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Plots for MxM/Yaoi~Fandom and Original (Updated 12/5/2015) (ALWAYS OPEN)

Do you like yaoi? o3o

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I am but only for my urges-I have like 4 of those going and my usual limit is 3 per rp. Is there anything else of my shit load of plots?
Its cool-

My urges aren't listed directly but they are....

Gangsta, Thief, Haikyuu, Tokyo Ghoul, from the fandoms.

Trucker/Pirate x Hitchhiker, Guard/Thief x Thief, Business Man/Detective or Cop x Prostitute/Stripper,Obsessed Patient x Doctor, Pirate King x Kidnapped, Country Boy x City Boy, Yakuza Boss x Club Singer
I'd do a Trucker X Hitchhiker roleplay or a Pirate King X Kidnapped, if you explained to me what exactly is a Pirate King. Basically the person who is captivating the other?
I haven't gotten to do the Trucker one but I have the pirate one with 2 others, and the Pirate King is the one who in my case, is the biggest bad ass pirate out there. xD
I don't mind at all! Let's do it xD

Though, I'm on my phone now, so anything I write will be short, so maybe we can start planning tomorrow or... I really don't know.
So more or less, I am looking for people to play certain parts in certain plot ideas cause I am too nice to say no you can't play that part i wanna play it.

Some are Fandom, some are original.

First off, requirements~

Be literate, I really am fine with short responses when nothing is really going on, or you tell me "Hey I am not feeling well but I still wanna rp do you mind if I am not as detailed?"


"Hey, not sure what to do right now so until I work through this slow spot I am gonna be a bit short"

I am cool with that, just TRY and avoid one liners. I try to send at least one large paragraph since my arms and wrists have been bothering me lately.

I only rp in PM, that's a thing.

For Original works, or Oc x Cannon or whatever stuff, DO NOT ASK ME WHAT I WANT IN THE SHEET ITS UP TO YOU MAN.

That said, I always use anime or description, I don't do faceclaims or whatever its called. You can, but I won't.

No text talk unless its our characters texting each other, even then I probably wont use text talk since I am not a texter, at all.

I don't mind talking OOC while we rp, I don't bite I am nicer than this post makes me look o3o

I expect you to do your best in moving everything forward, though I don't expect you to throw in more than one character it would be great if ya did.

As for yaoi, I either do seke's or exclusive uke, which I will tell you at the end of each plot idea if my character is or isn't. If you don't know those terms...google them please.

I will not roleplay with an exclusive uke character, only seke's and semes because I am tired of being the only seme so much. I am sorry to people that don't like labels, but I am labeling my character for ease, I don't want someone coming into a roleplay acting like a classic uke when he's a mob boss, it's odd.

At least a paragraph though, if you start especially, and I will likely ask you to cause I really hate starting myself. I understand starters always suck but I just don't like doing them anymore. If it takes you days, I am probably gonna be fine with doing it myself.

Anything else...? Oh yeah, at least post once a week. Honestly I prefer every day but if I like the story I can wait a week-but if it's more than that I will check in now and then, especially if you're online all the time. I myself am usually on all day when I am not working, when I am I'll be on before and after work for at least a few hours. But yeah, I am active unless I am not doing so good, which I usually post on my profile if I will be gone a while or not.

If you get bored or don't wanna do it anymore, lemme know and I will either say bye or we can work a new rp out.

Now, rping with me means some dark/mature themes may happen. Such as dark things implied, or written out. Such as maybe I'll feel like writing out a torture scene with all the gory details. Because of this, I'd much prefer an 18+ year old partner, cause i don't wanna scare any kids ya know? If you're 16 and pretty mature, sure I won't mind.

But if you're some 10 year old that thinks you can handle it, watch Tokyo Ghoul or Attack on Titan and then come and ask for an rp with me.

Some may end up fluffy though~Ya never know with me.

Even if someone is rping one idea with me, I don't mind doing it again with someone else so I am looking for more than one partner with each idea, so don't worry about missing out on an rp!

I am always willing to double on pairings when it comes to fandom rps-they can be in the same rp or two different ones, I don't mind honestly. Unless it's a character I suck at-

I can generally write 1 small paragraph(I don't like to really) to several very large paragraphs, that could probably be broken up into a lot of smaller ones,but I like them meaty.That's usually when my partner gets me excited, and I am really into the rp. I always try to give as much as I can though. I always reply before I go doing other stuff, so expect swift replies~ I don't like to fuck around on the site when I have people waiting on me.

Now, on to plots.

Tokyo Ghoul~

Kaneki Ken x OC

Tomogui's name said enough for him, he was a cannibal, a Ghoul, whatever it is human's liked to call him. Tomogui was an odd Ghoul though, one of the few to be born with two Kagune-the RInkaku and the Ukaku. A good combo, really. He used them well, as did his siblings Kiga and Shisha. Those three ruled the entire 15th District so to speak, no other Ghoul could come into their territory without meeting a violent, and gory death. They actually ate more Ghoul than humans.

They were strong enough,Aogiri decided they wanted them for their plans. However, the three cannibals were more like wild beasts than any other Ghoul. They did not pretend or hide who they were, they did not even have an actual home or job. They lived off flesh and slept where they could as homeless ghouls. They refused to work for anyone, and Aogiri lost a few members to their ravenous appetites.

But Aogiri came back hard, and Tomogui lost his dear sister and brother to them. They were taken away, and Tomogui wanted them back right fucking now.

(Now, here's where it gets iffy. I can't decide if I should have it take place right after the end of season one, or if it should take place during the start when Kaneki still has black hair.So either one of these ideas.)

Tomogui left his territory and killed Ghoul after Ghoul until he found out where Aogiri was and went to the mall Aogiri had taken over. He slaughtered both humans and Ghoul's until he arrived to a very strange place. There, he saw a boy eating the Kagune of a man covered in blood and counting numbers between screams until he died.

Tomogui couldn't decide if he wanted to eat him or not, but he smelled so delicious and familiar.


Tomogui left his territory in search of Aogiri Tree. On his way, ghoul's died until he found out a place called Anteiku, Ghouls telling him they'd likely know something about Aogiri tree. So he traveled to that district in search of this little coffee shop. He got there one night, but he walked in one a group of ghouls dressed as waiters.

