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Realistic or Modern Oracle Manor

Burning amber eyes remained upon the body, face down in a pool of red in front of her, but the feelings that Essa expected to hit her... never did. Instead she felt... nothing. No fear, no horror, no guilt. Instead, her mind and heart were silent, empty. As though what she had just done had taken something from her.

A small furrow began on her brow, born out of confusion, and she was so focussed upon this that she didn't hear Hayden approaching so started slightly when he pressed a warm hand to her shoulder. Surprise filled her then as she turned to see him looking at her, his face unreadable, yet Essa felt a glimmer of something within her chest at the consideration that Hayden approved of what she had done. He wasn't spitting at her in disgust so that had to count for something, right?

For once, she allowed him to guide her away and relinquished control to someone other than herself, the warmth of his hand remaining upon her skin even once it had been removed. Jade and Jay were an unwelcome sight in amongst the chaos and Essa remained quiet, dispondent until Hayden spoke again to her, his tone unfamiliar. She glanced at him, that same crease upon her brow because was that... almost a compliment? Was it a compliment? Surely she had misheard, surely... But it wasn't long before she caught herself and became quietly dismayed that she was more bothered about what Hayden thought of her than the girl she had just murdered who still lay bleeding out a few feet away from them. Dismayed but also quietly... pleased?


The gong came not a moment too soon.

Essa traipsed through the rest of the challenge in a far away daze. She was focussed and yet unfeeling. Her eyes were glazed, her thoughts somewhere that nobody but her could reach and by the end of it all, it appeared that she wasn't the only one. The group of wannabe Chosens regathered with suspicion marring their features; it was as though everyone had realised that each person here was their enemy and what the reality of that entailed. It didn't matter if they weren't competing for the same spot, they could wind up on an opposing teams and that's all it would take. To end a life. To change something forever because it was kill or be killed; what other choice did they have?

As the contestants seemed to huddle , Essa flinched upon hearing the happy, sing song boom of the MC once more. It felt out of place in amongst the blood and the dirt; if there had ever been a correct place for it here at all. Amber eyes shone with something close to fury, to hatred at the messenger's joke about something that had killed numerous people. Her stomach churned slightly and without fully realising it, she stepped a little closer into Hayden's side, seeking... warmth, seeking comfort. Not that she'd ever have readily realised such a want within herself. Everything else about her however was rigid, focussed. Had this all been for nothing?

A silence followed the MC's suggestion and he tutted lightly, yet remained unphased by his steely audience. "So without further ado!" Lights flashed and cameras were suddenly thrust upon the stage while Hermes's Chosen welcomed the audience at home. Essa cringed in the brightness, as introductions were made and summaries given, wishing she could beg, no demand that they just get this over with. Only did her ears retune into the words being boomed into a mic once the MC prepared for his announcement.

"But in amongst the vicious battle there was but one clear winner and I... well, I doubt this is going to come as much of a surprise given one particular contestant's track record but please, ladies and gentleman, join me in welcoming to the stage the winners of today's challenge... Group 4 consisting of Hayden Kaneko, Jade Bullen, Jay Singh and Essa... Hariki!"

Applause sounded but it wasn't from around them as spotlights searched the groups for their targets. The contestants turned this way and that, and when they found those responsible for the deaths of their teammates they stepped aside with scowls, parting to allow a way forwards to the stage. Essa smacked her lips and started to lead the way, part jubilant, part.... numb.

The journey seemed endless as their party shuffled forwards and when they finally stood in front of the MC, bloodied, dirtied and bruised, especially in comparison to his vibrant attire, the hostility emanating from the crowds was palpable.

"Well my dears, here you are." The MC held out his arms. "And Miss Hariki, for a second time, no less."

Essa said nothing. Did nothing.

"Congratulations to each and every one of you. Now it goes without saying that we have quite the prize lined up for you this evening. Would you like to hear what it is?"
Hayden couldn't help but wonder if the same pageantry had been a part of the God's myth's and legends from the days of old. Did such honourable battles between men at the inclination of the Gods always leave a bitter taste in humanities mouth? The God's had shaped them, moulded them out of the earth and brought them life- they'd gifted them with fire and the means to grow as a society and thus they would always been in their debt. Hayden couldn't help but wonder if this would always be the cost to keep the graces of those that looked down upon them. Perhaps he was a hypocrite as he was unable to feel anything other than victory from the result of his actions- and yet he couldn't find the honour in this.

