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Dice Oriens Academy Character Sign Up


Black Market Witch
As of now, we have too many girls and not enough guys. So until the ratio becomes more even, I will be accepting no more female characters.

Women: 14

Men: 7

Supernatural: 18

Human: 3

Character Skeleton:


Age: (Students should be under 23.)

Role: (Student? Teacher? ETC?)

Status: (How long have you been at Oriens?)

Rooming: (Do you want a roommate or fly solo? You may also request a specific person here.)

Race: ("Kingdom-Race" Ex. Vampire-Zombie or Beastmen-Werewolf)

Appearance: (If possible, please put in a height.)

Personality: (Optional, but do not put "Meet ___" or "Developmental" or the like.)


Equipment: (Weapons, armor, etc)

Background: (Also optional)

Other: Anything else you want to say? Any clubs? Likes or Dislikes? Etc)

Pet Skeleton:




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Okay, time for some characters.

  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c0354ee44_RosalindCross.png.ebb09ccde6ad015c8f6401ed059bcd60.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27904" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c0354ee44_RosalindCross.png.ebb09ccde6ad015c8f6401ed059bcd60.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Name: Rosalind "Rose" Cross

    Age: 18

    Role: Student/Student Council President

    Status: Student for 13 years

    Rooming: Open

    Race: Elf-Elf/Elemental


    • Height - 5'9" (175 cm)
    • Weight - 129 lb (58.5 kg)
    • BWH - 34B-26-35 (86-66-89)


    Rose grew up rather sheltered and spoiled and it shows in her personality. Though she's fairly bright in academics, she is incredibly naive, which makes her translate the world in terms of black and white, using her childhood lessons and stories as the basis for the rules of the world as she sees it. This made her into a friendly but extremely judgemental girl, often using her initial impressions or a single piece of knowledge to define a person's entire character. She is also a bit paranoid, and can often misinterpret friendly intentions as an ulterior motive, mostly that they're trying to use her power and influence.

    She is also extremely prideful, to the point of arrogance and often underestimates the abilities of others while overestimating her own. She also believes herself to be some tragic heroine. Therefore, in her mind, she is always justified, always the winner and always the best. It's due to this hubris that she is impulsive in battle, often attacking before fully analyze the battlefield or studying the opponent. It also makes her more susceptible to being manipulated as flattery does go far with her, as long as she likes you. What's worse is that if she makes a mistake, she'll never apologize or even acknowledge it, often pushing the blame onto someone else. The only times she is willing to take blame is if it makes her look good or like a martyr.

    Rose isn't a bad person though. She is friendly and nice, with a strong sense of justice. If something she sees as wrong happens, she will not sit still about it. Rose is also really protective of her friends, and won't hesitate to stand up for them. A rather honest and straightforward person, Rose typically doesn't like to lie but will tell white lies to spare someone's feelings, however this only applies to people she likes.


    • Light Manipulation - Rose has the ability to create, shape and manipulate visible light. Other than the typical light attacks (lasers, etc), Rose is also able to bend light particles to make herself and others behind the effected particales to appear invisible and create light constructs, the most common being her sword Excaliber. The types of constructs she can make is limited, as they are not entirely solid. Being half elemental, her light magic is stronger than most elves but she also lacks many of the traits of elementals. Unable to turn into light or see through it, though she is albe to heal when exposed to enough light, but not her own. She is able to make lights of different colors though different colors don't give it any different properties.
    • Fairy Law (Absolute Light) - A sub-power of her light manipulation magic, Rose is, in theory, capable to producing a field of absolute light, though this ability has yet to be learned. This light is more intense than her usual light and can easily blind targets that don't recieve the light attack directly. If strong enough, it is potentially able to obliterate targets in its path without the use of heat.


    • Physical Abilities - Rose's physical capabilities (strength, speed, etc) are slightly above average with no real specialization in either category.
    • Enhanced Senses - As an elf, Rose does have the enhanced senses typical of her race, though they're not as strong as the pureblood of her kingdom. Still, she is capable of seeing and hearing things within 10 meters of her without the help of tools, provided there are no obstructions in the way, such as walls or too much background noise.


    • Excalibur - Named after the legendary sword of King Arthur, Excalibur is Rose's most used light construct, a long sword made of intense pure light. Being made of light, it is easily affected by Rose's magic, allowing her to do things such as make it invisible or change its shape and size. Not a solid blade, it cuts using the heat given off by its light.
    • Fail-Not - Named after another Arthurian weapon, Fail-Not is a handgun designed to fire off concentrated bursts of Rose's light. It has two settings. The first fires the light in a straight laser. The second cmpresses the light into a pellet-like ammunition that sort of explodes into bursts of light when fired. It is typically kept in a holster strapped to her right thigh, hidden under her skirt. (The gun was designed and manufactured by the Lecarde family and has the Lecarde black lily symbol on the side.)


    As expected of the princess of the elf kingdom, Rose grew up in a blessed childhood. She had a wonderful family, a kingdom that loved her, wealth, a royal title, everything she could wish for. Everyone spoiled her and she loved all the attention and kindness she was receiving from them.

    The only bad thing that happened to her occurred when she was 13. The young princess was kidnapped by vampire slave traders, intent on receiving a large ransom for her return. She was held captive for 5 days as her parents tried to gather the money. Occasionally, she was hit but the men treated her well enough.

    On the 6th day, the traders were sick of waiting and decided it'd be better to just sell her at the next underground market. Not wanting to be a slave, Rose began crying. Her tears stirred up the pity in the humans that the traders had also idea to help her escape. The plan worked and Rose was able to run from the vampires but at the cost of the humans who helped her.

    From that day one, she became focused on helping humans, from sending supplies to villages to assisting those at the academy who gain grief from the other supernatural races.


    • Her birthday is March 13th, Jewel Day.
    • Her favorite color is purple.



  • Rosalind Cross.png
    Rosalind Cross.png
    1.7 MB · Views: 546
  • Melidianna Lecarde.png
    Melidianna Lecarde.png
    1 MB · Views: 536
  • Vash Lilicka.png
    Vash Lilicka.png
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Character Skeleton:

Name:don hell

Age: 18

Role: Student

Status: I just got here

Rooming: who wants to be my roommate it is open

Friend Requests: I just got here

Race: Beastmen-Werewolf


Personality: Optional,

Powers/Abilities:super strength,super speed, transform anytime he wants the moonlight makes him stronger

Background: (Also optional)


Name:James Krug

Age: 23.

Role:Teacher Swordsmanship

Status:4 years

Race: Beastmen-Werewolf



Personality: (Optional,

Powers/Abilities:great swordsman,super strength,super speed, transform anytime he wants the moonlight makes him stronger

Background: (Also optional)

Other:he carries around his sword at all times.he has a necklace on with a green stone in it. its lets him do earth magic
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Name: Blaire Cross

Age: 19

Role: Student/ Student Council: Vice President

Status: Since she was 15 years old

Rooming: I'd like a roommate please:)

Friend Requests: (For those who've been at the academy at least a few months, who would you like to be friends with?)

Race: Elf~Half Elf, Half Elemental


Personality: Blaire can be a bit quiet at times but she definitely isn't shy, she is one of the best at hunting skills; it also helps that she's very fast and light on her feet. She is very attentive and pays attention to everything around her, her loyalty runs deep and she would do almost anything to keep those she cares about safe. Blaire LOVES sweets so if you try and take one away from her... be extra careful of your surroundings, you never know when she'll get revenge.


