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Oriens Academy [Phoenix Game]

"I can't really... see anyone that really looks like they need any help... people are probably getting out on their own since... well, I made a safe exit already..."

Azure watched as some girl was knocked away and into the side of the wall

-.....? Is... this an event planned by Rose? Wait... no I don't think she's that kind of person, erg... who sent her flying though?-

Azure couldn't help but focus toward the mountain of various things that Vash probably assembled

-... I... I guess he really is serious about food...-

He noticed something strange though as he was looking toward Vash, dishes seemed to be popping up around his hill, knocking people away, but what was making that happen? As he looked, he happened to see Mel up the mountain near Vash... but... was now honestly even a good time to even consider giving back Riff's Choker? He didn't really understand her as a person, given that he really only knows her as a person on the enemy team, and what Riff said about her past, giving the choker back now might not be the best idea on a battlefield, considering what he knows about her. That doesn't mean he can't try to attempt to set up a time or something

-I guess I might as well try, who knows what'll happen...-

Soon, for some reason, the mountain was turned into something more castle or keep like in structure! He didn't know how this was happening, but it did interest him.

-... I gotta restock myself...-

Azure started scavenging the battlefield for pretty much whatever he could carry on him, when he decided, the easiest way to obtain valuable gear, was to take it off of people he would defeat. He thought that maybe, just maybe he could beat them all over time... of course, that'd probably take hours, just wishful thinking in his head. Slowly, Azure began fighting his way through the masses, plundering their loot in the process for valuable food gear as he made his approach to Mel and Vash.
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Skyia nodded looking around trying to pick up something, hit people with food? Oookay? It... sorta seemed like fun. So she goes and tries to pick up a pie that hadn't been touched, yet, and was rearing her arm back to chuck it. . . when she noticed erm... the big angry girl with the weird slimy thing on her back kinda had this huge ball of food on her tail. She decided what would be best was to go back into cover. Quickly dropping the pie and taking cover under a table as she noticed she was about to move.


Maxine has this wicked grin on her face as a few of the members on fort Sanshoo help loaded up her tail. Looking over briefly seeing Vash rocket a turkey at Rose. "ROSE IS DOWN, ROSE IS DOWN, GET TO COVER!" she looked back over towards the chaos and the crowd, eyes starting to glow orange. "I'm ending this." she said with a bit of fire spewing out of her mouth with that last word. Using Eluicid's tail she curled up the mass of food into a orb, and got onto her arms and knees. "ALRIGHT, LETS DO THIS!" she yelled out before a quick breath, suddenly heaving up the giant mass of food into the air, the giant orb spinning around up in the air like some sort of eclipse blocking off some of the lights with a dark black shadow underneath.

Maxine getting back onto her feet quickly, looked up at the orb, with a inhale of her breath, she spewed out this blazing hot stream of fire coating the floating orb, slightly melting and melding the entire thing together, making all of the contents within slightly soft. Creating this glowing orange glow everywhere around the room, by this point this might have caught the crowds attention. But Maxine wasn't finished yet, grabbing that bread stick she's been using for a bat she jumps up flying upwards high into the air above the flaming food ball. Clenching the bread with both hands and flying downwards at the ball.

With a contract of her arms, and a swing with a two handed swing she hit the giant flying food ball spinning slightly in place as she started yelling. "GET REAAAAADY, FOR THE FOOOOOD NUUUUKE." Sending the giant orb flying down directly below her. Flying down and hitting down with a force that shook the entire room, spreading this goo of meat and pastries everywhere, coating every single thing and pushing them with a force that could knock many off their feet if they weren't braced against anything.

Victor up on a beam on the top, just watched in awe of seeing what the hell she was doing, before promptly getting blasted off and slamming down onto a table, letting out a grunt as his body smashed into it. "F-f***, the f*** w-was that?" he said honestly surprised on what the hell just happened.

Jayus still standing in his original position stay unmoved, just his entire front of his body covered in this line of goupy food, with a clear outline behind, with some lucky vampire behind him evading all of that mess.