The bodies of the dead were removed from the grounds and those that remained had no opportunity to mourn or send their fallen opponents off to the shores of the Styx. Instead their blood was covered by rolling red carpets, glitter and pomp. Perhaps Essa felt the same as Hayden felt the warmth of her body near his side as she stepped closer to him. He reacted on pure instinct, moving his arm to give her the space to get closer and his hand hovered over the small of her back before it fisted and fell away back to his side. He felt the brush of her knuckles against his and he stayed perfectly still, keeping his hand right there as Hermes waxed on about the competition.

With a loud boisterous voice he called for their champions and Hayden blinked against the brightness of the spotlights that found them in the waning crowds. Perhaps the blinding light was its own blessing in disguise as it saved the winners from the glares and seething disdain from those around them. They made their way onto the stage and Hayden placed himself as a barrier between the overly cheerful man and Essa. He told himself it was because he wanted to be seen first and as the leader of the group, perhaps the Gods and those at home might foster some respect for him, but in truth he stood where he stood because of Essa. Everything about her posture screamed that she was done with the event- with being under the watchful eye of those invested in this.

"We are on the edge of our seats." Hayden said dryly into the microphone that Hermes waved in front of them, hoping that one of them might answer his question as to the content of their prize.

"As are we Mr. Kaneko!" With a great flourish of glitter and tailcoats Hermes swirled back to the camera, his grin almost as bright as the spotlights. "This prize comes as thanks from one of our mortal sponsors: Alliance Nations- the voice of the Gods! It's through them and the hardworking individuals there that we're able to put on this show for you exactly to the God's design. It is my great pleasure to announce that they worked closely with Aphrodite and Dionysus to bring you the ultimate prize." Hermes Chosen winked and it seemed to Hayden the man was all but hearing the 'ooohs' of the viewers at home. it took everything in him not to roll his eyes.

"For the first time ever in the history of this game we will be carting the winners off for a five day cruise down the coast to see the temples of their chosen. Your private yacht will be staffed by only the finest individuals hand chosen by Alliance Nations! And perhaps if you're lucky, at the temples you might get the opportunity to speak to the God's themselves. Maybe they'll grace you with a little more advice for the upcoming events." Hermes chosen started clapping, and he was the only one- though that didn't seem to deter him one bit.

Hermes hand lifted to the little ear piece tucked behind his ear then and a wry smile curved his lips, with a dramatic flair he pointed up to the sky. Hayden followed the man's direction and groaned at the sight of a pitch black helicopter as it descended down on the grounds.

"No need to worry about packing! We'll take care if it all upon your arrival!" Hermes shouted over the whap whap whap of the helicopter blades slicing through the air. The gardens around them came alive with the swaying foliage as it was caught in the powerful wind of the helicopter. Contestants backed away from the mighty machine and Hayden found himself frowning...

Well... there went his plans for that bath.
After a while, Essa stopped hearing any of the gold plated bullshit that was pouring out of the MC's mouth. Her hands tingled with where she and Hayden's knuckles had brushed, but that was the only sensation she could currently feel. Even standing under the dazzling lights, even in front of the watchful eyes of those who most likely wanted to see her dead. Not even the full announcement of their prize could stir emotion from her numbness, or at least that was until the whirring of the helicopter began to sizzle through her mind, the gusts of wind from its propellors disrupting the people that stood before it.

All she'd wanted to do was go back to her room, to curl up in bed under the sheets, to disappear, not to step onto an unnatural deathtrap that could fall from the sky at any moment. It would appear however, that Essa, as was so often the case, did not have a choice.

The MC ushered the group forwards, "Now go forth, my young companions. Seek your destiny... and perhaps a little bit of fun on the side." Another sickly wink followed while the four of them were encouraged into the vehicle one by one and handed a pair of headphones with attached mics. Essa scooted into the furthest side by a window, her hands already trembling as she attached the headphone over her head. Moments later, those same hands were balled into the familiar fists that Hayden had commented on during their first meeting, her nails creating the little half-moon indentations on her skin. Jay and Jade's gushing excitement spilled out between them but Essa couldn't hear it, couldn't focus as the door closed them in and finally... the helicopter began to lift.

"Fuck..." The word was breathed out softly, not intended for anyone to hear. Essa was usually so much better at controlling herself than this but it was almost like she was simply... overwhelmed, done with the events of the day, focussing on her fear of flying rather than the reality of what she'd done, perhaps?