Water Control- Blaire can easily control water as well as since it around her, she usually uses it as either a weapon or a shield. She can feel whenever there's water around and Blaire can also heal whenever around her element.

Archer- She is an extremely good hunter whose never missed a target, Blaire has learned how to use her speed and agility to her own advantage; she has heightened senses from her elf blood and continues to train them as much as she can. She also carries around a knife, her hand-to-hand fighting is good

Background: [[WIP]]

Other: Sister of Rosaland Cross, she has signed up for: Unarmed Combat Class, Archery Class, Marksmanship Class.

If you want me to change/add anything, I will
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Any max amount of characters we can have? Or is it 'however many you can handle' or just one/a set number?
Character Skeleton:

Name: Carter Vanhaslen

Age: 16

Role: Student

Status: Just over a week

Rooming: Kotomi / Lara Kamen

Friend Requests: "Someone who doesn't annoy the shit out of me."

Race: Vampire - Vampire/Elemental



Personality: She's very judgmental and has a hot temper, but that has a lot to do with how she was raised. She's independent and self-reliant, hardly caring for anyone else's help. She expresses herself in a strange way, that being through her rough personality. Get close with her and you'll see what she's like underneath that facade.


What she lacks in kindness she makes up for in combat. Carter is skilled in battle, be it hand-to-hand, long range, you name it, she can do it. She also has fire manipulation, but rarely uses it and never speaks of it. In fact, she never speaks of the fact that she's also an elemental.

Background: There's not much to say about Carter. She grew a rather normal life - or as normal as it could get - with her mother teaching her skills like cooking and her father teaching her skills like fighting. Her mother was an elementalist, her father a vampire. He taught her how to hunt as well, and her mother also taught her how to use her powers. She feeds as little as possible and almost never uses fire as a weapon.

Other: She's not a fan of animal blood, let's leave it at that.
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Name: Caroline Moon

Age: 14

Role: Student

Status: Just entered

Rooming: Single Room

Race: Elemental - Undines



  • Water Manipulation: Because she is an Undines, she can make the water have any shape
  • Water Metamorphosis: When she is inside water she can turn into water, but, if she is in that shape for more than one hour, she can go insane.
  • Water Element: She knows when she is near water and she can be healed when in contact with the water.


  • Swordsmanship: Caroline is a good swordsman, but she doesn't usually has a sword with her.
  • Physical Combat: As an Elemental she is not very good at physical combat. Due to that, she usually has a small knife hidden under her shirt for protection.

Background: When she was five, her father started teaching her how to use her water powers. A friend of her gave her swordsmanship classes, and she got really good, but after one year and a half of classes, her friend died, and she never got the chance to complete the classes.

< • G E O R G I E • >


Name: Georgeanne "Georgie" Roestone

Age: 16

Role: Student. Member of the Disciplinary Squad.

Status: 4th year

Rooming: Solo Room, ground level, with lots of windows.

Friend Requests: She'll be friends with anyone who is interested-

Race: Elf- Hill Giant

Appearance: About 8 feet tall (when she last measured), strong, and sort of lumpy. Her green-brown skin is splotchy and her black hair is thick and, on the whole, unkept. She dresses in loose-fitting, coarsely-woven material. Georgie has special permission to omit the school uniform, partially due to skin allergy and partially due to the rate at which she grows out of clothes. She is rarely seen without some sort of nature twined somewhere: twigs in her hair, mud on her pants, a bird on her shoulders, flowers in her pockets, etc. etc.. Though she never leaves a mess behind wherever she goes....


Personality: Sweet and seemingly innocent, Georgie has a way of moving through life generally unperturbed. Insults, snobbiness, and other unpleasantries directed her way tend to slide right off her skin the way a physical blow would. She has a quiet way of seeing the good in people. It's hard to determine if she just doesn't realize people are being unkind, or if she has realized that other people's actions say more about them than they do about herself.

Georgie tends to move slowly and gently, rarely bumping others or objects in her surroundings. She loves to spend time alone with nature or her ever-growing collection of pets, especially when she is lonely for the rolling hills of her home. Her fingers are rather agile for something of her size. While she may not be the sharpest tack, Georgie excels at crafting. Her room is a nature explosion, but in a beautiful, well-kept sort of way, with wind chimes and mobiles hanging from the ceiling to elaborate woven butterfly houses on wooden shelves.

While she is rarely riled up, Georgie does have a very strong sense of justice. She cannot stand to watch people get hurt unfairly, and will intervene whenever she senses a problem. This drive caused her to sign up for the Disciplinary Committee. Though easygoing and generally obedient, she won't hesitate to change an order or fail to deliver a punishment she sees as unfair. Georgie follows her own internal code, and like her emotions, this is rarely effected by outside opinions.


  • Muscle mass. Georgie is literally a giant, so she can pick up, swing, throw, stomp, and punch with huge amounts of force. She isn't the fastest, but she'll rival anyone in the school for strongest.
  • Thick skin. Most hand-to-hand combat blows don't do much damage. No one has managed to knock the air out of her- yet. Blades have trouble piercing her thick hide, too. All but the sharpest will glance off.
  • Nature Magnet. Georgie has a way of attracting nature. Wild animals do not fear her, and are often drawn to her. She can feel animal emotions, and occasionally strong plants (such as trees)- she can sense when animals or plants are near, and lead anyone to water without so much as a second thought. But most of this happens naturally- she doesn't have much control over this power except coaxing small plants and flowers to grow almost anywhere she wishes.
  • Linguist. She has a natural ear for languages. She speaks Giant, Common, Elvish, and Dwarven fluently, along with several dialects, and is always picking up snippets of others. Writing, however... that's a different story.
  • Amulet of Grace. Georgie keeps an amulet on herself most of the time. It is enchanted to allow the wearer to fit wherever it needs, within reason. If she needs to pass people in a hallway, it will warp her thinner. Doorway- shorter, chair-smaller, etc.. This allows her to move around the school with ease, and keeps her from leaving destruction in her wake.

Background: Georgeanne comes from a smallish matriarchal tribe in hill country. Her tribe had the opportunity to send a student to Oriens, and since Georgie was the only child of the right age, she got to go. Her first year was spent pining for home, but she has settled in fairly well by now. She enjoys any nature, history, language, or crafting classes, and quietly endures the rest.

Other: n/a so far

+ + + + +

< • C O R V I N • >


Name: Corvin Braunwhinn

Age: 18

Role: Student

Status: 2nd year

Rooming: open

Friend Requests: open; really anyone who isn't uptight and will follow him in his schemes

Race: Beastmen - (flightless) shadow dragon

Appearance: Dark and sleek, with bright eyes. He's almost never fully in human or fully dragon form, preferring instead to stay a mix of the two. Whatever's convenient and comfortable. His body tends to be rather elastic-y.

His expressions range from "aloof jerk" to "ginchly evil." These aren't often his real emotions, it's just that his face doesn't do them very well, and even a friendly expression on his face looks sinister.



Personality: Cor seems preoccupied and aloof to most people, before they get to know him. When he does open up, he is a rather affectionate, fun-loving character, though slightly morbid.

He has a tendency to break rules, but only if there is a very low chance of being caught and/or punished. He loves to drink, steals random objects probably more than he should (it's a bit of a compulsion), and has a love for the finer things in life (clothes, especially. And food). He isn't terribly fond of the school uniforms, but at least the colour suits him.


