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Dice Pathfinders - Honor of the Fallen


Just a sweet transvestite
@TacoMann Starting level 9, barring any deals worked out with me to trade levels for Deific favors, monstrous blood, horrific mutations, or unholy pacts.

30-point stat buy according to Paizo creation charts, barring personal discussion with me. Certain third party classes and archetypes and items can be used with my approval. Anything from this wiki: MCArchetype - Multiclass Archetypes Master List can be used with my approval.

Assume Maximum HP and MFP gain at each level, for Character Creation

Starting GP: 200,000

d4* : Barbarian, Bloodrager, Skald

d6^ : Brawler, Fighter, Ranger, Gunslinger, Slayer, Summoner, Swashbuckler

d8 : Alchemist, Bard, Hunter, Kineticist, Magus, Ninja, Oracle, Rogue, Sorcerer

d10 : Antipaladin, Arcanist, Cavalier, Inquisitor, Investigator, Monk, Paladin, Samurai, Warpriest

d12 : Cleric, Druid, Medium, Occultist, Mesmerist Shaman, Spiritualist, Witch, Wizard

d12+1 : Psychic (playing this class? You'll need it.)

All characters bearing an innate "Rage" power or ability, have this as their MFD. See "Mental Fortitude Effects" on the Overview page for more information

^ All Monstrous HD provide a D6 MFD

Post your Mod'able character sheets here! Keep updated as best as you can! If you don't have a planned method of keeping a sheet visible to me, here's a good place to go: Myth-Weavers - Powered by vBulletin

Copypasta Format:

"Quote of some sort of meaning"


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Hit Dice:

Mental Fortitude Dice:

The depressing details of a depressing fictional life

The depressing details of a depressing fictional life's appearance. Make a bishie and I shall laugh at you!

"Honor" as they define it:
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Name: Roland the Unfettered

Race: Human

Sex: Male

Alignment: Neutral Good

Classing: Wizard (Conjurer), level 9

Appearance: Roland in his lab

Background: Once a specialist working for the military, Roland was approached by a conspiracy looking to overthrow his lord to seize power, and who sought his help in the coup. Feeling that a coup d'eta would only destabilize the region and pointlessly sacrifice lives, Roland refused.

Believing him to be a danger to their plans, coup forces framed him for for the murder of the lord. While the coup itself failed, the framing did not, leaving Roalnd an outlaw. Now he travels to Mensus to find the person who lead the coup. What he's going to do when he finds the coup leader, be it take his vengeance or prove his innocence in the public eye, he's not sure yet.

Definition of honor: Having integrity and being genuine in your words and deeds.


8, (-1)

DEX: 14 (+3) (2 base, +1 w/Belt of Might)

CON: 14 (+3) (2 base, +1 w/Belt of Might)

INT: 28 (+9) (22 base, +6 w/Headband of Intellect)

WIS: 10

CHA: 10

HP: 90/90

MF: 108/108

Armor Class: 22 (base 13 (Dex)+4 (Mage Armor) +5 (Ring of Protection))

Initiative: +9 (Base 3 (Dex), + 4 (Improved Initiative) + 2 (Reactionary))

Fortitude: +11 (base 5 +5 (Cloak of Resistance) +1 (Belt of Might))

Reflex: +11 (base 5 +5 (Cloak of Resistance) +1 (Belt of Might))

Will: +11 (base 6 +5 (Cloak of Resistance))

Saves and AC are at +2 vs Evil creatures per Amulet of Protection from Evil


Abyssal, Aquen, Auren, Celestial, Common, Dwarven, Elven, Ignan, Terren.


Scribe Scroll: Can make magic scrolls.

Colligate Wizard: Start with 6 1st level spells, gain 4 spells per level, +2 on Arcana checks

Improved Initiative: +4 to Initiative

Spell Focus: Conjuration: +1 to Spell DC for Conjuration Spells

Craft Wondrus Item: Can Create misc magic items

Fast Study: Can prepare all spells within 15 minutes, 1 minute minimum.

Improved Familiar: Gain Cooler Familiar (Dragon Faerie)

Spell Penetration: +2 to Caster Level checks to overcome Spell Resistance


Reactionary: +2 to Initiative

Focused Mind: +2 to Concentration Checks


Acrobatics +2, Appraise +6, Diplomacy +9, Escape Artist +2, Fly +2, Knowledge (Arcana) +18, Knowledge, (Local) + 18, Knowledge (Nature) +18, Knowledge (Planes) +18, Knowledge (Religion) +18, Perception +9, Ride +2, Sense Motive +9, Spellcraft +18, Stealth +2, Use Magic Device +9

Perception and Sense Motive gain +2 via Alertness Feat via Familiar.