The helicopter began to climb slowly at first, the ground below them disappearing, but it was when it began to move followed by a sharp bank to the right that Essa closed her eyes, screwing them shut in an attempt to concentrate on breathing past the impending nausea climbing up her throat. She had to get a hold of herself, she had to...
The voices of Jay and Jade crackled in his ear as Hayden slipped his headset on. He wasn't so much interested in joining in their reverie as the door to the helicopter slid closed and the ground slipped further away from them. Already his mind was whirring with the implications on what their time apart from the manor meant. In way it brought them all safety from the many faces that had looked on them with contempt- it gave him a second to recoup and collect his thoughts. It also brought him one step closer to convincing Hades that he was the right man for the job. There were disadvantages to leaving as well, there would be no way to determine who had it out for him the most- or learn the nature of any plans that might be unfolding. He could only hope that Beau would be willing to fill him in upon his return. Truly it was better to keep ones enemies close at all times, he felt the insane urge to throw himself out of the helicopter and back down to the manor.

"Fuck..." Hmm, that was strange, the little voice in his head sounded strangely like Essa. Hayden eye's slid across from him, he'd taken the seat right behind the pilot and subsequently right across from Essa. He was reminded of their first meeting and noted the way her hands curled tightly into fists- every bit of colour had drained from her face and those sad eyes of hers were shielded from him as they were screwed up tightly. Hayden didn't think, didn't let logic talk him out of this one as he subtly slid his foot into the narrow space between them, the toe of his sneaker bumping against her foot.

Her eyes flickered to his and Hayden inclined his head, his coal like eyes scalding the air with his silent reassurance. Jay and Jade's conversation about what their team name should be became white noise as he held her gaze. Hayden sat in that helicopter seat like he owned it- his other leg coming out to press against hers as he lounged. He was the picture of ease as they flew over the rocky cliffs and out over the deep blue waters of the ocean. He'd thought himself battle worn and done, and yet one look at the silent well guarded fear in her face made it easy to brush off the dust and pain and get back up again. His body ached, his mind wanted nothing more than to black out and forget the way it felt to take a life into his hands but he forced the queasy dark reality from his mind and he focused on Essa- on getting her through this one last hurdle.

He leaned over, his hands finding the knob on her headset and switched her away from the channel that Jay and Jade were still chatting over. Hayden stayed where he was, perched on the edge of his seat and leaned forward as he reached up and switched his own headset to the same channel he'd put Essa on. The pilot would still be able to hear them but he paid that no mind.

"Just think of all the stories you'll be able to tell that little sister of yours. First plane flight, first helicopter flight and now spending time away on a private yacht. Just think of sharing that with her when you return to her. You'll tell her about how you spent your first night on the waters drinking and eating your fill of only the finest foods as the stars twinkled above your head. Just think about how you'll look back on all this fear and pain and have pride knowing you weathered it all." If Essa looked close enough she might see the tinge of rose under his filthy blood spattered skin. Damn... he'd meant only to give her a word of two of reassurance but it seemed once he'd gotten going he couldn't stop.

Abruptly he leaned back in his seat, his legs untangling from hers as the pilot's voice crackled in their ears, "prepare for landing."

Their touch down was smooth and the pilot let the bird wind down before staff on the boat rushed forward onto the helipad and opened the door, welcoming them with bright beaming smiles as the blades above them swirled lazily. The rock of the boat under his feet was familiar and Hayden gave the yacht a cursory glance over- two hot tubs, a small pool and a poolside bar already staffed. He saw cushy lounge furniture, a small dance floor and even a waterslide that led to the ocean. The staff had laid out a spread of food and drink near the poolside and gave them the tour below deck where three more floors with fancy suits were to be their rooms. It felt more like a small cruise ship than a yacht.

Hayden slipped into his room without delay, tearing off his clothes and finding a towel. As per the God's tradition all bathing was done publicly and so armed with new swimming trunks, the worlds fluffiest towel he dragged his aching feet down the plush carpeted way and towards the baths. He was greeted by a member of staff outside, one who offered him a goblet full of red wine.

"A gift from Dionysus." The server explained. "It's from his latest batch and is sure to please with hints of pomegranate. Hayden's brows lifted in surprise- he'd been afforded many privileges in his life, and yet he'd never gotten his hands on the ambrosia of the God's before. He gave the server a gruff thanks before slipping past him, his arms laden into the space reserved for bathing.