  • Shadow Drop. Corvin can disappear into, travel through, and hide inside shadows. Although he cannot actually control or manipulate the darkness in any way, he uses it for transportation and other (occasionally nefarious) activity. He can pass from shadow to shadow when they touch each other, undetectable as long as he keeps quiet, but if the shadow is isolated (ie. not near other shadows) he is either stuck there until another shadow comes by, or he must pop out. One of his favorite pastimes is to "hitchhike" in someone's shadow, whether they know he is there or not. When in a shadow, it is like he is 2-dimensional. This means he can pass under doors, etc.. If they aren't magically warded or non-shadowed, he can get in and out of anywhere he pleases.
  • Photogenic Memory. Once Cor sees something, it's stuck in his brain. Sometimes a good thing, but mostly the information skitters around in his mind and keeps him awake, like a song stuck in his mind, only it is thousand of pieces of information and they are all playing at once. Practical application is a little touch-and-go. He has trouble filtering important information from unimportant without a lot of concentration. For example, he could be trying to summon up a textbook page for a test, but all his mind projects for him are how many lines of wood are on his desk and the number of smudges on the page itself, and the colour of his bathroom tiles, and how that one in the corner is cracked just a little. He needs to keep things orderly to save his own sanity; the less distraction, the less he needs to remember.
  • Music. It's one of the only things that calms his mind. He plays a number of instruments impeccably, and seems to always be listening to something on an ipod.
  • Hand-to-Hand Combat. Corvin rather dislikes weapons. He's lithe and quick on his feet, and strong. When he fights, he uses his shifting abilities to his advantage. His claws are sharp, and if need be, he could plunge his hands into his opponent's chest and tear out their heart. Not that he's ever had to do that. Or even really wanted to. Aside from a morbid curiosity.

Background: He's starting his second year at Oriens. He doesn't talk much about where he was before school, but he also doesn't seem to be haunted by his past. He was an only child by parents who often traveled. They were fairly rich, and sent him to the best boarding schools around, but he didn't interact with them much, and was largely left to grow up on his own. Probably where he picked up some of his more unsavory habits.


  • Corvin keeps a "trophy collection" of stolen objects in a cabinet, many of which are from schools he attended before Oriens. It's an eclectic assortment of things, really valuable only to him.
  • He's in the highest level GenEd classes. He could be specializing by now, but hasn't decided what he wants to study, so he just sorta bounces around.

+ + + + +

< • T A K A • >

Name: Taka Gar-Hasnaoui

Age: 18

Role: Student

Status: New Student

Rooming: Solo Room (atm)

Friend Requests: n/a

Race: Shapeshifter- prefers feline forms

Appearance: Tall, lanky but toned. Long black dreadlocks, which he obsessively keeps well-groomed. Taka has a few deep scars that haven't fully healed, and is missing his right arm (no matter what shape he takes).


Personality: Taka is very intelligent, and has always excelled in his tutoring sessions. He is artistic, and loves learning and creating. He dislikes fighting, but years of living in a family that values power and strength have taught him to hide his soft side- or else. This has made him, first and foremost, guarded and bitter and great at lying.

Still sensitive, Taka has learned to control the visible outbursts of emotion. Instead, he has taken to passive-aggression, revenge tactics, and quiet retaliation. When he is happy or excited, he tends to remove himself from the situation before the emotions show.

While the model student on the outside, he's easily turned trickster to amuse his often-bored mind and gain a bit of attention, even if it is negative.


  • Shapeshifting. Taka mostly shifts into cat-like forms (were-cats, lions, panthers, house cats, etc. etc. etc.). He likes them especially because of their beauty and grace, and hidden strength. He hasn't exactly gotten four-legged (three-legged?) balance down after his accident, though, so he refrains from shifting most of the time, and especially not in front of people.
  • Long-range combat. Taka has been trained in long-range combat: throwing knives, guns, etc. It's certainly not second-nature to him, but he has enough training that he can hold his own if needed.
  • Short-range combat. Taka has been trained, but he does not excel here. A skilled opponent could defeat him in little time.

Background: He is from a wealthy noble family, and is the youngest of three brothers. Taka's father was killed in wars, and his grandfather runs the family and surrounding areas. His family is intent on social climbing and marrying into royalty to strengthen their line. His brothers- star pupils- got all of the brawn, while Taka seems to have inherited the brains of the family. He's always been a bit of a black sheep in the family, and mostly kept inside with private tutors. A sensitive child, Taka hated fighting and killing- which his tutors, brothers, and grandfather all tried to beat out of him.

He lost his arm recently- he never speaks of the incident- and his family decided to send him away to keep it quiet and spare the family the social embarrassment.

Other: n/a so far

+ + + +
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Eric Price (Introduces himself by only his last name, and expects to be addressed that way)




Head of Disciplinary Committee

"Price, Reporting for Duty"


Student for five years and counting


As per school standards, a


sign hangs from his door, and if anyone requests to room with him he cannot object, not that he'd particularly welcome it. He's currently alone in a two-person room after the last guy got kicked out for violation of "cleanliness policy"

F R I E N D | R E Q U E S T S





Eric is not the most socially adept person, and his presence often causes discomfort to those around him. With a monotonous voice, he is unintentionally deadpan making it difficult to distinguish between sarcasm and blunt honesty (which come in equal parts - neither is well-received). His face is fixed in an unimpressed expression, eyes glazed over, creating the illusion that he isn't really listening when you talk to him. None of this is intentional, but at this point he is used to putting people off and can't be bothered to change his mannerisms.

As the head Disciplinary Committee, he plays the role of intimidating supervisor perfectly: scrupulous, strict, and unforgiving. He values professionalism and everything that goes with it - punctuality, respect, and organization (please for the love of God do not create a mess around him. He will have internal seizures). While he a workaholic who doesn't have much of a life outside of his job, he still appreciates the finer things in life (which his financial status doesn't quite support). He is rarely if ever seen in class, instead found lurking in corners just when you think you are alone. (There are rumors that say he actually skips all of his classes in favor of his job, or that he actually failed all of his classes altogether and the only reason they did not kick him out was so he could keep running the Committee.) Despite his seemingly withdrawn nature, he actually has a strong social network set up throughout the school that reports back to him regularly with any signs of misconduct. At least, he used to, back in the day when the Committee flourished and was well-populated. When he isn't out patrolling the halls, he can usually be found reading disciplinary reports at his desk (which he demands hand-written on paper rather than typed), a cup of long since cooled coffee left forgotten at the corner (black, with a spoonful of sugar depending on his mood).

Honestly speaking, Eric has little personal investment in school safety and is indifferent at best towards delinquency. His motivation comes instead from ambition, his position just a means of gaining power within the school. Because of this, he often comes into conflict with the more "idealistic" members of the Committee who value justice and morality. While morality doesn't concern him, he did develop a taste for policing and added "enforce discipline" to his list of personal objectives for running the school.


Eric grew up with all the stigmas attached to being human in this day and age. He had no supernatural powers or abilities, was not exceptionally intelligent, lacked the experience of longer lived species, and was raised in a nondescript household in a typically lower class human village. When the invitation came from Oriens Aeternitas, he accepted, but with motives of his own.