Alexandra just started laughing her heart out seeing that move. "Daaaaaaamn" she said, girl knew how to pull of something like that, nyehehah. Still completely shielded by the bubble she made, that was honestly close to bursting with that much substance hitting all at once. For now she started to point her seat off out of the cafeteria, time to get ready for class.~

Skyia's futile attempt to cover her body, worked slightly, food seeped through her tail still covering her torso up pretty well. Could have been a lot worse, but she really needs a change of clothes... and a shower. Uncoiling up she had a bit of a look of disgust and discomfort with any of the stuff on her tail, just looking around seeing the aftermath. "Bleh..." she said wiping off some of the residue off her arms. and a bit that dripped onto her coming from the ceiling.

Maxine just stood up at the epicenter of the flying nuclear food bomb's hit, standing up covered in all sorts of food dripping off of her with a few wicks of fire coming off of her. Before crossing her arms and standing up straight. "Now then. . . CLEAN UP THIS MESS." she commanded, almost every single person in here was acusable of contributing to this mess, so they had to stay here and clean up this ****ing mess dammit!
-... Orange...-

Azure looked on in amazement, as what seemed to be a junk like sun forming... When he saw that it was the disciplinary member Maxine making it however...


Azure dropped his food gear and made a break for the exit he was shoved back through. He knew it would only be a matter of time before she unleashed hell. Luckily for Azure, he made it through safely, and was right in front of the hole, and saw Kylier there wondering what was up.

"Why are you back out Azure..."

While it did not sound like there was anger in her voice, it had a certain annoyance to it which betrayed her calm demeanor. She took a hold of him by the arm, not letting him go.

"Kylier! Wait I need to move, Maxine is gonna!"

A moment later after a quake, food was forced out of the hole he made, aiming concentrated food directly at his back, as it quickly forced Kylier's grip on him apart. The food kept coming for a bit, and after the event ended, Azure was nowhere to been seen, and there was a massive build up food...


Kylier just walked away... She was done here, with this, and today in general...
Though Mel had prepared for some sort of attack, she didn't expect something of that magnitude. Who could have? As the nuke exploded, Mel could easily feel the force of the blast through the table, strong enough to push her back several feet until the legs of the chair hit the back wall. Luckily, she had been leaning against the table. Her strength wasn't enough to keep the table in place but enough at least to keep it upright, shielding her clothes from the muck. Well, her uniform wasn't completely clean but it was certainly better than anyone else's in the room.


Vash however wasn't that lucky. Mel had placed tables in front of him but a pile of wood wasn't exactly the clearest of hints. Staring at the tables in confusion, Vash was caught by surprise when the food nuke went off, blasting both him and the tables back with incredible force. Vash was sent flying back crashing in a huge pile of splintered wood and unrecognizable food goop.

" . . . Ow . . . "


Rose wasn't exactly pleased to wake up to a food waste land. And she was even less happy to see herself covered in a rainbow of food goo. But at least her side seemed to have won. Knowing that made having to clean up and change her clothes a little more bearable. But not by much.

With everyone working together, the dining hall was clean in a bit over an hour. It used up all her free period but at least Rose wouldn't be missing their next class. She was a bit excited. There was going to be a new teacher. Rose knew nothing about him or her so she was curious as to who it was.

Now wearing a crisp clean uniform, Rose walked into the classroom, taking a seat at the front of the class as more students began to spill into the classroom. Being a magic class, this was going to be entertaining at the very least, so people probably weren't going to miss it.

( @Verdas Sorry for the wait but you are free to post now. Just come into magic class if you're not sure how to start.)
Stormy walks throght the forest casually waiting to come here forever she walks out into the open and goes strait to the school and picking up her papers and headijg to her dorm " 12 right " she said as she wandered aroujd the school and then finding her dorm unpacking and running to class * controlling powers my favorite I wonder what they call it here I think it was Magic * she thought as she ran into the classroom and sat down at the back of the room in a dark corner by the window and she gazed out it thinking about who her parents might have been she sighed* finally im at school* she said to herself in her head and waiting for class to start she was excided to start training with people like her instead of learning by herself she felt content * I just know im going to love it here * and she " closed her eyes feeling a small breeze from a crack in window
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(Ok. I'm going to try to make my posts similar to that of the others if you don't mind.)