It felt almost as if he'd stepped into ancient times. Marble columns, all expertly carved framed the pool. Intricate tile work wove vines and forest nymphs into the floor and walls- and soft yellow lighting filled the space. Hayden threw his towel onto one of the nearby loungers and perched himself on the edge of the pool. He sighed as his feet sank into the warm waters, it felt like fucking heaven. The un-drank goblet rested in his hands, swaying gently with the rocking of the boat. There was a part of him that was unwilling to lift it to his lips and try it, it felt almost as if he didn't earn the liquid gold in his bloody hands. Would he want his killer enjoying such finery?

He thought of the cold eyes of the man he'd hit over the head, those that hadn't escaped the kitchen in time. Hayden lifted the goblet in the air, raising a toast to those that would live forever in his mind.

"Sorry for not seeing you off to Styx." He muttered, hoping the staff had given them their coin to pay the way. "I'd like to shake your hand when this is all over," and with that he brought the goblet to his lips and sipped the most amazing taste to every grace his tongue. "Holy shit." He groaned, all but melting onto the tile.
The words were as surprising as the physical contact was.

Essa had been spiralling into the darkness of her own fear until Hayden, of all people, managed to pull her back out of it. The tip of his toe nudging the side of her foot was what unscrewed those amber eyes, only for them to be met with shining, black coals that were filled with a feeling she didn' recognise. Then came the touching of their legs as her teammate lounged back in the leather seat of the helicopter as though he owned it, as though he belonged. Essa was simply mesmerised by him before he'd even said a word, her heart thudding now for a different reason, her focus upon the hand that reached to switch the channel on their headsets, even though Jade and Jayden's voices had stopped being heard long ago.

When Hayden began to speak, his voice and breaths clear in her ears, Essa found that she could not look away from him, her own features and expression unreadable. Perhaps she should have felt confused, should have spent the time wondering what angle he was coming from, should have been more concerned with figuring out why. But instead Essa only felt relief that the surprise of this offered her such a wonderful distraction from her fear. Relief and... something else. Something deeper.

Hayden's words pierced an armour that Essa no longer separated from her own skin. They caressed where none had reached before and settled upon her like a fan providing a much needed cooler breeze underneath the scorching sun. Her balled fists gently uncurled a little, her shoulders dropped slightly and maybe for just a moment, there was something close to gratitude reflected in her own shining jewels because even if it wasn't truly meant... nobody had ever felt a need to look after her before. To take control, to comfort. It was as comforting as it was alien.

For the rest of the journey, Essa remained calmed with odd glances stolen for the man sat opposite her. She couldn't figure him out, wasn't sure she had the energy to question why Hayden Kaneko had felt the need to intervene in her moment of need. Rather than spin the questions over and over in her head though, she instead allowed a kind of peacefulness to wash over her, one that was mostly formed of protection, but nevertheless a welcome change to her earlier panic.

It wasn't long before the helicopter began to descend towards the land and Essa was grateful when they were finally led from the vehicle. Now that her adrenaline had been quelled she simply felt exhausted, drained. Even as they were led to the cruise ship come yacht, Essa could barely muster the awe or wanderment she might have usually felt at a sight that was so incredibly foreign to her.

As they boarded their home for the next few days, Essa realised that the interior of the yacht meant that it stopped feeling like a boat altogether. It was lavish, it was over the top, it looked like some kind of... premier hotel, a floating night club more than anything else. Yet while Jade and Jayden gushed and rushed forwards to pass their blood free hands on all that was on offer to them, Essa was hot on Hayden's heels and without a word, slipped from his company and into her own room at the same time as he did into his.

For a moment, Athena's chosen simply stood there, leaning back against her closed door and shutting her eyes to take in the peace and quiet. She could so easily have crawled into the plush bed that stood before her, with the orgnate golden carvings up four equidistant posts, and the silken tresses of sheets that hung invitingly over pillows, promising perhaps the best night sleep she'd ever had. Her body ached for it, her muscles craved the let up of stress; mentally, she was already dreaming. Yet of all the things to convince her not to do just that, it was the colour of the sheets compared to the colour of... her that gave her food for thought. For the first time since the trial had ended, Essa realised how damn dirty she was. Her clothes were the colour of ash, her skin almost unrecognisable, and that was before she noticed the splatters of blood on her leggings. The sight in itself churned her stomach and she was moving again then, quickly, tearing the clothes from her body and rummaging through the pristine wardrobe in search of... a black bikini and sarong.

