• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

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Here and there and everywhere in between!
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Player Character sheet




Race Type: You can have any generic fantasy races and you can message me any homebrew races but please add a detailed description with it

Karmatic Alignment:

Racial Levels:

Job Levels:

Personality: (a paragraph minimum)

Physical appearance: Picture or lengthy description



Role of Guild:


NPC Character sheet

Creator/Owner: (does not need to be in)




Race Type: You can have any generic fantasy races and you can message me any homebrew races but please add a detailed description with it

Karmatic Alignment:

Racial Levels:

Job Levels:

Personality: (a paragraph minimum)

Physical appearance: Picture or lengthy description



Role of Guild:


New World Denizen Character sheet




Race Type: You can have any generic fantasy races and you can message me any homebrew races but please add a detailed description with it

Karmatic Alignment:

Racial Levels: (wait for me to give you levels)

Job Levels: (wait for me to give you letters)

Personality: (a paragraph minimum)

Physical appearance: Picture or lengthy description

Background: (Ask me for information)

Country of birth: (ask me)

Job: What does your character do for a living?

if theres anything you feel i am missing please tell me
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Name: Selvernas / Caveria Jimenez
Gender: Female
Race Type: Heteromorphic Phoenix Valkyrie
Karmatic Alignment: Lawful Good +250

Racial Levels:
Valkyrie 15
Angel 5
Phoenix 10
Seraphim 10

Job Levels:
Weaponmancer 15
Paladin 10
Weapon master 10
Mobile armory 10
Holy lord 5
Shield lord 5
Holy knight 5

Personality: Caveria is an outgoing woman who was fairly popular with people, able to get others to like her in quick succession. Outside from social interactions with friends or people she'd like to befriend she is normally well reserved often thinking about her schedule and daily routine. She is a workaholic often pulling hours well into the next day with her co-workers urging her to take breaks outside of Yggdrasil she doesn't do much other than try to maximize profits and production of her company. Unfortunately due to her Valkyrie nature she revels in battle enjoying it to the fullest extent, to where it even disturbs her own.

Physical appearance:
Background information: Caveria didnt have a interesting reason to have joined Yggdrasil, she joined, just because there was nothing else to do outside of work. Yggdrasil quickly became a second job for Caveria, but she enjoyed it and would often sink hundreds of dollars into it, although she was never much of a hardcore player in the grand scheme of things. After a few days into her first few quests of Yggdrasil she got so engrossed in it all that she would try and convince all of her friends and even her employees to try the game out. sometimes even buying them the copy if they didnt have the money to do so.

Over the years of playing Yggdrasil and encouraging other members to get their friends to join Selvernas And Co. quickly grew into one of the largest guilds in the game making it to the top 100 guilds in the game from the sheer amount of players. Naturally this made Caveria's in game character powerful as well, she even was in a tournament to become a world champion however in the final duel she lost but gained a new found appreciation for the meta game. Over the years she speced in her racial abilities and job skills to become a hard nut to crack and giving out as much as she can take, once even tanking a super tier magic. However she relies on other members to do most of the battle thinking using herself as the source of the enemies attention.

However, like everything great, Selvernas And Co. started to decline with only a few players left, it was only natural with an old mmo, Caveria didnt quit on the game often simply hanging out with her friends from abroad at this point and wondering what she would do once the game shuts down once and for all.

District: Iðavöllr

Job: Guild owner
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Name: Kafka (Sakihara Shizue)
Gender: Female
Race Type: Heteromorphic
Karmatic Alignment: Neutral (-25)

Racial Levels:
Leshy (5)
Forest Spirit (10)
Nymph (15)
Grove Herald (5)

Job Levels:
Assassin (15)
Blacksmith (10)
Greataxe Master (10)
Aura Conmutator (10)
Aura Thief (5)
Spell Thief (5)
Polearm Master (10)

Sakihara is a walking, talking contradiction. She's decided to play a forest-spirit type race, yet she's not fond of nature at all. She's decided to play an assassin build, yet she uses heavy, two-handed weapons and her damage stats are not even that good. It should be no surprise then, that even her personality can contradict itself in quite a few places. While she despises boredom and procrastrination, she's also overly lazy at times. She tends to feel bad for the weak, yet in a fight, those are usually the ones she picks as targets first, not paying attention to the hypocrisy taking place in the slightest. Other than that, she likes sticking to people, seeing as on its own, her build can prove to be quite bad, as it is focused on killing off single targets, rather than groups of beings. So while reluctantly, she often attends most social events and functions as a normal human being would, just to make sure that she won't be left alone in this oh-so cruel world of people with better builds.



Background Info:
Most of Sakihara's life was an absolute nightmare. Not because of hardships, but lack thereof; constant boredom, blooming from the mundanity of her every-day life. She amused herself mostly just by arguing with people over the internet, not able to find entertainment in much else. That is, until the discovery of a certain DMMO, which she managed to get a hold of thanks to two part-time jobs and inheritance. YGGDRASIL managed to ignite a spark in Sakihara, giving her something to strive for, albeit something not even in the real world. After countless hours of grinding, leveling and quite possibly money spending, her character was complete, with a build to boot. However, the journey has only begun at that point, for soon she discovered that the build she slaved away to craft for so long was actually not very good when it came to facing more than one opponent. Thus, joining a guild was in order.

Through a friend, she was able to crawl her way into S&Co, where she began socialising and laying down foundations for what would become the Verdigris Grove. After a while of working mostly on her own still, she began to engage in multiple guild endeavors, especially PvP related ones. Sieges both defensive and offensive, arenas, duels and rarely Raids and such were all joined by her, Raids mostly just because of her supporting racials. Some grind later and the orchard and the forest around the Grove would be completed, some more and all three were populated.

Even as the game and guild started to enter the state of decay, she'd stay around. Outside, nothing good was waiting for her, so she'd milk it for all that it was worth. As such, in no time, she found herself counting down hours, the final countdown.

District: The Verdigris Grove
Job: Overseer of the Grove

HP: 100
MP: 70
Phy. Atk. : 85
Phy. Def. : 70
Agility: 75
Mag. Atk. : 75
Mag. Def. : 65
Resistance: 60
Special Ability: 90
Total: 690

!During the night, all phy. stats, as well as Agility and Health regen. are lowered by 20%!
During the day, health regen. is boosted by 10%
1) Edge of Beyla - A pole-arm with a medium attack speed, 40 nature damage, and 15 physical damage.
Lowers Max. enemy HP on first contact by 45%
Lowers enemy Phy. Def and Atk on first contact by 50%
Lowers enemy Agility and Resistance on first contact by 55%
Lowers enemy MP on first contact by 50%
Increases enemy cooldowns on first contact by 120%

2) Sharpened petal of the Herald - A two-handed axe with a medium attack speed, 30 nature damage, and 30 physical damage.
Increases wielder's Phy. Atk and Mag. Atk by 50%
Increases wielder's Phy. Def by 30%
Increases wielder's health regeneration by 15%

3) Stone seed of the Ancient - A two-handed mace with a slow attack speed, 15 nature damage and 10 physical damage.
Should the ground be hit with this weapon, a small tree sapling grows in the place of impact. Allies in a small area around the sapling are granted a 20% boost to health regen.
This ability sits on a two minute cooldown.
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Name: Greer Impetus/Jonathan Greenman

Gender: Male

Race Type: Heteromorphic Elder Lich

Karmatic Alignment: Negative 200. Grier was a skilled Player Killer, but kept Negative Karma actions to a minimum to stay in the guild.

Racial Levels:
Infernal Skeleton Mage 15
Infernal Elder Lich 10
Underworlder 10
Dark Sider 5

Job Levels:
Dapper Mage 15
Elegant Evoker 10
Infernal Necromancer 10
Infernal Master of Death 10
Infernal Eclipse 5

Personality: Jonathan has a hard time interacting with others in the real world due to a lack of self-confidence. He would usually roleplay his actions in-game through his character, which let him feel confident and powerful. When he doesn't have a task to do he usually reads and listens to music. Jonathan has a hard time figuring out what to do without a schedule.
As Greer Jonathan is eccentric, sometimes acting seemingly randomly, other times acting with ruthless precision. He puts on the affects of a gentleman but often plays a cad.

Physical Appearance:
View media item 36810
Background: (History of life outside Yggdrasil and history of game time remember the year is 2138) Jonathan is 22 and working in an office job. He was born into an upper-middle class family and generally lived quietly up until this point. He got into the game when he was 15 and continued to play during his freetime for the next 7 years. He doesn't have many friends outside the game and never really got noticed beyond being above average at his job.

He eventually realized his coworker Caveria Jimenez was also the guild leader. He managed to find the courage to bring it up to her in real life, although not much changed.

In the game, Jonathan played as Greer Impetus, managing to balance his love of roleplaying with min-maxing his character as much as possible. His reputation for both eccentricity and ruthlessness didn't go unnoticed, resulting in his invitation to the guild 3 years after he started playing. Although his playstyle sometimes clashed with that of the other members he was far too useful to let go and he made sure he didn't go too far.

Although he tried to minimize how much he spent on the game, Jonathan couldn't resist buying access to specialty classes he felt would fit with his character. This tendency for specific indulgences was a common thing for him. He tried to become a World Champion but lost before the final match because his opponent had equipped their character specifically to beat him.

When Selvernas And Co began losing members Jonathan stuck around since it was one of his few sources of friends. He was extremely worried about what will happen when the game shuts down.

District: Carnival of Cruelty.