Arcana Checks at +2 Via Colligate Wizard

All INT skills gain +3 via Headband of Intellect

All Dex and Con skills gain +1 via Belt of Might


Spell Save DC: 19 (10+Int Mod 6) + X (Spell Level) +1 w/ Conjuration (Spell Focus) +3 (Headband of Intellect)

Vs Spell Resistance: 11 (9 (Caster Level) + 2 (Spell Penetration))

Concentration Check: 17 (9 (Caster level) +6 (Int Mod) +2 (Focused Mind)) +3 (Headband of Intellect)

Specialist School: Conjuration

Opposed Schools: Necromancy, Enchantment


Level 0: Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance

Level 1: Comprehend Languages, Enlarge Person, Feather Fall, Mage Armor, Obscuring Mist, Protection From Evil, Silent Image, True Strike, Unseen Servant

Level 2: Alter Self, Detect Thoughts, Glitterdust, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Resist Energy, Web, Locate Object

Level 3: Clairvoyance/Clairaudience, Fireball, Fly, Haste, Dispel Magic, Greater Magic Weapon, Shrink Item, Sleet Storm, Stinking Cloud, Summon Monster 3, Lightning Bolt

Level 4:Arcane Eye, Black Tentacles, Confusion, Dimension Door, Resilient Sphere, Scrying, Stone Shape, Summon Monster 4, Locate Creature

Level 5: Wall of Force, Telekinesis, Teleport, Telepathic Bond

(Per TacoMan's permission, I prepare and cast spells as an Arcanist)

Spells per level: (Added Spell Slots via Headband of Intellect)

Lvl 0: 4

Lvl 1: 7 +1 Conjuration Spell

Lvl 2: 6 +1 Conjuration Spell

Lvl 3: 5 +1 Conjuration Spell

Lvl 4: 4 +1 Conjuration Spell

Lvl 5: 3 +1 Conjuration Spell

Commonly Prepared Spells:

Lvl 0: Prestidigitation, Detect Magic, Dancing Lights, Mage Hand

Lvl 1: Obscuring Mist, Silent Image, Enlarge Person, Protection from Evil, (Mage Armor)

Lvl 2: Detect Thoughts, Glitterdust, Invisibility, Mirror Image, (Web)

Lvl 3: Haste, Fly, Fireball, (Sleet Storm)

Lvl 4: Stone Shape, Black Tentacles, (Summon Monster 4)

Lvl 5: Telekinesis, Wall of Force, Telepathic Bond, (Teleport)


Shift: Can Dimension Door self and familiar only 5ft for every two Wizard levels 3+(Int Mod) times per day. Swift Action.

Summoner's Charm: Increase Duration Summon spells by 1/2 level. Permanent at level 20.

Dimension Steps: Can Teleport self up to 30ft per Wizard level per day in 5ft increments. Can bring others with, but they use additional 5ft increments. Standard Action.


Faerie Dragon (Krim) stats

Empathic Link: Can sense familiar's state, and vice versa.

Arcane Familiar: Gain Alertness Feat if familiar is nearby.

Share Spells: Can cast spells with target of "You" on familiar.

Speak with Familiar: Can talk with Familiar in language only it understands.

Deliver Touch Spells: Familiar can cast touch spells as proxy.

Magic Items

Headband of Intellect +6: +3 Int mod for all purposes.

Belt of Physical Might +2: +1 to Dex and Con mod for all purposes.

Ring of Protection: +5 to AC

Cloak of Resistance: +5 to Saves

Ring of Sustenance: Go without food/water, only need 2 hours for sleep/spell prep.

Amulet of Protection from Evil: +2 AC/Saves vs Evil creatures, ignore mental influence, untouchable by evil summons.

Handy Haversack: Interdimensional storage space. Contains:

Lesser rod of Quickening: 3/day, apply Quickening to 3rd level spells or lower

Lesser rod of Silence: 3/day, apply Silence to 3rd level spells or lower

Lesser rod of Extend: 3/day, apply Extend to 3rd level spells or lower

(Applied to Mage Armor before sleep, extending it to 18 hours)

Wand of Cure Light Wounds x2

Wand of Shatter

Scroll of Comprehend Languages

Scroll of Protection from Evil x2

Scroll of Dispel Magic x2

Scroll of Greater Magic Weapon

Scroll of Resist Energy x2

Scroll of Locate Object

Scroll of Locate Creature

Scroll of Shrink Item

Scroll of Resilient Sphere

Scroll of Feather Fall

Scroll of Teleport

Scroll of Telepathic Bond

6,413 gp.

Cobalt Tablet: An Ancient Lover's Wish
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"The differences between courage and cowardice is where you are running, what is in your hands, and whom is watching."

-Probably picked it up somewhere I don't know.

Shara-kier, the called

Arrows fired: 5​

Name: Shara-kier

Race: Teifling, half succubus template

Sex: Male

Alignment: L,G

Classing: Angelic knight, Paladin/Summoner

Hit die: 1d10

HP: 144

Current hp: 111

Mental fortitude die: 1d10

Mental fort: 110

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/1445052239883.jpg.56ab13643a31b60edebad080fa5be90d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96926" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/1445052239883.jpg.56ab13643a31b60edebad080fa5be90d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


"By the gods I swear I am not a satyr!"

