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Fandom Percy Jackson: The Forbidden God

Jenny nodded. "Ok." She said shyly and quietly. She walked back to the Hephaestus cabin where a bunch of hotheads were playing with fire. She walked back to her room and started brushing her hair. I wonder how Drake is gonna take his first dinner she thought to herself.

(Timeskip to dinner?)
((I'll give you guys a few days to sort out any business you need to finish before we time skip.))
((Sadly nobody posted so I'm issuing a Timeskip.))

Hours passed as the camp did it's usual thing. Some went training, others went to take a walk in the forest, Etc... Drake was preparing his bunk and section of the room. He went about to look around to get a better feel of the place, this took a few hours until the chimes of dinner bells rang into the air. Everyone from camp was in the dining area picking out food, talking with friends, laughing. Drake grabbed his food and sat down alone, a few people gave him a glance but nothing else. It was odd to be in an area with so much cheer and happiness it was heartwarming. Chiron announced that the famed heroes that saved the world, were coming to visit and that the Roman leader was also coming as well. Once dinner was finished the leftovers were thrown into the fire. Drake stared as the food burned, suddenly a voice entered his mind "The darkness is coming." And that was it.
Esper was sitting alone, well, not having any human company. She was with several animal kinds. She was presently petting a fox and talking to it. She hummed as the fox's tail waved. She stayed alone, and the fox started falling asleep. The blind teen smiled at the now sleeping creature.
Jenny shyly took the seat next to Drake. "Um....hey...." She whispered in a shy voice, but loud enough for him to hear. "I saw you sitting alone and thought you might like some company..." She said, running her hand through her own hair.

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