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Fantasy OppOsITe peOpLE Hishschool RP


There is this group of people. Their opposites. Their deadly. Their group is unknown, even though we know of it. We can only hope that this group, doesn't bother us.

There is an opposite group. Everyone is named after something, and someone else, is their opposite.

We know the group is there, and they've been causing trouble for us.

What is their next move?

He's going to kill us all!!!


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Yoki Vessel

Yoki was glaring out the translucent window out into the small field. Ever since his group had come to this place for their plans, Yoki was against it. Even though it was his plan Yoki felt like going back to the only place he had ever called home. But since his plans were already in action, he had to put up with this place. Shifting from behind Yoki made him turn around. His eyes scanned the room until his gaze rested on a small cat, rubbing up against his doorframe. Yoki sighed.

When Yoki stood up the cat glared at him wickedly, but Yoki ignored it and walked past the small kitten and out into a short hallway. On both ends of the hall were two sturdy black doors and in front of Yoki were a long strip of stairs. Yoki began down the stair steps. Yoki's scorching brown gaze traveled around the room at the bottom of the steps. Yoki dissmissively passed the black scorch marks on the walls and left the strange building.

Yoki began down the grey sidewalk, his destination being the school, which Yoki had agreed to go to while he was here. It was only to watch the other people in this place, which was full of humans, and monsters. Both knew of each other in the town. Back where Yoki was from, his origanal birthplace, monsters weren't aloud, it was like the racism with black and white people all over again, but instead it was with monsters. Usually, the monsters were killed just because the humans wanted. The very thought of humans and monsters together in this place, side by side, disgusted Yoki.

((I will post as the other characters after I post this, I just realized that it took me probably about an hour to do this little, I'm sorry xD ))
Akane stood by the gates of her school, she was an early riser and had made it here long before everyone else had woken to the new day. As per her usual routine she had stopped by the cafe on her way and bought two cups of tea to go before carrying on her way. She ignored everyone she passed on the street, preferring to stick to her own thoughts and daydreams rather than nod greetings to everyone she passed.Today was starting out like every other day, boring and repetitive. By the time she had reached the school gates she had already finished half her cup of tea and settled her back against the outside wall of the school next to the gates and waited.

Kei arrived 4 minutes late, looking like he always did, seemingly at ease with the world with his unruly hair and laid-back persona. He ruffled Akane's hair lovingly and took the cup of tea she held out for him with a smile. This was their morning routine, they met each day outside the school gate, Akane would give him tea and in return he would ask her to come home with him. Every day since she had left this had happened, and everyday she would refuse and the day would continue as normal.

"You know you can always come home no matter what," Kei told her giving her a one armed hug, she nodded and returned the gesture easily. "I'm happy to see I haven't gained any powers recently" he mentioned, their linked abilities were not common knowledge and he liked to keep it that way, he also liked to know she wasn't using her abilities needlessly.

Akane suddenly shifted under him, elbowing him toward the school, "go" she said quickly. Kei turned back to see what he had to leave for and noticed Yoki coming down the street. He growled under his breath, his lighthearted mood turning dark and he left without another word, Akane knew Kei too well and knew if he stayed he would likely pick a fight with Yoki.
Kira carefully made her way to school for the first time in a month. She stuck to the alleyways and away from people. She knew what her power did when she came close to people. If she concentrated, she could keep it mostly in check. She heard a brawl happening nearby so had to alter her route slightly. It didn't affect her much. Kira had used the alleys so much that she knew them far better than the normal roads in the city. It was just the way of life that she had gotten used to.

Kira cursed under her breath as she looked around the corner she hid behind. The school gates were in sight. So were some people. From her distance, Kira couldn't make out who they were, but they showed no signs of moving. Kira put her headphones on. There was no music playing. It blocked out sound from outside. She closed her eyes and took deep breaths to calm herself. With her mind focused, she concentrated on keeping her power down. Kira opened her eyes to see that one of the people by the gate was moving away but another was nearing.

