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Partners in Magic


Gentlemenly Gentlemen
Brief intro: "Oh what time is it. Oh well, my name is Johnny Caynes and I'm a well I'm a pretty damn good piece of work. My job well my preferred job is to earn money and drink heavily. See I'm a bit of con man but something keeps getting in my way. Horrors from beyond the phial and I always end up getting roped into stopping them. I mean the world is a load of shit but guess it's still home. Plus 
Name: Johnny Caynes
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bisexual 
Species: Witch 
Traits and Abilities:  
John has been in a fair share of brawls though he still ain't a great fighter with no formal training. His smoking hasn't done his movement very well as running will end with him coughing up holy hell and much besides. The real aces up his sleeve are one his intelligence as Johnny boy is as quick wit and he knows it, as he normal is able to figure what is going hopefully how to stop it and is very good coming up with plans on the spot. The second ace is his charm as John is armed with a bedevilling smile and roguish nature which makes him appeal to people and makes them feel like they can put their trust in them. Often too there determent. Johns also not bad with a few 'magic' tricks such as knowing a thing or two about escapology or card tricks. Still, I wouldn't hire him for ya birthday party.
Through his farther's blood line and John's own study, he has some magical abilities. The most basic one he knows Spell Casting and Channeling. He never did learn too much about potion brewing unless you describe mixing drinks as a magical ability.  He mostly likes rune magic maybe cause it means you can write rude things on, the floor. Still, he has two more abilities. The first one being elemental control though it only reaches to fire and even then he can't like control like a volcano. He mostly has it cause its handy when you don't have a lighter for a cig. The other is astral projection which seems to come from having his father be a witch. It helps when he needs to think. Plus it's really trippy. 

Any sort of physical damage that would kill a human so breaking the neck or blood-loss.
John is quite an arrogant prick which can be used against him especially if he thinks he's right or has the upper hand when he doesn't.
Like most magic it requires focus so if that is broken well John is pretty boned.
John is not the most trustworthy man as he has gotten his friends hurt in the past. 

Brief intro: "Oh what time is it. Oh well my name is Johnny Caynes and I'm a well I'm a pretty damn good piece of work. My job well my preferred job is to earn money and drink heavily. See I'm a bit of con man but something keeps getting in my way. Horrors from beyond the vial and I always end up getting roped into stopping them. I mean worlds a load of shit but guess its still home. Plus 


Personality:Sardonic with a love for sarcasm. He disrespects authority instead wanting to go on his own path. He can be seen as quiet arrogant but that mostly comes from his years of experience. Still he does make mistakes. Johnny can seem quiet callous at times which comes from him knowing what will happen if he fails. Still he does have his own sense of morals. He doesn't much care about witches and the 'Nature of Balance' again wanting to go his own way.

History and Bio: Johnny grew up in merry old Liverpool. He didn't live a happy life. Mummy didn't like him and Daddy wasn't there. Still Johnny survived. He wasn't one for education even at this young age he thought following orders was in words 'bollocks'. As he grew up Johnny  began to get involved with odd things, and that wasn't just his love of punk rock. Seriously you should of seen his hair. His  self taught study of magic lead him on some odd, sometimes dark even monstrous paths. Paths that would give would be brutal and harsh but also bright like finding out who his farther was. Still there was once a path so dark it might as well be a wound on him...

Other: Johnny lives in an apartment with many mystical  items such as books, spells and many put out cigs. 

@Robyn Banks


Brief intro: 

"Why do I have to tell you about myself when my information is right there? the phrase here is common sense, Genius."



Hana Decody









Openly Bisexual






Monster hunter

(Family business)






Agility and flexibility:

she is fast and agile in battle, able to outmaneuver almost any opponent she came across and jump exceptionally high and far, even from a stationary position. She was also limber; able to twist, bend, and contort herself into positions nearly impossible for an ordinary person to achieve. These abilities also granted her impressive parkour and free-running skills, allowing her to scale almost any surface or terrain quickly and squeeze through most barriers and small spaces with noticeable ease.


 Martial art:
Through years of experience (and likely a few close calls), she became a master at hand-to-hand CQC (close-quarters-combat) and, on more than one occasion, she was able to out-maneuver and defeat other experienced combatants.