At the school, he couldn't hope to infiltrate the student council, the main political body of the school (which was expectedly held by members of the elven royalty). Especially considering the academic requirements of joining. Instead, he trained in physical combat, particularly in the use of technology and weapons, the only leverage humans had over other species. He acted in perfect compliance to all school regulations and never questioned authority figures, regardless of what he actually thought of them. In the beginning he took vigilante action, reporting infringements to the Committee of his own accord. Eventually he was noticed and sent an invitation. When the previous Committee head graduated, he was left in charge.

The school was now his playground to do with as he pleased. His only obstacle is the Student Council.


Firearms specialist: Non-Lethal Ammunition (ranged taser, fires incapacitating rounds that otherwise do no physical damage, albeit a bit painful, reserved for use of Disciplinary Committee members)

Close Range: Butterfly Knife (technically against school policy, but he carries one for self-defence purposes only)

Combat Style: Prefers ranged combat. Has great aim, but can't match others, particularly supernaturals, in strength. Fast short-distance sprinter, low endurance, good at dodging. Passable knife skills.


Black hair ? Blue Eyes ? Pallid Skin ? Short (5'6) ? Slight build

Professional ? Sharp ? Uniform: Dress shirts, Gakuen Jacket & Slacks ? Ties ? Monochrome


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Name: Rillana Cantrelle "I go by Rill or Rilla though."

Age: 17

Role: Student

Status: newly enrolled

Rooming: would like a roommate

Friend Requests: "Lets see if we have any takers."

Race: Shapeshifter



Personality: She doesn't shy away from anything, stating her opinion as she see's fit and is confident in who she is. She can be a sarcastic pain when the mood strikes her, but at heart is loyal to those who call her a friend (no matter the race) and she isn't afraid to fight for what she believes in. She holds pride in what she is and hates to apologize even when she should, believing herself equal to all around her and demanding the level of respect that is required of that. She enjoys exciting activities that demand her interaction and attention, fighting, sports, people, etc., preferring to leave more scholarly activities in the classroom as she believes they offer no real challenge to her, though she is intelligent. She excels in problem solving, strategizing and math, though all boor her.

Powers/Abilities: She is very skilled with a sword, preferring a thin blade over other blade styles, as she values speed over power. She shape shifts into all manor of creatures, quickly switching from one to another to throw off her opponents during battle. Her most common animal forms are: Barn Owl, Cheetah, Fox, Rosy Boa Snake, White Wolf, and she often like to sleep as either a calico house cat or an Akita.

Background: She has a rather unusual past. When she was a child she lived with her father (a master blacksmith-which is where she started learning how to use a sword) and mother in a house in the African jungle close to the border that divided beastmen and shapeshifters. Living so close to the border she had friends who were of both races and did not discriminate against either. At 7 she went on a trip to Asia with her parents, her father needed to deliver a commissioned sword to a high ranking daemon when they were attacked. Her parents were killed but she managed to escape by changing into an owl and flying away, lost in an unknown land surrounded by strangers she slowly made friends and allies in the foreign countries, growing up to not care about race, instead valuing the actions and personalities of people.
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Name: "Andrew Jackson" (His real name is unknown)

Age: 17

Role: Student

Status: Just started

Rooming: Anybody can make an offer, but be warned: Things might get crazy... and also VERY FREE.

Friend Requests: ;_;

Race: Human



Personality: "Andrew" as he likes to be called, is a person who is very hot blooded and quick tempered. He is prone to taking action without thinking, then relying on his own ability to think on his feet in order to just barely escape from whatever trouble he happens to find himself in.

In addition, Andrew is very confrontational. He finds challenges easily, mainly by those with different opinions than his own; which evidently happens to be many others. He often challenges others simply because he feels the need to, though he does not find the will to impose his own beliefs on others.

Andrew has two firm beliefs: The belief in freedom, and the belief in masculinity. Being raised the way he was, Andrew rarely had the opportunity to do manly things and so he turned out very feminine. However, as the days went by and he discovered more about himself, Andrew began to become more and more masculine, becoming proud of his idea of what he considers masculinity.

Humans being a rare race, Andrew found himself being one of the very few human nationalists. He loves his own race almost to the point where he will absolutely tread on other races to assure the survival of his own.


The power that Andrew possesses is as much a strength as it is a burden. Sharing a body with Andrew is an extremely malevolent demon which attempts to break loose every second of the day, the only thing keeping it from breaking free being Andrew's will.

The demon itself is incredibly weak, enough so that it does not even possess a name. Despite its lack of strength, it will at times possess Andrew's body when he becomes weaker. Other times, it simply sits in his head saying random things. Sometimes it helps him cheat on tests. Other times it keeps him from sleeping.

Andrew has yet to fully tap its power. So far, he can summon the essence of the demon in the form of ghost-like entity similar to a human-sized puppet which Andrew can control using his will by combining some of the demon's energy with his own. The demon then has the ability to defend Andrew as well as attack his enemies. The demon's strength and speed is nearly twice that of Andrew's.

The demon's power is the ability to steal something and take it for its own. With the power, Andrew has the ability to steal the properties of living and non-living things. For instance, he may steal sight from an individual or color from an object. The property can then be transferred to something else. For instance, he can steal the sound of something then transfer it to the air to play it again somewhere the sound would not normally take place. Andrew can only take one thing at a time. Once he takes a second thing, the property is returned to its original owner. Andrew is apparently unable to steal supernatural powers.

Background: Andrew's history is a full enigma. He refuses to tell people what his life is really like. It can only be assumed by his various mannerisms and accent that he was from the Elf Kingdoms of America.

Other: If basketball, boxing, football, or really any sports club exists, Andrew will join it. Andrew is in possession of an American flag from the 21st century. It is unusually clean despite its age.
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  • Name: Kylier Bane

    Age: 18

    Role: Student

    Status: 1 year

    Rooming: If someone wants to room with her, I do not mind, otherwise solo

    Friend Requests: Anyone interesting, or odd

    Race: Demon-Demon


    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Kylier.jpg.6024a1d6336c7edccfb1a3c450f5f5f2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12038" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Kylier.jpg.6024a1d6336c7edccfb1a3c450f5f5f2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Personality: Kylier is a mature one for her age who takes delight in seeing others suffer, either though casual situation or pranks. She does have a serious side, but is reserved in showing it, usually keeping her composure under common circumstances. Should something unusual happen, she would make a point to observe it, and direct peoples attention to the happenstance, and considers it amusing. She does however have a softer side, but would not been seen showing it off in public, especially around friends. Most of the time however, she will likely come off as having a stuck up personality, as she pokes at other people for the little things


    Illusions: Limited to concealing herself, hiding/affecting objects or areas, and mental trickery

    Hallucinations: Limited to altering one's 5 senses gradually as she pleases

    Swords: She is profound in using swords as a primary weapon

    Knives: She is capable of fighting with this as a fallback

    She's also incredibly agile and limber, somewhere below ninja-like.

    Equipment: (Weapons, armor, etc)


    Kylier uses a Katana as her standard weapon when she isn't trying to be flashy in any real regard.

    She also has a BBgun for the purposes of messing with Azure.

    Rave Staff: She had Azure make a special sort of unusual weapon against the unusually tough. It is essentially a tuning fork that is as tall as she is. It is dual pronged on one side, with the other being a single prong, that flares out slightly half way, and returns to gradually returns to normal thickness by its end. It can act as a quarterstaff due to its similar shape, but also is incredibly effective on armored foes, due to the intense vibrations that it can cause because of its sheer size. It's design prevent the vibrations from overly affecting the handler. It is able to act as a substitute lightning rod as well, magical or physical.

