• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern PDS☆ The Studio ☆ ooc

Oh sorry I didn't get to this earlier. I wasn't able to work on my cs recently. I'll get started on it today :))
I have no idea if I'll be able to considering my teachers decided it was a good idea to give up last-minute projects, so I'll leave the rest of you guys to it ~ I hope to run into you guys again soon.
I LIIIIIVE. I'll post something soon at least a placeholder
b a r i s t a b a r i s t a Yunn Yunn (idk if you finished from last time I checked, I will look after I finish up a few things.)
@Y O U N G

Other than Yunn, since they have a post up, can you guys please tell me if your going to create a character soon or not? Because I would really like to start this. Deadline will be sun day or tues day depending when I'm online. if no one post their characters it's going to affect others interest in the RP.

Is it alright if I change my character's role to the rapper? I'm almost done with my cs and I just need to write the bio :>
Wait can we have two characters? Because I'll be finishing my charrie tonight since no finals anymore and I'd gladly take on a second role if needed
Wait can we have two characters? Because I'll be finishing my charrie tonight since no finals anymore and I'd gladly take on a second role if needed
At first I didn't want people to, but since no one else is taking interest, I'm allowing it. So yes two characters are allowed as long as you finish all by Thursday.
welp, i won't be on for most of the whole day tomorrow cause of work so there'll probably be late replies. /sends pms anyways.
finished my character. it's kind of sloppy. :// but hey he's a recovered drug addict. i should probably pm people now...

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