Chitchat Players that are different than what you thought?

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You see them regularly especially on other apps, these so called “problematic” roleplayers. Roleplayers that everyone warns you about and tells you to stay away from. A majority of the time they’re usually right. But I was curious, have you guys ever interacted with such roleplayers and was their reputation different than how they came off? Like players that were completely different from the rumors painted them to be. And what was it like? And also how did it change your opinion of:

a: the person who warned you about them
b: the person who was assumed to be “problematic”
Umm, I had an encounter with one and it was not pretty at all. This dude wanted intercourse with my underage ocs and they were toddlers. After that encounter, he did get backlashes and rumours. I didn't say anything about him, but I'm glad he got taken down.
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It's ya boi, Billy Mayes here. Today, I'm presenting relevant gripes.
Before I begin I'll also bring a friend over, in case they just wanna laugh at the below post and all the stupid in it, or if they wanna share some juicy memes with the site-wide community of their own experiences to dunk on. Am Vya Am Vya

Haven't ever roleplayed but once with someone with a pre-bad rep enough for someone to start yelling from the rooftops to me, as far as I can remember, but I have RPed with people without a reputation and become the person that warns others about them.

Exactly six. If others still RPed, certainly more. There was one person deemed so god's electric water dam-ed bad that an entire community but not all roleplayers as a whole, avoided them, or made it hell for them and every page looked like Stalingrad in association with them. The "warner" was some asshat later to find out that lost a war with this guy, and because they didn't agree on IC politics it spiraled out of control into a serious "discussion".

Our subject of today, a "Blue man bad" scenario, was effectively demonized for no reason, in a RP eventually turned bad. The dude was effectively pacifistic. They ventured only around empty lands, terraformed them with magic, and sold it off to others under pretense of it being like a outdoor apartment complex with construction benefits. They never got into a physical war with other characters or factions, and ooc they were friendly. This was such an extent upon which if someone even had the tiniest invented up gripe about em, they'd change it.

Because of some asshat that liked treating everything seriously and kept assuming one's goals and etc, and then extrapolating it on the player rather than IC mindsets built up the whole time, he got hell from thirty people over just this one moron trying to ruin things for em. IC, he was invaded on two fronts because the admin was convinced that it's a deserving punishment for things he never did. This is what happens when people don't read nor pay attention if they "do". Ironically enough, he held off the largest guy by environmental factor. Using forests, natural wild life, basic traps, etc to defeat them. Then used their weapons to fight off the other guy in open spaces, surprising them.

Well this was considered failRP and the admin was convinced again that they were cheating, powergaming, and "not dying in battles" despite a number of them not even being battles unless walking your guys through a wire, and a wall of sharpened sticks count as a fight. That was one of the two main ways this absolute legend defended himself. The other was outrunning them and baiting them to bad terrain and causing landslides, tunnel collapses, etc. More passive than anything. They kept fighting, but one surrendered.

He ended up banned for essentially refusing to die, despite never being in a situation that would enable it. Also being nomadic tribes, he couldn't have a centralized organization/leader to capture or kill, so they'd still be able to do as they pleased. Though, even if their regions were occupied and everyone was in some form of POW camp they'd still be able to fight. From then on he kept coming across from that RP this unit "warning" others, or ending up directly in a RP with them. At some point he just straight up disappeared to somewhere else.

This is just another case of regardless of if even if someone was a magical tooth fairy that dropped ten Gs for every tooth, they'd still get blasted just like a guy that actually deserves it.

I really just wanted to flip the thread upside down with a reverse card, but I will throw in some of the thread standard below.

I've had knobheads that end up harassing others and then trying to pass it off as friendly banter with "the new players". Despite in several cases it actually was a problem, and when defended they act as if the people they're focusing on is some sort of feelings-based coward. However I've had this happen to three friends I've ever had. In those scenarios but one it was them in the wrong, then playing as if akin to the one they were attacking was deserving of it. The other was however a case of the "attacked" having provoked first and wouldn't shut up. I can understand if someone keeps focusing on joking of problems, etc. It's the core of humor, and darker forms tend to be the best. However there is a difference between joking with people about associated problems with or to them, and making them and/or their problems into the joke. It's hard to me to describe especially without the details.-

-It kind of appears as if I'm one of those 1984ist lunatics that can't handle a joke with how incoherent this appears to be, however let's put it in terms of the pilgrimage: Imagine if you had lepogazingane, a freak disease which made you move opposites so moving the left arm actually moves the right, it gave you alien limb syndrome, and you had pink eyes. Not pink eye, but everything with your eyes is entirely a bright hot pink. The iris, pupil, etc. Now imagine you walking down the street, and then randomly, and out of nowhere, a spot light shines down upon you in the dark night. You hear a voice screaming at you like it is straight out of a speakerphone or siren. Moments later, in a dark drab, ya boi DrachenLord came out of the woodworks and randomly smacked and chased you with a stick. You merely walking nearby provoked the great Germanic Lord of dragons to attack you. That's pretty much it. [Gotta be real fam, some of the things he does like the searchlight looks like a scene straight outta Saving Private Ryan.]