With a final deep breath, Kira timidly went towards the school gate. She had no intention of interacting with anyone, but as she got closer, she recognised who stood there. It was Akane. Yoki was getting closer as well. Kira just gave Akane a nod in greeting before rushing past the other girl. She went to her usual hiding spot in an isolated part of the school, waiting for the first bell to ring. Kira wanted to spend as little time around people as possible.
When Yoki had gotten there, he noticed Akane, and Kira was here as well. Yoki payed little attention to the two of them when he turned his head and looked to the small forest of trees that surrounded most of the road to the school. Yoki twitched, and when he got close enough to the gate and smiled to Akane. ``Kei doesn't want to talk?`` Yoki asked, amused by the siblings relationship. But he hated that Kei was constantly trying to get Akane to go back with him. Yoki liked keeping most of his group together, and when the sibs were born Yoki knew it might cause trouble for his plans. His most favorite situation though, was Insanity's, or Kira's. He had made her like that for his amusement when in the real world like they were now. And Yoki absolutely loved watching her become a loner because of the power and flaws he had chosen for her. The Normality's didn't amuse him as much, but it proved Akane's loyalty so far. Which was something he loved to watch.

Uso jumped off his bed, he had somehow fallen asleep that night, but he fell asleep on the wrong side. His eye, and the scar upon it, burned. Uso growled at his scar. It annoyed him so much. And, the worst was that the scar was Yoki's fault. But Uso didn't want to leave his leader. Then he would have no place to go, no place where he belonged.

Uso began walking towards the school. Why had Yoki decided on a school? It was loaded with people, and probably very dangerous for their little group to be. Uso sighed. He would never understand Yoki and all of his intentions. Yoki looked around the area, trees were almost everywhere. One little forest fire and that would be gone. But Uso wouldn't set anything on fire in this world unless if Yoki told him to, but he could always just lie about it. Uso shook his head and just continued on angrily.
Akane nodded a greeting to Kira as she hurried pass and tilted her head in contemplation. She didn't know Kira all that well, their nods of greeting were probably the only interaction they ever had, what was important was that they knew they were on the same 'side' so to speak. She had been watching Kira over the past days and noticed she seemed scared of interaction, this was probably due to her abilities of insanity. Akane frowned and wondered if she should offer the girl some time of peace away from her abilities, she could do that but she was unsure if Yoki would allow it.

Yoki spoke and Akane gave him a small smile and shook her head, "siblings" she stated as if that one word would answer his question. She gestured in the direction Kira had scampered of in and looked at Yoki, "can I?" she knew he would know she wanted to ease the girls pain if only momentarily. She never quite understood Yoki's intentions and decided it would be best to ask permission then forgiveness in is case. She was clever enough to know angering him would likely lead to her or Kei being hurt in some way.
Yoki nodded, allowing her to help the other Opposite. Yoki couldn't quite understand why Akane would want to help the girl, didn't she find it amusing like he did? She probably didn't, no Opposite really ever found Yoki's sense of humor ever funny. Except for spirit, the Soul Opposite, and Yoki's own Opposite personality. Yoki sighed. Spirit was the official leader of the group, and was the "Heart" of the group, it's creator, the core. But when Spirit died, Yoki became the leader. Since he was her opposite. Yoki was always the shell of the group, being it's protector. That's probably why he was given the ability to use all of their abilities. But even vessels had problems controlling themselves. Yoki watched Kira with his smirk.
Akane was thankful when Yoki gave his permission, she gave him a slight bow in respect and hurried after Kira. She knew she would find the girl somewhere isolated, on her own as usual. She looked in a few places she could think of and finally found her in one of the many hidden spots in the school. She approached slowly, not wanting to appear threatening and crouched down in front of the girl.

What she did took a lot of trust, to hand over your ability willingly was something not many 'monsters' would want to do. She had learnt simply taking them angered people and instead learnt to hold out her hand in offer, it would then be up to her whether she would give it up or not by placing heir hand in hers. She knew Insanity was a difficult gift to live in peace with and she could only hope that Kei would decide not to tap into this ability if she absorbed it.

