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Realistic or Modern Partner search (ALWAYS OPEN)


lover of cats, and sharks
Hello fellow roleplayers,

I haven't been on this site in AGES, but would love to get roleplaying again! I prefer to roleplay FxM, and prefer doing things that fall under the romance genre. I am looking for someone who is active, and who has a lot of creativity that we could bring to these plots. If you see a plot you like, let me know and we can try it out.

I have a lot of plots that I have written that I could bring to the table, here are some examples of my plots:

You’ve known him since you were young, growing up, his mom was best friends with your mom. Now usually this would mean that the two of you are tighter than ever, except for the fact that you can’t stand him. He’s always been rude to you and isn’t any nicer in school. He’s popular, you’re not a loser, but you would never fit in with their crowd, and his friends tease you. You honestly can’t stand him, and you feel like he feels the same way. He’s just another arrogant jerk, and you vow that you will never be left alone in the same room with him. After the death of his mother, your family forces you to go over for support. To your surprise, he is good to you, and the two of you start talking. It turns out; he always knew his mother was sick, and he was the only one who knew. He promised to keep things a secret, he was just jealous that you had a mother. You tell him that it’s no excuse, and he promises that he will change and so will his friends. The thing is, he does change, but not when he’s around his friends, and that’s a big issue for you. If he’s willing to be your friend outside of school, why not during school. Why is he so ashamed? Will you ever find the courage to stand up to him?

Out of Place
She's a famous singer, all the girls envy her for her fame and beauty, and all of the boys want to get in her pants. Your little sister loves her, so you being the nice big brother you are enter some stupid radio contest to meet her. You end up winning and your little sister is thrilled, the day comes and you two are off to meet her idol. When you arrive to her backstage dressing room, you are surprised to find that she has put a gift basket together for your sister with tons of swag in it. She takes the time to take pictures with your sister and takes the time to talk to her when she is supposed to be getting ready for her show. Before the two of you leave she slips you a piece of paper and tells you to enjoy the show. While you are watching the show you reach into your pocket and find that she has written her number on it with the words 'text me' above it. The two of you start to text and she invites you to some events and parties that she makes appearances at. You two get very close but you know dating her would be out of the question due to her busy schedule. At a party, you end up getting really drunk and end up kissing her that night in your hotel room. Will you end up confessing? Or just blame it on the state of mind you're in?

Everyone knows who your father is, he is the only club owner in a small town. Now your father is very cheap, and tries his best to cut edges to save as much money as he can. Leading to you having to work for your own father. You waitress at the club and spend most nights there, you are very familiar with the staff and often find yourself hanging out with them after hours. There's the one bartender who wants to have nothing with you, he won't even give you the time of day. Sure, you find him good looking, but all you want to do is have a decent conversation with him. One night, your father forces you to close the club, to your surprise the bartender is there. Nothing changes, he barely talks to you but says goodnight at the end of the night. As you walk outside it starts pouring rain, and you've realized you don't have an umbrella. Just as you're about to start walking, bartender boy pulls up and offers you a ride home in his car, he states that he feels bad. The ride home is quite, there is tension between the two of you, and you both sit in the quiet listening to the radio. As he pulls up to your house he grabs his umbrella and walks you to the door. As you're about to walk in he kisses you and the sparks start between the two of you. You unlock the door and you both of you explode inside. He stops himself before anything else happens, he explains that he does think you're beautiful but just simply can't be with you because of club rules. He walks out on you, will you manage to convince him to sneak around just so that the two of you can see where things go.

Country Boys
You're a princess, you spend your morning shopping, and your nights sipping on cocktails with your friends. You have no rules and endless amounts of money. After a night of hard partying and maxing out one too many credit cards, your parents have had enough. They're sending you to their country house by yourself. You'll have no money, no service and will have to do chores of the daily. Once you arrive you are surprised to see that there is a man around your age, he has apparently been taking care of the house for your parents while they are gone. You think that this will be fun, the two of you, alone in a house. Only to your surprise he could care less about you. You've tried everything, worn revealing outfits, spent days by the pool tanning, even getting a little too tipsy and trying to make out with him. You're not used to this, back in the city boys would just throw themselves at you. You decide to give up and decide to just be friendly with him, at the end of the summer you leave and the two of you guys stay in touch. One morning, you open up your door to find him there with a suitcase. He realizes how much he misses you and is here to take you back, he's in town for a couple days and promises you that the two of you can be together as long as you head back to the country with him. Are you willing to give up everything just for the boy you chased after all summer?