Veiko walked to the Magic Class with Liz following soundlessly behind him. This was his first time going to a school in years as he had been homeschooled by his father.

"This place is quite impressive. If I have the time then I'll definitely explore this place some more after classes."

He then stooped down so that his pet could get on his shoulder and walked towards the door for Magic Classes.
"... Man... I can't believe Kylier's still doing whatever for Azzy..."

Vize was just kicking back on the grass all sprawled out in her harpy form, letting the gentle breeze fill her feathers.

"I don't wanna wait any longer... I'm bored and my classes dun start yet!"

She was speaking in a frustrated childish voice as she flailed a bit to her self.

"What do you mean they don't start yet... I signed you up for Magic Class with me..."

Kylier was right by Vize for who know's how long, but if you were to ask Azure, he'd probably say long enough for her to make a fool out of herself, not that Vize's can see that in herself, and thus, pointless for Kylier to do anyway. To her voice, she sprung up onto her talons with a jolt of renewed energy, despite how she previously acted. Kylier of course put a hand out to stop of from springing up right on top of her to at least give her some personal space

"I need you to do something for me..."

"No, I need you to...!"

"Its about Azure"

"Oh! I can have him then?"

"In due time, I need you to get a set of his school clothing."

"Why's that?"

"Because I had signed up him for a class without his knowing, and I'm not going to be brought down for being related to, 'a smelly nobody'."

"Aww... you don't have to put it like that, I know you two don't get along that well... or at least he doesn't, but that doesn't mean you should stop being nice back. Just smile! And then you'll get his Smile!"

"That sounds more like advice for a couple than siblings."

-Wonder if it actually works...-


Kylier pulled out what looks like a picture frame..... but..... there's no way that she could of had that on her without any it bulging from her clothing while it was on her... even if there was a place for it to rest. On it is a couple pictures separated by borders, showing Azure's room, and a close up of his open closet

"Just to make sure you know what you are doing, here's a picture of what you'll be getting, meet me back here when your done."

"OK, you got it, its as good as done!"

She did a silly little salute as she booked it into the air. It was at least 3 minutes until she came back with a set of clothing, and 'shinys'...


Kylier accepted the clothing without questioning what she had, she knew they weren't Azure's....... but...

"Lets go"

Kylier lead Vize to where Azure was buried... and rested against the wall, cloaking them both as they approached as people where gradually digging closer and closer to where Azure was

"Oh, are you using?"

Kylier nodded her head, not wanting to waste energy on her since she's seen her do this before. They waited for a while as they were right on top of where he was buried as they dug away and threw away the food into trash bags.

"I mean... just how crazy is it that Maxine's attack broke through the window, she's a real brute."

"Hey now, come on, she's a girl, at least try to think of her having a feminine side, she can be..... uh... well... you shouldn't say things like that, or else she'll put you down"

"That's what I mean, she's more like a guy than a girl, if she were to get married, I'd bet she'd be in the tux, while the guy is in the dress, what kind of guy can call themselves a guy if she's the one who protects the family."

"Shut up... your being too narrow minded, maybe a guy being the role of the wife isn't such a bad idea..."

It got awkward between the two... the two perverts thinking of what Maxine would be like married... Kylier was above listening to boys being boys but it did make her think a little, as little as she cared...

"Well how about this, maybe her family raised her as a boy, or something, how crazy would that be? ....???"

The guy clearing things away was looking away as he uncovered most of Azure's unconscious body, he looked back when he wondered what was so big as to prevent him for clearing away the piles of food when he freaked out at the site of him like that.

"AH?! The hell...? Should we get Maxine?!"

"I don't know, I don't want to get in trouble over this, lets just go. Hey... isn't that uh...... the shrimp who stood up against the giant in the spar? .......Azure right?"

"Heh... if food got him like this... what would the big guy of done to him."

"Come on... we gotta go report it to her, I'm not touching him at all till she does."

The two left to go talk to Maxine over what they had found, and were going to mention his name in the process.

"Come on Vize, we're taking him."

Vize quickly turned into human form, then two hauled away Azure to elsewhere before the two students reached Maxine, as to avoid being called kidnappers while out of sight. Eventually, Azure woke up at the unpleasant sight of the two together.

