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Realistic or Modern Pack Of Northern Winds

"I can't. You have to be Alpha. You have to or else this Pack will go into chaos. Dakota can do it but I can't," she whispered.
Moon shook her head, and instead tried to twist her body so she could pull the knife out

Ash sighed, "You'll be fine together" She mumbled
"Your not going anywhere Ash." Dakota came sprinting, fire covering him as he approached the two. He was hurt, for he had already engaged the humans the moment he heard the howls.
Luna lifted her head and saw Dakota, her spirits lifting. She whined and lifted her right paw, the thing still twisted in a wrong way. "Think you can help Ash ?" her voice weak.
Haru looked at her. He sighed, thinking why does he scare her so much. He sighed. "Well at this point, your health is more urgent." He said, pulling the knife out carefully.
Moon howled and writhed in pain, red flowing quickly from the wound. The bullet was stuck in her back leg, but that wound was hidden by her fur

Ash looked at her other Beta silently
Luna lifted the Alpha a bit higher, trying to make her as comfortable as possible. Well, as comfortable you can be with all these wounds. "Dakota, we need everyone to get in the cave hidden by the vines."
Ash suddenly froze, her eyes rolling back in her head as she collapsed onto her bad side

Moon was curled up, kicking at anyone who got close
"Put her on." Dakota leaned down, hoping they would put Ash on his back. "I know we do, but that will be your job. Head on back and I will take care of Ash.".
Luna whimpered, picking her now limp Alpha up and placing her on his back. She licked Dakota's nose and began limping back home, barking so they would hear. "Guys! Guys, we need to hide!"
Dakota started to trudge along, one of the biggest of the group he could carry Ash, but her wings were a problem. They were snagging on this and that, but he continued. "Come on Ash, wake up.".

Luna burst into healers cave, panting. "We-We need a healer for Ash! She's hurt! Moon!" she cried out, licking the pup across the ears. "Haru, is she alright?"
Haru looked up at Luna. "She was shot and had a knife in her back but she refuses to let us touch her."

Talon shook his massive black fur and ran towards them. He then saw his alpha, Ash. She was hurt. "What in the world happened to her?"
"Don't mind that now, give me a hand Talon." He practically barked the order, the frustration of the attack bearing down on his nerves.
Luna sighed. "Moon, 'hun, you have to let them heal you so you can get better. You can't go out hunting with a knife in your back<" she struggled to lie next to the pup, whimpering in her own pain.
They lumbered into the healer's cave, "Someone get her some help," Dakota layed down from the exhaustion, "Talon go cover the cave with the vines, close it up.".

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