Job: Duelist and Player Killer.
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Name: Drix Drake/ Kevin Sustrai

Gender: Male

Race Type: Demi-Human

Karmatic Alignment: Chaotic Good (200)

Racial Levels:
Lizardman 10
Awakened Elder Blood Lizard Man 5

Job Levels:
Monk 15
Brawler 10
Ki Master (Physical) 10
Ki Master (Spiritual) 10
Elementalist (Fire) 15
Ninja 10
Golem Craftsman 15

HP: 90
MP: 45
Phy. Atk. : 100
Phy. Def. : 100
Agility: 100
Mag. Atk. : 45
Mag. Def. : 80
Resistance: 80
Special Ability: 50
Total: 690

Personality: Kevin is a fun loving thrill seeker. He never cared for the metagame instead wanting to play the game to just have fun and create a character he can just have fun with and what he thought was cool. Kevin enjoys a good fight in the game, where he will have a big grin and cracking jokes. Kevin is very helpful and kind. He protects other to the best of his abilities and offers a helping hand to those in need. But with this, he is to trust in others and has a tendency to rush into things.

Physical appearance:

Background: Kevin in the real world is the bouncer for a local bar. He enjoyed his job and found it nice but his real joy in life was playing games, namely fighting games and RPGs. Enjoyed the amazing fights he could experience in games. He played a variety of games but when he started playing Yggdrasil he was hooked. He loved how much he could customize his character and things he could do with the character in the world. While it was a hobby instead of an obsession like others he did put plenty of time into making his character how he liked it. He didn't care for the metagame either and while he wasn't the outright most powerful character he enjoys himself and that what mattered to him.

Eventually, he decides he should join a guild and asked a few of the regulars to the bar he worked at who played the game if they knew any good guilds. One said their boss ran one of the guilds in the top hundred. Soon after Kevin had him introduce him to the guild's leader. Thanks to that Kevin was able to join the guild. Kevin became an enforcer for the guild and protected from any invading players or monsters.

As the game started losing popularity Kevin was still playing away. He didn't start playing because it was popular and he wasn't going to stop because it lost popularity. Kevin was sad about the game coming to an end soon as he had some fun in it. But like all good things it had to end and once it did he would move on once it did... Or that was his plan at least.

District: Brawler's street

Job: Enforcer for the guild and owner of the many businesses on Brawler's street.
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Name: Fabian Dulaan/Dorian Hunt

Gender: Male

Race Type: demi-humanoid, Frost

Karmatic Alignment: Chaotic Neutral/Neutral Evil (Flip Flops) +0

Racial Levels:
Ice Sprite 5

Job Levels:
Knight Magi 15 (Cryomancy)
Black Smith 10
Enchanter 10
Thaumaturge 5
Sword Master 10
Sword Smith 10
Rune Smith 10
Rune Master 5
Item Smith 10
Heavy Armour 10

HP: 100
MP: 100
Phy. Atk. : 100
Phy. Def. : 50
Agility: 50
Mag. Atk. : 75
Mag. Def. : 70
Resistance: 85
Special Ability: 95
Total: 690

Personality: Dorian was always somewhat of an introvert, at least in real life. When online, Dorian was a ruthless and loyal member of the Guild. Always willing to help his allies, Dorian/Fabian would do anything for the guild including up to genocide if it served their purpose.

Physical appearance:



Weapon: Long Winter; an enchanted bastard sword with the bound soul of a greater Ice Elemental in the pommel stone, it's fury fueling the blade's power, emitting an icy blue glow. Forged from a caloric Stone and Celestial Uranium, the blade is extremely powerful in it's own right, bringing it up on par with the world items of YGGDRASIL.
  • Cold Damage 70-85 pts on strike
  • Absorb Strength on strike 20 pts
  • Absorb Health 50 pts on strike
  • Damage Health 30 pts
  • Weakness to cold 60%
  • Absorb Willpower on strike 20 pts
  • Blizzard on activation (AOE) 20 pts per second for 15 seconds
  • Resistance to Cold 80% on wielder
  • 80% chance to freeze target on contact (Includes Blizzard effect)
  • Total damage on strike 504 pts base, 300 damage from blizzard for full 15 seconds (768 pts if struck first with blade)(edited)

Background: Dorian was an apprentice blacksmith/blades smith, learning his way around the forge. Growing up the subject of metallurgy always facinated him, this facination carried over to his character Fabian Dulaan on the once popular DMMO YGGDRASIL. The Game had fanned the flames of inspiraion for Dorian, which he put into the metal he hammered, creating true works of art that allowed him to live more comfortably. after playing for a few months, he decided to join a guild to further his character and allow him to have the in game resources to create magical works of death dealing art.
When he learned the server would soon be shut down, Dorian/Fabian remained online with his fellow guild members one last time, waiting for the clock to hit zero.

District: The Great Forge

Job: (optional) Insomnia Guild Crafter (Weapons, Armour, and magical items)

For npc character sheets simply add a "guild job"
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Name: (P) Alyssa Morrow/(C) Shizira
Gender: female
Race Type: Demi-human: Half-Dragon
Karmatic Alignment: Neutral-Good/Evil; has a tendency to flip-flop between the two; at the moment, +50 for Neutral-Good

Racial Levels:
Dragon-kin (15)
Elf-kin (5)
Aerial Creature (10)

Job Levels:
Jewelcrafting (10)
Beast Master (15)
Ranged Specialist (10)
Heavy Bows (10)
Aerial Combat (15)
Breath-Weaponry (10)

NOTE:: This is my original art. Please don't steal it... That would be majorly uncool...

HP: 100
MP: 65
Phy. Atk. : 80
Phy. Def. : 60
Agility: 100
Mag. Atk. : 60
Mag. Def. : 60
Resistance: 90
Special Ability: 75
Total: 690
'Knight's Damnation': A large and typically unwieldy, heavy recurve bow made of ancient dragon bone, and almost four feet in length. The bowstring is five times thicker than the average to make up for the tinsel strength needed to draw the bowstring back without it snapping. Prized for being able to suitable damage to even the most heavily protected enemies.
Item Stats:
Damage: 40pts (+arrow type dam)
Chance to Break Through Light Armor Types: 80%
Chance to Break Through Medium Armor Types: 55%
Chance to Break Through Heavy Armor Types: 30%
Increases Wielder's Phys. Def. by 35%
Increases Wielder's Mag. Def. by 40%
Potential Snipe Bonus: up to 35% additional points of damage under 250yrds

Quiver of Barbed Arrows (numbers 24)
Made to either inflict extra damage on opponents or ensure a good hold when shot into a wooden surface for repelling, ect.
Item Stats:
Damage: initial - 20pts; when removed, additional 15pts

Quiver of Hammerhead Arrows (numbers 24)
Travels slightly slower than a normal arrow, but should it connect, it can stun an enemy
Item Stats:
Damage: 30pts
Stun Chance: 35%

Throwing Daggers x5
Simple, slender blades made to be a projectile.
Item Stats:
Damage: 55pts
Other: can have an effect added or buffed

Breathe Weapon:: Fire-Breath:
A half-dragon can spew its draconic parent's breath weapon, in this case fire; potential AoE with DPS capabilities
DPS: 20pts/sec for partial strike; 40pts/sec if close to center of AoE
AoE: up to a 30ft diameter
Range: 30ft

Personality: Alyssa has always liked pretty and ‘shiny’ things, and this went well with her character choice: a half-dragon. She’s always been one to have lofty ideals of riches, which has gotten her into trouble more than once. That being said, it drives her like nothing else, bringing prosperity to those around her as well. If gems, jewels, and coin aren’t involved, it can be hard to motivate her, aside from one thing…. While she’s been more than passive in conflicts IRL, as Shizira, she relishes battle – the tactics and differences in style, it all invigorates her.

Physical appearance: Shizira stands close to five feet tall sporting an athletic yet feminine build. Her skin is a pale, pale gold with a sheen of tiny scales glinting in bright light. Her burnt bronze hair is styled similar in a mohawk to its cut but is kept in a thick braid that has reached her waist. A few feathery bangs hang over her deep amber, feline like eyes She has tattoos on either side of her head depicting feathers and flowers on one side, and on the other bones, flames, and blood. Her ears are slightly pointed and adorned with ‘ear-cuffs’ shaped as eastern dragons. From her back sprout two semi-leathery, semi-scaly wings when fully extended spread eight feet in either direction (total wingspan 16 feet) as well as a thick tail, spines matching the color of her hair. She dressed in a white tunic, green vest, black breeches/leggings, a belt with various sized pouches and a modified set of leather armor. She doesn’t wear shoes, as it detracts from the few times where she’s needed the talons on her feet to defend herself. These are naturally echoed on her hands, though these claws only extend a few inches from her fingertips. She also wears some rings and necklace, but they’re mainly an aesthetic and hold no real purpose beyond ‘being pretty.’

Background: Alyssa had a poor childhood and worked hard to get everything she has, even if she’s only risen a few measly tax brackets through normal jobs like working as a manager at convenience store. She was plenty smart and pulled off a few schemes without too much trouble. She loved how easy it all was online. Finally comfortable for the first time in a long time, she started getting into girly things, like jewelry and makeup. Then her parents died in a car crash. The insurance left a nice check, but that was hardly comforting at the time.

She started playing Yggdrasil to fill the hole in her heart, hearing how plenty of people got addicts to games like it. She had briefly played around with a few other DMMOs but couldn’t really get into them. She gave Yggdrasil a chance though, and has loved it ever since. It was easy enough for her to understand after a few sessions but kept it challenging enough for her interest to stay locked. She eventually learned that in order to go against some bosses, she’d have to join a raid and that was done most easily with a guild. She joined Selvernas & Friends (giggling at the absurd name at the time) and started contributing as well as receiving.