"Ah... what?!"

"Your going to get washed up Azure... I'm not done with you yet... I'll have 'her' poison you if you resist..."

"Hehe..... well..."

Vize had an amused giggle, and just went along with it, as if she intended to do what Kylier said...

"... What do I gotta do..."

"First... get washed up of course..."

During the break, Kylier had forced Azure to get fully cleaned, as if he hadn't been in that food fight to begin with, and in his school clothing as well... Classes were soon to start... Kylier and Vize were escorting Azure down a few halls when Azure couldn't stand not knowing what she was up too... he knew he didn't have classes... which meant that something was up... although there were people around... were they going to use an empty class room to.....

"By the way Azure..."

Kylier spoke quietly in his ear, catching him off guard

"I signed you up for Magic Class, it all worked out and you are officially a student in there, I thought it'd be fun..."

Kylier shoved Azure through the door, and remained upright, she followed inside along with Vize

"Take a seat Azure... class will soon be in session..."

That familiar eerie tone made him sure, that 'THIS' was what she was going to be doing to him this year... He just accepted it... he didn't want to make a scene here...


He sat in the very back.... he had no interested in seeing whatever the teacher would be doing or teaching... or get a 1st hand look at whatever the teacher would be throwing around...

"In the back huh?"

Kylier sat down in the desk adjacent to him, Kylier motioned Vize to do the same, and caught on. Vize didn't notice Rose in the room, but hopefully that won't be a problem, even though she's only seen her in half shifted form, and likely not 'All' of that form's body, and is in human for now, maybe the fact that she won't be seen with wings will be enough. Despite that, Kylier noticed her... and grew a small scowl on her face for a second. She was above taking such chances, since she sent Vize after Azure, and didn't want things to be traced back to her... Kylier got up and lead Vize out for a moment to a nearby bathroom before Rose may have randomly looked back for whatever reason, she didn't notice her doing so earlier at least.

"Rose is in there, if she saw your earlier stunt... you'll have to be in your other forms..."

"Oh... ok then"

With that she turned back into Harpy Form, and the two came back in, individually, and went back into their respective seats...

Azure was still there of course, knowing that he shouldn't skip a class, even if it was this... he figured he could get this situation taken care of later... The three waited, for whatever to happen to happen. Azure was being rather silent... probably wanting this class to already end.
Lerrus sat on the seat next to Rose, his usual attire of black shirt and the top button undone. Because it was a slim fit shirt, it accentuated his lean athletic build well. Whether it came as part of the deal for being half incubus, he wasn't quite sure.

Lerrus matched his succubus mother, in that instead of going into peoples dreams to violate them, they were more...proactive. Maybe would explain the well-off body as well, for all the physical work required for that as well. Anyway, off the topic of extra-curricular practical biology exercises.

It was a magic class, which left him much intrigued. How exactly would he demonstrate this, without killing anyone by accident. After all, he didn't want to be kicked out in his first year. Even his introduction letter contained to say not to cause trouble.

He supposed he could demonstrate using dummies or targets made up of magical content. That way Deaths Door should only be localised to the exposed open magic and not try to murder someone.

At least, he hoped.

Well for now, he waited until he was called out, relaxing in the chair beside Rose, who he overheard was the Student Council Prez around here. Elves were rather good at standing out, even if they didn't want to.

"Ohh a magic class! Isn't that what we do already, now we get to learn to ---"

"Enough your rambling again."

Walking toward the class Stone held tightly on to the strap that held was connected to a bag that was fit for a base ball bat. Beside her was the short sylph whose hair had been tied up by Stone. It happened a day ago last time Stone recalled. Naval had constantly had episodes of tripping over her hair while they were in the cafeteria , leaving Stone to have students evade her clumsy falls. As much as the sylph pleaded she had lost against Stone, in the end having her two bangs braided to the back.

"Stone are you angry?"


"Your not talking much."

"Do I need to?"