Tomogui was going to talk to them, to stay calm and think things through before he went nuts. But damn it, that one eyed ghoul smelled so good. He wasn't sure how long he could control himself.

So he attacked, and everyone attacked back but the one that smelled so good.

Of course, when Tomogui was incapacitated, he hadn't actually eaten anyone in a long time from stress of losing his siblings and Yoshimura, who actually knew Tomogui and his siblings, tries to work things out peacefully while Tomogui is unable to attack them.

I am looking for someone to play Kanaki, obviously I would prefer to play my own character. xD I'd also like to play Yoshimura, Touka and Yomo.

Of course, I don't mind doubling up, if there's an OC or Cannon ship you wanna do I don't mind doing both! But only MxM, no female OC's or straight ships or Yuri/FxF. Not skilled in it and I don't like it. No offense to you.

I was thinking Tomogui would be Seme with black haired Kaneki, if a relationship were to happen before white haired Kaneki, and then they'd move on to both being seke when he gets white hair. Cause ya know, when he goes white he certainly grew a pair. =w=


Avatar the Last Airbender OC X OC ONLY


As much as I liked the original cast, I have no ships for them, but I love the idea the story has in general. It's cool, ain't it?

I had the idea that my character is the new Avatars chosen Element Master, I have ideas for 3 Elements honestly. Fire, Water, Earth, I was thinking maybe of doubling or using them all and seeing which one sparks best with your character (Who would be the Avatar himself) and go from there.

In this AU, Aang and his group has long since past away and Korra never existed, because I literally don't even know enough of the show to mention their past Endeavors. (Haha)

Since next I believe would be water in the cycle, your character would be a Water Bender. But if you wanna skip a few more times into another element I might be fine with that unless I end up choosing that Element as the character I wanna use, unless you're fine with him just teaching him more advanced techniques its kinda open here.

For my Firebender, I was thinking something along the lines of this.

Hei Lei is a young but highly talented firebender, exceeding his masters expectations he's been offered many a high ranking position in the Fire Nation Army, but here's the thing.

Hei does not like to fight, despite how skilled he is with the twin Katana he wields, he simply does not like conflict. He'd rather bow his head and move on than fight. Quite strange for a firebender, no?

So what happens when the Avatar finds out how skilled he is, and wishes to learn from him? Well they clash of course~ Hei refuses him time and time again but he keeps on pestering him about it until that calm demeanor snaps and they make a wager.

If the Avatar can put Hei into a situation where he has to unsheathe his blades and fight with his flame, he'd go with him on his journey and teach him Firebending. He only had a week to do so, though.

(Hei is a Seke)

For my Earthbender....

Shou Fang does not ask much in life, a healthy body, a safe family, and maybe a little something extra for a trip to the hot springs to soothe his aching muscles.

That is what people see-a simple man who runs a well known Dojo that trains Earth Benders, and Shou Fang is one hell of an Earth Bender, but far too modest to say so, He just says he wanted to take after his father's work like he wanted.

In actuality, he wants to see the world. Travel, see new things meet new people, eat new food. Bathe in new hot springs.

yeah, he had a thing for that.

But his sister had a child, and she was all alone because the father was a dick and left after the baby was born, so Shou Fang believed it to be his duty to stay and help his sister through this troubling time. Not realizing his sister noticed how caged he felt, he went on with his life.

Then the Avatar comes, hearing of this great and all mighty Master he goes to Shou Fang and asks him for his help, but Shou Fang politely declines and tells him, his place is with his family. Able to tell how much Shou Fang truly wanted to explore the world, he stays and tries convincing him more and more, but with no luck.

That is until his sister finally decides, enough is enough.

(Shou Fang is more of an uke, however he can be seke with some who are not too seme like)

Now, you could play the sister if you wanted, if not I have a character for her too. Once again, I don't mind doubling if you too, also have more than one character you'd like to try out. Just let me know~

Still with me? Great, lets move on to the next idea I had. This one is not anime, but it's well known~


However I am not against using some of the characters from the series, like Prof X and Jean and all that, but I'd rather not get into the story line itself considering I've only seen the movie series, and not much more than that.

Now, it's not gonna be totally AU, Wolverine can be there if you want, but we're sorta just gonna ignore everything that happened after X-2, cause I love Nightcrawler and he MUST BE THERE DAMN IT FUCK THE WHOLE "His costume was too pricey to add him in number 3" BULLSHIT HE IS TOO FUCKING AWESOME TO BE MISSED OUT ON


I've got two characters I love for this idea, can't decide between the two so we could double, again, if not he will just be there cause I want him to be. Deciding which is the main character...will be hard.

Your character is not so much a Veteran X-Man, but he's been there a while and he's pretty good with his powers,those will be your choosing, he's good enough though to be picked by Professor X to go retrieve a Mutant who has no control over his powers what so ever. And they are dangerous, not Jean Grey Dangerous of course but deadly all the same.

(Here's where the ideas split off)

There's a bit of urgency to grab this guy, because Magneto wants that uncontrollable power he held in his hands.

Kurai had power over darkness itself, shadows brought to life when his eyes turned black and the whites and his mind goes blank, as if controlled by instinct alone, or just his powers influence.

In control or not, he's dangerous. It's usually the latter though.

Your character is supposed to go to Japan and catch him, but unaware that Mystique has already gotten to Kurai, pretending to be the X-Men she fools him into believing they are more of the enemy than Magneto is, buying herself some time because Kurai then fights them off the same as he did the Brotherhood.

The trick being, your character was not there the first time, having split off from the group at some point.

They meet by chance, and Kurai's though wary, starts to relax around your character as he tries to gain his trust enough to convince him the X-Men are the good guys.How it goes from there, we will find out.

(Kurai is a seke)

Hei Lei lives in China, more like the outskirts of China, very, very, VERY far from humans that could set him off. (Yes same character as Avatars) His powers are very hard to control, his body is like a living thunder cloud, He seems to be able to store and release electricity at will-well, not so much will as much when his emotions flare so does his powers, fear, anger, sadness, pain, it all seems to set it off. So he spent his life learning to suppress those emotions as much as possible.

Hidden away for now, Hei is not aware of the men coming after him until the Brotherhood shows up and Hei snaps for the first time in a long time. He destroyed everything around him,and killed everyone around him. That catches Professor X's eyes immediately, and he dispatched a team he believed suitable to calming Hei and trying to get him to come with them.