When Hana fires a shot, it typically is going to hit whatever she was aiming for. She's able to account for a moving target and adjust her aim well for such occasions




Well verse in all things supernatural


Supernatural Abilities:

Look at the witch section on species



Look at the witch section on species


She is also afraid of heights 



Hana is extremely brave, resourceful and practical.Perhaps Hana's most noticeable trait is her proneness to boredom. She is constantly agitated by the lack of work, describing peace and quiet as "hateful". Even if a case is offered to her, he won't take it unless she finds it sufficiently interesting (though it is worth noting that she seems to significantly lower his standards as she gets more desperate). In the absence of case work that meets her criteria, she will go to extreme lengths to keep herself occupied, even turning to drugs in more extreme situations. She even went so far as to accuse the criminal class of slackening, viewing that as the cause of her boredom.


Even though Hana keeps herself in excellent physical shape, she is known to have very bad eating habits. She is often shown enjoying greasy, fattening or otherwise unhealthy food, especially cheeseburgers and pie, and dismisses salads as "rabbit food".


Hana enjoys the uncomplicated things in life, such as good food and television. She almost constantly displays some level of humorous behavior, and frequently makes light of tense situations. She sometimes appears foolish due to this habit, but this seems to be merely her means of dealing with the stress of hunting.


Sh seems to have a sense of humour, though it is very sarcastic and can be quite dark. Sherlock is amused, most notably, by the stupidity of others in comparison to herself. 


She can be ruthless, cold and fierce while hunting and is less likely to show mercy to her opponents.


History and Bio: 

to be revealed as time progress




(She calls it Vincent)


The door was knocked out by a steady rhythm of Hana's right hand, her left was in the back pocket of her black pants. She was suffering a little from jet lag and the anxiety of wanting her 8 hour trip to be over. She eyed her watch, twelve o'clock, which resulted in her sighing. 

The streets were loud and the people were rowdy, just the place she expected him to be. "Mr. Caynes, Can you open the door?" She paused for a moment before knocking again. 

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Johnny had been awake for about half an hour. He had gotten up at the bright and early time of half eleven. Staying at this miserable hotel wasn't doing him any favours in the sleeping department, else he might have gotten up later. The room was comprised of a bathroom and a bedroom. The bedroom had a tv that looked like it came from about twenty years ago and brought the picture quality along with it. The beds made a squeaking noise, like that of a mouse in a trash compactor. The lamps didn't do much to illuminate, expect to show the damp patch at the corner of the rather small room. The bathroom didn't improve on quality much with a shower head that needed a few punches to get going and even then is seemed schizophrenia about the whole hot and cold scenario. The toilet was surprisingly alright. 

After getting out of bed, the con man head to have his morning fight with the shower. He had been doing this for about a week, as he had been staying in this area of Birmingham for a job which he had just cleared up. A poltergeist was in the area and well someone knew someone who knew Johnny Caynes.  This thankfully would be the last day he was here, hence all of his stuff was bagged up. Well in a single bag that is, Johnny is a master of light travel. After winning the shower fight. he ate a breakfast bar and had a bad energy drink, he started to get dressed before a knocked went at the door. Answering it with his: black trousers and half buttoned up white shirt with a red untied tie he says "Yeah can I help.... how the bloody hell did you find me?" as he looks on an all to familiar face. @Robyn Banks  
Hana simply smirked. "Nice to see you too...You're not that hard to find, always in the same beat up place, doing the same damn thing over and over. Like wearing that outfit." She whistled. "Same old Johnny, just a different day. Though, I'm surprised... You're not drunk." She leaned against the wall for a moment. "So can I come in or what? No worries, I'll let myself in, like always." She slid past him to make her way into the hotel room, scanning the perimeter. It was in worst conditions than she expected. She placed herself on the bed, hearing an irritating squeak. This resulted in her attempting to keep still. "So how's your vampire girlfriend? Julie? Sarah? Nicole?" She asked, though failing at the name. They haven't talked much since they parted seperate ways,  in honesty she didn't care about what happened but being polite was a virtue. 