Stone grew irritated by the countless attempts Naval made to make conversation with her. Before she would have snapped she pulled out a bag that was tied with a red ribbon. Untying it she let the ribbon warp around her arm as the bag opened. Pulling out a strawberry filled cookie, she began to chomp on them, making sure to not leave any crumbs on her attire. Walking into the class first she spotted Rose but someone new to her next to her. Lucky for Stone there was a free seat on the other side of her. Without showing a smirk or a small smile she walked over toward the seat, setting her bags of cookies down as she handled the bag that was on her shoulder. Naval however jumped from Stone's side and landed right in front of rose with a energetic bow .

"Hello Rose, We haven't seen each other's in ages, but then again Stones been hauling me around school and all."

Stone had gently set the bag against a few other desk, hoping that it wouldn't fall. Patting her skirt she scooted into the desk beside Rose, giving the man beside her a blank irritated look. As Naval began to speak again, Stone shot her a glare.

"Your rambling again."

Naval puffed out her cheeks before she waved by , walking away to grab the seat behind Stone. Sighing Stone turned her head toward Rose and offered her a cookie.

"Hello Rose."
Rose had been waiting for class to begin when someone sat down next to her. Looking at the boy out of the corner of her eye, she couldn't help but stare for a bit. He was, well, to be blunt about it, hot*. He reminded her of the members of that boy band she liked, a group of incubi and vampires. Tall, dark and . . . uh . . .

She wasn't sure when but somewhere along the line, Rose's mind blanked out a bit while she was looking at Lerrus. The half-elf didn't even notice she was staring until Naval appeared in front of her. Rose jumped a bit as the sylph greeted her. Partially from shock and partially from embarrassment. She must've been pretty out of it to not notice Stone and her enter the room. Neither really had the sort of appearance to blend into a crowd.

"Oh . . . uh . . . hi guys." Her cheeks flushed a bit as she turned away, not wanting to look anyone in the eye until she calmed down a bit more. It didn't take long for the rosey tint in her face to go away though and soon enough she was facing both the mermaid and sylph with a smile. "It has been a while, hasn't it? How are you guys doing?"


Mel walked into the classroom in silence, making her way straight for an empty seat near the front of the class. Once seated, she placed her books down and took out a pair of thick rimmed glasses. Without Riff to take her notes anymore, she'd have to actually the teacher and board from now on. Depending on Vash wasn't an option, even if she went blind.

Behind her bounced Vash, whistling and skipping to his seat next to Mel. Unlike his mistress seriousl waiting for class to start, Vash was looking around the class in excitement. This was going to be his first magic class. Magic was cool. Do they all get fancy hats and wands? Were they going to learn to pull rabbits from hats? Oh! He hoped they'd ask for voluteers. He'd always wanted to get sawn in half. It'd be cool to see what food looked like in his tummy.
"It has Rose...by the way are you okay? Sick maybe."

"Enough Naval."

Stone stared at Rose before she let out a soft chuckle, her lips parting a little as she turned away from her. Shoving more cookies into her mouth Naval pouted as she crossed her arms so she could lay her head down. Closing her eyes she had forgotten all about Stone who had sat in front of her and instead focused on other matters. She wondered if Azure would be joining class. It had been ages since she had last seen him, except that one time when they had walked in on him and two other people.

Stone made sure to keep an eye out for Naval and her loud comments. It was clear that Rose had been blushing ,but for what reason Stone was oblivious to. She eyes the boy next to Rose thinking that it was a possibility that he could be the reason, or maybe she was just a bit nervous in being a magic class filled with other students.

"It has been, though in my eyes it's only been a few days and some hours. Minus the rambling sylph everything is fine. I was able to tune up my trident earlier, and rearrange my room in a more befitting manner. How are things with you...from what I can tell its either going good or going great. "
Azure checked out the class a bit as he was waiting, there were a lot of familiar faces in the room, besides the two devils, Vize and Kylier seated in the seats to either side of him...

"You know... I uh... don't think I can see to back here..... I'll... just..."

The discomfort of Azure being seated between Vize and Kylier was clear, considering what he's already been through today... and moved up closer to the front a couple desks... but was still some ways from the front...


Kylier had a satisfied grin on her face... she knew that he'd have to chose between being more to the front, or to be between them, and do whatever in the back of the class...

"Eh, just lay off on em, He's had it rough today"

"I suppose your right, I wouldn't want to do anything to provoke the teacher or other students should they notice, this is a magic class after all..."