A small huff of disapproval was all she could muster as she slipped covertly from her room in her new attire and tiptoed towards the public baths, praying to Athena that nobody else had the same idea as she did. She had just been about to enter when a voice sounded from behind her, causing a small jump start that almost send the glass of red wine being held out to her flying.

"A gift from Dionysus."
"Oh. Oh no, I'm okay, thank--"
"It's from his latest batch and is sure to please with hints of pomegranate."

Essa blinked and followed with a very slow nod. She didn't want the drink but right now she'd simply accept it to get into the water quicker. Holding out her hand, Essa eventually murmured her thanks before slipping into the warm steam of the room. It took her a moment to adjust to the heat but when she did, she finally took in the space before her.

The pristine, shining tiles, the pillars of white and gold... and the muscled figure sitting on the edge of the pool.

Essa knew who it was immediately, recognised the broad shoulders, the lightly tanned skin, the sweep of dark hair. But rather than this realisation turning her around... Essa felt even more compelled to move forwards than she did before. The feeling was fleeting, momentary, but it was strong enough for her to follow it without question with a hint of convincing herself that the real reason was because she just really needed a bath. It was when she heard Hayden's voice however that she paused again, listening... and understanding. Understanding how he felt, what it was he was apologising for.

Her chest lurched slightly before wordlessly, Essa stopped beside him and placed her own goblet down by her feet.

Hayden's groan upon taking a sip from his almost made her smile.

"That good, huh?" The question echoed in the room and the dark haired beauty did not look at her companion as she eased herself down beside him, slowly dipping her slender feet into the crystal water in front of them.

"I almost declined but now I am... very I'm very glad that I didn't."
Despite the horror of the day and the weariness that settled deep within his soul Hayden could not stop the way his eyes roved over the poor excuses of fabric that dared to be called a bikini. A sick sort of primal satisfaction moved through him as Essa approached, a visage of temptation and settled herself right next to him. They both were still covered in the the remains of the day and the dead- and perhaps it was the last dredges of his adrenaline that wished to hook an arm around her waist and tug her too him. The idea of all that glorious skin pressed to his sounded like the best kind of comfort after they day they both had.

What would it be like to drag his fingers down that powerful back, marred only by the strings that held up her suit. Could he press his lips to that subtle rise of her collar bone and accept the peace that vision offered him. He only had to reach out and- by the Gods, he needed to pull himself together. Hayden blinked those silent usually knowing eyes of his in confusion. Shit, she'd said something to him and he'd been off in a world of his own.

"You have to try it." He said, gesturing to her matching glass, hoping that she'd been speaking about the wine and nothing else. "It's unlike anything I've ever tasted." He didn't feel totally natural and at ease as he rushed to press his own drink back to his lips. Once more the taste of pure summertime splashed over his tongue and even though he burned with embarrassment he couldn't stop the way his eyes shuttered at the divine sensation. He could feel the way the ambrosia traveled down to nest warmly in his stomach. He took another sip for good measure and he felt his brain fuzz at the edges ever so deliciously.

He felt pulled to sink into the water, and after gently placing the goblet down he pushed off the edge of the tiled pool and sank into the blissfully warm waters. Across the way from them was a metre long waterfall that offered the chance for the pools inhabitants to wash their hair, and it drowned out the splash of his entrance. It wasn't the deepest pool, and Hayden could stand easily in it- his legs didn't seem too inclined to work however, and he let his body float in the cleansing waters.

"Perhaps we should lock the door- having the others anywhere near this would ruin my peace." He thought... or had he said that aloud? Hayden ran a weary hand over his face, brushing away some of the filth and dirt that had found rest there. "Gods, that stuff is strong." He muttered- he'd taken three sips and already he felt chattier than he'd ever been in his life. "You'd better join me." He muttered- he started to send an accusing glare towards her still full goblet but his eyes tripped over her legs. They glistened with droplets of water as she lazily moved them through the waters, and it took every bit of his self control to not bite into his bottom lip at the sight.

Don't tell her what's on your mind. Don't tell her what's on your mind. The words repeated over and over in his head- a mantra he had no difficulty ignoring.

