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Our Own World

Ulanda waved into the sky with a great big grin across her slightly blue skinned face.

"Hello big person in the sky!!" She yelled cheerfully.
Ulanda then swiftly started skipping down the dirt road...content with the fact she'd just said hello to one of the most beautiful beings in existence!

"La la la la la!" She started humming and singing to herself softly, a little of her magic flooding out of her fingertips as each note poured out of her mouth.

She couldn't help but look at the view around her, taking in it's beauty, each blade of grass..stem's of flowers...branches of trees thatare covered with the most beautiful shades of green.

Zolo peeked it's small, slick head out of Ulanda's pouch, a pouch specifically enchanted with the ability to constantly create water on the inside, whilst staying dry on the outside..It looked around, it's large eyes marvelling at the same views as Ulanda.

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