Vize held a happy grin seeing that she got her mind off of Azure for the time being, hoping that they could talk about things. She moved over to the vacant seat that Azure had made by moving. She noticed Kylier watching Mel take her seat as she came on, and spoke a bit quietly toward her.

"Hey, who're you looking at?"

"I suppose you could say that she's a girl who'd scowl at me and make sure I know it given the chance, but I suppose she has other matters on her mind..."

-One's I'd like to prod at perhaps...-

"Making enemies is no fun you know, everything's better when people get along"

"Why don't you talk to her then, I know how you like to chat with people, maybe you could sway her mind about me."

"I can't do that, that's YOU'RE problem, and only you can fix it!"

"... I suppose your right."


Azure now seated closer took in the room a bit more... he saw Rose was in here, and it looked like Naval and ... Stone... if he remembered right was here too. He was a bit surprised to see Mel come in this class, but then again, he has seen her use magic before. Vash somehow didn't feel like he belonged in this class, from Azure's perspective, magic is a finicky ability which can and will go wrong if you aren't attentive at keeping it under control. He hasn't seen Vash do anything he was sure, but he figured he probably could do something. He was sure now wasn't a good time to give Mel Riff's Choker.

"Wait... That's..."

He noticed that Lerrus was seated by Rose as well, he wasn't sure at first since he looked dressed a bit different, but he was sure now at least. Eight familiar faces were in the room with him as far as he could tell... As he thought about that... he really did have a wide variety of relationships with these people, varying between friend and foe alike, or at least he'd hope he wouldn't be seen as a foe for much longer.
Veiko walked into the classroom and took a seat at the corner of the room, watching the students crowding in one place, wondering what they where doing.

'So many different races here. This might turn out to be quite interesting.'

Being the type that gets bored easily he decided to interact with some of the students and took a seat nearer to them.
Stephanie quickly rushed out her dorm room and tried to hurry down the hallways as she slipped on her shoes and to pull hee hair up and out of her face. She didn't want to go to class because of she knew there be a lot of students in there. And she was still a little unstable from the food fight all those emotions at once almost made her lose control.

She finally made it to the door of her class. She quickly grabbed her phone from out of her leather jacket pocket along with her earphone she walked inside and quickly went to go take a seat away from the others. She put her earphones in turning her volume on full blast she clicked on Pandora and relaxed as she listened to her favorite station.
Skyia was currently still busy in the cafeteria, she offered to assist with the cleanup in there, as well as Maxine stayed behind to monitor cleanup duties, they will not be coming to class today for this reason.


Jayus and Victor strode by the hallways, soon enough approaching the next class, a magic class it seemed? Interesting, a bit of knowledge of the understanding of various arcane arts would be something that would come in handy. As well as a bit of knowledge on how to use his own glove in various scenarios, he's only so experienced with the form of magic and very basic simple stuff is all he usually uses it for, a bullet tends to solve most of his other problems. In he walked, going in and took a look around the classroom, was a bit filled today it seemed, so off he walked over to the other side of the room, somewhat near Kylier's vicinty, but just with a chair apart. And in a position so he could look out the window, boy still enjoyed to observe at all times.

Jayus stood outside of the room, standing up straight like a statue waiting patiently for the class to progress and join up with Victor again afterwards to do who knows what next.


Striding along to her class with a strange pyramid headed triangular bodied set of dolls behind her that were up to her waist in their heights, walked the green haired siren, turning the corner, and walks into class, peering her head in, seeing her class for the year. Interesting bunch right off the get go, different shapes and sizes, with a wonderful array of color in their hair all over. With that she took a step in with a slight tilt to her body, giving a clap as she stepped in with a sort of leather armor coating herself today, and her large hat hanging onto her head.

Looking over with a bit of a smirk, she spoke. " Ello class!~ " she walked off towards the front of her table, where the two dolls following behind her took a position on either side of her. " Welcome to your magic class for the year, now with a few things, lets get started with a Introduction, my name is Alexandra Edgar, the siren necromatic witch mage warlock woman who uses magic person who hails from the eastern side of the country, I look very forward to teach you all in the aspects and ways how you can use magic to be helpful, or put bluntly learn how to blow up things in new ways Nyeheha." she took a few strides around, going back behind her desk, starting off the role call. Calling out the various student names in the class room waiting for a response, noting their faces to remember their faces to their name, might as well since she will be teaching them for some time.

