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Partner Search ♥ (always open)


"Little wanderer, hie thee home!"
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)



This is a partner search I've been longing to do and I'm super excited to get started. I need to plant a few things before I sort out the 

pairings with you guys. 


1. No on liners (It's ridiculous and I can expect more from you) I need at least a detailed paragraph or two.


2. I can be either male or female but that doesn't mean I 'm going to be male ALL the time because you're "uncomfortable" playing

a male character. Change it up a bit.


3. I love all gender pairings. LGBT friendly and all sexuality welcomed.


4. I love to double and play more than one character. I like to have several at a time actually.


5. No gmoding...it's ridiculous and I will instantly drop you. 


6. I only do realistic appearances.


7. If interested please pm me and comment down below also feel free to suggest Ideas. 



Role I'd prefer = Bold


Roleplays I really want to do =


Vampire x Human/Hunter ♥♥♥

Vampire x Werewolf ♥

Werewolf x Human/Hunter ♥♥

Ghost x Human ♥♥♥

Ghost x Ghost ♥♥

Druggie x Suicidal ♥

Suicidal x Psychopath ♥♥♥

Enemy x Enemy ♥♥

Best Friend x Best Friend ♥

Demon x Human ♥♥

Demon x Angel ♥
Hi!! I'd love to play the demon/ human story. I do a really crappy job playing a male, haa. I don't mind doubling to add more charecters, and I love writing at least one detailed paragraph. Please message me if you'don't like!! (:
Hi!! I'd love to play the demon/ human story. I do a really crappy job playing a male, haa. I don't mind doubling to add more charecters, and I love writing at least one detailed paragraph. Please message me if you'don't like!! (:

Will do :)
Ghost x Human sounds interesting! I have been really craving to play a female b/c I switch just like you-- but if you are already playing a male in numerous rps, let me know! I don't mind. ^u^
Hi! I'm interested in an mxm rp for either Ghost X Human or Enemy X Enemy if you're still looking!
What do you think of this?

Here's some fitting usic


Journey to Asaishiku

       A primitive tribal people known as the Kana were all that was left after their tribe had rebuilt, and recaptured their massive territory of Sampa from enemy tribes fixed on their eradication. After this war, those remaining began to wonder what lied beyond their land. Muse A, was among the few whom had travelled along their longest and largest river, until reaching the shoreline, where they spotted a large archipelago in the distance. They approached these islands and saw not another primitive and tribal people... but an advanced civilization. Although, as xenophobic as it was, several armored warriors had captured the Kana travellers before imprisoning them.
       The culture of this land was strange, and the laws, alien to the Kana. The native population didn't even look the same as them. Despite this, Muse A was determined to set their people free, and they did that by raising a prison break throughout their institution. As successful as it was, the Kana had no choice but to board the boats, and sail to the mainland to live free.
       After their landing, the determined prisoners spread out through the mainland. Although, the Kana had nowhere to go, and since they were foreigners, they could easily be found. It didn't take long for Muse A to be found by the local military, and their final option was to run. Muse A barely escaped with their life, although, they would not do well as an outsider in an alien and xenophobic culture. Therefore, once Muse A was nearly robbed and possibly killed by a group of thieves, that was when Muse B had stepped in, dispersing them from their operation. Muse B was a warrior without a servant, a ronin, a shameful title. They approached Muse A before ordering them to stick close to them as the sun began to set.
"Welcome to Asaishiku, outlander. Nobody's seen a gaijin like you for hundreds of years. But we cannot stay here for long. I know a place for you to rest your head."
(I'll be playing as Muse B.)

What's interesting about this story is how flexibly the gender roles of both Muse A and Muse B can be altered. The story isn't really much anything else other than a bunch of adventure and some romance.
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