    While it isn't exactly capable of shooting out sound waves, its high pitched waves can easily cause mass disruptions on others, potentially dazing people, or otherwise annoying the hell out of them, and ruin their concentration. It is capable of shattering windows no thicker than 10cm in width, glass like substances such as Ice, brittle surfaces and materials, and the thinner, weaker armors.

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c040ddc24_TuningFork.jpg.e30aef35c855b923583c9717cc830c0c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="28438" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c040ddc24_TuningFork.jpg.e30aef35c855b923583c9717cc830c0c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Kylier's doesn't really use armor of any real sort besides knee guards, and what she believes to be stylish gauntlets. It's not that she can not use armor at all, but feels that there is no real need for it, beyond this much, and typically only uses it as a non-standard casual clothing when things may get a little rough by her standards.

    Background: Within the Bane family, Kylier was a jewel. She had grown to meet, and in some cases exceed her parents expectations. She may have not of had the happiest family, as things tended to fall short on their family, and problems were common within the family. Regardless Kylier remained well treated and loved by her parents despite their fowl attitudes. One day she and her family had noticed an accident that had transpired in a rather remote area where no one was around, and within the accident sight a human family dead. The parents were dead and the child there, was hardly spared from injuries as well, albeit suffered far less wounds than his parents. Regardless, it was clear that if he was left alone with his awful shape, he would certainly die. It was thanks to her kindness that she persuaded to have the child adopted into her family, and although their last name was known from his deceased father's possessions, there was no trace of the child's first name on him or his mother, and decided upon the situation that Azure is fitting, and until being sent off to Orien Academy, had grown up along side a human, and has become fond of how plain, ordinary, and different they are compared to a normal demon.

    Other: She finds anything outside of her race interesting, and fun to mess with and observe how they are different



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Name: Anya Hawthorne

Age: 10

Role: Student

Status: 2 weeks

Rooming: A roommate could be fun. Any takers?

Friend Requests: It said "a few months" so I guess this isn't for me

Race: Beastmen - Kemonomimi/Neko


Personality: A sweet, if melancholy girl. She's determined to excel in classes, but has trouble connecting with the outside world, and can have difficulty articulating what she wants to say to strangers. Additionally, she's easily influenced by others.

She has no disposition or hatred towards any races in particular, but is prone to attaching herself to people who remind her of her parents. She was raised in a fairly sheltered household her whole life, and may not understand adult things like racism and senseless violence.

Powers/Abilities: None as of yet.

Other: Art class seems fun.
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I can be a teacher too right?

Name: Aschar Khan AKA Mr. K

Age: 32

Role: Teacher (Unarmed Combat)

Status: 3 years

Rooming: Do teachers even get roommates?

Friend Requests: Maybe

Race: Shapeshifter - Shapeshifter (Special Case)



Personality: Needless to say, Aschar is incredibly outwardly flamboyant. He has tendencies to show off even in times when it isn't called for. In class, poses seem to be part of the normal instruction. He prides himself on his body and good looks, claiming that he possesses a quality known as 'aesthetics'.

Aschar seems to be obsessed with the mortal body, believing that through the body an individual can achieve perfection. He does everything in his ability to improve his body. In addition, he enjoys helping others achieve their goal bodies.

Despite his immense pride, Aschar is very timid around women and tends to back away to a pretty girl. He sometimes hates himself for this quality and laments on his down time about the feel when no girl friend.


Aschar's shapeshifting is a special case in that he shapeshifts not to an object, or another individual, or to an animal. Rather, his power revolves around a full control over his own body. As long as his body is capable of doing something, Aschar is able to command his body to do that thing even to extremes far beyond the norm. This allows him extreme flexibility in all sorts of different ways. In addition, he can control the flow of resources in his body, able to manipulate the production of hormones to create certain effects and emotions.

Because of Aschar's predicament, it makes it very difficult for him to teach students to use their own powers, even other shapeshifters. In addition, he has the capability to create a pheromone to attract females of his own race and only his own race. His strategy has never worked.


Aschar is the last in line of a once thought to be extinct race of shapeshifters. Most of them lacked power and were thus quickly eliminated by the other races, or otherwise interbred with other shapeshifters, breeding out the race. Nonetheless, Aschar is left as the only remaining pure-blooded member of his race. The genes which allow Aschar's race to exist are rare and recessive in shapeshifters making Aschar practically unable to repopulate his race.

He was born to two shapeshifter parents who lived in a busy city in a very cheap residential area. He was raised by his parents up to the point where he simply outlived them, his parents simply growing old and dying. Aschar being born late in his parents's lives, he had no siblings and therefore he rarely had to share anything. His childhood was lonely, however. He barely made a friend.

Aschar was enrolled to Oriens by his parents and studied there from the beginning of his youth up to his adulthood. Because of his unique powers it was very difficult to learn to master combat and even more difficult to put said powers into everyday use.

When he graduated, he immediately found work as a teacher and began teaching at Oriens.

Other: Are you an archaeologist?
Ah, yes. The long-awaited plant girl CS. I hope that everything is in order.

Name: Lilium "Lily" Darlingtonia

Age: 15

Role: Student

Status: One year

Rooming: Solo for the moment

Friend Requests: Lily doesn’t really make friends. More likely she’s rubbed a lot of people the wrong way her one year here. As far as ‘frienemies’ go, however, she is probably well-acquainted with members of the disciplinary squad who were active when she was also a member. This would likely include Georgie and Eric Price.

Race: Demons-Alraune

Appearance: Much like the Disgaea Alraune, but with a school uniform. In short, a green-skinned girl who is a red flower from the waist down, with the exception of the thick green vines that make their home under said flower. She has red eyes and blonde hair, fashioned into curled pigtails. She has two flower buds, also red, growing out of her head where hair buns would normally be.

Personality: Lily, being an Alraune, is a rather rare species. This leads to a somewhat snobbish attitude, wherein she believes that she is simply worth more than people of other races. Because she believes she is above it, she does not take her education seriously and often sleeps in class. She takes great pleasure in bullying other students around, although she is not as free to do so as she once was because she lost her spot on the disciplinary squad. In reality, however, she is very lonely because most of her race is gone and she can’t bring herself to interact with the other races favorably.


Vines- Beneath her flower reside a multitude of thick vines. Since they are a part of her body, she has great control over them and makes use of them as limbs. Generally she uses them to scuttle from place to place, but she can use them in a variety of ways.

Increased Healing- She can heal quickly from almost any injury, provided she has a quantity of water and proper sunlight. To get the most of it, she must dig her vines into the ground and remain stationary.

Nectar- Lily’s body produces a very sweet and highly prized nectar. It has magical healing properties and tastes very good. Alraune are often hunted for this.

Flower- The flower in which Lily resides can contain not only her, but a quantity of items. She keeps her books among other things in here. It can also expel a pollen which causes other beings to sleep (Excluding incorporeals and the undead, as they cannot sleep or breathe). The flower and pollen are also highly prized ingredients.

Perfume- Lily always smells very good and incredibly enticing due to her natural musk, which is a highly prized perfume and the main ingredient of most supposed ‘love potions’. It has attractive properties.