"Your discovery with the cave... and the way you handled yourself today..." He met her eyes and for the first time in a long, long time he looked sincere. "I was glad to have you on my team. But don't think I won't go all out next time you and I are pitted against one another." He warned- lifting a finger out of water to waggle it at her.
A part of her expected to be ordered to leave, or ignored at the very least so when Hayden did neither, Essa couldn't fully mask her surprise, surprise that wasn't altogether unpleasant. This was a thought which might have usually worried her if she hadn't been so god damn tired. Nevertheless, she remained mostly oblivious to the dark eyes roaming her light brown skin, until she noticed that there had been a significant amount of silence between her statement and a response. Amber lifted to meet coal beneath dark lashes, curiously, expectantly, but when Hayden's words came, it was clear that they had not been what Essa was expecting. The corners of her mouth twitched a little though still, she did not take a sip of her drink. Not yet, anyway.

"I've never been one to drink," she admitted, unsure of where this information about herself came from, as well as the need to share it. "In my experience, alcohol usually leads to something... bad." Her thoughts flickered briefly to shouting matches between her parents, violence on the streets outside their flat... smashing bottles and the smell of whiskey, or beer. A small shudder ripplied through her at the same time that Hayden slipped into the crystal waters before them.

Even with the dirt and blood covering his body, Essa could see the muscles that rippled beneath, the strength behind agile shoulders, the smooth, lightly sun-kissed skin. Hayden looked like a God himself, now floating effortlessly upon the water and it was ultimately this thought, and the warm feeling pooling in her stomach that forced Essa to pick up her goblet, mainly for something to do, a distraction. What she was not expecting though, was the sudden burst of flavour onto her tongue.

Essa had never tasted something so exquisite in her entire life. It was like a bunch of the ripest, most succulent berries exploding in her mouth, sweet, a little tart and... warm, so deliciously warm; a summer's day. She could feel the heat trickling down her throat, she could feel something fuzzy already tingling at the edges of her mind. In fact, it was so inviting she took another sip almost immediately after, her eyelids fluttering.

"Gods, you weren't wrong," she murmured, only pulling the goblet back to marvel at it, before setting it down onto the side of the pool once more. She had been focussed upon the red liquid until Hayden spoke an admission, one that immediately saw her head whipping up to attention, as if she thought she had misheard the words that had fallen from those perfect cupid bow lips.

"Are you trying to suggest that I am not someone who is shattering your peace?" Essa quipped back, her amber eyes shining with the water reflected within them. "I don't believe that for a second." Then with her feistiness, she slipped into the water herself, a gentle caress of liquid washing over her own dirtied skin. It felt heavenly and she felt so... light. So playful. Perhaps she should have considered why someone like Hayden might want to lock her in a room; wasn't it obvious? And yet suddenly it felt so easy to bat the suspicion away, to want to ignore it. In the end it was once more, all Essa could do to turn and take another sip from her drink in response to Hayden's suggestion, a sip that she damn near choked on at his next confession.

In the aftermath of those words... the approval, Essa's cheeks had warmed slightly pink and it was for this reason that she did not turn around until she had set her glass back down again. She was surprised that when she met Hayden's gaze he looked like he had meant every word, and any amusement she had planned to express softly melted away with his sincerity. Such compliments were lost upon her, as was knowing how to accept them. That wasn't the world she came from and it never would be. Would it? It was the last part and the waggle of Hayden's finger in her direction that caused a smirk though, one she couldn't stop even if she wanted to. Essa looked down at the water with a small shake of her head and without warning, she sunk into it, letting it cover the rest of her body and pool over her hair.

For a few moments she stayed there, enjoying the silence, the knowledge that the day was being washed away from her, as though she would be cleaned of what she had done. When she emerged once more it was only to take a breath, small hands pushing back sodden curls that tried to spring back into place and defy their newfound weight.

"I'm sorry," she eventually began, opening her eyes once she had pushed the droplets from her face. "I could have sworn that just then you gave me a compliment, Kaneko. I had make sure I'm not dreaming."

A light chuckle, an actual chuckle followed this statement, before Essa came to rest her back against the tiled wall of the pool, thoughtfully, disconcertingly so.

"I wouldn't expect anything less from you," she then went on to say, more seriously this time. "As much as it pains me to admit it, I think we are... alike when it comes to what we want and what we will do to get it." Essa smacked her lips together before raising her gaze again, trying to not let it drop to the strength of Hayden's neck muscles.

"And I respect that. Perhaps I should fear it, but I don't, I... I understand it. Even if I do not know the reasons for why it exists..."

