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Realistic or Modern Pack Of Northern Winds

Moon continued to try and pull the deer, until she fell flat on her face with a yelp

Ash helped them drag it, and blinked as Moon fell over
Luna dropped the doe and nuzzled Moon, tail wagging. "Come on, you're doing great. How about you rest for a bit and we'll handle it?" she smiled softly.
Dakota let his eyes roll, Luna was allowing herself to be playful around the pup. It made him happy, but he had to retain his discipline in public.
Luna saw Dakota roll his eyes and she lowered her ears, moving back to her place to hold up the doe. She pulled forward, her eyes avoiding Dakotas.
Dakota sighed, almost releasing the leg. Luna was awfully sensitive and sometimes Dakota's sternness came off wrong. He wrapped his tail around hers, hoping to comfort her as they walked.
Moon padded along aside Luna, yawning widely.

Ash looked between the Betas. This was a reason she didn't have a mate yet, she was too afraid of how they'd react
Luna smiled and leaned into Dakota, smiling. She didn't like it, but when she was around Dakota, her emotions went haywire. She looked to Moon and smiled, glad the pup was growing up.
Haru walked out of the cave entrance, stretching his wings. He yawned and looked around, trying to wake his senses up. He was still a bit tired. He looked around and saw Moon and Luna. He padded over to the two ladies. "Morning." He said.
Ash looked at Haru and chuckled. Her fire coloured form was hidden behind Luna, and she smiled when he seemed half asleep, "Good Morning Haru" She said politely, and dropped the deer outside the entrance, gesturing for the others to do the same.

Moon yipped at Haru, but stayed near Luna, unsure of Harus reaction to the pup in a adult wolfs body
Luna smiled brightly and nodded. "Morning, Haru. You finally stop sleeping?" she laughed, joking. "You missed it. Moon just caught her first deer!" Luna bounced next to Dakota.
Haru smiled at the two before yawning again. "Sounds great! Good job Moon." He said. He bumped into Luna jokingly and walked towards Moon.
Luna smiled to Haru and sat next to Ash. "So, you think Moon's better now? Because, I did as you ordered and she did very well. I think maybe we just have to gradually slip her into adulthood. It'll be a bit longer but I can do it. I have the most patience," she nodded, big tail wagging.
Haru smiled. "Sounds like a plan to me." He said. He walked up to her. "Seems you are ready to become an adult." He said. He stretched his wings once more before looking back at her.
Ash smiled at Luna, "I think she'll always be the same. But I think she'll listen to you Luna" Ash said softly, "I'm proud of her"

Moon whined, backing away from Haru
Luna pressed her paw against Moon's back. "Now Moon. It's very rude to slip away when someone's talking to you. Haru is only being nice," Luna scolded softly, looking to Ash for a bit of back up.
Ash watched with a smile, "Haru won't hurt you Moon. He's a big softy" She assured

Moon whined, flattening her ears. the young acting adult wolf shivered
Luna moved her paw and pulled her into a hug. "Now, see here. Like Ash said, Haru's just the wolf that sleeps around and eats when he pleases," she teased, looking up to him with a defiant smile.
"And a big lug," Luna mumbled, looking over to Dakota. Her giant tail thumped, her mate still able to send her heart skittering. She looked to Ash and smiled. "So, boss, what's today consisting of?"
Moon still didn't look sure, and whimpered, then turned and bolted back into the snowy forest, not looking back

Ash's eyes widened, and she stood, ready to go after the pup-adult
Haru sighed. "When is she ever going to stop being afraid of me." He said, walking out into the forest. He hated these stupid wings. He trotted out, with no intention of scaring her more.
Luna bolted after her, herself being the fastest wolf in the pack. "Moon? Moon! Moon, please come talk to me, 'hun! Don't run away!" she cried after her. Luna knew the pup couldn't take care of herself and if she got lost...
Moon didn't turn back, terrified. Her paws thudded along the snow, and she had the advantage of not sinking into it as her powers over ice froze the parts beneath her paws. She didn't give up, just continued to run

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