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Fantasy Party of Adventurers (Closed)


The God-Emperor of Mankind

This will be your classic RPG-like RP where we will RP as a party of people that complete different quests and try to get along to make themselves rich, and pretend to be heroes. There'll be several classes to choose from and for now I have a small plot planned for this, however I will definitely allow the other RP's to partake and add their own stuff into it. The World's lore and story are practically a blank slate as of now, and I want every one of us to develop it and add to it as we go forward, through either IC, or OOC. I don't want to invite too many people into the RP, as it will be more of a small group thing, where we develop our relations, go on adventures, find loot, sell the loot, take a day off and do lots of stuff like that. There'll be more characters\people allowed into the RP later on if the plot allows it.

There can be up to 12 characters, therefore up to 12 roleplayers, but as I mentioned above I think we can get more players later on. There's not much backstory to this, instead we'll focus on the plot before us, that I've prepared, albeit there will be plenty of time for side-plots. The plot will follow a questline where we try to take down a classic baddie: An evil Necromancer that tries to arise an army of the dead to conquer a Kingdom. I know that this is a bit generic, but I promise that there's gonna be lots of adventure on the way there, and you yourself will have much input and choice in how the RP plays out.

Classes to pick from: (One RP'er per class. Eg. If I take Warrior, no one else can take Warrior, but you can take another Fighter class like Paladin. When there are two Fighter-classes, just like I said: A Warrior an Paladin for example, no one else may take a Fighter class.)

Please Note: Over the course of the RP our characters will get upgrades, new fancy spells, armor sets, weapons, artifacts and other items of great worth. Try to start them out relatively weak, that is when the RP is up.

Fighter Classes 

(There may be only two Fighters for a party, and only one of a type from below.)

  • Warrior: A Warrior sacrifices speed to protect himself with heavier armor, and often brings in heavy, two-handed weapons into combat. They often have support abilities that help their allies in combat, and one of their tactics is to taunt an enemy to get their attention. A damage sponge and tank, that takes damage for the rest of the team, often supported by a healer, that tries to take the enemy's attention while the rest of the team destroys them. They have lots of health, strength, however they do not completely focus on dealing damage, or magical abilities. Usually heroically stands in front of the rest of the party, gloriously leading it into combat, prepared to take any damage for them, to then be healed. Will require a lot of healing potions.
  • Paladin: The Paladin is a type of a Magic Knight, that sacrifices some speed, sheer force and defense to use Light and Healing magic, aswell as to provide his allies with defensive buffs. This does not mean that a Paladin is weak in melee combat, in fact they excel at it, and are designed to smite and destroy undead, unholy and generally evil foes that radiate with darkness. They are devoted to a certain God, and their prayers bring them all arrays of powers to choose from. There is however a limit to a Paladin's behaviour, as a Paladin is required to be lawful, and good, otherwise what Paladin would they truly be? If a Paladin strays too far from their path, they usually become a Fallen Paladin, with their powers and will corrupted.
  • Dark Knight \ Fallen Paladin: A Dark Knight is like a corrupt version of the Paladin, possessing lots of Necromantic and darkness-focused spells to use that deal large amounts of damage to their enemies, however often at the expense of their own health and well-being. The Dark Knights deal more damage and specialize in destroying holy foes, such as fairies, angels and other light beings, however it is worth to remember the rule of "Dark Is Not Evil" meaning a Dark Knight does not have to be a bad guy at all. Unlike the Paladins, they do not suffer any behavioural limitations, however if they truly show care, devotion and sacrifice towards good and lawfulness, they may turn into a Paladin.
  • Dragon Knight: (Claimed by @Pyromancer88) The Dragon Knight is a fighter class that specializes in mimicking dragons and their attacks. Basically a Dragonborn from Skyrim. They have an affinity for heavy, often leathery armor, made from perhaps the remains of draconic beasts. They can grow draconic wings, gain an immunity to fire, breathe fire and grow sharp talons and tails to attack with. Perhaps on the most extreme level of power, the Dragon Knight can temporarily transform into a powerful dragon himself. The Dragon Knights are spiritually connected to Dragons, perhaps even being able to tame some of them and make friends with them. They appear to have a tendency to use spears, however not always.
  • The Barbarian:The Barbarian is a breed of Fighter focused more on damage than defense. Barbarians have no defense against magic whatsoever, but they have a relatively better defense against physical attacks, which is however not anywhere near the other Classes from this tree. Barbarians are glass cannons that soak out a lot of damage and slaughter whole groups of enemies, however they can quickly fall to their feet from being exhausted, or from injuries resulted from their low defense.
  • Swashbuckler: (Claimed by @KAmber) A Swashbuckler strays from the usual path of the Warrior, instead picking much lighter, often leather armor, or no armor at all. They use light blades, swords, daggers and other swords, but may rarely be seen with something a bit heavier. They rely on speed, trickery, sly tricks, sometimes a little magic or gadgets and their enviroment to tactically beat an enemy. They can deal with single, strong opponents easily, but aren't the best at teamwork. A Jack-Of-All-Trades class.

