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Realistic or Modern Pack Of Northern Winds

Moon nodded, not really understanding the word kill, but already making her way to the stream, staying silent. That was one thing Moon was great at, being as quiet as a mouse
Dakota awoke, shuddering off the morning with a brisk stretch. He searched for his mate, but unlike him, she was an early riser. He began his day by walking outside, taking in the wonderful morning air bit by bit. The snow was dense and walking through it was a tiring task alone, but with some struggle he made it to his leader. "Good morning Alpha.". She was watching the birds, an interesting hobby for a wolf, but it was something she was fond of.
There was a low howl and the startled sound of hooves. It beat it's way towards Moon until a doe came springing from the forest running straight to Moon with big, scared eyes.
Ash blinked at Dakota, "Good morning Dakota. Must I tell everyone to call me Ash?" She chuckled, watching him, "Lunas out with Moon, teaching her to hunt" She said softly

Moon was ready, and ran at the doe, leaping into it and biting its neck with sharp teeth
"Only the ones who have enough respect to call you Alpha." Dakota gave a slight laugh, "Hm, the pup stuck in a adult body?". Dakota liked Moon, she made Luna happy, which was enough for him to have a good opinion of her.
Ash nodded, 'I asked Luna to teach her to hunt. You never know when we'll be in a fight or desperately need food, and we need all the help we can get in those situations" She replied to her male beta
Luna came bounding into the lake, wrestling the deer down. She let out a whoop of success, calling Ash. "Good job, Moon! You did great! This'll feed the Pack!"
Moon grinned, tail wagging happily, "D-Do we take it back now?" She asked softly

Ash smiled at the whoop, "Come on. Lets go see what happened"
"Yes ma'am. You get to present it to the pack!" Luna nodded, taking one leg in her mouth. She indicated for her to do the same, the doe a bit heavy for one wolf.
"Sure." Dakota was smiling, but it was too early in the morning to be running after them. He began a steady walk in their direction.
"When was the last time we spotted the humans?" Dakota needed to be caught up, for he had been resting for quite some time.
Luna huffed, dragging the doe to a stop and laid down, panting. "Sorry. Just a little out of breath," she laid on her side, blood caked around her muzzle. "You should run ahead and get Ash."
"Good, we needed a break." His voice lowering to a whisper as Moon sprinted towards him. "Good morning, how was the hunt?" He peered around for the kill and his mate for that matter.
Moon's ears flattened, and she whined, nudging the beta then bolting back to Luna

Ash frowned, "Somethings wrong" She muttered, and ran after the young wolf
Luna sat up and her tail thumped happily. "Hey Dakota and Ash. I got a little tired," she stood and stretched. "I'm fine, Dakota," she licked his cheek and shook out her fur. "Moon had her first hunt!"
Moon padded up to Luna, whimpering. She had clearly panicked and thought there was something bad wrong, and she pressed her smaller body to the betas side.

Ash smiled, glad that everything was ok, "Well done Moon"
Luna smiled and nuzzled the pup. "I'm fine, Moon. Don't worry," she picked up the doe's leg. "Shall we get going?" she nodded to Dakota.
Luna hip bumped him and began dragging it home. She loved being next to Dakota, her mate being a sweet and gently wolf that made her feel special. She watched Moon carefully, waiting for her to trip.

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