Background: During her first year, Lily was one of the best disciplinarians the school had ever seen. She could sniff out trouble like no other, and punished the other students with glee. However, it was clear that she punished the other students a little too much (It was honestly more like relentless bullying) and that she herself was often a participant in delinquent behavior. Thus, she was kicked out of the squad. But not after making enemies of the students she messed with.

Other: Lily very much enjoys the gardening club, because its members treat her how she was meant to be treated- like the superior being she is. She loves having the filthy apes at her beck and call.

  • Name: Skyia L. Riis

    Age: 17

    Role: Student

    Status: Just got here, like literately right now, maybe a little late depending on how far into the day everyone is at the current moment.

    Rooming: Would like a roommate, actually kinda homeless at the current moment, currently residing in a dumpster not too far away from the school.

    Race: Beastmen-Lamia



    Personality: Id personally rather show it during the rp instead of explaining it now, if it proves to be a problem i will list out her personality.

    Powers/Abilities: Her snake tail's strength, flexibility, and the ability to move over various terrains and inclines with relative ease depending on the surface. Has a interest for bows, Moderate experience, sometimes lands a good shot, sometimes doesn't.

    Due to being part snake, and a venomous one at that, she has a natural immunity for poisons, and venom that can cause a variety of effects.

    Background: I do indeed have a story, but me being me, id rather show it in rp. If it causes problems then i will post on her background.

    Other: She has absolutely no idea how to shift into her other form.
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Lara Kamen






4 years


Party Poison's character for sure! o u -

Friend Requests:

Anyone who's willing to befriend me! [*cough* Party Poison]


Elementalist : Yukionna




Lara is extremely outgoing, fun-loving, and sweet. She is almost childish, for that matter. She always seems to be full of energy, and she is fearless. Lara claims to love everyone, no matter how they treat her. The result of that being lots of friends and good acquaintances. Lara is also well known throughout the academy because of her energetic self becoming so noticeable through the halls. [she can also be very loud.]


Being a Yukionna, Lara can control/summon ice. She often creates shards of ice when attacking an enemy long-range, the shards being sharp enough to pierce through some armor. Other times, she can create a larger iceshard in the shape of a cone, using it as a weapon for close-combat fighting. The shape/size of the ice depends on the range of the attack, and what Lara is trying to accomplish with it.

Also, with the combat classes she is taking [
Unarmed Combat, Marksmanship, and Alternative Tactics], they will soon become well known abilities to her.


Lara grew up with mostly her older brother, who took care of her as a child. Their parents were murdered one day when Lara was just a kid, and they never came home. Her brother and herself have no idea what exactly happened, or why. They seemed to be "working" most of the day, but would always come home before they went to bed. Lara didn't even know what they did for a living. Though, her brother seemed to know more than she did. [but he would never tell her.]

Along with that, it would deem unusual for Lara to be so energetic and happy all the time, but she is because she has her own view of how to live life. She thinks that the past is unimportant, and that you should always be happy, and share it with others. Though, sometimes she is hiding her deep loathing self underneath of her bright smiles.


Lara is nocturnal, rarely sleeping at night, and always tired during the day.

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Character Skeleton:

Name: Emmet Yang

Age: 13

Role: Student

: 1st Year

Rooming: Single room, any floor.

Friend Requests: "Friends? What are they?"

Race: Human

Appearance: For some reason I can't post a photo... It's the boy in my profile picture, if you can't see it, tell me and I'll try to send you a pic.

Personality: Emmet is a type of boy that is rebellious. He hates everyone, due to the fact that he was a slave and was beat by his owners. He is a quiet type, and even if he got beat, he wouldn't cry out. He never looks at a person directly when he speaks, which is another reason for his beating. He was sent to Oriens by a kind owner, saying "Be Free, Young Boy. Grow Up!"

Powers/Abilities: Being human, he has no powers, but he has good agility and reflexes. He lacks strength, and also has good intellectual abilities.

Background: Emmet grew up being a slave. Before this, his parents were beat to death by their previous owner, for not following orders. He was hardly fed, and has several scars and marks on his whole body. He has been passed on to several people. He soon realized that no other species had been slaved, and he had decided to put an end to slavery. He had tried to defeat his owners, and was almost beaten to death, until a man named Acker came to buy him. Emmet refused, and was soon tied up and tossed into a wagon. The man brought Emmet to his home, and instead of making him a slave, he treated him like a son. Soon enough, Acker sent Emmet to Oriens to live his life better. He had told Emmet, "Even if they all hate you, I'm always there..." With this, Emmet was sent off to Oriens.

Other: Hope it's good..


Kristoff Tepes






1 Week


Roommate ( Surprise me! )

Friend Requests:



Vampire - Fullblood Vampire



  • Hemomancery - An art rarely learned outside of the ruling family and some favored nobility, blood magic is a gift the vampiric nation developed a long time ago, some even claiming it was around before the great war though it was certainly a gruesome ability when it was used in battle. Whatever the case, the art itself is simple enough to explain: a user can control their own blood, not only being able to move it to and from bodies but able to alter it's state to a jagged blood crystal or a fine red mist in the air. It has heavy limitations on who's allowed to practice it and on top of that it's not an all powerful magic by itself. One can only use living blood -- blood that has recently been flowing through the veins of another -- and can only control it through direct means via open cuts and injuries. As with many who practice the art, Kristoff uses a strange parasitic hand apparatus to perform these feats.
  • Shadowmancery - While hemomancery is common enough among the higher ranking houses of the vampiric nation, Kristoff was born with latent magical powers that are much, much rarer. Beginning this practice at a young age, he learned to become a shadowmancer -- one who gives darkness a physical form, a direct contrast to the light wielders other nations have. He's able to conjure and control shadow itself, giving it a solid form with as much versatility as he wishes it to have. He has never tested his own magic against that of light magic.
  • Fencing - A more refined art than his magics, Kristoff is awfully skilled with a sword thanks to his above average sense and agility. He doesn't often hold back if challenged to this type of event, finishing it as quickly as possible with fierce determination.


The Tepes family has been a mystery to the outside world to say the least, almost as mysterious as the ruling Von Friedhofs. One could possibly name the heads of the houses but it's a mystery as to whom their wives are, who their children are or how many they even have, where they all live in the land, the list goes on. While it's unknown how the Von Friedhofs feel of the academy, the Tepes have made it quite obvious that they wish to boycot this little 'exercise of mixing lower species' as they've been quoted saying on one occasion. Until a week ago when the young Lord Kristoff showed up with the intent of staying and learning. While he has attended every one of his classes, he's spoken to almost no one and is certainly not in a rush to do so.


He hasn't joined a club as of yet though fencing or even kendo would be within reason.

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Name : jeso sac

Age : 21

Role : student

Status : new

Rooming : would love if roomate.

Friend requests : doesn't know anyone yet.

Race : beastmen - insectomorph

Appearance :

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.4d1ee5fe66503d9e97d03c2752c23446.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12699" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.4d1ee5fe66503d9e97d03c2752c23446.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality : more or less , he truly enrolled for the purpose to learn tactics of warfare , which makes him very confrontational against those he dislikes , and ruthless towards pure enemies. He is very friendly for being an insectomorph ,(unless he doesn't like you.) and wants friends fast. He also likes tight areas , and enjoys the basement areas of the school. He's one tough bug , mentally , appearebce-wise and physically. However he has a soft side he only exposes to true friends. He tends to show off to an extent without knowing , such as flying when around those who wish they could , but tries to still be humble. He is also analytical , and will examine every result of a potential action before doing it , when situations permit , lending to the idea among the school that he isn't a typical insectomorph.