An invitation if ever there was one.
Essa's legs moved through the water like she was a trained dancer, leading the silky waves in an intricate swirl through the warm pool. A rosiness covered her cheeks and the waters illuminated her eyes with such fantastical light that Hayden could have sworn he was looking at a siren. Her song had come in the form of a confession, hesitant words that gave way to a past he was certain she'd rather stay uncovered. He wanted to ask her what it was like; to live in the streets below his skyscraper, but no amount of booze or ambrosia would willingly force that question from his lips. Instead he watched her as she contemplated the goblet that held liquid gold.

Hayden could count on a single hand how many time he'd been truly uncertain- he was a king at strategized theories and being one step ahead of his opponents. But in this moment as the goblet was held in suspension, he truly didn't know what she would do. His coal like eyes were locked on her as she tilted back, her throat moving in a fluid motion as she took her first sip of Dionysus's finest and then another.

She caught him in a trap of his own making then- scoffing at him in absolute utter disbelief that he might find her company preferable. He scowled at her, the logical part of his brain went to war with the silly little organ in his chest. You know we enjoy her, Brain. You're an absolute idiot, Heart.

"I'm merely saying that you're far more... tolerable than the other two." Hayden grumbled unable to side with either stupid part of himself. Essa dipped into the waters and Hayden had to force his eyes to a point just beyond her shoulder, if he looked too closely he wasn't going to be getting out of the pool for a long while. Thankfully she didn't seem to be looking at him either, her skin was ablaze the lingering effect of the words that had been guided by his heart and not his head. He did that too often around her- though at the moment Hayden found it hard to find that fact troubling.

He needed to do something with his hands as the urge to grab Essa as she floated on by was far too much temptation to risk, taking another sip seemed like a fine idea and so he did- but the drink caught in his mouth and stayed there as Essa dove under the surface. The riches berries farmed from only the finest groves coated his tongue as Essa rose up, looking once more like the sort of creature that lured men to their deaths. Her hands swept through her hair like she was in a goddamned romance novel and he was fucking done for.

He barely felt the burn of his hearty swallow, "don't get used to it." He muttered half-heartedly in response to her noticing his compliment. She chuckled and Hayden had to place the drink down in fear it would slip through his fingers and turned his full attention to the goddess across the waters from him. There was restraint to her words and yet there was something so incredibly inviting about the way her gaze pulled him in like a magnet. There was truth and sincerity- perhaps a fair exchange for the words he'd given her, but Hayden couldn't help but feel there was something more: an invitation to draw closer...

The tile drew rough patterns in his feet as his feet led him towards her without giving his mind a second to disagree or think his way out of it. They'd been nose to nose before but he couldn't deny how different it felt to see her this close when there wasn't ire or rage burning in those amber eyes of hers. One of his hands found the edge of the pool, just next to her shoulder and he rested it there, leaving the other hand at his side and way for her to move away if she needed.

"When you talk like that Essa, it makes me think you'd like to explore- to understand why each time you and I butt heads we end up right... here." His free hand lifted and with the barest brush of his thumb he captured a few errant drops that remained from the pool waters from her cheek. He kept his gaze locked with her as moved his thumb to his lips and ventured out his tongue to drag his finger along it in a slow lick. He kept his eyes on her, gauging each reaction and filing it away to dwell on for hours later.

"You should tell me that I'm wrong, or I'm going to kiss you." He whispered, drawing closer still, his lids hooding further as he draw his other hand up, leaning it on the pools edge on the other side of her head, caging her to the floral tile. He could feel the rush of her breath over his skin, smell the rich wine between them. Gods he wanted to do more than kiss her, there wasn't a book big enough to list all the things he wanted to do to her.

He'd just about to check off item number one when the last two people he wanted to see in the earth crashed into the room.
Her words were an invitation, certainly, but Essa had not truly considered if Hayden might take her up on it.

In the end, he did far more than that.

Her confidence faltered just a little as the body that looked like it had been carved by the Gods themselves began towards her. His walk was slow, purposeful. Predatory. Her lips pressed together in a hint of her defiance, but her eyes... her eyes told a different story in that moment. There was a flicker of uncertainty, of vulnerability. Essa didn't know where this was going, what she had started, if she'd even meant to, and she certainly didn't understand the heavy thrum of her heart against her ribcage that conjured a feeling of anxiety and... excitement.