"I have a proposition for you. There's a lot of cases out there that needs solving and the witches I tried to partner with at the given were all too uptight. I'm willing to give you double the amount a gave you before with a monthly salary." She said digging into her bag. She pulled out a few stacks of cash and placed it own the table. "50,000 pounds sign in bonus... Why do they call it pounds anyways? Huh. I guess that's a question on a later date." She looked about at him and shrugged. "It's not your doing anything anyways, unless you want to keep living on the generosity of others."

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Hana Decody, the most sarcastic cold abrasive witch you may every meet in your entire life. Not to Johnny hated her just that normally when she came calling it meant trouble.  There was always the risk the coven had finally decided to take him out, due to some past transgressions, and using a friend was a dirty if effective tactic. Stil even after of all that part of that was glad to see her again. "Yeah well at least I don't wear slightly masculine clothing like I have to make up for something" he responded in a sarcastic tone. "Yeah well look who's talking, I mean you could call me and also yes I do do other things," the con man says in slightly annoyed tone though still with an overriding tone of bemusement. He sighed "Look I need to be in this town to take care of something and this place was cheap" he explains as Hana sits down.  As she goes on about his vampire girlfriend, John thinks back to hear. And how it ended. With a sigh, he says "Jessalyn and yeah it was good for a while but things... ended" with a slightly melancholic tone.

Deciding to leave the past in the past, he listens to the Hana. "Really no one wanted to partner up with a witch whose in love with her car and speaks more in sarcastic quips than English," he says in a teasing tone before saying "though with an offer like that who could I refuse". Looking at the money he says "Why is it called dollars then" he responded sardonically. Putting out his hand he says "I guess you are right what else would I do" he says half in truth half sardonically, after all, he did just stop a poltergeist.  "So shall we shake on it, partner?". @Robyn Banks
"Calling isn't certain because there's always the chance that you might hang up. Anyways, it more efficient to talk to someone in person." She said. She started to crack up. "I'm sure you do do other things too." That phrase was evident of how immature she was at times. Her face shifted into a more in... Tense expression after his response about his ex. She didn't exactly know what to say or do since showing sympathy wasn't exactly something she did very often.  So she decided to go on with her proposal. 

"I know right, I'm so lovable. But, at least I know there's someone out there that can tolerate me to a certain extent." She perked her  brow at his sardonic reply "Because dollars is a smooth thing to say,  plus it brings smiles to people's faces. Unlike pounds, it makes me feel like their offering me more weight to gain." She hopped off the bed and shook his hand to seal the deal. "Glad you see it my way, Now I am curious to what you had to do? Might be interesting and I of course, can assist." She didn't mind spending extra time in England mostly due to the fact that it would postpone the time needed to go to the hellhole they called an airport. "Come on, you can tell me on the way there." She said beckoning him to the door. 

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"That is true but to my credit, you do always manage to get me in a load of shit," Johnny says in a slightly sardonic tone in response to her reasoning for not calling. "Oh well aren't you funny" he responded to her comment about doing things. For one of the more professional witches he knew, she seems to have a streak of bemused immaturity in her While putting away the stacks of dollar bills into his bag he says "Yeah well considering what you eat I'm surprised you don't have a few more pound on you". As the con man grabs his only bag, again travelling light comes in handy, he follows his companion out of the hotel. Handing the dishevelled receptionist the key to his room he wanders off. "Well some friends of friends called me into help with a poltergeist, I owed them a favour, but that's dealt with now," he says in slightly proud tone. Hanah always did think he was wasting time but helping. "So there ain't much we can do... unless you fancy chasing up a lead," he says as thinks back to something he heard something vile and wrong on every human level. A man eaten from the inside out. "It isn't pleasant FYI". @Robyn Banks
Hana slid her thumbs in the front pockets, as she walked out the door. "Wow, aren't you so cool. Taking down a poltergeist by yourself." She commented with a smirked. Now she was faced with two decisions; rent a car or call a taxi. She honestly didn't know how to drive in england since they used different lanes than she was used to back in america. But, Taxi were also a hassle. 'Where there ubers in England?', she thought pulling out her phoem to check. "Do you know how to drive?" She asked him,  strolling through her phone. She look up at him with a beam in her eyes. "Yes I would love to take the lead. What's the case? Where's the lead?" She shrugged as he went on to tell her how unpleasant it would be. "No supernatural case is for the faint of heart. It was there would be more people in the field."

