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Fandom Overlord - Message From Another Time (REDUX)

Then we might want to begin today. Just to keep the momentum going.

Main thread. I did the opening post.
What's your timezone, availability, and a rough estimate of your dedication? I will consider opening up for you if you meet the requirements and Gaius doesn't post his OC within 48 hours.

@Gravitational Force This doesn't mean that you're being shortsighted or that I'm discounting you for Shiyo, I'm just willing to open the RP to 5 people if you can all agree to dedicate yourselves at least a little bit more than my last group.

But no more after that.
Nah it’s fine, I just realized that I don’t have much time for another RP which is why I deleted the message. Thank you for your time.
Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia I think it's fair that I give you until sunday to post before handing the spot over to gravitational force.

I'm scheduling this time to make sure this doesn't collapse like my last one. If you wanna bow out now, that's totally fine, though.
(This is a Reboot. Since nobody in my older group seemed interested in restarting, I'm looking for new players.)

DMMO-RPG. Or, Dive Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game.
In the year 2138 remaining portions of the natural world were a distinctly rare commodity. The natural world, for the average person, had been fully obscured and destroyed by the mass industrialization of the late information age. In combination with the gravitation towards a Corporation-run series of world governments, the world of the 22nd century found solace in the form of virtual reality entertainment. The DMMO-RPG allowed one to jack themselves into a fictional setting with elements that the average human would never get to experience in the real world, via a direct neural-nano interface monitored by a virtual reality helmet. Born from this basic idea came multiple games, such as Aderage, a mech/battlesuit based combat game with a hard-core ranking system. Or the more intense "World of Hate", which was akin to a more surreal RPG similar to the classic 21st century games OFF or Space Funeral, albeit fully in VR.
But the game that undeniably towered over all others and proved time and time again to be the ultimate DMMO-RPG was inarguably "YGGDRASIL."
YGGDRASIL was a game of exploration, and so many things were mysteries left unknown for players to discover on their own or in groups. It was a game where all you were told was the controls before being thrown into the deep end. In other words, the unique thing about YGGDRASIL was the incredible amount of freedom given to the players compared to any other DMMO-RPGs out there. YGGDRASIL's massive setting and mass of options meant that players had the chance to truly express themselves in a world built for roleplay and exploration, in a way that the real world wasn't. Even if it was undeniably pay to win, with enough work, even a player with little money could come to be successful and powerful in their own right.
The game had been active since its release in 2126 AD and until 2138 AD. In the current year, 2138, however, the game's community by then already lost the vibrancy it once had. As a result, the remaining players still playing YGGDRASIL met their final day online.

Overlord, A Message from Another Time, is an alternate universe “what-if” roleplay proposing an alternative to the original Overlord Canon. As opposed to Momonga and Nazarick being transported to the new world. The guild Ainz Ooal Gown was never founded due to none of it’s members ever actually existing in this timeline. This has greatly impacted the history of the game and the world of YGGDRASIL’s final moments is much different than the one we know. A top guild known as “Logos” with a 12+1 floor guild-base, and a player pool consisting of only the most notable and powerful players willing to join (World Champions, World Renown Streamers, Notable Ex-Guild-Leaders, Etc; )The prestige for Logos was off the charts, and everyone either wanted a piece of the pie, or would be willing to pay them to go away.
So, what happens when, after the playerbase dies out, the remaining members of YGGDRASIL’s strongest guild, along with their 12+1 floor guild hall, get transported to The New World? Your guess will be as good as mine, in “Overlord: A Message From Another Time.”

  1. This is a Semi-Literate to Literate Roleplay. At least one paragraph/divided dialogue is expected for each post. But it is heavily advised that players attempt to do more unless not currently possible.
  2. New-Worlders will be a group effort to RP and big decisions should be discussed OOC to make sure everyone feels the interpretations are accurate.
  3. Every player’s main character will be a member of the Logos Guild.
  4. To save time. The Guild Hall’s NPCs are pre-made, please contact me if you’d like to make an NPC, and I will see if the role is replaceable.
  5. Please do not join this RP if you feel you don’t have the stamina to be part of a long RP. We intend on going at least as far as the current point in the anime, and likely farther, If you intend on leaving, please at least let the rest of the group know. But I should note that since our character’s actions dynamically impact the story, it’s possible and very likely that some events simply won’t happen or will be drastically different from how they are in the canon of overlord.
  6. All members of the Logos guild must be of some notoriety, be they a world champion, a famous streamer, an ex-guild-leader or MVP of another guild etc;. Please try to incorporate this in your character’s backstory.
  7. Do not use Realistic faceclaims. Overlord is a fantasy series, about a fantasy isekai world, with fantastical anime style characters. If it makes sense, go as crazy as you like, but do not use realistic faceclaims.
  8. We are working off of the assumption that our characters arrive in the New World at the same time that Momonga did in the original light novel story. As such, The Elder Coffin Dragon Lord is dead, and The Dragon Emperor is assumed to be dead.
  9. The only events that are set in stone are the raid on Carne Village, and Clementine’s plot to throw the city of E-Rantel into chaos, since there’s no realistic way the group should be able to prevent these from occuring due to the time at which they occur, at best only being able to steer the consequences and outcomes away.
  10. Our characters start with no knowledge of the new world. They can gather knowledge as time goes on, but please don’t write your character as having outside knowledge of the story. That’s metagaming, which isn’t fair to the other people roleplaying.
I am looking to fill 2-3 slots other than myself, so this will be a small group in order to manage things.
If this is still open to join I’d like to get in on it!

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