Magician Classes

(There may be only two Magicians for a party, and only one of a type from below.)


  • Sorcerer: Sorcerers are naturally gifted magicians. They don't need books, or specialized training. Their powers come naturally, somewhere at adolescence. While they don't require study to harness their powers, they are usualy dangerous, volatile and too powerful for them to handle without proper training or study of it. Their powers often manifest at adolescence, and they have them due to being a part of a bloodline that had magical beings in it, like Witches or other Sorcerers. Their magic is usually a Jack-Of-All-Trades, having a little bit of all spells, however they may have a little specialization in something depending on the past of their bloodline. There is however a big problem with their powers, and it is that they consume mana like crazy. They often have to drink mana potions to keep up the sudden loss of mana, or they use enchanted items that slowly help up the mana's natural regeneration process.
  • Theurgist: Unlike the Sorcerer, the Theurgist does not have inherent magical power. Instead, the Theurgist either learned it from books, or got it from contracts. Their magic is all from study and practice, therefore it is much more stable, secure, safe and easy to use, however not always as powerful as reliable as that of a Sorcerer. Unlike the Sorcerer too, a Theurgist usually specializes in one specific art of magic, with a few other spells just for safety. There is however one major buff to the Theurgists that Sorcerer's don't have, and that is a much slower mana usage. While the Sorcerer burns out mana like a rocket engine burns out fuel, the Theurgist can easily cast stronger spells without breaking a sweat, and they rarely need to buy mana potions.
  • Summoner (Claimed by @Jack in the Box): The Summoner is a slight middle ground between the Sorcerer and the Theurgist, however they go off into a completely different branch. A Summoner's family, or bloodline usually has, or had an affiliation with specific demons, angels, spirits, fairies, ghosts and other spiritual beings. As a result, the Summoner after learning the proper incantations via study and meditation can summon certain powers, beings and entities to temporarily aid them in combat. Don't think that all a Summoner does is just sit in the back, summon a spirit golem from time to time and lean in. Oh, no. They actually summon much more than warriors to do their dirty work. They can summon demonic tentacles to tie their enemies up. They can summon walls, or whole houses. Or they can summon other members of their party to themselves, which is a good thing to have in case you get lost.
  • Red Mage: A magician who does not specialize in one school or tradition and studies the magic of various types. They tend to be rare, and depending on which limitations they have, may be very powerful thanks to their versatility or very weak thanks to their lack of focus. In any case, they usually aren't able to use the more complex spells their specialized brethren use, or at least not nearly as often. Of all the kinds of magician, they tend to be the most open minded. They have a little bit of all spell types, however usually weak.
  • Blue Mage (Claimed by @Reinhardt): A magician who does not usually rely on standard spells, but instead learns various spells and special abilities from monsters encountered in travel. Often they will need to see the spell or special ability in action, or cast their own unique spell to 'absorb' the ability. Traditionally will develop to be as diverse as the Red Mage, except with unique monster-like abilities to supplement them. They start off extremely weak, but can end up to be actually more powerful than any other Magician class.
  • Nature Magician: They tend to have power over the natural kingdom, having a deep connection to animals and plants. Most people refer to this class as "lame," however afterwards they are eaten by a huge, carnivore plant that just grew out of the ground because of a certain spell. They can grow spiked vines on the ground their enemies walk on, make walls from trees, or call animals for help. They often also have the ability to turn into animals, to temporarily shift into strong melee support fighters. If they have a Familiar, it would most definitely be an animal, or at least a phoenix.
  • Elementalist: Basically a Theurgist, however they are much more focused on casting spells from a certain type of element, such as water, fire, ice, earth, lightning, air and others.