"Eh cheers ya don't give credit out easy do you mate," he says in a slightly bitter but overall bemused tone. "Besides what have you been up to besides keeping your eyes on me, " he says to bring up the point that Hana or at least the Coven have been keeping an eye on him. "We have ubers, yeah or you could just go-" he says before he yells Oj taxi" over to the cabby. Opening the door for his companion in a slightly mocking 'my lady' way, before jumping.  Johnny says "West street please mate" to the cab driver before looking back to his companion. "There was a report of a man who died from starvation right in the middle restaurant before he died however he order almost everything and ate with the speed of wild dog when he ran out of food he tried to eat the table cloth and even took a bite out of the woman. The body was as thin as hell, you could see his rib cages.  I looked into a bit but I still had to deal with the other job but I did find a few things. Like the  Coroner saying it was like the guy was inside out," Caynes explained while handing his companion a note. Hunger demon. "Not point talking about it out loud" he muttered to her.  @Robyn Banks
"I give credit when credit is due. If I give compliments all the time it loses meaning. Anyways I have an actual J-O-B. there's numerous things for me to do to keep myself occupied than watching you."  She said still scrolling through her phone until he could out for a taxi. "That works too especially since you didn't try to get yourself hit this time." She joked, stepping into the vehicle. Hana was very punctilious about the information she was given about the case. Looking at the note, she nodded. "Alright we need to go to that resturant to ask some questions, I doubt that it will be fresh in their minds but we could ask to see the camera footage. We might see something that was missed." She placed a finger under her chin, still in thought. If it was a demon, it wouldn't be easy to get rid off but it was possible. "Has there been any cases like this in the past that you know off?"

"Well it's good to see your still a ray of sunshine," he says in a mocking tone "Yeah I assumed you have many jobs to do but do any of them let them watch something as good looking as me".  As Hanah joked to him about running in front of the taxi he recalls how they meet. The events that transpired, him going to another dimension her defending the town. After that, they decided to call their partnerships quits for a while. They both could do with a break. Johnny expected, well maybe hoped it would be for a bit longer. Coming back to the case at hand he says "I don't know forgetting stuff like that won't be easy but yeah footage would be good, maybe the d- the distressed man said something" Johnny says covering his tracks. Taking back the note paper he writes something else down. Stealing the hotel pen was a good idea. The note now read 'Hunger demons possess people, eat from the inside, people eat anything and everything try to stop it'. "Yeah a few times, it gets messy but taking care of it ain't the worst". @Robyn Banks 
"Things aren't as fresh in the minds of people as it is when the scene accord which is why it's preferable to talk to witnessed right after it happens. If we get the footage,  we might not only see what words were spoken but maybe see something that could easily be missed." She said gesturing him to hand over the note and pen. I'm aware of what it can so. Demons are typically stronger when they have a host, there's a high chance that it could've transfered into someone else that was at the resturant when it happened. If we want to get rid of it permanently, we might have to perform an good old fashion exocism and also find out it's name. Which won't be easy...You know we could just text, like normal people. She handed the two objects back to him so that he could read it. "By the way how good is your Latin?" She asked out of curiosity. The driver stopped the car before turning to his passengers. "Here's your stop." He taking out his hands for the money. She dug through her purse to pull out the amount needed and handed it to him. Making her way out,  she examined the place. She found it favorable that it wasn't a busy day, which would make it easier to get a full grasp on what occurred though she would expect the few customers to be due to the fact that ut was only one o'clock and the lunatic, dead man. 