Your characters job is to do that, and the rest provide protection in case Hei snaps.

Sadly, Hei has a temper.

(Hei is more Uke than Seke, but still a seke to some not totally seme characters)

Harry Potter OC x OC and Severus x OC

So, after watching Snape die I died a little inside, because I've always had a bit of a thing for teachers and long hair and black hair-

And I like the ideas it can spark in someone, hence why there's two up there.

Lets start with Snape x OC for now.

This particular rp goes with the story line, with a different end for Snape, of course.

Shino has been a nerd all his life, so it wasn't surprising he picked up magic as well as he did books. Though his specialty was concocting potions that could do many things, it also wasn't surprising his favorite class and teacher was Severus Snape.

Sadly though, being a member of Gryffindor made it hard to get close to the Boss of Slytherin, even though Shino really did because honestly, he just wanted to make potions together.

(I feel like that could be made into a dirty joke-)

Shino one day come's across Snape in the library, and Shino finally gets that one on one time he wanted with Snape. As it turns out, the two get along quite well. Shino seems truly interested in learning, and not at all seems intimidated by Snape like many other students.

The student and teacher slowly start to bond as the years pass. But things become...tense, when a certain Wizard joins Hogwarts, Snape starts to distance himself, and Shino starts to wonder why it hurts so much, not knowing just how much it hurt Snape too.

So after failing many times, Shino's last year ends and when offered a job at Hogwarts, Shino takes it.

Poor Snape just doesn't know it until Shino shows up one day as his new assistant for the year, and he doesn't know how determined Shino is to get his friend back, maybe make more out of it than that...whichever comes first.

(Shino is exclusively an uke, because no one can dominate Professor Snape- xD )

Slytherin x Ravenclaw (OC x OC)

For this, consider Harry Potter to have never existed, the teachers are all the same but Lily and James Potter just never happened.

More fun this way, creating our own story.

Before magic Kairo was a sickly boy, when he was young the doctor said his immune system was dead and he'd get sick easily. And he did, a lot of his childhood was spent in the hospital from how ill he could get. Then his uncle, a Wizard came and they found he had latent magical abilities, and so he took him to Hogwarts to hone those skills, and there he got the medicine needed to keep him from getting ill.

He was sorted into Ravenclaw, and life was great.

Until he met a boy from Slytherin, who hated his guts the moment they met. It didn't help Kairo's silver tongue totally embarrassed the boy in front of his friends. And so a one sided rivalry began, one sided because Kairo didn't care, no matter what the other did Kairo stayed composed through it all.

Your character hates Kairo, because of how perfect he seems, but then it all goes horribly wrong.

Kairo is afraid of heights, but after calling in sick so many times they finally dragged him to the broom riding class and apparently today was the day they learned to ride with partners.

So of course, they got stuck together with Kairo driving, just wonderful.

All hell breaks loose, his fear of heights causes his broom to lose it and the two ended up flying far away from the castle, and ended up stranded in the Dark Woods, all alone, together.

They'd need to learn to get along if they wanted to make it out alive.

(Kairo is an exclusive uke~)

Snape x OC

Doctor Ari "Stitch" Florica is a veteran Herbologist and professor with Pomona Sprout, but is also Professor Snape's assistant professor during his potions class. Though his natural talent was Herbology, he much preferred making potions than anything. Now taking the two jobs at Hogwarts kept him quite busy, but he enjoyed it all the same.

Including keeping up with his rival professor, Snape.

They'd grown up together, he watched Snape grow up, bullied and envious of Potter and that girl's relationship...It irritated him to no end.

When Stitch was sorted, the Hat actually couldn't decide between Hufflpuff and Slytherin, but he requested Slytherin for one reason only.

To be closer to Snape, who was also in Slytherin. While there, he made himself Snape's rival in every way possible, and during those times of bitter rivalry, Snape was distracted from the bullies, from James Potter and Lily, he sometimes even looked...excited.

He dedicated himself to distracting Snape from his pain, and he never understood why. It didn't end after Potter's death and departure, Stitch stayed close to Snape in every way he could. One was taunting Snape that he wouldn't make Dark Arts professor, that he would.

Well, neither of them did, but it seemed better that way since they never kept Dark Arts teachers long....

So instead of that he constantly kept Snape on his toes, always trying to outdo him in the class room. And so far, things are great. They both enjoy the challenge.

But his plans are foiled when Potter's son arrives, and things change, not for the better. But Stitch wasn't about to give up just yet.

(Once more, cant imagine Snape dominated so Stitch will be an uke, in this case.)


Nicolas Brown x OC

Now, I've only watched the anime and since its all quite incomplete I was thinking about starting it before the events of the anime thus before Ally-Chan shows up.

For this, I'd like to rp as the crazy old man doctor Theo and his assistant Nina~

Doctor Theo, for the longest time was the only doctor in their beautiful little city until one day one just literally shows up when Nicolas comes in with injuries from a recent job given to them by Chad. Quite literally he walks in and the new guy is just working along with Theo and Nina like he'd always been there and Nic and Worrick are the ones made the fool for being surprised he was there. No one tells them why Theo suddenly has such a flamboyant, cheerful, goofy, but nice red haired doctor working alongside them.

Just that he's a flower loving Japanese like Nic, minus the flower bit.

Akihiko instantly takes a liking to Nic, oddly Akihiko already knew sign language so he's easily able to communicate with him. His bright and cheery personality was certainly opposite of his own, but oddly...Nic kind of liked it. For some reason he kind of felt like something was also off with Akihiko, he didn't seem like a Normal.

Nic started hanging around the hospital more often, claiming no reason and just hanging around with Nina more than anything, but his eyes usually trailed back to the red haired doctor who's smile was as bright as the sun.

He was totally unaware that Akihiko was a Tag hiding from the Paulklee family.

(I can't see Nicolas as anything less than a seme so Akihiko's an uke for this.)


Ushijima Wakatoshi x OC

Shou Fang was always great at Martial Arts but he was getting quite tired of it, he was more of a pacifist flower loving kinda guy anyway. His father may not like it but he didn't care, he was going to quit the martial arts team after being Captain since he joined it.