The Wrong Thing *Another character could be added so it could be a double plot*
You're new to the city, after your parents divorce you decided to pack up and start fresh. You move into a building in the heart of downtown, as you're going down to the use the gym you realize you forgot your swipe key. It's early in the morning and you doubt that anyone will be there. To your surprise you find another female working out, after countless knocks on the door she finally opens up and lets you in. The two of you start talking and you've made yourself your first friend. Over the next few weeks you go over almost everyday after work and gossip over some wine. It's not the only reason why you go over, your new friend has the hottest boyfriend ever. You can't help but try to look good when you're around them, but you always feel guilty. A couple of months later, your friend finds out that her work is giving her the opportunity of a lifetime. She gets to spend the next 3 months in France and blogging about her experience. You know this is the perfect chance to get to know her boyfriend a little bit better, you know that their relationship has been on the rocks for a few weeks now. The two of you guys start hanging out, he makes you feel so special, but you can never seem to get the image of your friend out of your head when you are with him. Can you convince him to break it off with her, or will the guilt take over and will you back down?

The Odd One Out
You've been dating your boyfriend for the past two years, he moved to New York on a full scholarship for journalism. The two of you met on the first day of classes and have been dating ever since, now that the two of you have graduated you decide to take a trip to Paris to visit his family. You assume it'll be fun, getting to travel with the man that you love, you've heard stories about his family and you can't wait to meet all of them. As soon as you arrive you feel out of place, their house looks like a mansion and they have staff working for them. You wonder how your boyfriend hasn't told you about any of this. His family is rich, and then there's you...the girl who had to work multiple jobs just to make her way through school. Most of his family is accepting of you, except for his mother. She despises you since you aren't well off, she criticizes everything about you. You try and smile through it but it hurts you inside knowing that you can never be like them. Your boyfriend sits you down one day and tells you that visiting his family has made him realize that he wants to stay back in Paris and asks you to do the same. You obviously say yes, he is the love of your life and you can't see yourself without him. He takes care of everything and within days all of your personal belongings are in his house. You try your best to fit in and bond with his mother, one day you overhear her telling her daughter that you will never be one of them and the two of them are bound to break up. You run back to the room and start crying, you can't take it anymore as you start to pack. You tell your boyfriend you want to leave, to your surprise he isn't packing...he doesn't want to leave. You are faced with a difficult decision, since you know that if you leave it'll be the end of your relationship. You feel like you've wasted the past couple of years just to be with him, will you manage to suck it up and stay with him?

Your father owns a small shop in town when business starts to fall your dad sells to a wealthy man for 40/60. This devastates your entire family since you no longer have control of the company, but the man does allow the whole family to keep on working in the shop. Slowly, you all notice the small changes that are being made; you no longer play the same music, you are selling different items, and you go under a name change to promote better business. Day by day, you see how hurt your father is, and how he feels that he has let the family down. One night during the closing shift, the man comes in, and the two of you start talking. Once you get to know him better, you realize that he’s very sweet. He even offers to drive you home, when he drops you off, he gives you his number. The two of you start talking about forming a bond, but you must keep things hidden because your family hates the man who ruined their shop. You spend your entire weekends with him; he whisks you away on vacations so the two of you can be alone, will you ever have the guts to tell your family you fell in love with the man they hate?

An Online Love
Everyone knows who he is, you all watch his YouTube videos daily and you can't help but notice how much this man has changed your life for the best. One day, you decide to send him a message on a social networking site, letting him know all the things that he's done for you without knowing it. You hit send, knowing that he may or may not ever see what you've sent to him, when you check back later you are surprised to see that he actually replied, and wants to get to know your story a little bit better. You give him your phone number and you guys are non-stop texting, and even flirting. He invites you to New York to visit him for a few days, giving you both the chance to meet for the first time. You gladly accept his offer and book a flight within the next few days. While you're spending time with him, you can't help but start to fall for his charm, but you think that he could never be into you like that. Turns out, he is, he's just afraid to do anything about it. Who will make the first move?

A Secret Affair
You're the big CEO of a company, recently you and your wife have divorced and you've gained custody of the kids. You find it hectic trying to be a good father and raising your kids without it interfering with your work. After discussing it with your ex-wife, you both find that a live-in-nanny would be beneficial for the situation. You ask around your work and someone gives you a reference number, you call and interview her multiple times over the phone. Since you are so desperate to find someone you decide to hire her, she was friendly on the phone, had the experience needed and provided you with strong references. A few days later she shows up at your house, you are stunned to see how young she is, not only is she young she is gorgeous and you can't take your eyes off of her. As time goes by, you find yourself trying to be around her more, and making up reasons why you need to be alone with you. You can't take it anymore, you want to make a move but know that this will complicate your situation even more.

Hello! I would love to rp your plot stubborn with you! Pm me if you are interested :)
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Urban and an Online love are lovely. I really liked all of your plots lol. I'm on alot, and I'm quick to respond with meaning as well. Would love to RP with you if a chance arose.
Urban and an Online love are lovely. I really liked all of your plots lol. I'm on alot, and I'm quick to respond with meaning as well. Would love to RP with you if a chance arose.
Can you send me a pm ? :)
Hailee Hailee unfortunately the PM button is not visible on your screen. Could you shoot me one?

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