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Realistic or Modern Parac City

After hoping in line he turnd to Alicia "So they have five toco combinations and my groopon is for 3 street tocos of each. Anything else you want? Also what kinda meat wold Reagen like best?"
"Raegan likes pork. I want steak tacos." She said, looking around the resturant.
Lawrance smild and when it was his turn he told the cashier "I have a groupon, I'd also like to order extra stake tocos and a bowl of just Pastor" he gave the casher a charming smile and payed. Befoer putting his arm over Alicia and going to wait for there food.
Alicia blushes, surprised by the kiss. She then stands up on her tippy-toes, to kiss him back.
Lawrance smiles and pulls her closer momentarily, then there number is called. Lawrence grabs the food and puts his arm back around Alicia to walk back to the bike.
Alicia hops onto the back, handing Raegan his pork. She then wraps her arms around his waist, pulling herself close to him.
Lawrence took off and drove then for 15 minutes to the park, where he parked. He stroaped his backpack on graves a blanket and took the food on one hand and oferd the other arm to Alicia.
Alicia smiled, taking his arm. Her other hand grabbed Raegan's leash. They walked through the park until they found a space.
Lawrence spread out the blanket and gestured for Alicia and Reagan to sit. He unpacked the food and set Reagans bowl infront of him, "here, this is my favorite, just for you" he pet Reagans head before siting next to Alicia. Smiling at her he said "Monge, we have plenty of food".
Alicia and Raegan both spread out on the blanket, Raegan eating at his pork. Alicia carefully took a bite of one of her tacos.
Lawrence smiled at the Scene, wishing it would last forever. He unconsciously gave a goofy realy doughy grin. Before digging in to the food himself. Soon the fisrt band stared to play
Alicia ate her tacos, watching the band in awe. Raegen buried his head in Alicia's lap, a bit frightened by the foreign noise.
As he ate, Lawrance reached over with one hand and pet Reagan to calm him. Ocasinaly when he thought Alicia wasn't paying attention he fed him some of the meat from his tacos.
Alicia hummed, listening to the band, petting Raegan. She noticed him feed the dog, but didn't mind. Leaning over, she set her head on Lawrence's shoulder.
Lawrance set down his toco and shifted so smhis arm was around Alicia and he was still petting Reasgen. After a few songs he said "hey Reagan, if I ask your mom to dance, do you think she will say yes?"
Alicia nodded. "Yeah." Carefully, she moved his head off her lap, to then stand up with Lawrence.
Lawrance took one of her hands in his and put the other in her waist. And started to sway and move slowly to the music, enjoying to moment and his company.
Alicia smiled up at him, dancing along slowly with him. Raegan lied down, dozing off in the sun.
Lawrence and Alicia danced until tha band changed. When the new band started playing it was a latan band. Lawrence pulled away from Alicia and said with a soft smile "any chance you know how to Merengue?"
"It's easy just keep your shoulders and torso strate, we step in time with the beat and bend that knee and drop you hip on that side. I'm had to learn for a school project back in highschool " he said and then he moved his hand from her waist to shoderblads and began dancing with her. Lawrence wasn't an expert but he had fun.

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