
Roleplay Availability

NAME: Everytte S. Koel


AGE: 245 appears 17-19


SEXUALITY: Non – Sexual – See Persona

SPECIES: Anomaly - Star Elf

-- CLASS: Faerye




•• Poe stands an odd 6’3” built from a body that is lean, toned and limber. He actually appears to be weak physically but then again he also looks like a teenager. All a simple ruses that keep people oblivious to the true POE. In truth he is 245 and though he is still considered a teenager by his own race’s standards he is in no way comparable to a human’s teenage era. Everything about him though in appearance looked young; from the cloths that he wears to the playful illuminated turquoise eyes that gaze in both this reality and Virtua’s as well. His skin is a bit pale but in no way the most lurid or dingy of his species.

•• Poe is almost always found in a pair of antique High-Tops converse sneakers, though no two days does he repeat the same shoe, a constant question on where he finds them is one of the many Office Mysteries that passes rumors about in spare time. He also prefers a pair of skinny-legged cargo pants with the many pockets to hide goodies he may have taken in passing. His shirts vary between anti – government banners and graphic novel tees but always worn under a charcoal hoody with black fur rimmed hood and a ghostly white Placebo eyes blinking out at the world before him.

•• Poe’s hair is a shaggy mop of gray- white hair that changes depending on the lighting in a room, it’s easy to say his hair rarely gets a good brushing and is often more messy on the one side from him scratching his head when he goes into deep though. He also keeps a pair of NET-link head phones wrapped about the back of his head, the ear pieces hide his elongated ears rather well and allow for him to sink into VIRTUA



- Arrogance abounds where genius lays its claim. Poe is very much an arrogant little bastard. Being slight of frame he appears weak and nerdy to some. But these are more ruse’s he throws on to gain information or Intel he may need. He often times plays the arrogant dick as a charade as well and often allows for people to relate to him easily.

- Brilliance still comes with a price, as far as it comes to making true friends, or really allowing anyone near is simply hard for him. He is so set on his objective of returning home that he notices little else in the day-to-day events. Many a fine lady have also thrown themselves at him only to go by unnoticed. He can remember every book, every picture, every scene, even every conversation he has ever had word for word. But when it comes to connecting to others his overly active mind just stumbles about and he ends up being bastard in the end due to his frustrations with the entire thing. By the way this is considered an actual ability some people with high IQs have so please do not say I’m GodModing in this.

Eidetic memory (/aɪˈdɛtɪk/) is an ability to recall images, sounds, or objects in memory after only a few instances of exposure, with high precision for some time after exposure,[1][2] without using mnemonics. It occurs in a small number of children and generally is not found in adults.[1] The word eidetic comes from the Greek word εἶδος (pronounced [êːdos], eidos, "seen").[3]


-- Poe is thought to be from behind the Faerye Gate, and in fact he does appear to be of medieval elven fantasy heritage; but in truth he was only dragged through while jumping spaces in his home reality.

-- His home is Averatheis, or just Aver for short, his species of Elf are born from the stars and use the energies of such solar / star light to survive and wield strange abilities. Poe himself is only a teenager in his kinds standards however they do not compare to human standards at all.

-- Poe was against his family’s ways and had been seeking the means to ‘Fix’ their government system for some time. He never realized the problem wouldn’t matter anymore as he was taken away from it all. He now lives his life pursuing a way home, and a way to fix the universe. He dreams big and on the verge of madness this seemingly young man is also in control of the entire R&D department.



-- It is thought that Poe’s ability comes from water and ice, and in ways it does. The very moisture around him, or conjured by him and ‘Infect’ and hack any Electronic he needs to tinker with, or control. His kind of elf actually control water on the molecular level, which also allows for their heightened Psychic Sensory System to ‘Link’ with TECH through a wireless type of interface with their very brains. Hard to do? Yes but Poe is actually a genius even by his own races standards and is sort of an Internet junkie to say the least.

ABILITY – TECH EMPATH : CLASS RANK – OMEGA: A latent ability he and most of his kind are born with. Allows him to Interface with Any tech within a mile radius of himself wirelessly. He uses a set of NET-link headphones to smooth this process but he can use it without them (most don’t realize this) Physical contact with tech upon Uplink will have a stronger connection and control over. Example of what he can do = Control a Bloody Big ass Robot, or create one from scrap around him and control it still, does not need an energy source. When in control of Mobile / Fighting Tech it will illuminate with Turquoise blue lighting which means Poe is present in tech. : POST 5 limiter + POST 6 cool down.

ABILITY – SPARK TOUCH: CLASS RANK – HYPER: Allows Poe to convert electrical currents from his brain and amplify them to any part of his body. This creates pretty much a high-powered Taser effect, may immobilize limbs or full body depending on strength used. He can also amplify and send these jolts down metallic weapons. : POST 8 limiter + POST 4 cool down.

ABILITY – EIDECTIC MEMORY : CLASS RANK – GAMA : See Above : POST # limiter + POST# cool down. = NA Latent ability always active, but will have moments of more ‘Pure Clarity’ In which he plays a chess game in his mind.

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