Hayden had reached her now and stood before her in the crystal waters. One of his hands pressed into the tiles behind her and Essa found herself wishing that the other would too, that he would capture her fully, removing option to leave simply because it was almost easier to believe she didn't have a choice in this, than she was staying put of her own accord. As fucked up as that was.

It was Hayden's next words however, that short-circuited wherever those thoughts had been headed, the fear within Essa sizzling into something hotter. Her pupils grew at the contact that was made with the soft pad of his thumb against the light freckled curve of her cheek. That dark gaze remained upon the carrier of the droplets to Hayden's cupid bow lips and the way his tongue tasted the water, her body, her thighs stiffening, her mind racing with thoughts of what this meant, of why she was thinking about Hayden's Kaneko's fucking tongue...

He drew closer then and Essa stood stock still. They had been this close before, but usually it was marred with fury, with emotions laced thickly over their actions, acting almost as some kind of excuse. This was different, though, this was considered, it was...

Her lips immediately parted at the mention of a kiss, a small gush of air leaving between them, small tingles erupting all over the surface of her skin. Essa's eyes dipped to the lips that were now mere inches from hers and then back up to those burning coals that threatened to engulf her. She didn't know why he was doing this, didn't know what was going to happen next, had never felt anything like it before, didn't know what to say, what to do, what she wanted... So when the next words pushed past her mouth, Essa wasn't sure where they had come from, or how she had even managed to utter them.

"And why..." She breathed in a husky whisper. "Why would you want to do a thing like that?"

The words hung between them as Essa's gaze searched Hayden's, her orbs a solar eclipse, burning amber framing endless black. She hadn't told him that he was wrong; she had challenged him maybe, which if he intended to stay true to his words meant--

The crashing of laughter and loud voices shattered the moment like a bullet might a glass window. Essa felt as though a cold bucket of ice had been doused over her head as Jade and Jayden laughed and joked and ultimately came to a stop paused upon seeing the view in front of them. Hands flew to mouths and muffled giggles of shock poured forth. "Oh! Oh, I'm... I'm sorry. We didn't realise we'd be interrupting."

Jade snickered into her hands and Jayden stood there, slack jawed. Essa exhaled but she did not look away from Hayden, not straight away. Instead she answered for them both. "You're not. We were just talking." And with that she began forwards, pushing out of his arms, away from everything that she wanted to do to the man who seemed to have captured a part of her in that moment she hadn't realised existed.

The words that followed were lost upon Essa as she traversed through the pool to the waterfall, took a breath and dunked herself beneath it. Her focus now seemed to be upon removing the remainder of the grime from her body, but in reality she needed a distraction, needed space, needed to gather herself. That wine was fucking dangerous, if she drank anymore she wasn't sure where she'd end up this evening, what she'd end up doing, where her feet might take her once she left this god damn pool--

A muffled voice from somewhere beside her caught her attention before she could finish that thought and Essa opened her eyes to be met with the sight of Jayden of all people now sitting beside her, legs dangling into the water. She didn't know what had happened to them between her leaving Hayden and moving to the other side of the room, so focussed had she been on making her body work normally, but Gods, if Jayden wasn't the last damn person alive she wanted to speak to right now. Mm, except for maybe Jade...

"So, you and Kaneko, huh?"

Essa stepped out of the cascading water, once more pushing droplets from her face. Her now amber eyes flickered over to where Hayden was, being approached by Jade in a similar way to how Jayden had approached her. They were so transparent it was practically laughable.

"You and Kaneko over there looked... close, when we walked in. We didn't mean to interrupt or anything..."
"You didn't. Like I said, we were just talking."

Moving then, Essa hardly looked at Jayden as she went to make for the side of the pool to haul herself out of it. Just as she did though, water sloshing around her, Jayden stopped her once more with a large hand wrapping around her ankle. "Hey, don't go. We don't have to talk about it." And with that, the larger blonde boy who very much felt like a sudden thorn in her side waggled a bottle at Essa, a bottle of what, she wasn't sure but had a pretty good idea of what might be inside. Once more, amber eyes flicked to Hayden and Jade who was stood before him, a subtle arch to her body. Essa licked her lips, a plan, a stupid one but a plan all the same forming in her mind as she lifted her foot from Jayden's unwanted grasp, turning back to him with a forced, almost smile. Slowly, thoughtfully Essa sat down on the edge of the pool, not much space between her body and his.

"Alright. Keep my glass topped up too and maybe we have ourselves a deal."

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