To start his story, I can easily go into his life as a vagabond, unwanted filth on the streets, how he scrounged for meals every day just to see another week. How he ended up using his gift to eat more then twice every 4 days, how he managed to collect together a bunch of like minded fools to rob a bakery, botching the job as one of his own ended up killing the woman out of rage, how he lost control of his group, forced to leave the city out of fear of being killed out of simple spiteful rage.

But his life as a urchin is gone now, it doesn't matter, Shara-kier the urchin lives no more, he died a death deserving of him long ago. On this day, on this hour, Shara-kier the knight lives, the day he met his guide he was born once more, born into the light, the sin and filth cleaned from his body, he accepted the path of righteousness, the path of greatness!

The angel came to him, gave him the strength to make good on his wrongs, to help cleanse the world. One good deed at a time... one evil war lord beheaded a a time... One criminal organization purged at a time... He gave them a choice... The choice to repent even as he was being hailed as a hero, even as they were being dragged to the stocks...

Why didn't they ask for forgiveness? Why...?

I held out the light to them, and they spat at me...

Can people hate the light so much that they would rather... die?

The cassinian angel came to him a few years ago, since then he had paved a way forward for many, his powers and strength guided by the angel, not a archon, not a deva, but a small... modest helm with wings attached. Following the angel's light like a moth to a flame he was guided to help others, taught the ways of an angelic knight. And in these teachings he found peace with the raging sin within, a way to quell the... hunger... in hopes that it will never rise again.

His path to becoming one with heaven has begun, he must simply keep moving forward.

His story will not die.

Honor, to protect, to see that all get a choice between sin and light, not all get this choice when they begin, but they shall have the choice in the end.

And if they turn their back... let them have their sin...



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"I won't lose when my body gives out, but when I give up."


NAME: Chase

ALIGNMENT: Lawful Evil

SEX: Male

CLASS: Monk, level 8

Hit Dice: d8

Mental Fortitude Dice: d10

Honor: "Honor is not backing away from a challenge."


Chase was always a perfectionist as a child. His parents paid for him to be trained in martial arts, and he usually ended up getting whatever he wanted. Despite his spoiled upbringing and entitled attitude he works hard to get what he wants, he is rather proud but not easy to anger as he holds himself to a higher standard than everyone else.

When Chase first started adventuring he loved it, he loved fighting opponents that caused others to hide in their homes, he enjoyed defeating monsters who would harm innocents. Being acknowledged by the people he saved was, to him, a good thing. When he first learned he could be feared instead he was intrigued, but decided not to bother, for what challenge would there be in picking on the helpless?

Chase started adventuring solely because he wanted to test himself against the world and decided Mensus sounded challenging. Despite this he is naturally curious and wonders what secrets the city holds that gives it the rumors he's heard, the monk wonders if the city holds inner peace since so many scholars go and so few return.


18 (+4) (16 base +2 Belt of Physical Perfection)

DEX: 20 (+5) (18 base +2 Belt of Physical Perfection)

CON: 14 (+2) (12 base +2 Belt of Physical Perfection)

INT: 13 (+1)

WIS: 17 (+3) (15 base +2 Headband of Unshakable Resolve)

CHA: 12 (+1)

HP: 80/80

MF: 90/90

Armor Class: 26 (10+5(Dex)+5(Ring of Protection)+3(Monk AC Bonus + Monk's Robe)+1(Dodge feat)+2(Wis))

Initiative: +6 (5(Dex)+1(Tactician Trait)

Fortitude: +8

Reflex: +11

Will: +8

Combat Expertise: I may take -2 on attack rolls to gain +2 dodge bonus to my AC

Combat Reflexes: Additional Attacks of Opportunity equal to Dex modifier, can make attacks of opportunity while flat footed

Deflect Arrows: Once per round take no damage from a missile attack

Dodge: +1 dodge bonus to AC

Dragon Style: +2 bonus to saving throws against sleep, paralysis, and stunning effects, ignore difficult terrain while charging, running, or withdrawing, may charge through squares that contain allies, first unarmed strike of a round adds 1.5x Str to the damage

Elemental Fist: can deal 1d6 elemental damage on a successful unarmed strike

Improved Unarmed Strike: considered armed even when unarmed

Stunning Fist: target is forced to make a Fortitude saving throw, if defender fails save they are stunned

Nimble Moves: Whenever you move, you may move through 5 feet of difficult terrain each round as if it were normal terrain. This feat allows you to take a 5-foot step into difficult terrain.

Acrobatic Steps: Whenever you move, you may move through up to 15 feet of difficult terrain each round as if it were normal terrain. The effects of this feat stack with those provided by Nimble Moves (allowing you to move normally through a total of 20 feet of difficult terrain each round).