Rogue Classes

(There may only be two Rogues for a party, and only one of a type from below.)

  • Thief: The Thief, is a class with relatively lower damage output compared to anyone else in the party, but have the highly useful ability to steal items from enemies. Sometimes, this can extend even to intangible items, such as experience points, health, stamina, or mana, but more commonly includes rare items that cannot be obtained in any other way. Often use daggers, stealth and attack enemies from behind when the party occupies them. Rarely actually fights when engaged in combat. Instead they wait for a golden opportunity to either attack, or steal the weapon\armor\item from a powerful or hard to beat opponent. Widely accepted as a useful, but specific support class with a stealth twist.

  • Assassin: A more offensive rogue, who sacrifices technical expertise for better stealth and killing abilities. Often have a variety of weakening and poisoning abilities and are able to cripple a foe to leave him open for allies or to let him die from damage over time. Unlike the Thief, they do not have the ability to steal items, but that is a very fair deal for an increase in stealth, speed and damage output in general.

  • Shadow (Claimed by @Idees): Occasionally, Rogue-types will specialize in magic or powers that augment their stealth, and when they do, those powers generally feature darkness, shadows or the occult as themes. The Shadow is very similar to the Assassin, but at the expense of the use of poison, and some capability of damage, they gain stealth powers and magic in general.

  • Bandit: (Claimed by @Karlore) A Bandit is a Rogue whose stealth skills are either downplayed or non-existent. While they have all the standard Rogue abilities, they tend to use them in less subtle ways - instead of unlocking a door they'll kick it down, and instead of stealthily pickpocketing their enemies they'll simply walk up and grab things from them, sometimes having to struggle to get the said item. Sometimes they also have the ability to intimidate their enemies or are good at destroying structures. Bandits are generally the most health-wise strong of all Rogue Classes, and tend to be similar to Fighter classes, however they absolutely never wear heavy armor, and rarely use heavy weapons.

  • Pirate: In general, a Pirate will use a combination of weaponry instead of specializing - usually being able to switch freely between pistols and swords. They may also receive bonuses for fighting in water terrain or on ships, or be the best class at swimming. May have some aspects of the Bandit, as they are a bit more Fighter-focused than other classes, but they are not as strong as a Bandit in terms of physical strength.

Cleric Classes

 (There may only be two Clerics for a party, and only one of a type from below.)

  • Priest: A squishy, physically-weak and melee-inept healer with little abilities at offense aside from specific types of enemies, most commonly demonic entities and the undead. They specialize in healing wounds, injuries and diseases. They are the most healing-oriented from all Cleric classes and often stick close to Fighters, as to help them heal up during a fight.
  • Battle-Priest: A badass, tough warrior, carrying blessed weapons and sometimes anti-undead\unholy gadgets, like holy water grenades, or salt traps. This version of the Cleric can dish out steady melee damage and heal at the same time. They tend to be closer to Clerics than Paladins, who in turn tend to be closer to Fighters. 
  • Witch Doctor: (Claimed by @M Class)A version of the cleric flavored for a more shamanic, nature-worshiping culture as opposed to the generally Monotheistic religion most Cleric-using settings use. May be slightly more magically offensive and overlap with the Nature Magician in some ways. Witch Doctors tend to be similar to the Priest, however they have a slight offensive vibe to them, that allows them to slightly help the team dish out some damage against enemies.
  • Templar: (Claimed by @Aukanai) Named after The Knights Templar, the Templar is more of an assassin mixed with a Cleric. The chief role in the story is generally to do the church's dirty work, ferreting out heretics and covering up the great conspiracy. In battle, they may be anything, but tend to be a jack of all trades, weaker than a Paladin, Cleric, or Rogue in their specialties, but able to handle all of their roles to one extent or another. They can also be defined as Mage Killer / The Witch Hunter.

Ranger Classes

(There may only be two Rangers for a party, and only one of a type from below.)