"Well alright, Holmes I guess footage seems like a better option but I need to ask about what the people saw, especially concerning large amounts of bugs. Handing his companion the note paper, Johnny thinks more on his past encounters. It would be good if he could get his hands on a bottle and a knife. Reading the note back of her he says "I'm old-fashioned plus it saves time not worrying about what we said with that auto correct bollocks". As they approached the restaurant he responds to the question about latin by saying a simple "I know enough to get by in our line of work". As they arrive, Johnny, being the classic gentlemen, lets his companion pay without any worries.  As the taxi drives away he explains to her "Look the one good things about these things is that they are instinct based, they don't think they can hardly talk hell, so getting the name might involve... looking into its head" in a rather serious tone. Continuing on with his explanation he says "The last two times I trapped them in a rune marked bottle, so getting me  bottle and a knife might be an idea, oh one last thing these buggers take the form of bug swarms when not in people's bodies so I hope your don't flies or cockroaches, cause you might be meeting a few"  before going into place. As Hanah looked about John went over to the bar ordering a bottle of whisky. Barman looked a bit confused but when John pulled the money out of his bag, well he seemed a fair bit happier. @Robyn Banks
Hana gave a loom of disgust as she read the note. "Bug swarms? " She said aloud. She was starting to feel glad that she haven't had to deal with a hunger demon prior to this first hand. Hana perked her brow as her partner continue to give her some useful information about their adversary. "Greeaat Bugs, what can be better than that." She stated. She went through her purse and twirled her pocket knife in her hand before handing it to him. "I think this should do for now." She smirked. "I'll see what I can find in the computer room." She said walking in before they parted their separate ways. 

The manager of the establish wad wondering around until she stopped him. "Excuse me, I need to see your camera room as well  your thoughts on what happened a while ago." She pulled out a badge holder and showed him what was inside. To the eyes of witches it would be a blank sheet of but to an average human it would look like anything she desired, this one would be a reporter's badge. 

"Yeah sure, Though you don't sound like your from around here."

"Transferred from america, Thanks for noticing." 

The man didn't ask any further questions while taking her to camera room. Her went through the old tapes before finding the one that he was looking for. He then inserted it in. "I'll leave you to it." He said,  Hana gave him a nodded before peeping her head out the door. "John can you come here for a sec?"

(Sorry I've been busy.)

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As he was given the whisky bottle, Johnny down a bit of it before ripping off the label. The barman looked a bit perplexed but then again, the healthy tip Joh gave him seemed to be taking most of his attention.The con man found it rather weird to have this much cash in pocket, well bag, for a change. After all, he normally ended up living job to job eating what scientist have own be able to describe as edible.Still, it did feel somewhat good to know he wouldn't have to do it for a while.  Taking the knife that Hanah gave him out of his pocket, Johnny began to scratch a symbol onto the now half empty bottle. one that would hopefully help contain the terrible monstrous being that was now out in the world. Thinking back to his past encounters had done little to help. The broken people, the skin stretched withered as if they had been left to die in a desert. That would have been a better way to go than dying the way they did. 

Johnny was broken out of his thought of past by the yelling of his partner. "Huh yeah sure what is it," he says as he walks over to the camera room. Looking around he sees the tape. "Guessing this is the one that has the attack on it" he mutters to her. "Fun family viewing. @Robyn Banks 
"You are correct. I figured four eyes are better than two and unfortunately I don't have glasses so you're eyes will be my alternative." She said sliding the tape into the outdated VCR. The all the TVs started to show different locations of the restaurant that night. "Alright, why don't we fast forward this a little bit." She said before pushing a button to fast forward until she spotted the victim walking in. "I suppose this was Mr. Gluttony." She said watching him walk through the door, he looked malnourished to the point of disturbance. She watched the events unfold from the waitress showing him his table to the part where he went in for a bite of her. Suddenly a swarm of bugs went crawling out of his body as he took his last breathe. Hana felt the urge to look away but she couldn't miss anything important then she hit the jackpot. She played it back one more time to make sure she didn't make a mistake. "Look Johnny,  I think I found the demon's next host." She said playing it once more to show him. It was a middle aged woman who seemed to be ingesting some of the bugs. "Gross...Let me just zoom in." She said typing in a few keys to get a better look at her. "Now all we have to do is find out who this person is... Did you see something I missed? Maybe we could find out something important."