He was not sure what possessed him to become the manager of the Volleyball team,just that the coach said they needed one and he said he'd do it. Nothing to it, right?

Turns out Shou Fang could come in handy with helping out in training the team, he was quite skilled in helping them learn to be more agile on the ground and in the air thanks to his training. And use of the gymnastic teams equipment because of his sisters influence, being the Captain and all.

He was unaware he'd caught the eye of the captain some odd fellow called Ushiwaka until he came up to him one day and asked for private lessons-well, whatever he wanted. Shou Fang didn't mind helping him out any at all.

(Shou Fang shall be an uke)

Kuroko no Basket

Aomine Daiki x Oc

Aomine liked boobs, or so everyone thought. He never considered himself a player for both teams because the only guy he ever liked (As if he'd ever say loved) was Tetsu. But he rather fucked everything up with that, because Aomine's good at doing that with relationships. It's amazing how long Satsuki has stayed with him honestly.

So then what happens when said pink haired bombshell brings in an assistant manager who reminds him so much of Tetsu but at the same time they're nothing alike? Kairo is small, adorable, has the voice of an angel and blue hair.

So maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration but yeah, the blue hair thing and size really reminded him of Kuroko.

The more he sees and talks to Kairo the more he notices the differences and similarities. For one thing, Kairo smiles and Tetsu doesn't do that nearly as often as he does, but something about them seemed...off to Aomine. Another thing though is they're both sly bastards.

He's not a complete idiot though, he can see how Kairo looks at him and well, its time he used that to his advantage.

He tells Kairo right out he only wants him because he looks like someone he wants to screw, and without seeming the least bit upset over it agrees to the "Friends with benefits" deal Aomine gives.

And Kairo does not at all fight it, he goes with it and Aomine gets to enjoy himself without the annoyance of actually dating like when he was with Tetsu.

So then what happens when Aomine finds himself getting way too attached to Kairo and Imayoshi's moving on what he considers his? It could be quite amusing.

(Kairo's the Uke~)

Thief 2014 Reboot

Garret x OC

When Garrett managed to finally get to Basso after that strange and slightly difficult trip from a damned cart to the city he thought he'd finally be able to relax for a brief moment-but as soon as he got there he was attacked by a young thief that had started taking jobs for Basso while he was...asleep. Whatever he was before then, but when Basso told him it was okay the Thief took off his mask and Garrett almost thought he was a she with a face like that, but nonetheless it was a new Thief from Illyria, his name was Haji.

Against his will Basso forces the two of them to work together, Basso claiming he'd need the help until he was 100% back to normal, and apparently Haji had his uses. He was a bit more nimble than Garrett was.

The most annoying part of it was how Haji had set up shop in his Clock tower, he'd practically invaded his life in less than 10 minutes. But as they work together to find out what happened to Erin...He finds himself perhaps a bit attached to Haji than he ever had been with Erin, and that bothers him because Thieves are supposed to work better on their own-but he seems to do even better with Haji.

(Haji is an uke~ I'd love you forever if you did this with me~)

Now away from the Fandoms~

Samurai X Ninja~

Stitch was not a ninja, though some of his patients liked to think he was. He just liked using needles to kill people if they got in his way, but he was primarily a doctor. He was not Japanese, his skin was a soft olive that tended to get pale easy if he didn't take care of himself. During this time of the Shinsengumi, ninja were being hunted down and sadly that made it hard for Stitch to get around without being questioned, because apparently there was a foreigner claiming to be a ninja killing various Lord's and he matched the description.

He used to run a practice in Kyoto, but after one too many dealings with Samurai he left. However, the Samurai were eager to hunt him down and kill him.

The excuse/threat "I used to be a ninja but now I am a doctor please fuck off before I dissect you" just didn't work so well anymore. He stopped trying to heal people, just kept moving until he lost his tail.

He hadn't expect them to send a member of the Shinsengumi to kill him, well, it would be fun to get rid of him maybe.So Stitch hadn't lost his touch....not a bad thing in this day and age.

Having settled into a peaceful town, Stitch thought maybe he'd finally have some down time to himself. Then the Shinsengumi found him, a battle ensues and finally Stitch comes clean with his irritation and the fact that it was all a set up. How he said it was what made it convincing, of course. Stitch has a lovely way with words.

Despite his blood soaked path, the Shinsengumi member tells Stitch, that he must help catch this Ninja or else more Samurai will come after him.

Naturally, he replies sarcastically.

"Or until I kill enough off that Kondo gets tired of dropping bodies."

And so the adventure begins~

(Warning, Stitch's personality is hard to get along with,he needs a patient character! Someone who can put up with his tendencies. he's also a Seke.)

Pirate King x Kidnapped

Yo ho mates.

The Pirate King's blacksmith/mechanic has hurt himself, again. He broke his arm and can't work so well, so in need of finding someone to take his place the Pirate King's crew has raided an island town and kidnapped the son of the blacksmith there, because apparently he has some impressive talent as a black smith and pretty much told him, he could either get tossed in the sea with the sharks and die a horrible death, or work for him until his own blacksmith is back to working again.

After that he doesn't say what will happen to him, of course.

Kairo agrees, only under the hope that he would be returned home safely to resume his work, it was something he was good at, he could live happily as he was like that.

Though that wasn't his only talent, it was the only thing he really did. Traveling the world though..It would have been nicer under better circumstances.

The two clash, a lot, because it's hard to get along with someone who dragged you out of your home. Deciding he needs to be stronger in case of an attack, he teaches the man how to fight in case they are attacked and the two slowly start to bond together, and they start having difficulties dealing with what will come when his blacksmith is good enough to work alone again.

So then what happens when the Marines end up taking him away from the Pirate King, because his father apparently told them he was kidnapped by the Pirates? Will he leave him, or will they fight to get back together?

(Kairo is exclusively an uke!)

Country Boy x City Boy

Tennessee runs his family's horse farm,though not by himself of course, it was quite lucrative so he had hired help of course. But still, each night he went home alone. His parents passed away some time ago, so it was just him in his old family made ranch house.

He loved working with the horse's, it was something he loved to do, though sometimes he missed just hanging out with humans. But his work took the days away from him, not that he was upset about it. He loved raising his horses.

