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Futuristic Out of Time(Long Term)


"Justice Will be brought to the light."
(this is based on a animated show i plan on making in the future, but with a lot less characters, as for the show i have almost 30 characters designed)
(At least 1 female would be nice to have for diversity)
(Please read about the battles mentioned for the role you want, so you know what you're talking about in RP)

The year is 2056. After centuries of scientists trying and failing, we finally achieved one thing that has always alluded us: Time travel. Though with 1 major flaw: it only allows people that've alrady lived to come here, to the present. Rather than call it a failure, the United Nations decided to put it to use, bringing back the best men and women from the best armies to have ever existed on Earth. Very few could be brought back, for the general public could not know of its existence. The people they brought were set into a strike team, the best in the business.

Soon, a global war engulfed the planet between the 'United Nations Military Alliance', mainly 1st world countries, vs the Initiative, mainly third world countries such as Somalia or the Middle East. Kronos, as they had been labelled, were in charge of stopping it. Whether they had honored the code of Bushido, or followed the rules of their kings and queens in the past, they were nothing more than slaves now, and most of the team decided that they would bow down to no man. The story begins before the start of the meeting between the members to see what should be done about their predicament, and whether they should continue being loyal, or find their own path, which would mean fighting a 2 front war between their former masters.

(You're allowed to have 1 weapon, it doesn't matter if its from your time period or not. Templar with a death machine, sure. Commando with a Laser sword, why not)

The Team:

(Untaken)The Templar: a former member of the knights Templar, your loyalty to the cause of the UNMA was immovable, perhaps even more than that of your old god. You stand on the side that you should continue fighting under UNMA flags. You witnessed the first Crusade yourself and gladly took part, but was abducted before you witnessed Jerusalem fall.

(Untaken)The Minuteman: A true Patriot, you were at the first line at the battle of Lexington and Concord, and you fired the 'shot heard around the world'. You're on the side of leaving the UNMA, as this isn't the first time you've rebelled against a tyrant. You were abducted 3 days after the battle of Saratoga, the turning point of the American Revolution.

(Taken)The Tommy: A veteran of World War 1, you fought in the Somme(and the Emu war, but you wouldn't want the other knowing because.....look it up, its funny AF), and watched many friends die. You're on the side of leaving, as you feel the UNMA are fighting for their own personal goals rather than the good of Earth. You were abducted in 1934.
Name: Edward 'Patch' Townsend
Gender: Male
Weapon: Lewis Gun
Personality: friendly, though hostile to people he sees as rude. Puts himself in harms way to protect innocent lives or friends.

(Untaken)The Red: A true Communist who fought under the Russian flag in World War 2, you gave life and liberty to protect your family and your country. You're on the side of staying, as the currently Communist countries are in the UNMA. You were abducted an hour after the Battle of Stalingrad.

(Untaken)The Commando: A New Zealand soldier fighting in the jungles of Vietnam, you know the definition of guerrilla warfare. You are neutral, as you dont want your friends to kill each other over this argument. You were abducted in 1976.
(Untaken)The Samurai: A true warrior of Bushido, your bloodline left you with the honor and grace of a warrior. You are neutral for the same reason the Commando is. You were abducted in 1877, in the middle of the Battle of Shiroyama.
(Ill make a PM when all roles are taken so we can start on their)

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