I've experienced one guy that kept joining new RPs, either in important areas, getting a number of people to interact, or getting important roles for a storyline, then outright goes inactive literally ranging from just for the lulz, to being a lazy dipshit that doesn't want to bother doing anything.

I've seen a player intentionally screw over everybody else IC, and then OOC tries making up something like enjoying the same music just vying for a way to get away with doing it.

Another was such an assumer that without even bothering to research, they assumed their opinions about people as a fact, and proceeded on based on that alone.

I've experienced mods that should at most be just a support role, or they themselves don't bother understanding how a mod style works, then generalizing it as the worst.

I've seen a mod friend that understood the circumstances involved, and still left everything for someone that would throw them under the bus immediately if presented the proper opportunity. And the same of which that abandons other projects but community vocalism would have em in anyway or it's heresy. But is good as a player.

I've seen people with such a guardian bond of their own works that anything long lasting or viewed as wrong is heresy.

I've been demonized by a shitmin of a different and elsewhere RP series and experienced them take down everyone else over the years, with no one getting any support to even vent.

I've experienced site staff again elsewhere, that partake in RPs, and anything they didn't like, anything you said not equal to them, anything even remotely viewed as somehow abhorrent is a justification for warning spam and bans. As well as deleting threads and causing an uproar throughout their site.

I've experienced here people that DM you on discord trying to sneak in erotica to "get a feel" of their character.

I've experienced another player which arguments over even trivialities rage on for months on end.

I've experienced another player of whom kept powergaming and insta-winning against every opponent in every post in a tournament portion of a RP's story, and even when retconning it in other posts to keep going on because every opponent is supposed to be an equal, they kept going so I kicked their ass with a character's passive abilities. Another one, the lazy guy mentioned before, did the same thing just to try getting the princess, so I had a Spartan birdman roflstomp them once but the offender could keep fighting, every time they tried a insta-K.O without legitimate reason.

I've experienced another player that kept plotting OOC and trying to form people up for ganging on another guy just because of how they felt.

I've seen another player whom assumed because he's bigger than you are, he is supposed to win by default or you have to suffer largely for every win, when you could just curbstomp him with minimal problem and they never bother to correct the flaws enabling you to do it despite giving them everything they need. And then regardless of what happens, how much you give them every time a gain, and/or if it's just a stalemate, somehow you're the bad guy.

But wait, there's more:

I've seen people that intention anger everyone to get them to gang up on them, then rather than committing to the self given role, trying to rebuild, or pulling a Germany if things get that bad, they immediately jump overboard because they changed their mind but they're not allowed to retcon it.

The next one is just a personal vent, but the end is actually relevant. I've seen a guy that OOC always assumes everything you write, come up with, or reference, or joke about is ripped from an existing thing rather than maybe they thought it up but it also exists in other properties, and making situation appropriate references like how RPs are like submarines and functionality is retained if at least enough people commit, then believing it to be your fetish. I've also seen them post up questionable content for OOC channels.

I've experienced a person that would steal or rip off budget versions of the thing people are trying to invent in the first page after you even so much as mention just wether or not to make it, and expecting it to suddenly in mass production to be good and not garbage. Especially when others are stuck "inventing it" for more pages, and nobody told anyone that tech in every way is superior to a new guy to anyone else, as if it was being developed in secret until then. It's like if you discovered the new world in 1477, The Aztec Empire conquered the entirety of where the United States would be, and some Aztec guy is flying around in a star destroyer. Then they go even further beyond and make things they're not allowed to at that current time, then rather than get rid of it like mods asked for, they only add even more things to make up.

I've experienced a guy that even after repeatedly stating things like cannons aren't allowed, and gunpowder isn't a thing, they spawn in Bonaparte, invent gunpowder and cannons, and then expect everyone to be cool with that despite the GM themselves sharing the opinion. Not "oh wait a bit, then you can do it." We outright said hell no they didn't listen. As it was written, it was as if they expected nobody to do their job to read the post.

I've seen another mentioned here do questionable IC implications with underaged catgirls, and wrote cringey and intentionally disgusting fanfiction of everyone's IC stuff. This was the same unit that stole everyone's stuff, and kept trying to push out more developments.

I've experienced mods that favor some random with super-tier capabilities than proven repeat players with actual restraint and creativity.

I've seen even support mods that kick you if any interaction isn't according to their GM's script.

And much, much more. I mean with large RP sites, it is usual to expect to come into contact with a few of even a combination of these, so no real big deal. Summed up in song:

Roleplays then and again, enjoyments of the endless restless bands.
Against the rejects once again
Join again, wait again, play again.

But no worries. To get to the good, you just gotta let the suffering times roll. Or in other reference: For every gas attack equivalent, there will always be an attack of the dead men equivalent.
Thy yeets be done

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