Powers : flight , strong (like an ant , he could lift 10x his weight of 90 pounds.)

Background : doesn't tell anyone.

Other : that gun he has he never has in the school. He also can turn into a human , however he never uses it since it's not as tough and strong as his normal form , seen here :<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.53fee9d8c5ccf8872160dffd58f2448f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12947" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.53fee9d8c5ccf8872160dffd58f2448f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(Going back and editing this. x-x)

  • Name:

    Sayuri Tokage

    "Please do not call me by my last name."





    Part of the Disciplinary Committee


    Almost 4 years


    "I don't mind sharing. Just ask."

    Friend Requests:

    "If you don't mind being around me, let's be friends. "




    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/73.jpeg.c274f66611a21987dd9fd8c771f7aae0.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13434" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/73.jpeg.c274f66611a21987dd9fd8c771f7aae0.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


    Sayuri mainly relies on her magic abilities, though she is quite agile.

    Shadow Wolves :

    This ability, or spell, takes time and stamina, depending on how many are being summoned. The wolves themselves, however, can take up to 10 heavy hits with out disappearing. These wolves can only be made from nearby shadows, therefore it is especially weak against the light.

    Shadow Stepping:

    This ability is useful when she has to make a quick escape or if she doesn't feel like walking far. To meet the requirements of using this spell, there must be a shadow of something other then herself within arms length. The user must also have a certain place in mind. This is a quick spell and usually does not need time to prepare, however, depending on the distance, it can take up up to 75% of her energy.


    Sayuri dislikes loud people. She likes naps while basking in the sun. She doesn't use any particular weapon, just anything that feels comfortable in her hand.

@amdreams I have added a new character. I'll still be using Sayuri, so I hope you'll allow me to join again.



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Name: Aries Blackwood (Real last name Ashford, not used since he was 11)

Age: 17

Role: Student? I suppose.

Status: Just arrived

Rooming: He tends to sneak into his sister's room sometimes

Friend Requests: Aries doesn't like people. xD

Race: Human; he has a power though via a science experiment he did that went ka-boom.

(one on the left) Aries is only slightly under average height for his age, he has dark brown hair and brown eyes. He has a scar that runs across his left eye; though his vision was unaffected by the attack. He always wears white gloves on his hands, always, and is always seen wearing at least one item of white clothing; be it a top, trousers, shoes or even a scarf.

Personality: Aries - like his twin - is a naturally teasing person. He and Riesa don't seem to understand or maybe just don't care about normal standards and rules that society have set in place, and therefore come off as quite weird. He is bisexual. He seems to be a lot more sly than his twin, and is less enthusiastic. He seems to not be bothered by blood and death, as he grew up around it and became used to it, but he does not like activately causing it - but will do so if he has to. He is very sneaky and good at getting what he wants through his trait of being a sly jerk, such as tricking strangers out of their money. He is very protective of his twin and is definitely the 'sensible' one out of the two. Though even he isn't as sensible as he should be. Aries is more serious about things - like protecting his sister and making sure that she's safe. He seems to think about things in the long term - getting money for food/clothes/a place to stay. He excels in science, and is something of a prodigy in it, he made the material for the gloves he and his sister wear and it is highly possibly that he gained his power from one of his experiments - though that is unconfirmed. He has very few morals and doesn't think through a closed mind like most people; for him a heartless murderer could be more amusing to hang around with than a helpful Samaritan. A quirk of Aries is that whenever asked about his scar across his eye he will always act uncaring and give out a random excuse that makes no sense, such as 'I was attacked by a smurf'. His answer changes each time so no-one knows what really happened - besides Riesa of course.

Powers/Abilities: Aries has a unique ability. He is able to touch anything he turns into a sharp-edged weapon. An example would be that if he grabbed a newspaper, the edges of the paper would become as sharp as the strongest metal and be able to cut through flesh and bone. The middle of the paper would not be affected, only the edges. This happens to any object he touches, be it a pillow or a spoon, it seems to retain its sharpness for about 12 hours. He wears specially-made gloves to prevent his power from turning everything into a weapon. He does not know if he was born with the power or not - but his twin Riesa often jokes it was the result of one of his science experiments.

Background: (I would put it here, but it's really annoyingly long, so if ya' wanna check it out, the link is here, or I'll message it to you if ya' want: http://www.rpnation.com/showcase/aries-ashford-blackwood.355/#tab2)

Other: The twins both are from another dimension, one where humans are still the 'better' race and super humans are far and few in-between. (For anyone who knows it, they live in the Marvel Universe :3)


Name: Riesa Blackwood (Real last name Ashford, not used since she was 11)

Age: 17

Role: New Student

Status: Just arrived

Rooming: She tends to sneak into her brother's room a lot

Friend Requests: Uh, most people who meet her after ten seconds want to kill her. She doesn't really have friends.

Race: Human; she has a power though that she gained when her powered twin touched her.

Appearance: (see Aries' picture, she's the blonde girl) Riesa is only slightly under average height for her age, probably due to being a twin, she has wavy dark blonde hair and brown eyes. She is considered quite pretty by society's standards and wears make-up. She always wears red gloves on her hands, always, and is always seen wearing at least one item of red clothing; be it a top, skirt, dress, trousers, shoes or even a scarf. She dresses very girly and fashionably.

Personality: Riesa - like her twin - is a naturally teasing person. She and Aries don't seem to understand or maybe just don't care about normal standards and rules that society have set in place, and therefore come off as quite weird. She is straight, but will willingly flirt or imply innuendos to men either just to rile them up or to get something she wants - like her brother. She is much more enthusiastic than her twin brother, easily excited and has a weakness for small children - she refuses to harm them and gets annoyed when she knows someone else has, as they remind her of her younger brother Mykal whom she cared for deeply. She often uses her 'ditzy' appearance to her advantage and purposely makes herself seem stupider than she is so that it is easier for her to gain information or trick people into getting money out of them. Riesa seems to have some sort of fascination with blood or maybe she just likes causing bloodshed, but she loves fighting and excels in capoeira style fighting, though she knows the more common types like kick-boxing, karate and a few others. She does however have enough intelligence to hold herself back from killing or harming another unless it is necessary. Riesa is much about amusing herself however possible, whether it be a simply small thing, reminiscing about killing someone in a strange way or even teasing her brother. She likes to live in the moment and have fun. She is very much what you would call a 'party person' and can easily offend people by accident because of her careless way of speaking. For example, she once asked Aries if she could keep a teenage boy as a pet because he was cute...even though the boy was standing right behind her. She also never lets Aries forget the fact that she was born 3 minutes before him.

Powers/Abilities: Riesa's ability is also unique. The easiest way to say it is that Riesa's power is the result of Aries touching another human. Instead of using objects as the weapon, Riesa is the weapon. As far as she knows it is only the sharp points on her body that are affected, such as her fingers and toenails, they retain the same appearance as before, but are now as sharp as the strongest metal and if she were to touch someone with her fingertips it would be the same effect as cutting them with a blade. She, like her brother, wears specially made gloves to prevent herself from tearing everything she touches into ribbons, her socks are also made of the same material as the gloves. She gained this power when she was 11 when her brother tried to grab her and move her to safety.

