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Fantasy Parissa Monet School For Young Witches OOC

Willow is definitely open to Romance, one just has to get past the part of dealing with someone who isn't just hot, they are on fire!
Okay, I kinda fell asleep while writing my post, but I had an idea!
What if the front office person was a spirit/ghost loyally working for the school, but they were also a security guard of sorts. So whenever they saw someone breaking the rules, such as curfew or someone breaking in/out, they would go full-on wraith and attack. They wouldn't need to be a ghost necessarily, just a monster of sorts who doesn't really sleep.

What do y'all think? Would that be too wild?

Just for you all to have. Im using this for Willows mood fire/color changes. I also hope my post was good, I am terrible at starting posts.
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Oooo.. I am going to have a decent sized Wyrm if thats the case. No bigger than a wolf though, its going to be adorable. Its also going to be small in its normal form but as familiars can in books... it can grow if needed. Though thats entirely up to you guys if familiars can do that. Its small enough to coil around her neck.

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I'd be cool with to doubling up as teacher.
For the Vodou witches from New Orleans I think I'd be cool to have some sort of history together- anything from having heard that family name once before to being neighbors.
As for plot, I think a 'family day' down the road could be pretty juicy. Have family members visit (or not visit) the school for a couple hours and let the angst ensue. A field trip to the Forbidden forest/desert/cave system/tomb/mountain/ancient ruins/whatever could be fun too. Lisette would be into this chocolate raid too.
Lastly, I was wondering how many girls are enrolled in the school.
I'd be cool with to doubling up as teacher.
For the Vodou witches from New Orleans I think I'd be cool to have some sort of history together- anything from having heard that family name once before to being neighbors.
As for plot, I think a 'family day' down the road could be pretty juicy. Have family members visit (or not visit) the school for a couple hours and let the angst ensue. A field trip to the Forbidden forest/desert/cave system/tomb/mountain/ancient ruins/whatever could be fun too. Lisette would be into this chocolate raid too.
Lastly, I was wondering how many girls are enrolled in the school.
Seeing as they’re both from important families, they probably have heard about each other. Not necessarily neighbors, but maybe they’d met in the past for a ritual/convention (I think they’re still a thing)/something else?
Seeing as they’re both from important families, they probably have heard about each other. Not necessarily neighbors, but maybe they’d met in the past for a ritual/convention (I think they’re still a thing)/something else?
Right. I was thinking name recognition at the very least. Maybe our grandmothers know each other or something. I think the LaNuit family have been policing (or attempting to) New Orleans Vodou for generations and people either appreciate it or hate it.
It definitely can, I can see her starting fires whenever someone sets her off. She's prone to bursting into flames as it is so all it takes is getting her flustered or angry.
Ill have another post up in the morning. Night all
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If no one is against it perhaps there can be a choir, I know I had planned for Willow to be a good singer, one of the things she enjoys besides getting into trouble. I personally see her voice as Merethe Soltvedt. An example of that is Willow's theme on the CS page.

Heres another, just because I love the vocals.
Yessssss! Family day is gonna be, say, two weeks after the girls arrive? And an adventure to the Forbidden Ruins is just what I had in mind!
If no one is against it perhaps there can be a choir, I know I had planned for Willow to be a good singer, one of the things she enjoys besides getting into trouble. I personally see her voice as Merethe Soltvedt. An example of that is Willow's theme on the CS page.

Heres another, just because I love the vocals.

Oooooh I LOVE that idea! Belladonna loves music, so I think she would join as soon as she realized there’s a chorus program. I feel like she would have a very rich, dramatic 1950’s jazz voice (think Ella Fitzgerald, Nana Simone, etc)

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