Anatomist: +1 to rolls to confirm crits

Tactician: +1 to Initiative rolls

Takes no damage on successful saves against area of effect attacks as per Evasion

Adds level to all Acrobatics in relation to jumping, always counts as having a running start, may spend 1 ki point to add +20 bonus to Acrobatics checks made to jump for 1 round thanks to High Jump

Combat Maneuver Bonus is determined by Monk level as per Maneuver Training

Immune to all diseases, including magical and supernatural, as per Purity of Body

Reduces damage from falling when within arms reach of a wall, reduces damage as if removing 20 feet from the fall, as per Slow Fall

Gains +2 on saving throws against enchantment spells and effects as per Still Mind

Acrobatics: +20

Climb: +15

Escape Artist: +14

Perception: +10

Ride: +11

Sense Motive: +7

Sleight of Hand: +11

Stealth: +8

Survival: +7

Swim: +8

Ki Pool: 6

Ki Strike: Unarmed attacks count as magical, silver, and cold iron for the purposes of damage resistance

Can spend a ki point to; make one additional attack in flurry of blows at highest attack bonus, increase speed by 20 feet for 1 round, or gain +4 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round

Wholeness of Body: can heal HP equal to Monk level at the cost of 2 ki points

Wish: can wish once per in game week

Damage Resistance: DR 5 vs Electricity, Fire, Acid, and Cold

Ring of Protection +5: +5 deflection bonus to AC

Ring of Regeneration: regain 1hp per round

Ring of Sustenance: does not require food or water, only needs 2 hours of sleep to count as fully rested

Potion of Cure Light Wounds (4): restore 1d8 points of health when taken

Belt of Physical Perfection +2: gain +2 bonus to Str, Dex, and Con scores

Boots of the Cat: take minimum damage from falling, always lands on feet

Brooch of Shielding: absorbs 101 points of damage from Magic Missile before melting

Headband of Unshakable Resolve: +2 bonus to Wisdom, may spend immediate action to reduce the severity of fear effects on self

Portable Hole: 6 foot diameter, 10 foot deep spacial dimension concealed within a piece of fabric

Monk's Robes: AC bonus and unarmed damage is treated as a Monk of 5 levels higher, grants 1 additional stunning attack per day
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"Because I remember, I despair. Because I remember, I have the duty to reject despair."

-Elie Wiessel

NAME: Mira Einz Sophira

ALIGNMENT: Lawful Neutral

CLASS: Inquisitor (Sin Eater/Reaper of Secrets/Sanctified Slayer)

Hit Dice: 7 (63)

Mental Fortitude Dice: 7 (112)

"What is Honor"

Honor... is standing by those who trust you, no matter what. Protecting those you cherish, no matter the cost.

"Why Mensus?"

...A place without war, without hate..... a place where I can rest my head, a little while... and perhaps calm even my Mother's rage...

There are countless small, worthless villages scattered throughout Valenor. They vary wildly from site to site, from town to town... countless in number, and just as great in variety. It was not in such a place that Mira was born, but that she was found. A small babe, dark of skin and with gleaming eyes- beautiful and strongly built, found in a crib of twisted black metal by the forest's edge. She was found by a lumberjack's daughter- pried from the crib at cost of a bleeding finger for the little girl- and carried back to those she'd learn to call parents.

Only her sister ever loved Mira. Of that, she was sure. Her name was etched into the cradle- and said by the animated, cheerful girl. The last name was changed- and begrudging parents took in a second child for the sake of their daughter- but while they provided for the girl, and taught her, and allowed their true daughter's fretting over the babe she'd found.... they could not love the strange thing that had been pulled into their life.

Scales on the skin. Unnatural strength. Blood red eyes... they called it Ill Omen- but for their beloved daughter, they took the child in; and kept her from the sunlight, kept her in the darkness to be taught, to be raised- and to be made use of around the house, for her earlier years.

When she was old enough, she was taken out at night to chop wood; and when she could hide her stranger features, she was introduced as a distant cousin taken in as charity, to make her 'parents' seem more estimable in the eyes of the rest of the village. The truth was a secret she played at with her big sister, with the only person who ever loved her- whose kindness warmed her heart and sustained her.

She was sixteen, when she learned her beloved sister had been raped by a drunk older boy. It was a week later, when that boy's body was found severed into parts in the trees, and when Mira learned; she was good at murder. And she liked it. She comforted her sister- pointed out that the boy everyone was crying for was the monster who'd hurt her; but she couldn't understand, her sister's mourning for someone she had hated.

She decided that her sister was too good for her- and went on with her life. She was seventeen when someone tried to hurt her, and her reflexive movement smashed his windpipe into his throat.

The mob wasn't far behind. She ripped one man apart- and fled her sister's horrified gaze, coated in blood. She was injured severely in her fleeing- thrown rocks reaching true.

That's when mother spoke to her. Mother's voice, so warm and comforting. A promise of survival, of strength. She screamed- and mother answered.

And men died. Her village burned... and when she awoke again, she was coated in her sister's blood. She screamed, and mother laughed in her mind, then sought to comfort her... but she would not listen.

She left the ruins, clad in armor found in the burnt wreckage beside her, hefting a jagged spike of black, curved metal that was left impaled into the body. She walked away- and wandered, seeking a reason. Confused, lost, and in pain....

She wandered the world for a time.. learning what she could from her mother, and those she met. She learned the arts her sister no longer could; how to heal and mend, how to fix and repair, rather than rend and destroy. She wandered the world, and sought to make it better for her sister...

And then, she left it.