She participated in both PVE and PVP events, sharing a portion with her guild. She made lots of friends quickly and some years later, she had quite a nice assortment of high tiered skills and abilities; however, she had only bothered to level up very specific spells, limiting her magical combat abilities and yet, she more than made up for that in other ways.

Alyssa wasn’t very bothered at first when the guild started losing members. People come and go, after all. Then people started dropping out or announcing that they were quitting, and it only served to enrage her, until the game started going the same way. Alyssa would stay with the friends she had made and fought beside, until the last second and the game shut down, forcing her out.

District: Wyrm Lair

Job: Wyrm Master
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Name: Oswald Grent / Oscar Kain

Gender: Male

Race Type: Heteromorphic Dullahan

Karmatic Alignment: Lawful Evil

Racial Levels:
Dullahan: 10

Job Levels:
Archer: 15
Forest stalker: 10
Ranger: 15
Sniper: 10
Mounted Archer: 10
Rider: 5
Hunter: 15
Chariot Driver: 10

Personality: Oscar is a role-player to the bone, one who would only break character in the most extreme situations. This stems from the belief that the characters he creates are still real in a sense and if he doesn’t play them correctly then he is insulting the image he had created for them. Besides his strong belief in roleplay Oscar is a very obsessive person, one who pours every ounce of time he can manage without causing to many issues to his normal life. His normal persona is that of a quiet man who keeps his head down and voice low to keep out of trouble but that all changes depending on what game he plays and what character he is using.

Playing as Oswald he established the persona of a friendly hunter and business owner in the guild of Insomnia. He is friendly to almost everyone and tries to be helpful to others and fair in his business dealings. At night however he is completely different, he is cunning, fierce, and unrelenting in his hunts marking anything that he can kill as his targets as long as it follows his strict code of laws he has for himself.

Physical appearance: During the day Oswald keeps his head in place on his shoulder and uses a scarf to hide the line that goes in a circle around his neck. At night when he goes hunting he detaches his head. During the hunt he mounts it on his horse drawn chariot when he needs both hands. When he doesn't need both hands he hold his head under one arm like one would do with a helmet.

Background: Oscar first discovered Yggdrasil when he was in high school. The few friends he had started playing it and they invited him along. At first Oscar created Oswald to mess around and see how the game worked. He had never played the game before and wanted to see if he liked how it played. Low and behold he ended up loving the game and the character known as Oswald began to become his own person in Oscar's eyes. Oscar became obsessed with the game and spent every ounce of his time that he could get away with in game. He even surpassed his friends who started playing before him in level and skill. Oscar himself was being consumed by the thrill of the hunt he had instilled into Oswald.

After barely graduating high school Oscar was still obsessed with Yggdrasil and continued to play and play until his parents forced him to stop so he could get a job and his own place. So Oscar was forced to take a two year break. During that time he managed to get a steady income job, an apartment, and even got a girlfriend. He even forgot about Yggdrasil but he would soon later rediscover it.

After doing some searching on his old computer Oscar rediscovered the game and booted it up to play again. He was once again obsessed with it but not as much as last time. This time he was controlling the obsession making sure that he wasn’t consumed by it like last time. Despite his best attempts to control his obsession he still played a crap ton of the game living out the life of the hunter in the night.

After a bout of month of playing again he decided to join a guild, his old one had disbanded over his two year hiatus. He found a guild that had use to be big but now was rapidly losing people but was still home to some pretty strong players. He managed to join the guild in the last year of Yggdrasil’s life span. He got to know the players as he spent what he thought would be the last year of Oswald’s existence. Logging in on the last day he was prepared to say goodbye to Oswald and the other characters in the guild for good. Little did he know that he would actually become Oswald.

District: The Hunter’s Refuge

Job: Master Huntsman
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Name: Sanguis/ Connor McLeod

Gender: Male

Race Type: Heteromorphic, Vampire

Karmatic Alignment: Lawful Evil

Racial Levels:
Vampire (15)
True Vampire (10)
Vampire King (5)

Job Levels:
Warrior (15)
Berserker (10)
Bloodthirster (5)
Soul Reaper (10)
Summoner (15)
Master Summoner (10)
Demonancer (5)

HP: 100
MP: 55
Physical Attack: 100
Physical Defence: 80
Agility: 55
Magical Attack: 40
Magical Defence: 70
Resistance: 90
Special Ability: 100
Total: 690

In the real world, Connor is a cheerful and friendly person who is always ready to lend a helping hand. Optimism is his strongest trait and he disproves of those who simply give up when the going gets tough. In his own words, “Why would you sit and sulk about the present when you can be working towards the future?”.

In the virtual world of YGGDRASIL, Connor is a completely different person, finding it incredibly fun to play a character with a personality that in no way resembles his own. His vampiric berserker is a frontline fighter, only truly happy when he is in the thick of the action. Whether it be hacking through ranks of monsters or slaughtering hapless players, Sanguis does not care, so long as he gets to bath in the virtual blood of his enemies. When not in battle, he seems strangely lucid, with the mannerisms, stoicism, and general disdain of all those beneath him that is expected from one raised in a noble’s home.

Physical Appearance:






A large Greatsword with a long red blade and images of screaming faces on the handguard and the pommel.
Deals 80 points of physical damage per hit, with a 20% chance to deal double damage, and gives target the status effect ‘Bleeding’, were he/she takes a further 35 points of damage overtime.
Absorbs life essence and mana of those slain. Gathered energy can be released in a crescent wave that cuts through anything in its path or an explosion of red light. Damage depends on amount of energy used.

A flail with a half a metre long handle made out of black iron and a two metre long chain with a spiked ball on the end that is the size of a basketball. Crackles with crimson energy.
Deals 200 points of physical damage per hit, with a 30% chance to ignore armour entirely. Wounds taken from this weapon cannot be healed by low tier healing spells. If a higher tier healing spell is used, the mana cost will be doubled.

Deadly Sins:
A barbed Trident that is coloured indigo. It seems to emanate despair.
Deals 35 points of physical damage per hit, with a 25% chance of causing the opponent to be afflicted with the Status Effect 'Despair', which lowers the opponent's attack damage, defence, and agility by a significant amount for ten seconds. Cannot stack, but can renew.
Increases the Agility of its wielder by 10.
From a young age, Connor was always the type of person to help anyone in need, and this didn’t change as he got older. To him, there was nothing more satisfying than seeing the grateful smile of a person that he had helped. It what continued to motivate him to aid others and he even got a reputation in his neighbourhood as a do-gooder. However, some people (his parents included) were concerned that he was spending too much time on others, and not enough on himself.

In order to placate them, Connor got into gaming and decided to give YGGDRASIL a try on the enthusiastic recommendation of a friend, purchasing the game and the necessary equipment for it. He found himself immediately lost in awe at the beauty of the nine worlds and threw himself into the complex, but enjoyable game with his brand new character Sanguis. He wanted to play a character that was the opposite to him in every way, one that would do things he’d never even consider in the real world. And so, the persona that would be known as the Blood Master was born. In the beginning, he focused almost exclusively on Classes that would allow his character to become an effective damage dealer. Despite his efforts, however, he was hounded constantly by PKers who viewed a newly created Hetromorph such as himself as a target too tempting to ignore. This did not put him down. Overtime he grew powerful enough that few players dared to challenge him. Those who did died. Painfully.

He was approached by many guilds with offers of membership, but he never took any of them up on said offers, until he joined a group from Selvernas and Friends in order to clear a particularly difficult dungeon. Afterwards, he realised that he could accomplish far more as part of a team, rather than on his own. When the group asked him to join their guild, he answered with a yes, instead of a no, as was his policy until then. He became an extremely loyal member of the guild and vowed to stay with them until the end.

And now, it looks like that end is upon them all. He is disappointed at the game’s impending demise, but some of his best memories originate in the game, strange as it sounds when speaking of a world that is not truly real. Yet, he has vowed to treasure them forever.

But he could never have predicted what would happen next.

District: The Bastion of Skulls

Job: Frontline Fighter
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Name: Nendo Morgan

User name: Nemo

Gender: male

Race Type: Heteromorphic

Karmatic Alignment: +50/Neutral

Racial Levels:

  • Doppelgänger (2)

Job Levels:

  • Guardian (10)
  • Cleric (10)
  • Tai Chi Adept (8)
  • Shield Lord (15)
  • Essence Lord (10)
  • Living Medicine (5)
  • Phalanx (5)
  • Elemental Shielder (10)
  • Sentinel (10)
  • Counter Force (10)
  • Axis (5)

HP: 100
MP: 80
Phy. Atk. : 50
Phy. Def. : 100
Agility: 35
Mag. Atk. : 40
Mag. Def. : 100
Resistance: 100
Special Ability: 85
Total: 690
Personality: Nemo is an unexpectedly profound guy, but he doesn't constantly show it. Instead he mostly acts somewhat goofy, using his Doppelgänger abilities to change his appearance and manner of speaking constantly, as a form of comic relief. This is merely a shell though, and those close to him know it. He never tried to discover himself, thus he named his character Nemo. As opposed to his user name being a combination of the "ne" from Nendo and "mo" from Morgan, his user name is actually Latin for "nobody". He is gradually trying to take risks in order to overcome that hurdle and finally be "somebody", be truly "himself".

