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Partner wanted for romance plots/pairings


One Thousand Club
Roleplay Type(s)
Hi all,

First, I'm sorry my thread isn't all fancy and coded and whatnot. But, I'm looking for more long term partners again. I have a variety of plots/pairings/fandoms (though my fandoms are slim) that include romance as a fairly large aspect. My intro is a bit long and I apologize, but I'd appreciate if you read everything.

I guess I'll tell you a little bit about what I will give you and then I'll list sort of what I expect in return. So I guess I'll start with a little bit about myself...I'm a senior in college, currently a double major and applying to law school. As my username suggests, I'm a bit on the shy/quiet side. I don't remember when I started role playing but it's been a few years, at least. English is my first language, but I am in no way perfect at it. I'm human and mistakes are bound to happen, but I promise I make my best effort to proofread my responses. I tend to do my 1x1 over PM for no specific reason, if you'd prefer to do it over thread I'm fine with that too. As I mentioned before I'm a double major in my senior year, applying to law school, in addition, I hold a job on campus and am committed to a couple of other positions on campus. However, I manage to get at least a response a day, most often more thanks to my insanely organized nature. I do my best to notify you when I can't be on but sometimes things happen. I'll always give you notice when I plan on being away for sometime, and I'd like the same treatment. With that being said, I'll go on to what I'd like from you.

I would like my partner to be 18+, not for the reasons most people would think, because I just tend to think those 18+ have more matured sense of writing and to be blunt have a better grip of reality. (sorry if that offends those under 18, nothing says my opinion is right but that's the way I feel). Please be able to reply once a day at least, more is preferred. Please communicate with me, whether it's about you being busy, you're just not interested anymore, etc. As dry and blunt as I may seem, I promise I'm a reasonable and understanding person. Just talk to me, I'll understand. Please contribute to the plot, I enjoy plot twists but it's no fun if I'm the one always creating it. (of course keep the plot twists realistic). I would prefer if you would play male, or at least be willing to double. I am capable of playing both genders but I have been playing mostly male in my rp's and I just need a change of scenery. I believe that is all I have as of right now, but if you have any questions or concerns I'm open to communication.

Pairings: (Bolded is my preferred role. Asterik means I have a plot idea for it)

College Professor x Student*

Rich x Poor

Good Girl x Bad Boy

President's Daughter x Potential Boyfriend or Secret Service or Opposing Candidate's Son

Country x City

College Students

Jock x Peer Tudor

Single Mother x Single Father

Unrequited friend crush*


Band member x fan*

Fandoms: (Bold is my preferred role)


Mike x Rachel

Harvey x Donna

Harvey x OC

Harry Potter:

Hermione x Draco

OC (Ravenclaw) x Draco

OC (Ravenclaw) x Harry

Ginny x OC 

Lily x James

OC x James

OC x Lupin


OUAT: (My ideas for these may not follow the show exactly)

Emma x Hook

OC x Hook

Megara (more of OC meg) x Hook

That's all I can think of at the moment. I may edit them as they are filled or as I think of more. Do feel free to propose your own ideas, I'm always up for hearing new ideas! I look forward to hearing from you.

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