A tall, powerfully built woman- her skin a burnished bronze, as if hewn from metal. Scales are visible on her tough hide, and her form is enticingly atheletic. Her hands are rough and calloused, scaled and harsh. Her eyes burn with a hellish glow, and her hair flows like molten gold down her shoulders. She stands six foot six, head and shoulder- and every inch of her body is covered in muscle... She emanates a certain weary tiredness, though. A certain pained feeling. She's not sure why she exists, why she lives- but she wants to know. She wants a reason, beyond the memory of a sister she killed in a fit of madness.
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If life is all fun and games I wonder what death is all about?
Lillibella talking to a once wealthy man

Lillibella The Talkative.

Gender Race Level: Female Human-Dhampir-Vampire Rogue 7 (9)

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Total Hit Points: 73

Mental Fortitude Dice: D8

|There is no such thing as honor. It is simply a excuse, knights state they did things for the 'Honor of my king' yet all they do is kill and pillage if that's honor then Vampires hold the most honor of all since we kill for the sake of food and pillage those who don't need it anymore. Honor is a word best left with no description.
Lillibella's take on honor

Lillibella is in search of her father. Or is she

Lillibella was born the offspring of a human woman and a vampire father. She is a being most no all call a Dhampir half-human half-vampire. From the day she was born Lillibella already had one kill under her belt. The first person she killed was with ten minutes of being born as her mortal mother died at childbirth which is a common trait among Dhampir, however unlike most Dhampir she was not orphaned and instead was looked after by her vampire father. The two were always on the move as a vampire her father could not stay in towns for too long mostly because he could not control his feeding well, which after a while would get a lot of attention townsfolk being more scared and often calling hunters to try and deal with him or well the being doing the killing.

Still all things considered life was pretty good for Lilibella and even from a young age she was very talkative. She learned to talk at a younger age than most and used that skill nearly every day. As the years went on nothing much changed they never stayed in a town for more than a month. As Lillibella aged it seemed every town she went to looked at her a different way however all had a look of fear, most because she was a Dhampir and that was only common. One day at aged ten she was shopping, since her father disliked the light she always was the one to go out n the day (at this point she didn't know what he was), She felt something hit the back of her head before hearing footsteps scampering away and the sound of someone shouting "Monsters should stay out of our town." It was group of four human children all who ran before she could do or say anything. She simply rubbed the back of her head and let out a wince of pain. She was used to it being called a monster but she never knew why. It was the same day she discovered what her father truthfully was and why she was called a monster.

Lillibella returned home and simply put down the shopping she had got before greeting her father. Her father was with a women something that usually happened and the reason her father says they always had to move. Her father simply nodded and Lillibella went into the dining area and started to make food something she had to do for years now since her father doesn't seem to ever eat. Her father entered the room and instantly noticed blood stains on the back of her dress and neck, while normally he wouldn't be able to hold back whether it was because it was his daughter or maybe because he fed on the women he was with, he stopped and simply asked what happened. Lillibella didn't answer and instead asked a simple question. "Why do people called me a monster?" Her father at first was shocked before he explained everything earning a slight shrug from Lillibella and a simple "oh" exited her mouth before she smiled.

Another year past and her father began teaching Lillibella how to make money and defend herself. Her father enjoyed the use of exotic weapons mostly a two Nodachi however Lillibella wanted something a little smaller but of the same style. So he taught her with a Katana even if it was only just smaller than her. Years went on and nothing much happened however at aged fifteen something tragic happened to Lillibella. While training Lillibella's father cut Lillibella's hand and blood began to pour out. Now something Lillibella's father had forgot to do that day was feed and the urge was too much for him. He went feral and fed on Lillibella he would have killed her if he didn't come back to his sense when he did and instead turned her into a vampire. He left her a note and some money all the note said was "see you around kid good luck."

A few days later and everything about her changed. She found her body acting weird. She began to notice that light hurt, that she couldn't enter building without being invited in but more so than the rest a hunger than built up inside her more and more she had no idea what happened to her. She felt dead inside but it reminded her of her father the way how he never went outside during the day, would always wait outside most building but mostly always had people around him normally the opposite sex all with bite marks on their neck if so then could that be the hunger she felt...blood. She had a slightly innocent look, one that even with age would not change however she had a un-innocent looking sex appeal as she was quite well embellished around the chest area, it seemed that was the only place her growth went. She would often wear cute and posh looking dresses (with armor under them) at night but a long cloak and armor during the day. She somehow seemed to be able to make men fall for her just with a few words all of which would dream about taking them back to her place and having their way with her only. If that was the case they would normally get the first part done but she would have her way with them not vice versa. She would go back to their house flirt with them a little kiss them a little before biting them and killing them, after that came the looting she would steal anything that looked like it was worth a pretty penny sell it and keep the money.

She could (and still can) make people fall in love with her with ease married men, unmarried men the poor and the rich alike. She likes going for the fat rich men after all they always seem to have the most and all love the idea of a small pretty submissive mistress that they could do what they want to if only they knew.