Physical appearance details: He put only two points in his Racial Trait, Doppelgänger, thus he can only change his hair style, eye color & shape, skin color, make his ears pointy to look like an elf, and slightly alter his voice, but his usual appearance is as depicted in the image on the right: a man with pale white skin, medium-length brown hair, no visible eyes, or eye sockets for that matter, roughly 180 cm, average build, clad in dark armor.

Background information: Nemo's life was nothing special. Born in a middle-class white-collar family, to an American father and Japanese mother, Nendo Morgan was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth, but lead a more-than-decent life. Nonetheless, it was quite uneventful and boring. Smog, masks, sometimes grey, sometimes black. Back and forth the same old day, same routine. The only interesting part of his life was analyzing other people. But that hobby of his soon became boring as well. Children grew older, became jaded adults, and led tiresome, overworked lives, especially salarymen like himself. Luckly, he seemed to have a knack for stock marketing and investments, which gave him an extra stack of cash. Nendo thought he'd die of boredom, until he discovered Yiggdrasil.

A world full of color, races, items, magic and mystery, a ray of hope in his otherwise evergrey life. A world which gave people freedom. Marvelous! First off, he needed a username. What would be best for him?...best for himself? He never really thought about it. There he was, a man in his 30s, that always analyzed others, but never tried to understand, or to discover himself. That made him feel fragile. He was nobody. Nobody, huh...? Then he'd name his character "Nemo". This game was going to be a new start. It would be the means of discovering himself, and maybe actually forming meaningful bonds with others.

Thus he entered the game and started leveling. He was really excited. Then his avatar was killed. Again. And again. No mercy against Heteromorphic races. But he managed. Being a minmaxer, he put just two points in his racial levels, just enough so that his avatar could look human, then maxed out on defensive and counter-attack Job Levels, to increase survivability. Managed to deceive some players, but he still needed a "sanctuary", a safe place. Then he came across Insomnia, formerly known as Selvarnas and Co. Once glorious, now just a shell, but for Nemo it was his "oyster", his home. So he would protect it at all costs, until the end.

Role(s) in Guild: Defender, Vanguard

Important Item(s):
>>Spectral Armor- a high-ranking dark armor (the one he usually wears). Has the ability to change form, but keep its function. Can shapeshift into various clothes.
>>Timeless Shield- Nemo's favourite shield, with incredible durability and boosting defense to great lengths. Whoever wields it is immune to time manipulation by enemy forces.
>>Stone Age- a divine-class sheild. Can block both physical and magical attacks (up to a certain degree). Nemo can equip it together with another shield. Discovered through a special quest, which also made the Elemental Shielder class available to Nemo, this shield can be elementally enhanced (buffed) granting it one special extra ability depending on the element. It also grants the wielder a skill called "Boomerang Shield" (self-explanatory).

Backround on Role in Guild: Slow and steady, Nemo grew to be one of the greatest defensive tanks in the game, but it was quite hard to enjoy it when playing solo, and with other players trying to PK him constantly. What he needed was a secure place where Heteromorphic races where welcome. That place, for him, was Insomnia. Considering his build, Nemo could only function as a front-line defender. With that in mind, the only possible HQ he could have in the guild was the barbican which he called Oyster. He then created six NPCs with different functions that could assist him in defending the outpost.
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Player Character sheet

Name: Shaun Patterson

Gamertag: Voided Rift (Normally just called Void, Rift, or Vr for short)

Gender: Male

Race Type: demihuman

Karmatic Alignment: Chaotic Neutral +0

Racial Levels:
Werewolf: 5
Houndfolk: 10
Satyr: 5
Cherubim: 5
Fairy: 5

Job Levels:
Fallen Knight: 10
Monochrome Caster: 5
Viking: 10
Sainted Blade: 5
Dusk Chaser: 6
Sky Reaver: 6
Nightblade: 10
Archmage: 4
Pirate King: 5
Grand Wanderer: 5

HP: 80
MP: 80
Phy. Atk. : 80
Phy. Def. : 50
Agility: 100
Mag. Atk. : 75
Mag. Def. : 60
Resistance: 62
Special Ability: 75
Total: 662

Personality: Shaun is extremely mature for his age, normally having an idea of what he wants and is usually informed on how to proceed. He's a wanderer, and thrives in the dark, preferring to not only learn as much as he can but to have fun while doing it. "Putting together a puzzle is only fun when you want to find the pieces, it gets tiring really fast if you just want to see it completed." Believing more that the journey counts for more than the destination you can be sure that this little rascal will be working hard, as while mostly willing to try out something new, he's also fond of the little unimportant bits that may pop up along the way. Shaun hates crossroads, and gets rattled upon meeting them, the thought of "if only he was capable of taking them all" haunting him in the background. This brings us to his indecisiveness as a whole, witnessed when he first came to Yggdrasil as upon deciding on classes to main, he made sure to choose classes that when used together had at the least a little of everything. He's stubborn, and when it boils down to it he'll do whatever he can to make what needs to happen happen.

Being a highly submissive individual, most times he'll spread his wings to match the current instead of flapping himself or others to victory. He's somewhat quiet, and likewise reserved, openly saying his piece if possible to at-the-very-least steer the decision so it doesn't impair him in the end. Though this is hard to differentiate from selfishness, because even though he may not speak on behalf of another he'd still assist someone else in their endeavors, figuring out the rest as he goes along. Otherwise, if you're the Bigdog, and you don't treat your people like crap, he'll tag along with you 95% of the time. Shaun is innocent, and despite being aware of certain things and having a small understanding of the "Real World" he's still indifferent towards certain topics, and will not acknowledge most things. Besides his innocence, while in-game another quality that reminds you he's still just a kid is his need to have company. Whenever he's not grinding or doing a quest, he's out looking for people to play with or hangout around, this is where his odd build came in extremely handy as the players he'd met were either impressed, or interested in his character.

Speaking of his character, while trapped in the game Shaun gained qualities due to the nature of his avatar, all of them not being necessarily good, either contradicting a part of his real personality or tainting it. First thing is his newfound rage, which is very rare and only comes up when an ally or his bond to them is threatened in any way, shape, or form; this is because of his Werewolf side, which heavily influenced his need to be with others, and this combined with the Houndfolk's unwavering loyalty makes him an extremely dangerous force when it comes to those close to him. This beastly side has also given him wild instincts in battle, making him unintentionally relentless at intervals. The Satyr in him gave him an unneeded boost in confidence, and he now performs acts he'd be incapable of in the real world shamelessly and seems to enjoy it: like stealing; he tends to do that a lot. However, that part of his also greatly increased his ability to be happy, leaving him to grin 99% of the time without a reason, and thanks to the Houndfolk's boundlessness, he's almost a bouncy ball of unpredictability.

Physical appearance: Mostly grinning up at others, Void stands at a whopping 5'1", and this is merely a compromise between his Houndfolk and Werewolf races. A halo of 4 elegant tints hovers behind him, and this stems from his Cherubim and Fairy natures. Unlike the rest of his body though, only a small portion of his chest and his head minus the ears are human. The small amount of Satyr in him is slightly present in his unusually built canine legs, while normal upon first glance, his paws are actually closer to hooves as each toe is stuck together and unable to bear nails, not to mention his kicking strength is to be feared.

Shaun's Character.png

Background: Raised by a gentle but diligent mother and father Shaun went through primary school at the top of his class. He was the class captain, and a prefect in the school's child enforcement committee, actually, he was the head of the whole shebang; his title acknowledged as "Headboy", and a ton of responsibility on his name. Doing his duty as Headboy wasn't hard, especially with such a quiet school as the one he went to. So instead the prefects as a group were pretty much eased in everything dealing with making sure the children kept in line, but the other job of setting up stuff like tours, aiding in the tweaking of rules, and other little tidbits were still a job for those ranked higher in the committee, so Shaun's job was never done, but at the same time he never disliked it.

Being a gifted student who was always on top of work gave Shaun a lot of free time, and to add to this he was going on vacation in a few days. His parents were leaving him by his Aunt for awhile because of work, and that being the best place for their child to lay back and feel the breeze while in his comfort zone. Shaun liked going by his aunt, and after a whole year of studies that's honestly just what he needed. Taken down the road the next day his vacation began and after reading a few books he decided to boot up his trusty laptop and explore the virtual book they called the internet. Barely five minutes in he managed to encounter a number of ADs, but one in particular stood out. It was for a game, one he'd never seen or heard of before, albeit he wasn't much of a gamer himself the children at school often kept him well informed.

Taking a chance he clicked on it and immediately got nabbed into the world of Yggdrasil. Shaun was shy at first as he'd never played this kind of game before, the contents but a shadow on the wall. He didn't give up though, he followed the game to a T, creating his character (After spending literally 15 minutes staring
staring at the screen.. XD), learning the mechanics, and successfully gaining experience from quests and eventually leveling up. The days had zoomed by as he'd joined a guild and ended meeting even more fellow players. Being one of the last to join however, left him in awe at the news of the game closing.

The time had come to bid Yggdrasil adieu as his guild members decided on one last meeting while the game developers did their thing. That's when Shaun got a brand-new perspective on everything as the astonishing event took place...

District: Lucid Fields

Job: Master Thief, Guild Shadower
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Name: Nyamiko (RL name: Kirigiri Fuuko)

Gender: Female

Race Type: Heteromorphic

Karmatic Alignment: -250 (Lawful Evil)

Racial Levels:
Predator Slime (15)
Shoggoth (10)
Ubbo-Sathia (10)

Job Levels:

Assassin (15)
Master Assassin (10)
Ninja (10)
Hitogiri (5)
Cook (10)
Cleric (15)

In the real world, Fuuko is a meek, apologetic, and almost forgettable person. Her redeeming factors being her hardworking personality and surprising tenacity that made her stick to her dead end job and even shoot up the corporate ladder a few times. She's also rather secretive and would rarely share any info about herself, even while drunk.

