didn't ask Damian to accompany her, he asked Damian to accompany Moonlight. Not her. Why... Was she wanting to stay with them aside just their companionship?

Rosie found herself needing a break and decided something that would be good for all of them.

"Uhm... Sure... I'll get us all something to drink before we head out, looks like this Pokecenter has some refreshments, I'll get us some lemonades... I-I'll be right back..." Rosie sort of dreamily stated, half in control of her mouth and half not, also wanting to show a kind gesture so Moonlight would no longer be misguided.

These thoughts all troubled her immensely as she walked away with Dulcina in her arms, and she internally sighed in relief being alone... though whether that was a good or bad thing her internal jury was still out.

Should she leave them and be on her own?

What if her Mother called her with Damian around?

Would either be a problem upon the others discovery?

When Moonlights and her core beliefs clashed so greatly so quickly, should Rosie even bother to develop a friendship?

Would Moonlight think she was trying to change her and be offended if Rosie told her this?

Rosie groaned a little to herself as she tried to shake these bad thoughts off, not realizing exactly how close she was to the coffee line before it was too late! A bump and whimper from Dulcina jolted her right back into reality right quick as she bumped into the (now second to) last person in line.

"Oh! Oh gosh! I am so sorry!" Rosie cried gently and apologetically rubbing Dulcina's head and then her paws after the bump, Dulcina at first whining but then deciding to forgive her since she liked the rubs.

"...Watch where you're going, Pink," Came a voice in front of her, no doubt the poor person she crashed into.

"A-ah! I know, I was careless, I'm so, so sorry!" Rosie apologized as best she could, clearly embarrassed, despite thinking he sounded a bit mean.

She looked up from her Eevee to find a... surprisingly handsome young man with a very good complexion for a male staring back at her....! He had straight, short, golden hair that was parted to the side in a very stylish hairdo, wore a nice jacket with jeans and fancy loafer-type shoes. His eyebrows weren't bushy like most boys, but not as skinny as girls' were, either, and his adorable button nose was only rivaled by his jawline that almost guaranteed he was going to grow up to be stunningly attractive and was chiseled by higher beings above. What really captivated Rosie in the moment, however, were his deep, blue eyes. She felt like she was looking at the depths of the ocean when she stared into them.

Rosie was too busy gaping at this boy to notice that he, too, was sizing her up as well... Oh no! That's what she gets for being a grade A space case!

Then he smirked, but... it seemed like he looked down on her with said smirk.

"H-ha-wa-wa! I-I'm sorry!" Rosie again apologized, hoping he thought it was another one for the bump and not lovingly gawking at him.

"...Are you always this articulate, Pinkie?" He asked after sizing her up, quickly confirming her theory he was indeed sounding mean.

"Wh-wha?" She asked, shocked, gawking now turning into frowning, adding, "M-my name isn't Pinkie."

"Oh? Then what is your name?" The boy clad in blue asked.

"Rosie," She answered, not feeling like giving him her full name.

She felt her face once blushing in admiration now red from anger when he laughed

"Wow, I didn't think I was actually that close to guessing your name!" He laughed, looked at her again and then added, "You're aware simply because it's your name doesn't mean you have to wear that color, right? Or... Did you not get the memo? Not surprising... You seem like the type to be on this side of this conversation a lot..."

"E-excuse me...?!" Rosie almost shouted, not wanting to cause a scene however in a public place.

"I'm just saying. Anyway, since you were kind enough to give me your name, I'll give you mine: I'm Elias. Elias Desmond," The handsome boy introduced himself as if he wasn't incredibly rude seconds ago.

10/10 looks, 0/10 personality. Because of course he was. Beautiful boys always were.

"Uhm... nice to meet you... I think..." Rosie muttered, trying not to frown.

It was his turn in line, and he ordered... two lemonades??

"One for my new lady friend here," He added while turning back and again smirking at her.

What the heck was this boys deal?

"Oh, thanks, but that really won't be necessary... Besides I'm buying drinks for my friends and I..." Rosie began, drifting off uncomfortably.

"Then I can buy at least this one for you," He added slyly.

"Uh--" Rosie tried to protest before he cut her off.

"Don't worry about it, Pink."

"...My name is Rosie..."

"Same difference," He said, shrugging.

Rosie sighed and ordered her own, surprised the barista spelled her name wrong. "R-O-S-Y" instead of "R-O-S-I-E". More laughs came as the handsome nuisance saw the spelling and guessed her situation from the sigh.

"Oh man! They misspelled your name! That's sad... Lemme guess... "ie" and not "y"..? You must also get that alot."

"Can you please leave me alone...?"

