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Fantasy Pennhurst Asylum

Starting post
  • A slight audible click could be heard on the intercom, followed by a slight tapping on the mic. "Testing. Testing. 123... Okay." The woman on the intercom cleared her throat a bit, before continuing. She sounded way too preppy for it to be six-thirty in the morning and it was quite obvious that the nurse that was talking was quite the attention whore, maybe even trying to get the attention of a listening guard. "Alright patients it's time for everyone to get up now. Breakfast will be held at seven sharp and there will be no skipping out. Nurses and guards will be checking the rooms to make sure that everyone has left." She paused for a few muttering something under her breath, probably something to another nurse, before continuing. "After breakfast at eight O' clock there will be activities. Your options are going out for a walk where you'll meet up at the front door, watching a movie, playing in the game room, or writing letters." She said and one could literally hear the roll of her eyes at the last part of her sentence.

    "Lunch will be held at twelve O' clock, and afterwards everyone will split into groups and have a group therapy session. "No we are not grouping the therapy by mental disorders, so please be considerate." She said and there was a bit of laughter heard in the background. "Dinner will be held at six O' clock and afterwards you'll all have free time. Remember, all medication will be taken at every meal, and some will have to take medication in between then. Also- shut up Lisa I'm trying to talk!" The nurse who was speaking suddenly said, and a loud slap could be heard over the intercom. "Also I'm sure you already no this but no sexual intercourse is to go on between the patients." She said and afterwards proceeded to read a list of patients who had visitors coming today before ending the little "speech".

    Anyone who had been at the asylum long enough (a week) knew that the food they served for breakfast was going to be stale pancakes, old grits, undercooked sausage and bacon, as well as some orange juice and apple juice that tasted strange. That was what they always had on Mondays and it might've been the worst breakfast of the week. Anyone who had stayed long enough would also know that the walk or the movie would be the best option. The games that they had were either broken or missing half of its necessities, and the letters they wrote were never sent to the person they wanted them to be, causing it to be a simple waste of time. The walk would at least be some time out of the asylum and while the movies were almost always horror or romance, they at least never watched the same thing twice.

    The rooms were probably the worst thing about the asylum. Despite having only two beds in them (one on either side) and an attached bathroom, there was almost always five or more people in a room. There were no windows, making the room feel more cramped, and there was no door on the inside of the room, meaning once you were in you couldn't come out until you were let out. Not even mentioning the fact that the rooms were always freezing cold. After a while it became more bearable, although it was always annoying.

    @B R E E Z E MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx @C O F F EE