  • Hunter: (Claimed by @Birdsie) The Hunters are woodsmen skilled at surviving in the wild. They may be lumped in with Fighters or Rogues (above) but more often than not are a separate tree of classes all their own. Archery is generally their favored skill, although most can fall back on swordplay if necessary. Hunters may also be skilled in some form of wilderness or nature magic. They may be very good at fighting a specific type of enemy, and often take on the specialization in eliminating such foes. Rarely, may have access to guns as well as bows.
  • Sniper Ranger: (Claimed by @Liralli) This version is totally reliant on archery, but usually does higher damage because of it. They usually won't bother to carry around a sword, and probably won't know how to use it, but they may have a dagger on hand in case some thing crawls up too close. May have a variety of status-inflicting arrows to slow or otherwise annoy the living hell out of their enemies. Keeps to the back of a battle, to have a better position of aiming and to be more safe. They tend to be targets for Assassins, as standing at the very back and constantly staring at the front of the fight to kill enemies leaves them vulnerable.

  • Trapper Ranger: The Trapper is a character who can lay down various traps in an area that the enemy can walk into, making them vulnerable to ambushes or follow-up attacks. The traps are usually technological stuff, such as small explosives, mines, tripwires, arrow traps, smoke bombs, poison bombs and others. The Trapper Ranger tend to have some sort of technologically-advanced ranged weapon, like an auto-crossbow with multiple bolts per 'magazine,' or they may have a bow that summons arrows to itself via magic.

           Other Classes

(Classes that don't fit into the other categories go here. There can be up to 2, and they cannot be of the same type of class.)

  • Spellblade: The Magic Knight, also more commonly known as a Spellblade, is a hybrid Fighter/Magician class with a focus on close-to-medium range combat. The key distinction between different versions of this class is how connected the Fighter and Mage parts are: there is a difference between using a sword and magic, and using magic to improve your sword/fighting abilities. They often approach close to fight, and help their fighting by adding a few spells of different types, just like the Red Mage, however the Spellblade is most similar to a Swashbuckler from any other class, as they do not use any armor at all, or they may use light armor on rare occassions.
  • Bard: The Bard is a class specializing in music. Perhaps understandably, they're butt of a lot of jokes in fantasy settings, however, depending on the setting, they may be useful. Bardic songs are generally useful for buffing allies, weakening enemies, status effects, and occasionally damage, and of all the classes, Bards are the most likely to be good at diplomacy with NPCs, handling trade and other such things. 
  • Monk: The Monk is partway between the Fighter and the Rogue... kind of. They are usually bare-fisted warriors who either eschew weapons entirely or use only martial artsy weapons like nunchucks and staves. They often have access to some sort of build up attacks. Self-sufficiency is what sets them apart from classes relying on fragile magics, higher powers or expensive items.
  • Engineer: This is a character class that relies on technology, often of the Steam Punk or Magitek variety, to achieve ranged controlling effects similar to a wizard. They most likely have guns and bombs as primary weapons, and employ stationary and/or mobile machines on the battlefield.
  • Gunslinger (Claimed by @Gabriel97): The Gunslinger is the wielder of firearms, using pistols, rifles and shotguns. They tend to be useless on close range, unless they have a special weapon for close range like abovementioned shotguns. Their weapons may have special, enchanted bullets, or silver bullets for supernatural beings. The Gunslingers' weapons usually take a while to reload, and lower damage than bows, however their bullets tend to easily pass through heavy armor, as opposed to normal bows, or crossbows.
  • Alchemist: (Claimed by @SomeAnimeWeirdo) An Alchemist combines items, magic or otherwise, to create potions or bombs to use in battle, often mixing them together during battle. Oddly enough, of all of the classes, they're the ones most likely to be good at throwing things, partly because bombs aren't going to deliver themselves to his enemies.
  • Beastmaster: Beastmasters specialize in controlling a powerful "pet" to fight by their side. The pet can be anything from a tamed animal to a summoned elemental to a constructedGolem, but usually it serves as a front-line melee combatant while the master hangs back to support it with healing and long-range attacks. In extreme cases the master does not take part in combat at all. Sometimes a Pet Master can ride their pet, and use it as a sort of cavalry class, where the pet does the fighting, or they can simply use it for travel. If the pet is large enough, the whole party might be able to use it for travel.

If you're interested then claim a class, ask a question or show interest in general down below in the replies.
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After a little thought, I guess I'll take Magic Knight\Spellblade. If anyone wants it let me know, I'm willing to change\trade.
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Already found the forum, but thanks Birdsie! 

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