This story happened nearly two hundred years ago back then she was rather well known hence why she vanished she had a title called the "White bloodied Lilium" referencing to her skin color, how she always was reported to smell of lilies and the trail of blood she left behind. For the past one-hundred years she had been living in a set of small towns and kept making men fall in love with her before using them as blood bags.

Strength: 13 (+1)

Dexterity: 22 (+6)

Constitution: 13 (+1) Undead

Intelligence: 17 (+3)

Wisdom: 17 (+3)

Charisma: 25 (+7)

Acrobatics (Dex) 12 = +6 + 3 + 3 [class skill]

Appraise (Int) 3 = +3

Bluff (Cha) 38 = +7 + 9 + 3 [class skill] + 2 [persuasive] + 2 [dhampir] + 3 [skill focus] + 8 [Vampire] +4 [Ancient Youth]

Climb (Str) 1 = +1

Craft (Int) 3 = +3

Diplomacy (Cha) 21 = +7 + 9 + 3 [class skill] + 2 [Nobel dead]

Disguise (Cha) 22 = +7 + 9 + 3 [class skill] + 3 [skill focus]

Escape Artist (Dex) 13 = +6 + 4 + 3 [class skill]

Fly (Dex) 6 = +6

Heal (Wis) 3 = +3

Intimidate (Cha) 22 = +7 + 9 + 3 [class skill] + 2 [persuasive]

Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int) 8 = +3 + 2 + 3 [class skill]

Knowledge (local) (Int) 7 = +3 + 1 + 3 [class skill]

Linguistics (Int) 15 = +3 + 9 + 3 [class skill]

Perception (Wis) 20 = +3 + 4 + 3 [class skill] + 2 [dhampir] + 8 [vampire]

Perform (Cha) 19 = +7 + 9 + 3 [class skill]

Ride (Dex) 6 = +6

Sense Motive (Wis) 19 = +3 + 5 + 3 [class skill] + 8 [vampire]

Sleight of Hand (Dex) 20 = + 6 + 6 + 5 [Gloves of the fast hands] + 3 [class skill]

Stealth (Dex) 38 = + 6 + 5 [Cloak of the shadows] + 9 + 3 [class skill] + 3 [skill focus] + 2 [stealthy] + 8 [vampire] +4 [small]

Survival (Wis) 3 = +3

Swim (Str) 1 = +1

Use Magic Device (Cha) 12 = +7 + 2 + 3 [class skill]

Speed: 30 feet

Armor Class: 29 = 10 + 3 [studded] + 4 [dexterity] + 5 [Ring of protection] + 1 [small] +6 [vampire]

Touch AC: 17

Flat-footed: 19 [uncanny dodge]

Initiative modifier: + 10 = + 6 [dexterity] + 4 [improved Initiative]

Fortitude save: + 4 = 3 [base] + 1 [constitution] +7 [charisma]

Reflex save: + 12 = 6 [base] + 4 [dexterity] + 2 [Lightning Reflexes]

Will save: + 5 = 3 [base] + 2 [wisdom]

Attack (handheld): + 4/ + -1 = 6 [base] -2 [strength]

Attack (missile): + 10/ + 5 = 6 [base] + 4 [dexterity]

Combat Maneuver Bonus: + 6 = 6 [base] + 1 [strength] -1 [small]

Combat Maneuver Defense: + 19 = 10 + 6 [base] -2 [strength] + 6 [dexterity] -1 [small]

Light load: 23 lb. or less

Medium load: 24-48 lb.

Heavy load: 49-70 lb.

Lift over head: 70 lb.

Lift off ground: 140 lb.

Push or drag: 350 lb.

Size: Small

Height: 4' 2

Weight: 85 lb

Eyes: Red

Hair: Black Twin tails

Skin: Pale



Languages: Celestial, Common, Dwarven, Draconic, Elven, Drow Sign Language, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Orc, Undercommon,

Auran(From Guileful Polyglot),Infernal(From Guileful Polyglot), Terran(From Guileful Polyglot) and Tengu (From Guileful Polyglot)


[1d8, 18-20/x2, 6lb, slashing]

Hand Crossbow [1d4, 19-20/x2, range 30 ft., 2 lb., piercing]

Studded armor [light; + 3 AC; max dex + 5; check penalty -1 20 lb.]

Cloak of shadows [+5 to stealth]

Gloves of the fast fingered [+5 to slight of hand]

Ring of protection: [+5 Armor class]

Large coffin
[ 20 lbs]

GP: 32'000


Persuasive +2 on diplomacy and intimidate

Skill Focus (Bluff)

Skill Focus (Disguise)

Skill Focus (Stealth)


Alertness [Vampire]

Combat Reflexes (Combat) [Vampire]

Improved Initiative (Combat) [Vampire]

Lightning Reflexes [Vampire]

This character also has 9 ranks in Linguistics.

Favored class points: Hit points +9; Skill points +0


Dhampirs are people with vampiric heredity.

+ 2 dexterity, +2 charisma, -2 constitution (already included)

+ 2 racial bonus on bluff and perception

+ 2 on saves against disease and mind-affecting spels

No penalties for negative levels, except dying when negative levels equals total levels; all are gone by next day with no save required

Dazzled in bright light

Detect unded x3 daily


Vampires are undead humanoid creatures that feed on the blood of the living. They look much as they did in life, often becoming more attractive, though some have a hardened, feral look instead.