One day, like any other day, a rich college kid comes to the country from the city looking to learn how to ride a horse. Now, the horse farm did a lot of things, he bred horse's, trained horses, raced them, and also had some set for letting kids learn how to ride. So of course he was obliging the city boy.

That is until he decided he wanted to ride the untamed Stallion Tennessee had yet to even get him to allow people to come near him. So of course the arrogant boy wanted to be the one to tame the horse, and against his advice tried again only to get knocked down.

Determination was apparently his strong suit, or stubbornness. Wanting to stay and work more on the horse, he pretty much forces himself on Tennessee and makes the other let him stay in his big home until he can ride this horse, or college calls him back to the city.

And so begins the unlikely relationship of two total opposites, and so Tennessee also finds out how long he can tolerate him before his good natured attitude can last.

(Tennessee is a seke~)

Knight x Thief and Knight x Prince

Two different ideas but I am looking for a Knight in both, so be prepared! I will start with the Prince one.

But first, be aware that the setting this would be in, Medieval Europe is not my forte. I am probably not going to be able to rp the accent, though I will try and keep the words formal its hard for me. But it's an rp, we can do whatever we want~

Still don't have a name for this Kingdom, so consider that up for ideas from you guys.

Kairo is the first son of the King, because of this he's next in line to take the throne when he turns 21. Sadly, his young brother does not believe he can take the throne because well, he thinks his brother is too weak to be a good King. Kairo was born pretty small, he never got very tall and he's not all that muscular. Not to mention, he gets sick very easily, and it's usually a while before he's better again.

Kairo keeps himself in shape though, when he's not getting book upon book shoved upon him, he trains his body best he can. His room provides a great view of the Knight's training ground, he used that to train himself in the art of the sword, even if he didn't have one himself.

He was actually friends with one of the Veteran Knights, who he would listen to stories he told him about his missions and other things too. It was nice, though the Knight always kept it close to professional but still friendly, he was Kairo's one and only friend.

So when one day, he's talking to that friend and assassin's attack him, his friend protected him from death. It was a close call, Kairo would have died if not for his Knight friend. When they return to the castle to tell the King of what happened, that Knight is put in charge of protecting Kairo until further notice.

That stopped though, when the King finds his wife murdered and Kairo's hair is found at the crime scene. The King orders his execution in his grief, and the only one that believes him is his friend and protector. The two flee from the castle, now being hunted by his own family.

The two escape death and hide, both wondering what had happened. So, they begin their journey of trying to figure out who framed Kairo.

In the back of his mind, he knows who did it, he just doesn't wish to believe it.

As they continue to work together and grow closer though, Kairo starts to wonder if he even wants to go home anymore.

(Same as before, Kairo is exclusively an uke)

Knight x Thief

Shadow is the Master thief in this country, he's never been caught and never been seen even when he's done his work. He's skilled in the art of silence, and those who actually know him, know that he does not speak much, so he takes his work seriously.

Shadow isn't even his real name, its what everyone calls him because he never gave his name, and no one bothered asking. Plus, he really blended in with the darkness of night.

Deciding its time for a real challenge, he tries to steal from the King himself, but a Knight foils his plans and gives chase to the Thief, eventually cornering him and catching him. Expecting death, but instead given a choice, Kage went with the second proposition.

"Help me find out what is going on in this castle, and I will let you live."

As of recently, the Knight had noticed things had changed in the castle. The King has refused to see anyone, even the villagers that once came to him for help he gladly gave, he was just gone. He still gave orders through his retainers, but they seemed so different.He wasn't helping people, he raised taxes and increased his laws, some of them were absolutely stupid as well.

He needed to find out what was happening, and this Thief would best do that.

(In this case, Shadow is a bit of a seke but more uke depending on your character)

Yakuza Boss x Club Singer

For this roleplay, I'd much preferred if it was set in Japan HOWEVER I'd be cool with Russia, America, and Italy as settings for this rp, or any setting with those races.

I like to act out the performances, since I am a music lover, so when that happens my reply will be very long you don't always need to match it since the lyrics take up a LOT of space.

Kairo has the voice of a Siren, his voice haunts those of any gender with it's melodic sound and causes repeat customers for the local club that currently pays him VERY well to keep using that voice for them. He does, because Kairo is just looking for a way to live comfortably.

One day the club gets some not so innocent visitors, a couple of Mafia Boss's come in to listen to music and broker a deal with each other. Well, during the deal one particular Boss finds himself entangled in the Siren's song.

He approaches him on his break, and Kairo knows exactly what kind of man he's dealing with from the goons with the guns hidden away in their nice suit jackets. So he's calm as the man offers him a job that doubles the current amount of money he makes working the club scene, and just for singing to him and him alone.

Kairo doesn't refuse, because refusing may end up in him being forced to sing for him regardless. And that's made clear when the man wants to take him home that night. It wasn't surprising, his own feminine features and sometimes seductive voice does that. He goes along with it though, he's not a bad looking man and he easily uses that lust to manipulate himself a deal, because Kairo's more than just a pretty face.

He'll be his song bird,but not a caged one. He'll go home and come back whenever he's called for. But he wants some freedom. It's easy to get his agreement when he's holding some important cards.

Things went smoothly, Kairo has a well paying job and the two get some release with each other now and then. Then one day Kairo gives his new Boss some very valuable advice in concern with a deal they'd been working on with a rival family. And as it turns out, Kairo has a very, very high IQ. He starts turning to the Song Bird for more help and eventually, Kairo becomes his right hand man and most trusted adviser. He taught Kairo to defend himself, brought him into a new world.

He may have been falling for him, but it was hard to tell if such a manipulative person like Kairo would ever fall for him,or was he just using him to stay alive? And was he fine with that or not?

They'd both find out how much the other needs each other when an enemy family kidnaps Kairo because of how close he is to that man, and now they'd be put to the test in every way possible by the current events.

Kairo's just trying to find out why he misses that Mafioso so much.

(Kairo is a cute uke o3o Dark themes ahead be wary!)

Gang Boss x Waiter

This is not unlike the above the plot idea, but it's different in its own way. You shall see shortly what I mean by that.

This is a bit of a romantic comedy, I am kind of setting the tone for your character, but at the same time you're welcome to make him however you like.