In YGGDRASIL and the New World on the other hand, Nyamiko is a completely different person. A sadist who takes sick joy in watching people squirm while putting up a facade of a soft spoken doormat. This extends to the way she treats her Guildmates, never telling them outright when they accidentally ticked her off but instead using psychological torture to punish them for their 'misdeeds'. Which might be as minor as just getting a particular reference wrong.

The one thing that remains constant between the two are her love for Samurai and Ronin which extends to her choice of playstyle, District, and even her NPCs' appearances and behavior.

Physical appearance:



Kirigiri Fuuko had a simple, stressful life in the real world. Being a lowly programmer for one of the big companies, it was a simple schedule of waking up, scarfing down the tasteless artificial food before rushing to work for the 8-8 slog before returning home for a fitful sleep. Add the fact that she barely had any friends at work and that the manager just happened to love piling work onto her, Fuuko needed an outlet. And fast.

Be it luck or fate, she was gifted a copy of YGGDRASIL during a company Secret Santa. Being hesitant at first, she warily started up the game and soon found herself in the game. Picking the class of Slime out of sheer curiosity, she found herself in a wide expansive world as a barely coherent blob. Amused at the whole thing, she went off to play the game in her free time and weekends. Being a Heteromorphic player, she was constantly PKed by the humanoid players. Being sick of this, she started fine tuning her character to be the perfect PKer. Adding to her luck (and love of Samurai culture), she leveled up to the point of unlocking the Hitogiri class. A high risk, high reward Assassin class that allows her to PK singular targets at her leisure. It was during this time that she stumbled upon a Guild called Selvernas and Co.

Offering up her services as a loyal hunting dog to the Guild Leader, she managed to secure a place as one the Guild's main PKers and Spies. She even managed to secure herself a small District in the Guild HQ, an inn and onsen which she claimed for her own. The place was named Yoshiwara and she slowly furbished it in the way she loved it. So it was indeed a pity when they announced that the game was going to be shut down. Fuuko bemoaned the loss of her stress relief game and sadly attended the Goodbye Party with her dwindling guildmates. Little did she know, that one choice was going to change her life.

District: Yoshiwara

Job: Guild Information Gatherer and Hitman


Senketsu: A demon blade that came as a reward for clearing a hidden dungeon. The blade is about 80m long with a total length of 1.1m including the hilt.

Bonus +20% damage to flesh
Ignores Defense on first strike
-50% Defense upon drawing

Passive: Bloodthirst
Increases user's Attack, Speed and Defense by 20% when Bloodied. Effect wears off after 15 minutes. Cannot be stacked.


Ko-Giri: A finely honed tanto knife stated to be haunted by the soul of a former Hitogiri. A rare drop from Spectral Assassin enemies.

+20% Duration of invisibility spells and smoke bombs
+30% Speed when equipped

Passive: Nightstalker
Deals an instant kill if 3 conditions are met.
1) Its either a dark place or nighttime
2) Target is unaware of the attacker
3) Target is a humanoid or demi-human
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Name: Rex Morti

Gender: Skeleton

Race Type: Heteromorphic

Karmatic Alignment: -400

Racial Levels:
Skeletal warrior 15
Revenant 10
Overlord 5

Job Levels:
Necromancer 10
Commander 10
Warrior 15
Lancer 10
Beast Tamer 5
General 10
High Tamer 10
Undead King 5

Personality: While normally quiet and reserved he could become fixated to the point of obsession on a goal or a grudge.

Generally kind and considerate Rex would prioritize helping his guild mates, even if it meant taking on additional burdens or even sacrificing himself to fight a delaying action. While this action led him to regularly losing levels and gear he would only ever jokingly complain. However getting on his bad side was normally a long term engagement, though he would usually ignore the offender if they were a guildmate.

Physical appearance:

Background: Rex worked as a laborer in a factory, doing his job nothing more or less. He wanted a family, but refused to be an absentee father. Until he joined the guild he played Yggdrasil casually who was mainly interested in unorthodox builds and exploring the game world, once he joined he became a regular contributor donating almost all the gold he made in game as well as providing the guild with knowledge of several valuable locations.

District: The Coliseum,

Job: Explorer/Defensive Coordinator
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Name: Lord Adorable (NPC LV 100)


Gender: Male

Race Type: Human

Karmatic Alignment: Neutral good

Racial Levels:

Job Levels:
Fighter 15
Defensive Builder: 12
Warlock 10
Axe Lord 10
Blacksmith 10
General 10
Tactician 10
Holy Warrior 5
Holy Lord
Diplomat 5
Shield Lord 5
Martial Arts 5
gunslinger 2

HP: 100
MP: 60
Phy. Atk. : 100
Phy. Def. : 100
Agility: 40
Mag. Atk. : 75
Mag. Def. : 75
Resistance: 75
Special Ability: 80
Total: 630

Axe the Heaven (they answer with harmony)


Axe the Damned (they answer with screams)


The Answer (Shoots large bolts of mana and solves problems)


The Pain Glove (When in doubt, use the pain to your advantage)

Personality: Lord adorable is said within bio to be extremely loyal, calm, disciplined, and extremely literal-minded. Which causes him to have trouble identifying sarcasm and idioms. However he makes up for being lucid and can identify and understand problems that may be bestowed upon the guild and would not mind answering to his masters with the best of his knowledge without also chiming his curiosity and concerns. He can be stern when need to be, but also nurturing and kind to those who are weak or are in need of assistance. He does not like taking things head on without a plan, even if the problem or opponent is extremely weak. He is organized and very serious in having a tidy and clean area.

Background: Lord Adorable was created by his original creator "Pade4utoday", solely designed to be the general of the Insomnia Defense/Raid force in which Pade4utoday was assigned to help create. Adorable was at first created as a Human Fighter class NPC who along with many other similar creations of his would aid in raids and the defense of the guild. As his first creation however, he was improved in order to become a mighty general of sorts with some magical capabilities. He would mostly be found standing alongside his creator and fighting alongside him in every battle. However as the game began to lose its popularity, Pade4utoday had decided to come online a month before the shutdown and state that he was retiring. Over the past 2 years, Adorables creator had made a total of 8 mighty cyborg like warriors who were "sons" of lord adorable and were also categorized into 5 different groups due to different skills and specialties. He had decided to deactivate all of them except for his trusted first creation to safeguard their tomb until the shutdown. When the game had still continued on even after the shutdown, Lord Adorable is still found remaining vigilant and dedicated to defending his sons tombs who he was given instructions by his very creator to defend.

District: NONE

guild Job: General of the Guild Defense/CRUUUUUSAAAAAADE!

Name: Peter and Piper (NPC's LV 53)

Gender: Male

Race Type: Automaton

Karmatic Alignment: Peter (Lawful Good), Piper (Chaotic Good)

Racial Levels:
15 Automaton

Job Levels:
Fighter 10
Unholy Templar 10
Warlock 5
Shield Brother 5
Phalanx 5
Gunslinger 3
Martial Arts 3

HP: 100
MP: 30
Phy. Atk. : 100
Phy. Def. : 80
Agility: 30
Mag. Atk. : 45
Mag. Def. : 30
Resistance: 70
Special Ability: 70
Total: 555

Personality: Peter is written as calm, timid, clumsy, and somewhat shy. But in battle he is bold, courageous and quick. Piper however is aggressive, loud, somewhat crazy, and very clumsy. In battle he is overloaded in ecstasy from bathing in the blood of his enemy, which he also attempts to keep track of his kill count.

Background: Like many of their brothers these two NPC's were created solely to defend the main guild and smite her opponents in battle. They are the best to take on the brunt of damage and deal as much physical damage as possible! These two NPCS are assigned to the Black Templar organization in which they specialize in using unholy magic.

District: NONE
Job: Defenders of the guild/CRUSADERS!
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NPC Character sheet

Creator/Owner: Pade4utoday

Name: Yong (LV 65)

Gender: Male

Race Type: Flamekin

Karmatic Alignment: MAXIMUM FRIENDLINESS++++

Racial Levels:

Lv 15

Job Levels:

lv 15 master chef
lv 15 pyro mage
lv 10 Master swordsman
lv 10 blacksmith
lv 10 counselor
lv 10 beast tamer
lv 8 cleric
lv 5 holy warrior

HP: 100
MP: 50
Phy. Atk. : 100
Phy. Def. : 80
Agility: 40
Mag. Atk. : 50
Mag. Def. : 50
Resistance: 70
Special Ability: 30
Total: 570

Personality: Yong out of all of his other chapter captains is considered the most kind, selfless, and most dangerous hugger known by creation. His kindness is said to be literally radiating out of his body and those who have sort of depression or sadness are suddenly lifted by his presence and words. He denounces injustice and will protect the weak and innocence as first priority above all. His optimism is off the charts and is always laughing and smiling in the face of danger. He is also known to accidentally break people with his hugs.

Physical appearance:

Background: Yong is based off the personality of Maria who knew the creator himself. He is a shining example of Maria's kindness, optimism, and selflessness. He is the strongest captain in the Komodo Dragons, and is known for his deadly pyro attacks that leave his enemies in ashes or in hot pools of lava.