"Not a chance, Pink. You're far more interesting than you let on," He stated while winking at her, causing another chuckle as Rosie looked back at him absolutely disgusted.

She appeared back to the group clearly annoyed at her new "companion" who was handing them their drinks while forcing a smile on her face.

"These your friends?" He asked her.

"What part of leave me alone don't you understand?" Rosie muttered anxiously, uncomfortable.

"Aw, c'mon, Pink, isn't that harsh from a guy who just bought you a lemonade and helped carry them to your friends?" He coyly asked.

"...I don't remember asking you to..."

"Yeah, well, ya didn't have to," He smiled, offering it to even help her drink it through holding her Eevee.

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Tobi couldn't stop thinking about things on his way back to the poke`mon center.

Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit! What was that? What does that even mean? What are your responsibilities even?

The answer to all these and more eluded him.

Can't believe I forgot my egg. I thought I wasn't going to make those kinds of choices... or any social choices really. I was going to do this alone... but now I kind of don't want to. What's going on here? Why does she look really really pretty now but she looked fine before Axel said anything? WHERE'S THE SCIENCE!?!?!?!?

As he walked into the pokemon center he saw a vision of sheer Horror.

They Know!

He thought to himself suddenly, seeing the other two trainers who had stayed behind at the lab incident, but it seemed he had jumped the gun.

They were kind of busy staring at Rosie, and a conversation she was having with a blond boy.

Actually, now that he was paying attention this kid seemed really pushy to him, and he was definitely making her uncomfortable.

Well, a gentleman's gotta do what a gentleman's gotta do.

He strolled right up to them right at what he presumed was, thankfully, the end of the current portion of their conversation, where the boy was telling her that she didn't have to tell him anything, as if he was so suave that he could sense the hormones pulsating from her body.

He stepped between the two of them, taking the lemonade from the boy's hand and tipping it upside down.

"Sorry Rufi-o, the lady said she didn't want you to hassle her, we going to have a problem?" Tobi said, his now hat less head revealing the silkiest female-model like dark brown hair any teenager would have ever seen in person.

"What the hell does he shampoo with???" Chad exclaimed, not really realizing how great his hair was prior due to being distracted by terrible teenage boy/girl interaction.

Chad leaned over to the hat Moonlight was wearing and gave it a big whiff. "Heavenly..." He said. "Moony you should go back your boyfriend up, I don't like the way that kid is oogling my girl."

Moonlight's voice appeared in the background briefly, potentially not being truly noticed in the hubbub, but still no less present. "What the fuck? Your girl? Chad you fuckin' idiot, you're Imaginary!"

"Six poke`mon says you better scram buster, I'll have you know I've taken on the gym leader already." Tobi bluffed, not technically lying, he figured that alone would be enough to show the boy he was serious.

I hope this guy backs off, I really don't want another shiner. He thought.

Moonlight, was kind of worried due to what happened in Tobi's last battle, and decided to try to calm him down.

"Come on Tobi, It's not worth it." She said, trying to drag him away, but he wouldn't budge, not without either him leaving or Rosie giving some sign that she felt more safe.

"What are you talking about Moony, we're supposed to be friends! I really like her!" Chad said, seeming genuine for once.

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"O-oh!" Rosie was startled (though very grateful) by Tobias' sudden appearance, although she really shouldn't have been, Moonlight did establish earlier he had joined her and was probably waiting for him when Rosie found her. Also she had his hat. That was also a thing.

Elias, to Rosie's surprise, chuckled in response to Tobias.

"I see. As I suspected, you're all in Tarton to challenge the gym leader, right? So... Was it just you who won against Axel, or have they all beaten him? Pretty sure Pinkie hasn't with just her Eevee," He asked inquisitively, Tobias telling him a little too much unwittingly.

"And you can relax, Tiny thunder, I was just helping Pinkie--"

"Rosie!" The small brunette interjected.

"...Rosie here, bring your friends some lemonade. She's definitely one of the more... unique... girl trainers I've seen pass by. What's your damage?" He asks.
"You know, forgive me for saying so, but you seem to make a lot of assumptions about people you've just met. I think that type of behavior is a little pointless if you ask me. You assume (or perhaps just hope) she's into you when obviously she wants you out of her hair, you seem to assume I care about your excuses or that such an explination will change my mind about this situation, and you assume an Eevee can't beat a first level gym leader because why? For all you know that's a level 84 eevee and she just got done grinding his poke`mon into their graves for an undiscovered ghost type eevee-lution that relys on the blood of it's enemies! You don't, to me, seem as smooth as you think you are Buster, and since you don't seem to be getting the message, let me try in a language you might better understand."