This character isn't at all original-well, in terms of name and appearance and basic personality, really. Makoto Kubota is from Wild Adapter a yaoi manga that is slowly being picked up again by author Kazuya Minekura. Some of you might know her work better in Saiyuki, he's pretty much the same but I use him in a different means. I honestly just thought this would be a fun spot to put him in.

This can be in pretty much any setting, the gang can be any race ya want from Japanese to Russian, same as the last one too really.

Makoto Kubota has been a server at the Red Dragon Chinese restaurant for a few years now, it was a good place to make some money so he never really bothered looking anywhere else. He had gone from a high school kid to a college kid pretty fast, living a pretty normal life.

Kubota was not entirely normal though, he had the best poker face in the damn world, according to the old men he'd bested at poker and Mahjong. Before his time at the restaurant, he was a back street gambler making his money off counting cards and a natural skill at Mahjong. But one day...he just stopped, vanishing from that place and began working as a server at the Chinese restaurant.

And then one day, this childish, goofy, eccentric man comes in and Makoto recognizes him from one of the games he was in once-they never played, he was at another table, but he knew who he was. He was the leader of the local Gang that considered this area as part of their turf. He's nervous, because he doesn't know what these guys want, but he stays calm, using that poker face to his advantage.

Sadly, that Poker face intrigues this young Boss more, because of the fact he can't get a single amusing reaction out of him, Kubota just glides through the event gracefully, not giving him anything amusing. It drives him insane and he loves it, so he keeps coming back, and Kubota starts to get used to the routine of taking care of the eccentric gang boss.

Sadly, this sparks an interest in other gangs, as they see this rather powerful man seems to be growing more than an attachment to the waiter. Something bad happens-Makoto gets shot, though so does his attacker. When the former shows up to work like that and that eccentric man sees what has happened to him-he grills for him answers, doesn't like what he gets.

The last thing Makoto expected was to get dragged into a gang war, but, he'd just have to roll with the punches it seems.

(Makoto is a seke, however if you prefer to be seme he can easily be an uke for you. If you like the idea of Kairo in this situation, I can also use him in the same way)

Obsessed Patient x Doctor

In this rp, there's two ways it can go-but in all honesty the patient can have any background you want, but the obsession remains the same.

Ari had been a doctor for a long time now, about 6 years, and he was only 28. Still quite young compared to the doctors who are considered vets of the hospital, yet he's just as good if not better than him. All his life he studied to be a doctor, it was something that always fascinated him, saving lives. Perhaps it came from the piss poor home he grew up in, with a mother that didn't give a damn about him, a father that left before he was born, and a twin sister who got out while she could, leaving him alone with an abusive drug addict. Perhaps this particular life style was the reason he grew up to be such a testy man, but he was honest.

He was honest when he knew someone was going to die, he was honest about what they were sick with, what it would cost to do it, how they would do it, and why they got sick. Some didn't appreciate that honesty, but some did. He still did his best to make sure they came out okay though, that was enough.

But then there's this one guy,who keeps coming in. He's either a clumsy fool, or he hurts himself on purpose. Falling down stairs, tripping and breaking his nose, little stuff like that but it's been getting worse lately,he's been having to stay at the hospital more often. And of course Doctor Stitch has to take care of him, a nickname fondly given to him by this bothersome patient after he stitched up a laceration wound caused by an accident cutting veggies up. It seemed hard to believe considering he cut his arm,but he had no evidence to prove otherwise.

Between visits, Stitch gets gifts at his office from an anonymous sender who is proclaiming his love for him, and praising his work. Well,he ignores it more or less and goes on with his life, wondering though when this guy is going to stop hurting himself, his bills must be through the roof?

But after a while, he stops questioning it, and just takes care of him as he comes, slowly they start to bond more, but the gifts cards are getting a bit more...explicit, in terms of the things he wants to do to Stitch. That starts to worry him, he's not sure what to do just yet, and another thing being is his routine patient hasn't shown up for a while....

(This gives you plenty of room to design your character how you like, and of course as an idea for you guys if you like, is your characters parents are rather wealthy, but abusive like Stitch's was to him when he was younger perhaps.

Anyways, for this rp I'd prefer Stitch as an uke.)

Detective x Murderer

For this particular rp, you'd have to pick a character for the actual plot to be disclosed because I don't feel like writing out each and every one. Dark themes will be there, gore, language ect, I guess its called trigger? Yeah, probably a lot of those.

The basic idea though is cat and mouse, your detective is after my killer, the thing about it though he's already met his killer and he served him delicious coffee.

I require someone to play a sharp minded detective, because these murderers are very clever.

Student x Teacher

Seems classic....Haha, not really.

Currently taking a short Hiatus from this idea so I am not likely going to accept partners for this until further notice-you can ask, if there's nothing else you like, but I can't promise anything right now

In this school, the subjects revolve around life and death, they teach you survival skills, mathematics, magic potions making, gardening, ect.

Oh yeah, did I mention the only way to pass the class is to survive your teacher trying to kill you at the end of each semester?

Besides that, it's a great school~! It offers college courses too, and if you even manage to defeat your Professor at graduation, you might even be offered a well paying job at the prestigious Academy of Growing Thorns, where they teach children to grow up into thorns for many's sides~

But very few ever defeat a professor, and no one has ever been able to defeat the Teacher of Potions Making and Gardening (He's very good at growing toxic plants and other wonderful herbs) Professor Ari "Stitch" Florica, the school doctor among his many jobs at the school. A few have even died in his class, but that's why the students and parents attending must sign a form that says its okay if you die in class~

It just meant you weren't any good.

One student finds himself infatuated with defeating Stitch, but the Romanian is far from going to go down easily. At some point in the many attempts to assassinate him, because during college graduation you're allowed to try and kill them at any moment in time, he starts finding himself....romantically infatuated with him, maybe a little obsessive.

Just a tad bit possessive.

Stitch is seemingly just putting up with him, but actually...He's quite happy for the challenge, maybe he's getting a little attached....but he's far from going soft on him, oh no, he won't hold back on him at all.

What goes from there, only time will tell.

Can play multiple professors for this-it'd be awesome if you played multiple students for this too, could be more fun that way~ Don't mind at all doubling for this fun rp.

I am looking for a character with the balls to dominate Stitch, it wont be easy for this rp though~

King x Commoner

Two ideas two characters, either way looking for a King, though you'd start out as a Prince.