Role of Guild: Defender of the Guild/ MAKING FRIENDS FOR THE GUILD!

Name: Hanja (Lv 60)

Gender: Male

Race Type: Flamekin

Karmatic Alignment: Lawful good

Racial Levels:

Flamekin lv 12

Job Levels:

lv 12 master chef
lv 10 pyro mage
lv 10 blacksmith
lv 9 weapon master
lv 9 beast tamer
lv 6 cleric
lv 6 holy warrior
lv 6 gun slinger

HP: 100
MP: 50
Phy. Atk. : 100
Phy. Def. : 80
Agility: 30
Mag. Atk. : 40
Mag. Def. : 40
Resistance: 65
Special Ability: 30
Total: 535

Personality: Hanja is similar to Yong with the exception that he has hard times being as optimistic like him all the time. He has his moment of doubts and anxiety which screws his judgement sometimes. However he is always assured by his brother with his kind/assuring words and the good ol brotherly hug that he gives that sometimes breaks his back.

Physical appearance:

Background: His creation was again similar to that of Yong but with a more realistic mindset. He was created to make sure that Yong doesn't always throw himself in such life threatening situations that may end up getting him killed, even if it was for a greater good.


Role of Guild: Defender of the guild/ MAKING MORE FRIENDS
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Name: Celestael (Lv 61)

Gender: Female

Race Type: Human

Karmatic Alignment: Chaotic Good

Racial Levels:

Job Levels:

lv 15 Aqua mage
lv 10 sailor
lv 10 gambler
lv 10 Champion
lv 10 holy warrior
lv 10 weapon master
lv 8 acrobat
lv 8 gunslinger
lv 5 summoner

HP: 100
MP: 30
Phy. Atk. : 100
Phy. Def. : 60
Agility: 70
Mag. Atk. : 50
Mag. Def. : 50
Resistance: 35
Special Ability: 60
Total: 555

Personality: Celestael is known as the youngest of the created mighty warriors along with her brother Krinjo and the entirety of her chapter. She is short tempered, loud, and a gloryhound who wishes nothing but total victory that she could boast to her creator. Serving her creator is the highest of priority and she would be willing to sacrifice her life for her creator and go to the literal depths of hell if it was something that her creator request of her. Anyone who would dare say talk trash of her creator, would face a powerfist to the face.

Physical appearance:

Background: Celestael is based off of another guild member who was a part of Pade4utodays group, having a similar personality but with a high loyalty to her creator. She is one of few of the mighty warriors who is more agile and best with long range weapons. She is also the leading captain of the Aqua Marines, or Ultra Smurfs. She also finds the name Ultra smurf a embarrassing name while the rest of her chapter find it a glorious title.. There reputation to rarely fail a mission is something be praised upon, and whenever a heavy task is needed to be completed it is the Aqua marines that will raise their hands up high and frantically waving it around to get your attention and take on the mission.


Role of Guild: Defenders of the guild/ finish any task given.

Name: Krinjo Macarius

Gender: Male

Race Type: Human

Karmatic Alignment: neutral good

Racial Levels:

Job Levels:

Lv 12 Aqua Mage
Lv 12 dualist
lv 10 Fencer
lv 8 Weapon Master
Lv 8 gunslinger
lv 5 summoner

HP: 100
MP: 30
Phy. Atk. : 100
Phy. Def. : 60
Agility: 50
Mag. Atk. : 50
Mag. Def. : 50
Resistance: 35
Special Ability: 50
Total: 525

Personality: There is a reasoning for him being called Krinjo Macarius, he is known to be boastful, Hubris, cocky, and very very talkative. He always criticizes others and yells at those who simply interrupt him for a split second. He is however very quiet and humble whenever his creator is present, acting as a completely different person. But then changing back afterwards when his creators presence is gone. He is also known to have heated confrontations with his sister Celestael and even having fights that end up destroying the surrounding area. Yet he does have his moments of being selfless and cooperating with his sister captain whenever the situation is dire.

Physical appearance:


Background: He was soley created to be a joke but also a good 1v1 combat fighter.


Role of Guild: Defender of the guild/ I KRINJO MACARIUS SHALL BRING GLORY TO THE GUILD!!
Player Character sheet

Name: Pade4utoday/ Jimmy shull

Gender: Male

Age: 31

Race Type: Human

Karmatic Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Racial Levels:

Job Levels:
Lv 15 Holy Lord
Lv 15 Shield Lord
Lv 12 Alchemist
Lv 12 Weapons Master
Lv 10 Battle Cleric
LV 10 Armored Mage
Lv 8 Saint
Lv 8 shapeshifter
Lv 7 Elemental Mage
Lv 2 Master Chef
Lv 1 Dad

HP: 100
MP: 80
Phy. Atk. : 100
Phy. Def. : 75
Agility: 30
Mag. Atk. : 80
Mag. Def. : 80
Resistance: 65
Special Ability: 80
Total: 690

Personality: In real life Jimmy is known to be the history nerd who would spout any 18-20th century knowledge at least once a day no matter what. Some found it educational and others just find it annoying. Regardless he would always throw out a fact that was relevant to the conversation. Jimmy likes to also tell corny/dad jokes despite him not being a dad himself, and sometimes likes to act that he is always right even when there is controversy to what he says. He's open minded to others and likes to share his interest with others who also like what he's interested. In serious conversations he finds himself being mostly the listener and for some reason is always found to be the one to be sought for answers like he actually has experience when really 90% of the time the conversation is something he can't really relate but rather empathize with. Yet he does his best to be somewhat helpful and surprisingly his advise work, considering that his are common sense answers and really any normal person would've come up with the same resolution (Who knew). It is also important to note that Jimmy has most of his character, NPC's, and district based/influenced from famous sci/fantasy/modern shows, series, and books. Huge fan of war and strategy games.
Physical appearance:

Background: Jimmy was born into a military family in which he had to move around alot. Making new friends in new places every year was something not strange to him and his ties with his old friends would be forgotten over time. However by the time he was 18 he and his family had finally decided to stay put in one location. It was a relief to Jimmy and he was able to properly make friends whom he wouldn't have to worry about cutting ties with him. Eventually he would go to college and then join the army which many of his ancestors had done in the past. However he was honorably discharged after he had lost his left leg during a firefight oversea's. He was only 26 at the time and he was given a prosthetic leg that was at the time the latest and best for those with disabilities or loss of a limb. However Jimmy had a neurological problem where he would have pains around his stump leg, despite having check ups showing nothing wrong. He had for several years had gone through a dark phase, but was then introduced to the game Yggdrasil by a close friend. He was reluctant but decided that maybe having his mind hooked to something else (Literally) would maybe keep the pain off. So he tried it and surprisingly it worked. He felt completely revived and happy once more. Since then he had committed most of his free time to playing Yggdrasil and trying to bring in his favorite genre's and interest into the game which he couldn't believe he could do. He would eventually join the Guild named Insomnia, there he would also invite some of his real life friends to join and form a district that they would hang out and discuss all sorts of topics and build cool weapons that they would test on rival guilds. That was also where he would meet what he considered the love of his life Maria. Maria had joined the guild and surprisingly had wanted to join Jimmy and his friends district due to her similar interests. She was welcomed with open arms and was a great contribution to the district as a warlock. It is known that despite Jimmy being the one to create the chapter warriors, it was maria that came up with the personality and physical designs of the warriors. She was the best when it came to drawing in which the other members lacked. Eventually she and Jimmy had slowly grown intimate and even confessed to each other. After exchanging numbers and even finding out that they both lived in the same city, they both decided to date. Jimmy was worried for multiple reasons (Mostly his missing leg), but found Maria to be bizarrely kind and sweet. They both dated until her death a year before hand. She had unfortunately been a target of robbery and had came home during the robbery. For several months Jimmy had decided to finish some projects and sign off for what was thought to be forever. Yet memories of the good days lead him back to Yggdrasil. He had heard of the party that would be hosted on the last day of the game, but he decided to take one of his most powerful companions and stroll across the land. The last thing he wanted to do was go to the place where he had confessed to Maria and lay on the floor and watch the starry nights, until the very last moment.

Of course fate had decided to fuck with him and keep him in the game. Now he's god knows where!!!.....God knows where...HMMMMMMMM


Role of Guild: Defender of the guild/ RAID!
  • 4503451319102f8f4ced2afe2c7e3918.jpg
    Real Name:
    Alisha Riani

    In-game Name:



    Race Type:
    Humanoid [Elf]

    Karmatic Alignment:
    Neutral Good (+100)
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  • S0zB_row & Alishia.
    S0zB_row - Male Humanoid. Account deactivated.
    Alishia - Female Humanoid. L̘̝̙̜͕̹̦͉̀͜͠ͅa̶̧̲͍̗̪̙̯͔̞̝ͅͅs̢͖̯̖͎̤̩͖̝̗̥̱̩̘̘͉̞̦̗ͅț̴̡̨̠̥̝͈̠̘̭͉̝̳̠͍̀̕ ҉̢̞͕̬̳̭̰͍͉̰͇̹̫͈̻̣͈́s҉̯̺͕͍̝͎͍̼̩̤̦̦͟e̛͈̥̳̯͖͉͓͕͇̭̪̯̗͍̠͉͢͞ͅȩ̮̳̗͈͖͠͠ń̷͖̤̭̦̘ ̵̢̩͖͇̪͉͍̞̩̹͡o̸̦̫̫̺̝̱̟̬̠̗ņ̴̢̲̣͓̼͓l̶͎̞̞̳̭͎̦͍̙͍̩̯͟͢i̛̬̤̜͉̯̝̤̲͖̤̜͚̕͜͜͡ņ̸̡̛͚̘͔͎̘͉͚̖̱̹̜̭͙̥̝͇̼̹͜ͅe͏̧̞͕̼̰̜̮̮͚͡:҉̵̡̫͎̰͓̜̝͉́ ̴̵̧̛͉̳̥̼͓͖̤̥̮̰̯̪̳͟N̨͎̙̥͚̜̹͎̫͓̻̟̺͖̕ͅͅo̸̹̼͉̻̟͈͕͓͙̱̹͖̮̪͇͇͟͟͝͡w̢̢̱̤̺̙̕
    • Magic Librarian.jpgCreator:
      Guild Master

