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Fandom Percy Jackson: Gods Divided

Miriam: All of them are the same with it, really. I wouldn't be surprised if it was an inside joke to see who could fuck the most mortals.

Stefan: Honestly, you'd think my mother had the most children, but no. It is a tie between her husband and Mr. Sunshine himself, really.
Should I sleep or work on my next two characters?

@Chara Angel of Death - do you terribly mind if I change pictures to anime? Cause I'm seeing a lot of people using anime.
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Nico said:
Should I sleep or work on my next two characters?
@Chara Angel of Death - do you terribly mind if I change pictures to anime? Cause I'm seeing a lot of people using anime.
Keep what you have; I dont want this turning into an anime rp which is why I said very little anime-like
Wow.... I think this is the first time I haven't had to give reason as to why Owen would be An Apollo child.... FINALLY I CAN DELETE THE WIKI PAGE!!!!
[QUOTE="Bishop The Corgi]Wow.... I think this is the first time I haven't had to give reason as to why Owen would be An Apollo child.... FINALLY I CAN DELETE THE WIKI PAGE!!!!

Normally when I use Owen I have to show the owner of the Rp the wiki page for Apollo.

No one remembers Apollo is a God of Plague and because of that they always say that Owen's powers aren't something an Apollo kid could have.
[QUOTE="Bishop The Corgi]Normally when I use Owen I have to show the owner of the Rp the wiki page for Apollo.
No one remembers Apollo is a God of Plague and because of that they always say that Owen's powers aren't something an Apollo kid could have.

Lul I see.


This is a wink e0e
[QUOTE="Bishop The Corgi]That should have been the word Wonk but my phone doesn't like words that don't exist so it Autocarroted it to wink


its just a word i use

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