+6 strength, +4 dexterity, +2 intelligence, +2 wisdom, +4 charisma. (already included)

Ancient Youth A vampire with this ability transformed into one of the undead at a very young age, and has been trapped within an adolescent body for an existence possibly measuring in centuries. Vampires with this ability are size Small and gain a +4 bonus on all Bluff checks.

Vampires gain a +8 racial bonus on Bluff, Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth checks. (already included)

Vampires cannot tolerate the strong odor of garlic and will not enter an area laced with it. Similarly, they recoil from mirrors or strongly presented holy symbols. These things don't harm the vampire—they merely keep it at bay. A recoiling vampire must stay at least 5 feet away from the mirror or holy symbol and cannot touch or make melee attacks against that creature. Holding a vampire at bay takes a standard action. After 1 round, a vampire can overcome its revulsion of the object and function normally each round it makes a DC 25 Will save.

Vampires cannot enter a private home or dwelling unless invited in by someone with the authority to do so.

A vampire gains channel resistance +4, DR 10/magic and silver, and resistance to cold 10 and electricity 10, in addition to all of the defensive abilities granted by the undead type. A vampire also gains fast healing 5. If reduced to 0 hit points in combat, a vampire assumes gaseous form (see below) and attempts to escape. It must reach its coffin home within 2 hours or be utterly destroyed. (It can normally travel up to 9 miles in 2 hours.) Additional damage dealt to a vampire forced into gaseous form has no effect. Once at rest, the vampire is helpless. It regains 1 hit point after 1 hour, then is no longer helpless and resumes healing at the rate of 5 hit points per round.

Blood Drain a vampire can suck blood from a grappled opponent; if the vampire establishes or maintains a pin, it drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of Constitution damage. The vampire heals 5 hit points or gains 5 temporary hit points for 1 hour (up to a maximum number of temporary hit points equal to its full normal hit points) each round it drains blood.

Children of the night once per day a vampire can summon a rat swarms, 1d4+1 bat swarms, or 2d6 wolves as a standard action. (If the base creature is not terrestrial, this power might summon other creatures of similar power.) These creatures arrive in 2d6 rounds and serve the vampire for up to 1 hour.

Create spawn a vampire can create spawn out of those it slays with blood drain or energy drain, provided that the slain creature is of the same creature type as the vampire's base creature type. The victim rises from death as a vampire spawn in 1d4 days. This vampire is under the command of the vampire that created it, and remains enslaved until its master's destruction. A vampire may have enslaved spawn totaling no more than twice its own Hit Dice; any spawn it creates that would exceed this limit become free-willed undead. A vampire may free an enslaved spawn in order to enslave a new spawn, but once freed, a vampire or vampire spawn cannot be enslaved again.

Dominate a vampire can crush a humanoid opponent's will as a standard action. Anyone the vampire targets must succeed on a Will save or fall instantly under the vampire's influence, as though by a dominate person spell . The ability has a range of 30 feet.

Change shape a vampire can use change shape to assume the form of a dire bat or wolf, as beast shape II.

Gaseous Form as a standard action, a vampire can assume gaseous form at will (caster level 5th), but it can remain gaseous indefinitely and has a fly speed of 20 feet with perfect maneuverability.

Shadowless a vampire casts no shadows and shows no reflection in a mirror.

Spider climb a vampire can climb sheer surfaces as though under the effects of a spider climb spell.

Armor Class natural armor improves by +6.

Where the living suffer physically from starvation, undead suffer mentally. After long enough without a “meal,” even the most arrogant vampire becomes a bestial creature of instinct. Withdrawal weakens the monster, and as its natural defenses fail, its behavior becomes irrational, particularly when it's around sources of what it is denied or has denied itself.

A carnivorous or otherwise life-draining undead may safely go a number of days equal to its Hit Dice without a dose of its preferred meal before it starts to feel the effects of hunger. Each additional day after this grace period, the undead must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the undead creature's Hit Dice, + 1 for each previous check).

If the undead creature fails its save, it enters withdrawal and begins to take penalties according to the Withdrawal Penalties table. It must continue to save each day until it feeds again. Additional failed checks increase the penalties as shown on the table. Feats and abilities that affect mortal hunger (such as Endurance or a ring of sustenance) do not apply to vampire hunger.

An undead that suffers withdrawal is acutely aware of its unfulfilled addiction; if presented with the chance to feed, it might be compelled to do so, regardless of the consequences. Anytime it comes within 10 feet of a helpless creature that can sate its desire, it must make another hunger save at the current DC. Failure means it falls upon thehelpless creature—whether friend or foe— and attempts to consume or drain it. Until the undead has fed, it can take no action other than to feed from this helpless creature or to enable itself to feed (such as a moroi grappling a creature so it can use its blood drain). During this feeding frenzy, the undead creature takes a –2 penalty to its AC.