"Wel its good to know I you value my input," Johnny says in a sarcastic tone as the tape is placed inside the VCR, Seemed the security was as ancient as the creature they were going up against. "Yeah let's get to the fun part," John says sardonically as Hanah fast forwards the footage. Watching the footage, the con man felt every muscle in his body clam up with a base fear, as every bone in his body feels a chill as cold as ice.  The man looked like his throat had never seen food. When he went to bite her, Johnny could swear he saw the man's sorrow eyes for a split second, before the demons rage and hunger took control back.  The swarm of bugs just confirmed what Johnny already knew. This was indeed the hunger demon.  Playing the footage back, the con man paid more attention trying to catch anything he missed, before his partner pointed out the obvious. Looking over the to the woman he says "Yeah though it doesn't look like it will go well for the little miss" he says as he pulls out a cig. Placing it in his hand he says "Yeah look at the badge on her uniform" he says as he stops the footage. "Butchers, might keep the thing busy for a while and when was this yesterday, day before? We might be in time to get her after all I don't think it's that far from her"  as he recalls seeing said butchers in the taxi ride over. "Let's go". @Robyn Banks
She started to zoom in to get a better look of the woman,  it was hard to get a description of her such as: hair and eye color, height, etc. But her facial structure would be good enough. She started to print out the picture before spinning the swivel chair towards her partner. She looked bewildered for a moment as he want on. "Butchers?" She asked, getting up. She took the paper from the printer and analyzed it to make sure it came out decent,  before following her partner out the door. She stepped into the taxi, that was smellier than the last one, she would like to note. God knows how much she missed her car, parked in the airport all alone, the thought of it made her feel weird. "So who the hell is butchers?  Don't get me wrong, that's a pretty badass name but don't you think it would be nice to tell me who this person was so I could be more helpful?"

The zoomed in picture confirmed who this person worked for. It might keep the hunger demon busy for a little while but still, it had been a day since the incident at the restaurant, well it didn't bode well for Johnny.  Hearing the confusion in Hana's voice, the con man simply says "Yeah come on".  Walking out of the restaurant with just a small wave of the hand to the staff, Johnny yelled "Taxi" to one on the opposite side of the road. You could call it luck getting the cab so easy, but with what they were up against, it was more like pity. Once inside Johnny says to the man driving "Mate someone done a shit back here or something" he says in a jokey tone. Listening to Hana, Johnny couldn't help crack a smile and even laugh a little. "You don't have butchers over in Yankee land?" he asks in a slightly bewildered but more bemused tone. Grabbing the picture he points to a logo on the woman's shirt.  While a bit hard to make out it did read ' Benson's Butchers Birmingham' and since Johhny had been all over the city with his recent job he came to recognise it on his travels.  "It's a place a shop you go to buy fresh meat and stuff, like pork and sausages, perfect place for our friend to have snack". @Robyn Banks
She was a little confused to why he was laughing at her. "What? Did I say something funny?" She asked. When he started to speak, she started to feel a little more enlightened. "Oooh you meant a butcher shop. Yes we have those in America but mostly slaughter houses, the key to america is capital rather than what's healthy." She gave him a playful nudge. "You made me think there was some cool guy name butchers. You need to learn to clarify more, Johnny." It wasn't long before she rolled down the window, closing her eyes, sticking her head a few inches out of the vehicle to catch her breath from the horrid scent. Made her wonder if someone really did shit in there. When she opened it, her eyes met with a woman with her child in the back seat; both of them look at her as if she was insane. This resulted in Hana giving her a slight, akward wave and moving her head back in the taxi. She crossed her arms before sighing. "I miss Vincent. How long is it going to take to get the butcher's shop?"

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"Really you mean America isn't the healthiest country in the world, then again consider one of our most famous foods is greasy chips and battered fish well I guess it's just kettles and coffee pots eh," Johnny says in a sarcastic tone. Smiling bemusedly at the nudge he says "Yeah well sorry though knowing a guy called butcher isn't high on my list of people to try an meet". As his partner stuck her head out of the cab window, like an overly excited dog, the con man looked over the photo. This person was gonna die. There was nothing him or his partner could do about it. He sighed. He wasn't optimistic or naive enough to think he could save every poor soul, nor was he cynical enough to think he shouldn't try to save people. Taken back to the real world by the lovely smell of the cab, John puts his sleeve over his nose. It didn;t help by any great amount but anything was better than getting the full frontal smell. Looking out the window he says "Yeah still in love with that car are ya lass, well glad to see you don't change, and yeah I think we're here"  he says rather quickly as he gives the cabby the money before opening the car door. "Seriously mate clean that thing out" he yells over to the cab driver as he heads toward the butchers. @Robyn Banks

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