Tobi raised his left fist in the air, and then put his hands to his mouth and began to beat box. He then looked over at Damian and gestured for him to join in. Damian followed the cue and took up Tobi's beat, which freed his voice for the following Rap.

"F-F-f freak freak, all i see is pink, buy extra lemonade 'cuz my armpits stink.

What what?-Hey there little posie, did i hear you stuttering your name and it's Rosie?

Matters not because i don't have the time, i dont have the mind don't have a dime to rhyme, I'm,

busy busy buys keepin' it cheesy, doesn't even matter if I'm comin' off sleazy,

Richy Rich thinks he's lookin at his bitch, but if i paid attention I might just get a glint, a hint, she's not into this shit , so now you got your glimpse, so step away before we make your legs both limp.

6 poke`mon took on the gym leader, and I know they wouldn't mind battlin' a skeever,

So enough of this noise, now make your choice, and walk on out so the lady can rejoice."

Tobi pretended to drop a microphone, then proceeded to do a "gangster pose." Apparently he did pretty well for himself because a few miscellaneous people overhearing in the poke`mon center even called out a verbal approval of his performance.

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Elias was trying to hide he was furious but his red face gave his emotions away rather quickly, as he folded his arms and frowned.

Rosie, on the other hand, had practical stars in her eyes.

"W-wow! St-stuff like that only happens in the movies, or so I thought! It's real!" She said to herself as her eyes dilated in amazement looking at Tobias, "It's reeeeaaaall..."

She gasped quietly when, to her surprise, Elias turned to her and frowned a bit when he saw the look of awe towards Tobias on her face... but then, for a split second... She could have sworn he looked... sincerely hurt???

Come to think of it... why was this handsome blonde boy following her around like a Growlithe in heat?? His personality was trash but he was god-like in looks, he could have whatever girl he wanted... so why her?

Rosie was small, ugly, and flawed both physically and mentally massively. This should have been the other way around with her chasing him!

Hm... Was this the phenomenon of wanting someone, or something, he couldn't have? He fell for her "playing hard to get"?

But back there they were both gawking at each other... Did he sense her attraction and pounce on it like a hungry wolf? Surely he must have also sensed it died soon as he opened his mouth, however?

...What was he thinking when he was sizing her up?

Unique? What was so unique about her? That she's a brunette that wears pink?

All these questions flooded Rosies head when Elias tried to retort to Tobias

"Listen, you little--" The golden-haired boy started, but the amazingly talented boy interrupted with an obnoxious and rather childish "buzzing" sound from his own mouth.

"..Wha--" He tried again to speak but Tobias repeated the sound!

"YO-" Third time was definitely not the charm.

Rosie was still in admiration and shock of the moment she could barely breathe, let alone laugh, though it was entertaining for others.

"Bah," He finally brushed Tobias off and took the receipt he got from the lemonade purchase, crumpled it up into a ball and threw it at his head.

"Call me when you're done playing entourage for Epic Rap Battles over there," He bitterly shouted from the door as he left.

...Was he genuinely jealous?

"A-ah," Rosie mumbled, jolting for a moment as she heard the beautiful blonde blunder stomp and stumble out the PokeCenter doors...
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"CRITICAL HIT! ITS SUPER EFFECTIVE!" Tobi shouted as the boy walked out, pumping his arm victory style.

"But alas, is yon hero doth bleedeth? I'm hit, I'm hit! Man down, man down! Aaaooogah Aaaoogah, It's... so... so cold..." Tobi placed the back of his hand on his head where they ball hit, dramatically, then as he slowly limbo-ed backward onto the floor he made blood spurt motions with his hands from the "wound site" as he continued to ham it up.

"Auntie em... can you here me? Whe- where's Anthony?" he whispered, grabbing Damian's leg as he fake died, laying on the poke`mon center floor and awaiting some sort of response.View attachment 401443

"Oh no, our hero has fallen" Damian said loudly in a monotone voice, and he bent down to pick him up, holding him face up in his arms.

"We have no choice but to give him a hero's burial" Damian still spoke in a monotone voice, but now had a sly grin as he turned to Moonlight and Rosie,

"Gather your shovels compatriots, there is work to be done" Damian then turned and began walking to the exit of the Pokemon Center.
"daaaammmmTobi can rap and act," Chad said looking at Tobi with admiration

I also looked at Tobi surprised at what he has done for Rosie.

w-what is this feeling.. a-am I jealous...? why the fuck would I be jealous... I have no reason to be. Tobi said he was my boyfriend... right...? what does that even mean boyfriend... I don't know how to act like a girlfriend.. what if I mess this up...? mabey I should have just stayed friends with him instead.. what if he like likes Rosie? what if Rosie likes... like Tobi...? well she is..really pretty...

