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Fandom Persona: Corrupt Souls OOC Thread

I mean Ashido had the same thought for a moment but having to write out a response means he's less likely to throw out the first thing that springs to mind.
Also leader seems to be overstating it, Masaki is sounding a bit more like he's got a deathwish with nothing left to lose.
Can you make sure to use the automatic text colour rather than setting it to white please? I still use the default theme.
Hi all, sorry I've been dealing with some things irl. I think I'll probably have to drop out whilst it's still early unfortunately as I don't think I suit the writing style and Idk if I'll keep up with the pace :)
Sorry it's mostly because I've had some stuff crop up irl recently. I did enjoy the premise tho and it was nice chatting with you guys :)

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