Out of Character Discussion

Alrighty! Halfwayish done! Stopping for the night. Between work and an uncooperative phone, progress was pretty slow. But i should definately have it done before deadline :)
I forgot to ask earlier, but what is the current level of technology in the world? Like is it around the kind found in medieval times, or possibly before/after it?
I'm still working out the details on that myself, but approximately on the cusp of the Industrial revolution would be a good ballpark. So, there's basic rifles and gunpowders, but not the extensive precision manufacturing industry needed to make the kinds of firearms we have today. There's a few anomlies, energy-wise. There is no access to fossil fuels, so we don't have coal or oil - but we do have harnessed electricity, courtesy of the microscopic nanonbots that the Magi left behind.
I'm still working out the details on that myself, but approximately on the cusp of the Industrial revolution would be a good ballpark. So, there's basic rifles and gunpowders, but not the extensive precision manufacturing industry needed to make the kinds of firearms we have today. There's a few anomlies, energy-wise. There is no access to fossil fuels, so we don't have coal or oil - but we do have harnessed electricity, courtesy of the microscopic nanonbots that the Magi left behind.

Alright, cool. I was planning on having my character be an unfortunately tone deaf  man  who makes up for it wih an innate ability to take things apart and figure out what makes them tick and put them back together and just like tinker around with things.
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Pardon my lateness. Inspectors decided to come two weeks early and I have been scrambling to prepare for them. It kind of jacked my plans of finishing my CS by wednesday. 

However, i will have it finished today. I mainly have the personality and history left to fill out. Maybe one more skill.

But more or less, I will changed plans a little bit and am making Rudy more of a repairman sort. For whomever it may concern. I figure we might need one. 
I might be a little bit late, i had something important that i had to submit on Saturday. My character is going to be a religious mechanic
Pardon me, but my honest opinion is that Rowan offers TOO much to the table. Combat experience, healing, spellcasting, enough knowledge to act as a one-woman psych ward...it fills too many niches. 

I KNOW there can be two spell-slingers and two healers, but, if my experience in Fire Emblem counts for anything, there's no point even trying to baby or use the 'weaker' healer/spellsinger if there is limited 'experience' to be had, essentially putting Portia in a spot where she is more or less useless. 

And accounting that Rowan has almost the same amount of knowledge (perhaps even better, given her blue blood) at half of Portia's age...

At least, that's just the opinion of a guy known for posting memes and doing nothing actually important. So whatever.
Speaking as the GM who knows what's planned for the first few posts - y'all ain't prepared. xD
I'm surprised no one is an artist like Owen the NPC/example character.

Also, please remind me to finish the NPC list. I need to have Cas written up.

Generic rogue archetype. Snarky asshole who likes danger and acts like a jerk to everyone but actually, maybe, has a heart of gold, sometimes, or is just genuinely a jerk. The classic 'life was shit' upbringing, and consequently has life pulling him by the reins with him never taking charge of it.

8/10, pretty good writing, pretty normal character, nothing new to the drawing board.
that moment when you entirely forget about the existence of an rp and frantically begin making a character before you get smited

Bllarrgghh, making a character now.
Yes and no, Ender! You can use spell singing to heal wounds... But only on another spell singer.

See, "magic" in this setting is actually using a novelty programming technique to control and command nanobots, right? If you have the gift, that means you have a high enough concentration of active nanobots in your body to communicate directly with the RAN terminals - and other nanobots. If a person has few to no nanobots, they're basically "outside the network" and cannot be influenced.

That's where you get into some dark shit like instigating auto-immune disorders and literally hacking another singer's body to destroy itself. There's a reason banned knowledge exists - the Magi were too powerful for their own good, you know?

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