I frown as these thoughts went through my head as Tobi pretended died at Mr. Damian's feet. then Mr.damian picked up Tobi.

"Gather your shovels compatriots, there is work to be done" Damian then turned and began walking to the exit of the Pokemon Center.

I'm still, a little space as chad talking about Rosie and awful lot. and I stayed in my seat.

"That kid needs to lay off my girl she's mine, not his.. pbff... look at me I'm an ass. girls don't like that. they like smooth romantics like me and Tobi. Rosie better not like Tobi either shes mine.

"chad.. you're not helping my internal drama..shut up dummy.

he looks at me confused for a sec then he smirked.

"ohhhh moony you're jealous of Rosie."

"I said shut up I don't care... I do not"

snap out of it moony your a big girl. stop thinking bad things... if you do they will happen. stop it moony!
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"I would definately let you guys bury me... Oh, Uh, Shit, my egg! Hold on, Tobi has no moves left, Tobi used Struggle!" Tobi said as he wiggled out of Damian's arms and jogged quickly over to the PC. He decided he would deposit the Hoppip, because although it was his first capture, it was really fit for battle. Maybe when they encountered some higher level wild pokemon down the road he could focus on training it and see how it turned out, but for now, for the gym battle at least, he needed something else. He knew now that the houndour was a dark type, and he was pretty sure the larvitar was at least a ground type since it knew Sandstorm and wasn't getting pummeled by it. So he was definitely thinking another water type. Then again, both poke`mon were using Payback, a dark type move, so maybe he should get a fighting type that could actually use fighting type moves.

He decided he would just wait and see what he runs into. You can search all you want but it can take hours, or even days to find the poke`mon you're looking for, and he just didn't have the time. Moonlight was counting on him to beat that gym leader as soon as he could, so he needed to have a ready team by tomorrow. Maybe level 13 will do it. He thought.

As he pulled his egg out of the PC and looked it over, he smiled at it. "You look delicious..." Tobi said, not realising he did so out loud.

Tobias Full Trainer Card w tobi no hat w egg.png

Rosie giggled and laughed at Damian and Tobias' antics, not really getting closer to help Tobias up like Damian sort of was... but rather...


How on earth did he expect her to call him he never gave her his--

...The... receipt...?

As Tobias fished his way out of Damians grasp to grab something from the PC, Rosie smiled at her heroes, making her way towards the crumpled up receipt... uncrumpled it... and sure enough... He left is pokegear number.

"So he was intending on giving it to me all this time... What an odd boy..." Rosie said to herself, looking at it.

So she now had two pokegear numbers, one she wanted to call but couldn't and one she did not wish to call at all but could.

Was this a sign?

She quickly shoved the receipt in her purse, chuckling in relief at her heroes.

Damian chuckled as Tobi struggled out of his grip and ran over to the PC to get his Egg. He then heard him call it delicious and gave a slight frown, but assumed he was kidding and let it slide.

"Hey defender of justice, we were thinking of going out and training together, you want to join us?"

Damian chuckled as he awaited his answer.

"He'll probably say no and sneak off to do god knows what, but at least I offered..." Damian thought.
"Thanks for the offer, I'm going to go down to the boardwalk and see if i can find more water poke`mon. It might be 'bad manners' to say why, but lets just say it'll help with my gym challenge. After I get two of those I'm going to train, but I might just train at the boardwalk and see if I can't find something interesting while I'm doing it." Tobi replied.

"Uh... you guys can tag along I guess..." He added, feeling it would be rude not to after Damian was so helpful.

He then walked over to Moonlight and did a strange gesture with his hand, that reminded him of a child trying to put the 'square block' through the 'triangle hole', which honestly was just him trying to figure out two things. Thing one being should I hold her hand, thing two being how do i position my hand for a hold handing hand hold?

Embarrassed, he quickly slid his hand into his pocket as if nothing happened.

"Come on Moonlight, let's get you some poke`balls, then you can come with me. Dopey will probably love the boardwalk."

Tobias Full Trainer Card w tobi no hat w egg.png
"what..the... fuck is he doing?"

Chad said looking at Tobi weirdly as he does his weird hand gestures and I smile at him.

god, he's so cute I think he wanted to hold my hand.

"ok, I have never been to a boardwalk before. it will be fun."

I stand up next to Tobi as we walk to the door.

see nothing to worry about Tobi is my boyfriend. and he even thought about dopey.

I was not watching where I was going and I ran straight into the door frame. It knocked my back a little bit and I grabbed my head in pain feeling a bump forming on my forehead.I quickly covered it with Tobias hat.

"Oh, shit moony are you ok?"


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