Being the first born son of a King was pressuring, so its not surprising the Prince would sneak out when he could to get that moment of release of all the frustrations building up from constant pestering to become better and more skilled. But as he disguised himself and left the castle, he didn't know someone saw him and told on him, so to speak.

While out in the world he comes across another boy, they instantly seem to hit it off, talking about nothing but everything, and the boy shows the Prince his talent, what he wants to do when he grows up.

Its short lived when that Prince is caught,and taken away. He's returned to the castle and grounded for a month, not allowed to leave the castle for that time, and banned from ever seeing that boy again.

Little does he know, that boy grew up to be a man.

Here is where it splits off.

Kairo grew up just as he told the Prince he would, who was now the King, he grew up to take care of the beautiful horses that lie within the stables of the royal guard. His family ran stables out in the town, but his desire was to take care of the strong powerful horses that helped the Kingdoms Knights(Or SAmurai to those that like a Japanese theme) and became good enough to be allowed into the castle.

Then he meets his old friend, but friendships change over time, will the Prince even remember now as a King?

(Kairo is an uke)

Shusuke grew up just as he told the Prince he would, he became the best blacksmith in the Kingdom.He could make any sword, any shield, any armor, better than any Blacksmith in the Kingdom. Because of that he was brought into the castle as the new Blacksmith, after the old retired.

There he stood in front of the King, his old friend, and smiled. "Told ya so~" If he even remembered him from so long ago, it was a mystery.

(Shusuke is a seke)

Business Man/Detective or Cop x Prostitute/Stripper

(Admins don't kill me for my creativity qwq Look a plot for Kazuka-)

Doing this particular...work, has never been something he really enjoyed, but Kazuka was good at it, and it paid the bills. Sure what he did on the side wasn't the best thing in the world to do....but honestly, he didn't have much confidence to go to school and take care of his education, get a nicer job...This was what he was good at, why change it?

Sometimes it was nice...felt good and all that...Maybe more when he was high than sober, but yeah.

One day a certain man comes in and finds himself infatuated with Kazuka,and asks for a private dance. Kazuka gives it to him, seeing his obvious want for him, he offers him what he offers most clients of his. A quickie for a price after work in a local hotel.

After that he figures he's done, most people don't ask for more than that, and he left before his client was awake. However, Kazuka hadn't realized how much his client liked him. Once a week he'd get a visit from him, and each time he'd ask if he stayed in the morning. He agreed, and the two talked before parting ways. Slowly, KAzuka found himself...getting attached. When offered to come home with him instead, he agreed.

Perhaps agreeing was not such a good idea, maybe he shouldn't be getting attached to someone like this....

(Splits off here)

His client starts giving him gifts and coming more often, Kazuka begins to question how he gets all these things. He takes them, yes, but how was he affording all this...?

One day, he opens the paper and sees his client on the front of the news, shaking hands with the mayor because he just donated a LOT of money to a cancer foundation.

Apparently, his client is rich.

After a long night with his client, Kazuka decides to find out why his client is so...tense, wound up. Picking up his wallet he opens it and finds a Detective/Cops badge insides and freaks out when the man wakes up. "You're a cop!?" He was paying to have sex with him, something illegal to do, and Kazuka had to wonder if everything that had happened between them, was some attempt to get Kazuka to give him his other clients names in return for not arresting him for prostitution, but there's no telling.

(Kazuka is an uke)

Guard x Thief Thief x Thief

Recently, after starting a new rp I played as an old character of mine his name is Haji. Usually he's used in a different way, but the rp I am using him in sparked a new idea from me entirely. Hope you like it~

The setting is in Egypt-

Haji was swift and graceful, his partners were sure they'd never seen him trip before, he was the King of Thieves in the City of the Pharaoh. Naturally he was a wanted man, but it wasn't like he was easy to capture. Far from it, and a little magic never hurt too. He stole from the Pharaoh's palace many a time, and infuriated many guards. So what happens when the Pharaoh gets a new guard-this one being a bit different than the others...That being, he's smart, and stronger, faster. But Haji is not one to give up easily.

Today was his first failure though, and the most important one of them all. he stole the crown of the Pharaoh and would have gotten away with it, if not for that guard chasing him through the streets of the city. He kept up with him, but for some reason...When he got the crown back, he let Haji go. He could have killed him, but he did not.


He didn't understand it, but Haji had to figure out why he let him go...Why he spared his life, because he was sure to die at the hands of the Pharaoh if he took him in while he could.

(Haji is an uke)

I've left it pretty well open for you to decide what kind of person your character is, why he did it, ect. If you need help deciding I have plenty of ideas of course! I am a bit excited, I like using Haji a lot.

Thief x Thief

Haji was the main thief in the Egyptian city, he knew every secret route and every hiding place in the city, it was his city. He knew the black market so well like he was a regular there, and then one day everything changed.

His territory was broken into by another thief, and Haji does not take kindly to this. The two thieves meet during a heist they both decided they were going to complete, and it did not go well. The two fought, nearly got caught, but ended up escaping together, and the two had to admit one thing....

They were both skilled, while the other thief wanted to work with Haji again, Haji rejected that offer entirely, and left. However, the thief was very persistent, and showed up to see Haji while he was out, thieving, even bathing once-Haji was at his wits end with this persistent Thief.

He was certainly ready to gut him, but when the thief vanishes and posters announcing his execution makes Haji decide to brush up on his jail breaking skills.

What goes from there....Is hard to say.

(Haji is an uke)

Band Member x Non-Fan

Kairo had an ear for music, his partner in crime Alexander said he had a voice for it too, but Kairo preferred to use his ear over his mouth. The two were best friends through college, and Alexander happened to be richer than hell. They started up a night club that went from being unknown to sensational among the local community. They had the best bands in the area playing one night a week besides Sunday when they were closed, and it was well known that if you got a slot there you'd be found and given a record deal. That's often why they went through bands a lot.

Kairo's job was to pick the talent, but then one day Alexander brings in a band a customer said was hot for try outs to get the Saturday night slot, the best slot one could have while working this job.

Kairo agrees to listen, but when he listens....he does not like them, at all. The band was horrible to him, and the band leader...he disliked him even more. Sadly though, Alex veto's him and then they are given a shot one Saturday...And they rock. The crowd loves them, but Kairo hates them.

