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Fandom Or detailed - Animorphs?


Drinker of coffees
Roleplay Availability
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I remember really liking the series back in middle school. Now that I've graduated high school, it's a bit odd for me to try shopping for the books. But I love the concept too much to let it die in my thoughts, so here's my proposal.

We're going to recreate the series, but with our own characters. You don't need to know anything about Animorphs to be in this role play, because the canon plot line is more or less being tossed out the window, and the core mechanics will be explained via rp.

A brief summary for those who clicked this and haven't read the books: Animorphs is about a team of kids who gain the ability to turn into animals they touch from an alien, specifically an Andalite. With the power comes the responsibility to stop an invasion from another type of alien, called Yeerks, who wish to enslave humanity and devastate the planet. The thing is that Yeerks enslave people by getting literally inside their heads and taking over their body, and enslaved humans (controllers) vastly outnumber the team of kids. The kids can't trust anyone but themselves.

So not only is there a small psychological element to it, there's a lot of action and suspense as the kids go about sneaking around and trying not to get caught while foiling the Yeerk invasion.

If this rp kicks off the ground, I'm thinking no more than a total of ten kids/teens for the team, three stranded Andalites at the most, and perhaps two playable Yeerk higher ups. Everyone else in the story would generally be an npc. At the very least, we'll need three kids (including myself) and one Yeerk higher up, preferably not also me. Perhaps a co-gm...?
Sweet! Anyone interested in playing the main antagonist?
Who would the main antagonist be and what would they do?

Because I'd be interested!
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Basically they'd be like Visser Three and be the Yeerk in charge of the Earth invasion. They'd be based in the same town the kids are.
Of course. If I remember right, all Yeerks need hosts to function, being basically helpless outside a host.
TheOnlyCatbug said:
My OC is kinda like what you're describing.
And she's evil as hell, man.
Mm the one that got rejected from Grillby's? I dunno, it's not really what I'm looking for...
I'd like to join. I noticed one of the books in the class library bookshelf thing and was going to read it, but never really got anywhere. I just have a hazy picture of the Andalite ship...
I'd be happy to play a Taxxon Sub-Visser looking to move up the ranks by grabbing a renegade "Andalite" body, if you get my drift.
Remmock said:
I'd be happy to play a Taxxon Sub-Visser looking to move up the ranks by grabbing a renegade "Andalite" body, if you get my drift.
AlphaDraco said:
I think I could craft a pretty good villian. Especially for my favorite childhood book series.
RIPSaidCone said:
Alright, sounds good. I'm reading up about Animorphs now :P
So how do you three feel about working together? I'd be happy to have you three be the main antagonists, though the plot of the grabbing a renegade "Andalite" body would be a plot for late in the role play.

Shadowlugia711 said:
I'd like to join. I noticed one of the books in the class library bookshelf thing and was going to read it, but never really got anywhere. I just have a hazy picture of the Andalite ship...
Eagleye415 said:
Animorphs! I'm in!
TheOnlyCatbug said:
My OC is kinda like what you're describing.
And she's evil as hell, man.
Evi said:
Animorphs, yes please!
SoraSama14 said:
If the rest of you are still interested, then I do believe we have enough to start up a role play!

The method of role play I have in mind would be kind of episodic, like the books, in that we'll have a major plot, a time skip, and then another major plot, and then another time skip, and so on. Depending on how active everyone is, we might get through a major plot in a week or two weeks in real time, whereas the in-game time will vary. If it's action-heavy, then in-game time will probably be a day or two at most. If it's very thought- or recon-heavy, then it might go on for a few in-game weeks with mini time skips thrown in.
I'd be up for it, though we would have to decide the pecking order. That is usually how Yeerks seem to do it after all. The big guy on top gets to do what he wants while his subordinates try to either not die, or make him look like a fool and take over the position.

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