It should be noted as well inside she was a bit giddy to get going, her first ever class, it should be interesting, but for now first things first, the introduction into the ability to use magic, and the various abilities and magical capabilities of her class, in the event some students need assistance with the course, and to know what to teach to various students.~
" Here " Stormys voice rang out when Alexandra called her name and she sat up strait and fixed her shirt and ribbon around her neck as she waited she saw how many others had this class and she smiled and looked around till the teadher was done with role call
-... Maybe this won't be so bad... I might learn more about whatever that weapon is Kylier cursed me with... and maybe I'll learn more self control or something...-

And then intro to the teacher...

-... Blowing stuff up..... I'd rather not use magic if I don't have to..... but I guess its kinda been useful...?-

-Hmm, it might be fun to tear something asunder with magic... hmm... messing with others however... that seems more of an enjoyable activity in my opinion, I suppose I may as well learn what I can.-

-..... I'm sure I know enough, don't need it.-

Vize had been sitting at her desk focused... waiting for her name to be called... perhaps... being a little too super serious on something trivial as this... Azure and Kylier responded to Alexandra's role call, with a simple 'here'. As it became time went on, Vize grew a bit weary waiting for her name to be called... despite hardly any time going on...


Somehow... she seemed worn out saying simply that...
Lerrus sat back in his chair, his top of the pectorals showing from the opening of his shirt. He looked to his side to see what seemed to be an elf, who he swore was gazing at him. They weren't when he looked, but their face was red. He smiled to himself, thinking he knew why.

When the teacher spoke, he turned back to the front and gave a simple "Here ma'am.", his deep, refined British voice speaking. He was going to revel in the opportunity of being able to show his power. What better way to assert that he simply was than some other people? It was foolish to say all people were equal, it was scoffing in the face of diversity.

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Stone had pulled out yet another snack, a sucker this time but it was a cookie sucker. Chomping down it she had raised her hand slightly when she had called out Stone.


She said with a bored tone before leaning back to face the man that Rose seemed to be flustered over. Picking up a sucker cookie she flung it him, the sucker hitting the side of his hair. Staring at him intently she bowed her head slightly.

"You there, new? To the school that is."

When the teacher called for Naval she perked up every so slightly and raised her hand.


Before she laid back down she had turned her head back a little, a face she knew being spotted. Before the teacher would end her role call Naval hopped up and walked over to him, snagging a seat behind him yet still having a good view of Stone.

"Hey Azure."

Stephaine didn't hear her name being called for the fact the she had her earbuds in and she didn't see the teacher come in to even think about removing them. She started to play don't touch the white tile because the music was making her sleepy had she need to do something to keep her wake. Her fingers moved fast across her screen not missing a beat as if she was playing along with her music.

After she lost she beat her high score she sat her phone down and pulled her earphones out and finally looks around noticing who all was in there taking notes of there face. Her eyes land on Azure but she doesn't speak she looks at the teacher " Stephanie is here I didn't hear ya sorry " her British accent thick at the end if her talking.
Lerrus noticed he had a cookie flung at him, which then landed on his desk. The person went off before he can answer though, making any answer as useful as talking to a brick wall.

Seeing no use for the sucker, Lerrus placed his open hand over the sucker, as though to grab it. After a second, he created a black sphere which the sucker was contained in and disappeared from existence, then a moment after he made it, closed his hand and the sphere disappeared, his 'door' closing.

He didn't particularly want anything that had his hair on it either. Just didn't seem that nice. He went back to leaning back, waiting to be called out.

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Azure watched as stone flung what she was sucking on off at Lerrus before going away. She didn't seem like the kind to make friends.

-hmm I wonder how she and Rose became friends in that case...-

He watched further to see if he'd do something, but he remained seated, lerrus was the calm kinda guy if he remembered right. He looked in surprise to see him conjure something... Dark... All of a sudden, he felt that accursed weapon calling to him with a savage hunger, he was glad he didn't have it on him. What was it that made it freak out like that though... Was it Lerrus's skill or magic he just used?