Especially that damned lead member, founder, whatever. The two do not get along but Kairo does his best to tolerate him for the sake of business.

Would this tension between the two lead to more anger-or perhaps the tension would be released in a more...pleasing way? Only time and alcohol will tell.

Putting hater there sounded stupid, so its non-fan~ Gave ya plenty of room to design a character.

(Kairo is an uke, a spunky one)

Older Man x Teenager (Online Relationship)

Kairo was 17 years old and had been sick 37 times since he was born, yup, they counted, his parents that is. He was born with a dead immune system and thus become easily ill. Because of this, he had a lot of medical bills his parents had been driving themselves mad to keep up with.

He knew what was happening, it was wearing on them, he could smell a divorce coming. They hardly even looked at him now, honestly. It was bothering him....But he smiled through it, and did what he could to help out. He couldn't get a normal job because of how easily he was made ill, so he'd have to get a desk job once he was out of college.

Thanks to that though, he had time to take care of the house, and study, a lot. He was a bit of a nerd.

One day though....He just felt so lonely, he wanted someone to talk to but had no one...So he went online, and joined an anonymous chat. Even if it was nothing, he just wanted to talk to someone. And someone joined the chat, not aware of who it was the two started talking, just...enjoying each others company.

They decided to meet again, and again...until it became a routine for them both.

After a while things got personal, they started opening up to each other. Kairo tells him about himself, his problems, and the other did the same. He told him he was pretty bad with people, and people always had a hard time approaching him, he never explained exactly why but Kairo felt like they had the same problem. But despite their socially-awkward personalities, they got along very well.

Little did Kairo know, the man he was talking to was actually a man considerably older than himself who happened to own a restaurant chain and was more or less filthy rich.

And then Kairo offers up a chance-a chance for them to be a bit more than internet buddies, to meet each other, because as it turns out they both live in the same city.

Now, how would it go from there....? Time will tell.

Kairo is an uke~ I thought this seemed like a sweet little idea, of course it comes with it's drama with the whole, big age difference.

Mafia Boss x Information Broker

Any country~

Akihiko ran a bustling little bar in a busy city, though he himself always worked alongside the college kids he hired, because how else would he run an even more profitable Information business?

This particular town was always filled with dozens of gangs and bigger Mafia boys, they all went to Akihiko for the dirty on the other. Though Akihiko kept himself out of direct danger, he usually picked a few gangs he liked best to give the real dirt on most of all, in return for some protection of course.

Recently, a regular died, and his son took over. Akihiko wondered what kind of man he was, and if he'd even come to his little bar for help. Well, he did, and found out how much of a sly little bastard the man was. Akihiko liked that, though he seemed like a flamboyant, cheerful fellow he was quite sly and dangerous. They got along horribly because of their clashing personalities, but they each knew they needed the other.

However, he fucked up and word got out Akihiko let loose some information that led to the destruction of another family, and now several gangs wanted him dead?

Well, he'd have to drag the red head away from his bar to ensure his best Informant didn't end up dead, in return Akihiko was going to drive him insane for helping him~ Well, it was only natural, Akihiko liked doing both his jobs and being dragged away from his home. However, along the way Akihiko proves he's a bit more than a silver tongue.

Once upon a time, he was a doctor.

I think you'd call Akihiko a Power Bottom xDD

Prisoner x Doctor

Akihiko has always enjoyed saving lives, that is until he was taken in by ninja to save their lives. At first he didn't like but slowly he got used to it, and actually started enjoying his job and the people around him. Sure he was at first forced to perform his duties~ But now he liked them enough to take care of their people without any issue.

Until that is, one day they bring in a Samurai they had captured in order to gain information about the lay out of the Emperor's castle, security, ect. The Emperor was always a bad man, so Akihiko never minded how they went at him so much but....

This guy didn't seem all that bad. They'd beat him within an inch of his life and give Akihiko three days to get him back to health only to do it again because he just won't give up that man. He found it honorable but also foolish to stick up for such a man.

Akihiko does his job, he takes care of the man over and over again....At some point, he just gets so tired with him, and pleads for him to just give up the information....

Will Akihiko have to choose between this man's life and his own or will it just finally end?

Akihiko's an uke-I've given ya plenty of room to make your character, also if you prefer a different setting or time let me know it can be changed~

Trucker x Hitchhiker/Pirate x Hitchhiker

Garrett has never been one that stayed in one place for very long, he found it easier to keep moving and it had never been much of a problem before. Usually, truckers quite liked Garrett's music playing while they drove endless hours for their job. It was the easiest way to get around, free being the best part about it.

He'd always loved to play the guitar and he had always wanted to see the world, he was actually quite good at the acoustic but he was self conscious of his voice. He didn't think he was that good, but he wasn't horrible.

One day he gets a Trucker to take him across country-it sounds amazing, so he goes along with it. Sadly this Trucker seems to be planning on exposing every sensitivity Garrett has, singing, his.... Albino features....He seems very intent on turning Garrett from a shy introvert to a bright and cheerful extrovert.

.....He's not so sure he minds it.....

Pirate x Hitchhiker

Garret has always been able to get by on money made playing music, even managing to get to one island to another by a Captain that likes hearing the music on long hot days at sea. He'd been on his own for years, he never knew what happened to his parents just that he was left on the street and a nice elderly family took him in. When they died though....He didn't have much left.

Of course he knows to defend himself, his adoptive father had left behind two swords Garrett was quite skilled in using. With that and his guitar, he got by well on his own....

And then pirates showed up, it was strange how they didn't attack but Garrett just went on with his routine of playing the guitar.

Until the Pirate Captain decides he wants to take Garrett as the musician for his ship, but of course lies and tells Garrett he'll let him off at the next island. He doesn't believe him of course, he was just pretty confident he could slip off before anyone notices him gone. At least he hopes so....But then again, maybe he wouldn't want to leave by the time its time to go?

(Garrett is an uke~)

For now, this is all I got. I will update often though~

Interested :)

Okie dokies. Sorry I didn't see the hiatus or else I wouldn't have suggested it. x.x My bad. Would you perhaps be interested in a Prince x Knight roleplay? If your heart is set on X-men though that's fine. :)

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