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Realistic or Modern Overcast: Outbreak [EnkoKasumi]

Alexis has gotten a bit farther ahead, but has stopped and is yelling at you and Greg. "Guys!"

"God fuckin' dammit!"
Greg pants, raising his pistol and firing off a few shaky shots at the incoming assailants. He's exhausted, and his aim isn't steady; the rounds either miss, or simply smack into the torsos of the infected, which doesn't do a particularly good job of slowing them down. He looks over at you, teeth gritted. "Oh for fucksakes-- It's either you stay, or I do! I'm not gonna die for no reason!" he quickly says.

You try in vain to fight off the infected, but you are ultimately overwhelmed. The bloody individuals pull you to the ground, and you are bitten and mauled to death. You don't know whether Greg managed to survive, but you know Alex managed to escape.

After a few hours, you rise as one of the undead.
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