Background: (See Aries' background)

Other: The twins both are from another dimension, one where humans are still the 'better' race and superhumans are far and few in-between. (For anyone who knows it, they live in the Marvel Universe :3)


Name: April Louise Lozeir

Age: 14

Role: Student

Status: About a year, give or take a few months. Long enough to know her way around anyway.

Rooming: Not fussy really, it'd be amusing for her to get a roommate only because she's such a brat I'd feel so sorry for the one she rooms with.

Friend Requests: April is a bit of a loner and a rude brat to top it off, not sure she'd even have any friends yet. She probably knows a few of the disciplinary squad though; I'm pretty sure they'd see her quite a lot.

Race: Elemental; Sylph.


Personality:April is very withdrawn in general, simply because she was raised in the Elemental Palace - being the Princess - and has minimal contact with people. Her parents were often busy with meetings and events that she was too young to attend - not to mention she was a sickly child so her parents never let her out - and she never really had any friends as she was home-schooled. She hasn't had contact with any kids at all in her whole life and this is visible in the way she speaks and acts to them. She is very observant but has the temper of a five year old who just lost their favourite toy. She's easily manipulated because of her hot-headed trait. But get her mad and she's your worst enemy. Guess it doesn't help that she's easily annoyed. She has major trust issues and is pretty much one of the worst people in the world to get along with. Seriously, you're just better off turning around and walking away now. She's a class-a brat.

Powers/Abilities: April is a Sylph. She is extremely powerful with her wind element, a high level elemental, but has the massive downfall of her stupid temper and how easily manipulated she is.

  • Air Manipulation:Because she is a Sylph, she can make the air move in any direction and control it as she pleases.
  • Air Metamorphosis:This power is still very flaky as she is much better at brute force instead of focusing, but she can for a limited time turn into air to get through places. As mentioned before, she does not use it often as it usually backfires painfully and ends up getting her in trouble.
  • Air Element:She knows the currents of the air (strong to weak) and she can be healed when in contact with the air though her healing power is weak and not very effective when in polluted air.

Background: April was born the first child of Queen and King Lozeir of the Elemental Kingdom. While still in her Mother's stomach, complications with the pregnancy arose and they had to do an emergency c-section a month early to get the baby out otherwise it would have been a stillborn. Growing up, because of her early start to life and her poor genes, April was often ill with various diseases and was constantly in and out of the royal hospital room. She pretty much spent half of her childhood in that room. This led to her Mother and Father being very overprotective of their daughter and not only was April home-schooled she also never met another child until she came to the school simply because she wasn't allowed to leave the palace and her parents were worried if they arranged any 'play dates' that April might get an illness from them. Besides, she always seemed fine on her own so they never felt the need to make her socialise.

So quite basically April - before the school - had never socialised with anyone outside of the palace, which means she'd never met another kid before, and therefore you can tell she has no clue how to interact with others. It was only recently when her parents had decided she hadn't been ill in a very long time and that it would be okay to start taking her to social events that they realised what an uncivilised brat their child was and they decided the best course of action was to send April to Oriens Academy where she could simultaneously learn how to socialise properly with other people and other races, and get a good education.

Other: She's a brat; be warned.

(P.s, Sorry about the non-anime pictures; these are pre-existing characters and they all had human pics xD )
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/anime-boy-blood-weapon-sword-wallpapers_1160910807.jpg.7836036648c8a47ce495da87cc28b346.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13571" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/anime-boy-blood-weapon-sword-wallpapers_1160910807.jpg.7836036648c8a47ce495da87cc28b346.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Icarus ‘Behemoth

Age: Sixteen

Role: Student

Status: New arrival

Roommate: Open for one.

Race: Angel-Human; Son of Gabriel

Personality: Icarus was a strange angel hybrid, unlike his father and fellow peers, he took to temptation like a moth to the light. He enjoyed the company of everyone and found joy in doing just about anything. Icarus was just one of those few people who were naturally gentle and friendly and insanely hard to be cross with. Of course, due to his kind-hearted nature, Icarus was left a bit dim when it came to sensing the mood of others and knowing when too much was too much. That being said, he’s the affectionate type who will instantly deem you a friend by simply glancing in his direction and he’d easily rise to your defense if you seem to be in some sort of trouble. Some could call him a fool, but he prefers to be ‘Dauntless’ leaping before he looks is a natural habit and as such he believes himself to be fearless…Unless you happen to have a ducklet, which is when he really loses his shit and hides under his blankets uttering some sort of prayer while residing in a fetal position.


Physical Ability- Icarus was always strong; a single punch from the child when he was merely two could have left a hole in steel. Even his father was impressed when he got knocked on his ass from simply getting a ‘pound’ from his young boy after one of the most grueling training sessions ever to be seen among the clouds. Icarus’s speed is something else entirely, the avian structure of his angelic bones mixed with the strength Icarus posses leads to deft footwork. His stamina is almost tilting on the unbelievable, but he does tire just like everyone else.

Weaponry- Icarus only ever favored his armor, whether it is the three layers of chainmail that constantly are worn under his school uniform, or be it the gauntlets of which were blessed by the first pope. The gauntlets are only permitted in some areas, and he keeps them close at hand due to his inability to control magic. Usually in a messenger back slung over his right shoulder.

Fighting Style- Icarus’s fighting style is instinctual, impulsive, and entirely centered around his being able to control a fight in close quarters. He strikes hard, fast, and with the sole purpose of submission. Lethality never even occurs to him when throwing a fist, he just enjoys the motion.


Icarus, when it comes down to the very wire, is powerless. Being a completely full frontal and straightforward instinctual fighter, Icarus never thought to learn how to do anything else. Hence why he uses blessed gauntlets, he is even daft in the art of flight which is strange for an angel. But, it is the sole reason Icarus was given the alias of ‘Behemoth’.

Other: (I pointed out his weaknesses enough, don’t like it or can’t see them? Smell my patootie!)



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Name: Mr. Richter

Age: It's a secret~!

Role: He teaches a lot of classes. Come to think of it, nearly every class. It's as if the teachers all got sick and disappeared... No, but seriously, he teaches multiple classes.

Status: Short term, no more than a few months to a year

Rooming: He rooms alone. In the basement. Behind a locked door.

Race: Vampire

Appearance: Richter is a tall, very thin young man, with neatly groomed hair and nails. His gray eyes have a relaxed, cool expression to them, and his voice is smooth. He tends to wear an open jacketed suit with a black tie. (I need to gather more pictures of men and suits.)

Personality: Richter tends to keep a cool air about him, relaxed in nearly every situation. He has a tendency to look down upon most other beings, what with them being cattle and all. He tends to be equal parts playful and predatory, choosing his words and actions to discover everything about a target. However, he also possesses a strong desire to gather and share knowledge, in addition to being very talkative; he'd carry a conversation with nearly anyone about anything, trading information and discussion. Discussions with those he considers on par with himself are his favorite.

Powers/Abilities: He possesses the inherent strength and power common to his species, but has foregone some of the more unconventional abilities in favor of pursuing a special type of magic: hemomancy. The ability to control his own blood has granted him both a liquid weapon and augmented his regeneration.

Background: Richter is a very old vampire with almost no documentation on his history. He was turned long before other supernatural races grew prevalent, having been turned during the 15th century.

Other: What's for dinner?
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