      Avena Grand Libreta


      Humanoid [Elf]


      Karmatic Alignment:
      Neutral Good (+150)


  • Alchemist.jpg
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Destructus Kloud / Marx Hawthorne

Bastion of the Ethereal



Race Type:
Human Spirit

Karmatic Alignment:
100+ Lawful Neutral


Human (Spirit) (5)
(Ghost) (10)

Champion (5)
Guardian (5)
Sword Master (5)
Shield Lord (5)
Rune Master (10)
Elementalist (Ground) (10)
Paladin (10)
Holy Knight (10)
Armorsmith (15)

Total Level (100)

HP: 100
MP: 10
Phy. Atk. : 80
Phy. Def. : 100
Agility: 30
Mag. Atk. : 30
Mag. Def. : 100
Resistance: 100
Special Ability: 80
Total: 690

"Carapace Of The Immortal Behemoth" - A set of very large heavy battle armour meant for someone of a very big frame. This Divine-class armour restores a percentage (10%) of armour/weapon durability and (20%) MP to the wearer for every time they are hit by an attack. Additionally, this armour cosmetically regenerates should it suffer damage, but it’s overall durability remains constant. This armour negates all damage/debuffs from tier 7 and below, while partially mitigating tier 8+. The wearer cannot be 1-shotted by tier 10+ damage. The wearer has a reduced -50% chance to be stunned, staggered, paralysed or otherwise made unable to act, gains increased strength and resist, but suffers a movement speed penalty (does not affect attack speed). Finally, this armour’s durability is equal to twice the user's maximum HP (before racial augmentation) and once per day, this can be doubled however regenerating lost durability will still cap at its original capacity maximum.

"Blockbreaker Greatsword" - A legendary greatsword that has an increased chance to stun/stagger an enemy when hit with or blocking an attack from this weapon. For an 80% chance to take effect, enemies will be unable to act for 3 seconds. This percentage is halved to 40% against enemies with a shield or with heavy battle armour, and it is quartered to 20% if the enemy has both. Shields and armour hit with this sword lose 10% durability per hit, being rendered unusable until repaired once all durability has been removed. This weapon uses armour upgrades instead of weapon upgrades.

"Bastion's Gate Greatshield" - A legendary greatshield that can negate damage/debuffs of tier 9 and below, increases the users defences and resistance, and reflects 50% of the damage dealt by magical attacks. Enemies hit with this shield suffer +100% knockback on hit. This greatshield uses armour upgrades and (if the user is any level of Elementalist -ground-) can trigger a minor tier 9 earthquake when smashed against the ground.

Ring of the Giant - Cash shop item that grants the wearer increased strength, resist, defences and cosmetic size (10 ft tall). Increases the damage of heavy weapons (such as greatswords) and greatly reduces the knockback the user takes (70% reduction).

Blood Slasher Ring - Increases the user's attack speed and damage with swords. Bladed weapons inflict bleeding (loss of 1% health per second, lasts 20s up to 20% health loss max per bleed) per hit upon drawing blood and instantly kill non-player entities at 10% health or below.

Emperor's Domain Ring - Cash shop item that doubles the range of auras and AOE abilities, applies a cosmetic divine light effect on the wearer. Increases magical defences, greatly reduces the effect of mind-affecting magic (does not discriminate between buffs and debuffs).

Class Skills (tier 7+):
Ethereal Being (Rune Master + Spirit/Ghost) - The user has no physical body and most be anchored to a physical object. All health is removed and item durability is used when bound to inanimate objects, monsters/entities with higher health are used over the player’s base health. This requires the Rune Master class and a rune on the desired object anchor. Objects include suits of armour, weapons, weak-minded individuals (at least 20 levels lower) or compliant individuals (any level) and any monster (excluding world-class bosses). A single backup rune may be placed on another object in case the user's current anchor is destroyed. The user cannot be afflicted by biological ailments such as bleed and poison while inhabiting inanimate objects, however they can still be affected by stuns, knockback, confusion and elemental ailments, etc...

Guardian Defender (Guardian + Shield Lord) - The user may unleash a mighty roar that attracts the attention of every hostile individual in their immediate surroundings. Affected individuals cannot launch attacks at anything other than the user. Increases the user's defences and resist. The first time the user is killed whilst this skill is active, they are revived with 10% health and 10 seconds of invincibility, this skill may not be used for another minute thereafter. This ability trumps other taunts and requires 50% or above resistance (passive or spells) to be ignored.

Stance of the Champion (Champion + Sword Master) - The user can wear heavy great armour easily and can wield greatswords one-handed effortlessly. Increases defences and resist massively, increased strength, increases damage and attack speed with greatswords.

Secrets of the Earth (Elementalist (Ground) + Armorsmith) - The user may regenerate the durability of their equipment by drawing materials from the earth. The user may also upgrade and enhance armour and shields using rare earth minerals (high-tier gear will require boss drop materials) for specific effects or stat upgrades. Finally, using materials from the earth, the user may form a replica of their armour at half its current level.

Marx is a reserved, stoic type most of the time. Ever the temple of calm, there isn't much that can startle, fluster or surprise him and he appears wise beyond his years (as old as a piece of armour can look anyway). However, below this emotionless statue is a very kind man who loves to have a laugh and recall tales of the past. Have a drink with him (no one has any idea how a suit of armour can even physically get drunk, but he's found a way) and he'll be your best mate for the next evening. Of course, with his close friends this persona also slips into his everyday life and one can expect random acts of kindness and surprising general affection that would not normally be expected of him to those he's unfamiliar with. His utmost goal in the game is to preserve the lives of his friends and he will do everything in his power to ensure his goal remains unharmed, a deadly intent revealing itself in scary magnitudes to those who would threaten it.

Marx grew up with a fairly regular childhood that ended rather and tragically abruptly with the death of both his parents in an avalanche-skiing accident. Distraught, Marx became anti-social and developed crippling anxiety. He rarely made friends but was always too overprotective of them - to the point he began losing the few he had due to his smothering behaviour. Turning to gaming to distract from his toils or real life and escape the maze of depression that surrounded his social life, Marx became interested in a VRMMO called YGGDRASIL.

He had started the game as everyone did but it soon became apparent that Marx was climbing the ranks at an unprecedented level. It wasn't due to any inherent skill or luck, he hadn't been particularly blessed with either at birth, but his pure tenacity in logging as many hours as he could physically cram into the day and then some. A "Bang-out" as some would call him, Marx doggedly played the game day in and day out until he had maxed out the level of his pure-tank build. It was a build he'd chosen for the soul reason of protecting himself and others and thus allowed him to participate in most quests and parties: anywhere from defeating raid bosses, acting as a mercenary to attack guilds and escorting merchants across long distances.

Marx eventually grew up, but he never stopped playing YGGDRASIL. He ended up working in a software security firm, writing lines upon lines of code hours on end, but he was used to plodding on through tough the tough grind from his old gaming days. As his coding skills grew, he was able to craft more intricate armours such as his prized possession "The Carapace of the Immortal Behemoth" and construct more advanced personal npcs such as one of his most proud creations: Alabaster. Over the years he joined the guild "Lake Coven" and formed a tight bond with their members, becoming part of the core group and being responsible for the guild's defense during war/raid times.

Lake Coven

Role of Guild:
Guild Guardian Overseer

He takes his job very seriously, so please don't anger him.​
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Name: Hamilton Cipher (Katsuragi Shoto)


Late 20s

Race Type:

Karmatic Alignment:
+250 (Lawful Good)

Racial Levels:

Job Levels:

Elementist (Air) - (10)
Gunner - (10)
Rogue - (10)
Sniper - (10)
Ranger - (15)
Assassin - (10)
Cleric - (15)
Stalker - (5)
Pathfinder - (5)
Cook - (10)

A trickster, a manipulator, a no good metagaming asshole. Those three terms have been used to describe Hamilton Cipher the Gentleman Thief. He was an odd one among the human race players in that he is willing to work with anyone to achieve his own little goals, be it a humanoid or even heteromorphs. He's known to easily switch sides on a dime and would do anything to get the upper hand. But despite all this, he does have his own set of morals. He will never go back on his word, and rewards cooperation with rare items as thanks. And that's how he treats strangers. For people he can safely call friends, he shows a more sensible side and would never dream of abandoning them for loot. In addition, he's also a bit of a daredevil and has a flair for the dramatic. No thanks to his love of crime mystery novels like the tales of Arsene Lupin and it shows in his high risk-high reward playstyle.

Physical appearance:



Born to a surprisingly well off Katsuragi family, Shoto was part of the elite few who can say that they had an easy childhood. He had a rather pampered upbringing and would be the envy of his classmates due to being well-off. Makes sense seeing as he is the son of the Katsuragi Naomasa, CEO of the Katsuragi Conglomerate. That being said, it soon dawned upon Shoto that his simple life was his father packing in as much fun as possible for his son before the true work began.