Sneak Attack

Trapfinding -- add half of rogue level to find traps, minimum +1

Evasion (level 2) -- no damage on a successful reflex save

Rogue talents -- gain one at every even-numbered level. At level 10 and above, advanced talents are available.

Trap sense (level 3) -- armor class and reflex bonuses against traps

Uncanny Dodge (level 4) -- cannot be caught flat-footed, keep dexterity bonus to AC if attacker is invisible

Improved Uncanny Dodge (level 8) -- cannot be flanked

Master strike (level 20) -- each sneak attack either kills, paralyzes, or puts into coma.

Talents picked:

Samurai Trained
(level 2 picked)-- A rogue with this talent has the katana exotic weapon proficiency.

False Friends (Level 4 picked)-- A rogue with this talent gains a +4 bonus when making Bluff checks to convince someone she has never met or who doesn't know her well that they are previously acquainted or know each other well.

Guileful Polyglot (Level 6 picked)-- A rogue with this talent who has at least one rank in Linguistics gains four additional languages.

Level 1: Rogue 8

Level 2: Rogue 7

Level 3: Rogue 6

Level 4: Rogue 2 + 1 to constitution

Level 5: Rogue 6

Level 6: Rogue 5

Level 7: Rogue 8

Level 8: Vampire 5 + 1 to charisma

Level 9: Vampire 8

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Name: Jameak Milltall

Race: Half Elf

Class: Bard


Alignment: Neutral Good

Character sheet:

Myth-Weavers Online Character Sheets


Many of the half breeds grow up split between two worlds, rejected by both wanted by none. Jameak was not one of those cases. Growing up with a musician as a father, Jameak spent his childhood learning the ways of music. Unfortunately, musicians aren't the greatest of fighters, and when a monster rampaging in his village was killed by a travelling adventurer, he wasn't quick enough to save Jameaks father. Jameak vowed to become a hero adventurer just like that man to help others in need and to save people. But training to become a hero adventurer is hard work, and expensive. While Jameak has been training hard to become a powerful fighter, hes been spending a lot of time trying to get playing music and experimenting with magic. While training to become a fighter, Jameak had become a powerful bard.
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"Live your beliefs and you can turn the world around."

-Henry David Thoreau

NAME: Scëutra, Chosen of Ratatoskr

ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good

CLASS: Barbarian

Hit Dice: D12

Mental Fortitude Dice: D4


A tall and lean Elf woman of feral grace. Her olive tanned skin accented with odd, runic tattoos in just the ratio that the eye wanders from marked skin to unmarked, and back again, without allowing the viewer to get bored, and her garb of a battle shredded forest green tunic and wrap pants does little to interfere with the artistic appreciation.

Her hair is waist lenght, brown and wavy, all the way up to a crown of platinum branches, golden oak leaves, and diamond acorns.

Truly a commanding figure.

"Honor" as they define it:

Honor is... the state of being a good steward to nature and your fellow beings. Providing for more then you take, not hoarding... planting acorns for squirrels long after you've passed.
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Name: Irvette Lucia

Race: Life Spark/Merfolk

Sex: Even though they don't really have a gender they identify as a girl.

Alignment: C/G

Classing: Sorcerer (Impossible bloodline)

Character Sheet:
Myth-Weavers Online Character Sheets


Hit Dice: d10

Mental Fortitude Dice: 72

Ever scence she was first created was was a living experiment. Living in a toob of water under constant surveillance, she was seen as a unique specimen. She was designed to pear into the life of a Merfolk, she was going to be sent into the deep to report on the life of the Merfolk. Though when they found that she had a will of her own, plans changed. She became something to learn from, they tried to figure out exactly how a construct got a will of there own. So they experimented on her day and night even going as far as to use necromancey magic on her. That is how they found out that she had a soul. All of the scientists were crule except for one, he was actually the one who made her. He treated her like a person even going as far as to bring her food, which she of corse didn't need but she graciously accepted. Seeing that she had taken an interest in magic he began to teach her. He hated the way she was treated and when he was fed up with all there so experiments he broke her out. He knew he would be caught and most likely killed, he gave her all his notes on magic so she could continue with her learning. This was the last kind act done to her. She searched out through the seas for her own kind, the Merfolk. She eventually did find them but it wasn't the warm reception she was hoping for. She was treated as an abomination and she was exiled, they forced her onto land and wouldn't let her back into the sea. There was low chance of them actually finding her if she went back in but the few times she tired they threw her back out, this made her too afraid to try again. She suffered on land moving at a snales pace across the land, it was lucky she didn't need to eat because she rarely would have had the chance too. Through the small amount of magic she was taught she could fight off. She remembered watching the scientists build other constructs, taking that knowledge she repaired herself after fights. Thats when she had an epiphany, if they could make her then wats stopping her from doing the same. She could make a strong construct thst could carry her and defend her. So she started really studying magic and growing her skills. She tinkered constantly making a veriety of things. It took her many years to achieve her dream, she made her iron Golem, even though she could move around safely. She was never treated as a person so she decided to hide who she really is.

"Honor" as they define it: Honor is doing what they think is right regardless if the law or anyone agrees or not.
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