-... I should probably stay away from him...-

Azure was shocked a little at the mention of his name, snapping him out of his focus, and was greatful that that happened. He looked back to see Naval taking to him.

"Ah, it's you. Hey Naval. You snuck up on me there."
((For reasons of progressing us, Amdreams gave me the permission to just move us on and act as if her characters called out, simply put, Rose would speak up as usual. Mel would just raise her hand. And Vash would probably yell. ))

"Present." Victor called out when his name came by, before leaning against his seat, the bird girl already appeared to be exausted only after calling out her name. Victor personally made note of the various names in the room, trying to remember then for whatever reason in the future. Just staying quite silent as he examined the teacher, another green head in the school, something odd seemed about that trending for some reason. Two small animated dolls next to her as well, a form of necromancy probably?

He just sat patiently waiting for the class to progress, and personally evaluate the other's abilities.


Soon enough the entirety of the class was done for the role call, mild irritation from Stephanie calling out late but it was all good, Vash seemed a bit loud to yell out his name, and Vize. . . girl didn't get enough sleep or something? Did she jog a mile? Looked exhausted for some odd reason, currently ignoring the students talking to each other she moved along.

She stood up clasping her hands. "Alright class, I'm sure your already familiar enough with the concept of magic, the use of mana to create and form various different abilities on how its used. Creating miracles or disasters and the like, but anyway In here I will be teaching each of you how to use the essential spells, and as well attempt to refine any sort of magical abilities you may have." She walked around the front of the classroom, looking over the different students, curious of Lerrus, some sort of magic he used it appeared like, it was a bit hard to tell, but it somewhat looked like one she's seen long ago by someone passing through her own academy in her own school life, but that was another time.

With a inhale she called out. " Well with that, I would like to get started with something, I would like to know what are all your abilities for the purpose of the class, and to let me know if there is some sort of handicap that needs to be noted, so would anyone like to come up first to show off their abilities? Just let me know first if there is some sort of side effect I should know about. " pausing waiting for a response.
Lerrus chuckled. Well, he may as well go now. Might save time if people no longer bothered with it, seeing as they wouldn't be able to face up with seeing his magic.

"Alright, I suppose I should reveal myself for what I partly am."

He stood up gracefully, brushing himself down to look immaculate, easily done as a half incubus.

"My power is what I call Deaths Door. I open it, death comes. Pretty simple. If I may, some dummies made out of magic essence."

Alexandra complied, creating two dummies out of nowhere with summoning magic, which must be rather handy.

"While it will destroy anything in contact with it, may I specify that is anything within the volume it covers, it hunts for magic. When the door is open, I have to take careful control of it."

Lerrus opened one hand and two seconds later, a black sphere formed. The sphere, detecting magic out in the open, shot out black lightning which consumed the dolls and destroyed them from living existence, leaving no trace. Lerrus then immediately closed his hand, to avoid it causing further damage and strain.

He wiped the sweat off his brow with a tissue.

"As you can see, there is a reason why I rarely use it."

Lerrus nodded his head in a slight bow and walked back to his chair, where he relaxed. He was personally impressed with his show, having just utterly destroyed something in front of them. It could have been the classroom wall, but he couldn't be bothered dealing with the paperwork that would come with that.

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"Quite the interesting ability." Alexandra said, putting her finger to her lip. "Think I've only seen something like that once before, and it was brief, I can say it is something that catches my eye already Lerrus." she was very fascinated with such a ability, however to her it may be one to keep a eye on, such a power can be abused easily for whatever purpose. So she would need to keep a eye on him and hope he is responsible enough to keep such a power.

She stood up straight and moved her hand out towards the class. "Who wants to be next to show off?" she asked as she placed her other hand onto her hip, looking at the students for the sign of who wanted to go.


"Interesting...." Victor mumbled to himself, this was defiantly something new to him, a rather curious ability to wipe the existence of something instantly, but appeared to be something straining, he seemed a bit tired after using it for such a short period of time, some sort of burst effect most likely. He made a mental note in the back of his head with that, and would see to learning more about it to satiate his own curiosity.

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