At age 16, he began to be privately tutored in business and was a witness to a failed assassination attempt that sadly claimed his mother's life. Despite such a loss, he soldiered on, having promised that he will be a worthy successor to the Katsuragi name. By age 22, he was already a wary and experienced manager of his own office complex. It was during that time that he had an on and off relationship with a young programmer named Kirigiri Fuuko. The young lady's odd behavior was a huge turn on for a man whose life was mundane and boring. Sadly he knew their relationship will not work. Not because of Fuuko's aloof nature but because of him receiving a tip off that he was targeted for another assassination. Knowing that this will only lead to harming his subordinates and whatever family he had left, he requested for a transfer to the Canadian branch of one of the Conglomerate's sister companies.

After his move to Canada, he ended up as a manager of a Katsuragi Conglomerate branch office. Coincidentally, it shared the same building as a local urban planning firm and he made it a point to introduce himself to his neighboring company, especially one that isn't a rival. It was during this time that an intern asked if he was interested in gaming and gifted a copy of an MMO called YGGDRASIL. Out of curiosity, he started gaming in his free time and brought along his business practices with him. Being in a new world amazed him and he wanted to keep track of everything it had to offer. This lead to him forming a new Guild, the Lake Coven, after the space he bought on a whim after beating a limited time event. He wanted to make a library of sorts, hearkening back to his halcyon days where he would read the fantastic stories of thieves and detectives. The rest, as some may say, is history.

Then came news of the server shutdown. Not wanting to waste any of it, he decided to have one last hooray with whatever Guildmembers remained and to enjoy the false reality the game granted them. At least, that's what he thought.

Lake Coven

Role of Guild: Guild Master


Meddlesome Bore: A handgun added to the game as a limited Mob Drop during the Valkyrie's Downfall update. Fires bullets made from the user's MP.

+10% Agility
+10% Stagger Resistance

Passive: Elemental Shot
Able to charge an element into a bullet for bonus elemental damage or effects.


Skadi's Fang: A short blade Hamilton received upon completing a Limited Timed Event: The Trickster's Punishment.

+20% Agility
-20% Defense

Passive: Searing Venom
High chance of inflicting poison on enemies. Boosted chance if the eyes are targeted.


Lancerlot Mk III: A sniper rifle that drops from Lake Hunter enemies. Has been upgraded 3 times and given a custom scope imbibed with an Anti-Illusion spell.

+10% Magic Defense
+20% Luck

-10% Physical Defense

Passive: Marsh Hunter
Reduced movement penalty through muddy or swampy ground.
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Marx Hawthorne

Alabaster Beladroth



Race Type:

Emotional Support Mage

-Physical Attacks
-Fire Magic

Karmatic Alignment:

Racial Levels:

Job Levels:
Empathy Wizard - Lvl. 10
Emotion Arcanist - Lvl. 15
Saint - Lvl. 10
Magician - Lvl.15
Wizard - Lvl. 10
Cleric - Lvl. 15
Empath - Lvl. 10
Warrior - Lvl. 5
Total Level - 90

Winged Spear of Arielle:
This spear is a Divine class weapon. This spear also delivers +6 damage to any armor less than tier 6. To any persons with weakness to wind magic it delivers a +100 critical damage even with armor tier 7 or higher. The added wind effect also makes it an effective long range weapon with it being able to fly over 200 meters. It also will return to its masters hands when called.

Robes of the Volcanic Monks: This is a Legendary level armament. These robes eliminate 75% of fire damage against whomever has them equipped.

Alabaster is a user of Emotion Magic. To be specific he is a support class emotion mage. His magic consist of Buffs based on the targets emotions at the time. If the emotion changes, the buff will do more harm than it will good. He has six stones on his head dress that represent the six emotions he can use to help. Manipulating emotions may seem to be an unfair advantage, but the fickle nature of emotions can also be a drawback. This is mainly a buffer Magic. However it does have certain combative tactics. He can create weapons out of pure feelings. These weapons tend to look like they are made of light. He can also bind two people together who have strong feelings towards one another. Whether they are negative or positive. This makes taking out multiple opponents at once very easy. However, keep in mind that emotions are fickle thing. At one moment they are the strongest support you could have, but at the next they can be the most debilitating thing. He has to understand that and know how to use that to his advantage, which is why he study the class Clairvoyant. To better ensure that he knew people's emotions.

Anger: The anger buff will cut off the burning of endurance. Wildest buff is in place, the affected Target will lose no endurance even as they attack. If the target is not angry when the buff is active, the buff will instead eat away their endurance at a 15% higher rate.
Fear: When the fear buff is attached to a Target, the target will gain the skill 'Foresight'. This skill allows the user to see 10 seconds ahead. There is no penalty for activating this buff on a Target that has no fear.
Sadness: When this buff is activated all the Target that is sad it will begin a self restoration. This self restoration restores HP at 20% faster of a rate. This buff is deactivated when the target stops moving. If the target is not sad when this buff is activated, the buff will slow the movement of the target 5%.
Happiness: If the Target is happy when the happiness buff is attached, the target will gain +10 critical damage against an opponent. If the opponent is not happy when the buff is active, defense will be cut in half.
Pride: When The Pride buff is attached to a Target that is feeling prideful, the target will add a 30% booster to their defense. If a Target is not feeling prideful when this buff is attached, they take damage equal to half the damage dealt to an opponent.
Love: When the love buff is attached to a target feeling love, all magic costs half MP to cast. If the target is not feeling love, all spells cost double the MP.

Feelings Passive Skill:
Pain Augmentation: this is as simple as it sounds. Any damage dealt by Alabaster has double the pain. It is more of a mind trick. Something to quickly break the mind of an opponent.

Race Skills:
Great Unholy Tree:
This is a skill that allows you to bind your opponent in twisting black tree roots that you can control. These tree roots can either squeeze an opponent, explode wrapped around an opponent or simply hold an opponent while you attack. Alabaster can only use this skill 5 times a day.
Great Holy Tree: This skill summons a great tree. The trees shrouds Alabaster in Holy Light and drops a single droplet of dew on his head. This heals half of the damage sustained by Alabaster. This skill can be stopped and he can only use this 3 times a day.

Alabaster is a complex and complicated soul. Like the rest of his race he is a loyal and fierce companion, but he does have his drawbacks. He does not understand the concept of not wanting to protect anybody. He was created as a protector. He will openly sacrifice himself to protect anyone that his creator has deemed worthy of protection. He is almost the perfect Soldier. He was created with one defect however. This defect is his chaotic neutral standing. Unlike his creator he sees things in black and white. There is no in between or gray area. You either are or you aren't in his eyes. Since that is the case he will destroy what he thinks is black in the situation. Anything that he deems wrong based on his moral code is something that cannot be allowed to exist. Unless he's given specific orders to leave whatever is considered wrong alone, he will destroy it in the name of protecting the people he cares about. Normally he is rather well behaved, but in these specific instances he becomes Brash and hard to handle. Normally he is very warm and caring towards his companions. He is well mannered, but has a tendency to speak his mind, even if his specific opinion offends people. He doesn't see the point in lying, unless he is lying to protect the people he tasked with protecting. Despite all his complexity, you will never find a more faithful servant or a better protector for the people you love.

Physical appearance:

Alabaster was created for the sole purpose of guarding his Creator's friends. His creator spent countless hours making sure that Alabaster was the best possible Guardian he could be. He made sure that basic human emotion would be his greatest weapon. He spent the days standing where he was told to stand. Protecting what needed to be protected. Once during an enemy guild raid on their Guild Hall, Alabaster was responsible for taking out half the invading guilds forces. Despite there being only 10 of them, it was still an impressive feat. All he has ever done is guard who he was told to protect. If his creator told him they were someone worth protecting, he was there to make sure that nothing happened to them.

Lake Coven

Role of Guild:
Courtyard Guardian​
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Creator/Owner: Tiexue "Nobu" Sangiveri
Name: Iota Dailiren Omega
Gender: Female
Age: (She's an Automaton.)
Race Type: Heteromorphic, Automaton

Karmatic Alignment:
Positive 100; Neutral ~ Good

Racial Levels:
Automaton - 15

Job Levels:
Battle Maid – 15
Gunner – 10
Cannoneer - 14
Guardian - 10
Adventurer – 6
Cook -10

Iota Dailiren Omega appears emotionless and has a silent nature, but in reality she is serene and indifferent, she speaks and acts in a tidy manner. Her language is always respectful even towards her enemy, but she will give harsh titles to anyone who does evil deed, she loves cleaning and dislikes messy rooms that her creator makes, she is considered ‘safe’ for human, demi-human and heteromorphic interaction by her creator and will only attack if she or her creator is attacked. She also has a thing for cute things but she does not show it in public and will get flustered if one caught her in the act, just like her creator.

She wont mind if someone saw or looks at her underwear as its protected by a padding, but its also because her creator intended her weapon, a Magic cannon, to be hidden under her skirt thus needing to lift it up to reveal her weaponry.

Physical appearance:

Dailiren weapon.png

Iota Dailiren Omega was created to serve as a Battle Maid for her creator. A companion and bodyguard to accompany her creator in travels as well service her creator or anyone if it is required. During one of her Creator’s shifts, the game shuts down quietly, causing her Creator to think she couldn’t access the game anymore , leaving the poor Battle Maid alone as it gained sentience and became like that of her creator. A wanderer in the New World.

None (formerly)
Lake Coven (Currently)

Role of Guild: Battle Maid
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