Akane gave a small smile before offering her hand, palm up to Kira. She would know what it meant if she knew about her abilities.
Kira huddled behind a tree in the corner of the school grounds. It was her place of solace in the overpopulated world that was a school. She hated school with its large crowds of adolescents. The young were far more impressionable and; therefore; more susceptible to her power. In her hiding spot, Kira was able to properly focus her mind. It was the only way she could get through the day without affecting people too much. She wouldn't be able to speak because it would break her fragile concentration. Even with her full mind power used to keep her power down, it would still cause an effect on people. Why Yoki wanted them to go to school was beyond her. He knew of her fear, didn't he? Did he want the entire student body to kill themselves?! A spike of anger flared in Kira. She quickly forced it down as to refocus on her unwanted power.

She felt a sudden pang of loneliness. It happened occasionally, but Kira always reminded herself that is was for the best. Yet, despite that, she yearned for social interaction. She had once tried keeping a pet to fill the role, but... it didn't last long. Apparently, her powers also affected small rodents. Kira was brought out of her thoughts as a hand was extended to her. She looked up in surprise. She hadn't heard anyone approaching due to her music. Akane crouched in front of her with a smile. Kira knew what Akane was offering by that simple gesture. Akane could take away Kira's power. Not indefinitely, of course. A little slefish voice in her told Kira to accept. Timidly, Kira placed her hand in Akane's.
Akane gritted her teeth as the Insanity filled her, it battled her mentally as she forced it back, suppressing it with everything she had until she heard that silent click the door in her mind made as it closed on the ability. Kira would now be a normal human for as long as that door held strong and her own body didn't reject it quickly. She gave Kira a smile and stood, "for as long as I can" she said before turning to go.

Kei felt the burn the back of his mind, the mental thump of a new power being shoved down into his sister and his mental link. He scowled and looked around but Akane was nowhere in sight, he didn't know why she had suppressed this power and he wasn't happy about it. He settled for inspecting what he could about the power from behind the safety of his own mental barriers. Whatever the ability was was oozing over his barriers, caressing them in a dark seduction that promised him incredible power if he only opened up to it. Kei shuddered and closed off his mind as best he could and only hoped Akane knew what she was doing.
A weight lifted off Kira's mind as she was temporarily stripped of her power. She looked at Akane in a new light now. The girl was simply another group member before. Kira had the smallest of smiles. It was an extremely rare occurrence. "Akane..." She called to the other girl, her voice just louder than a whisper. "Thank you." She said with pure sincerity. Kira felt immensely grateful towards Akane. With that gratitude came a need for repayment. Kira decided to try repay the red-eyed girl at a later date. But for that moment, Kira just wanted to revel in the lack of power.


Rin cursed under his breath as he made his way to school. He was a warrior - why did he have to go to school?! It was stupid, but it was against his morals to go back on his word. He had agreed to attend school once he returned from battle. That agreement, however, had been made when he thought that he and his entire squad were not going to make it back. Even so, he had said that he would, so there he was. He was forced to leave all armour and weapons at home which made him feel naked and defenceless... despite being trained in hand-to-hand combat as well. Rin far preferred utilising his trusty swords.

He became part of the river of teens who made their way towards the school. He ran a hair through his unruly red hair with a sigh. At least it would be a new experience. New experiences usually brought challenges with them. That fact alone made Rin far more excited about attending school. Since the entire area and setting was brand new, it gave a lot for him to explore and figure out. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad after all.
Uso stood by Yoki, a little shocked. ``You let Normality take Insanity's powers?`` He asked. Yoki never really cared much for either of the girls, and to hear Yoki say that he let Akane take away Kira's powers astonished him. Yoki was never usually that nice to any of the opposites. So why would he suddenly let one of them help another out? Uso shook his head. He would never understand Yoki, nomatter how hard he tried.

Yoki smirked to Uso's reaction. He had specific reasons for letting Akane help out the poor Insanity, some that no one would probably ever understand. Yoki looked around. His eyes smiled as his lips formed into a frown and a soft sigh escaped him.

Aiko jumped when a cat brushed at her leg. She sighed and stared at the cat, her eyes still fairly wide. Aiko looked around. She was nearing to the school, and everything scared her. It was weird being fearful of everything, but she was now. Aiko saw the cat hiss at her and she began walking away, her walk breaking into a run as she neared closer... and closer to the school

She ran through the gate quickly, her heart beating swiftly. She stopped herself, staying carful enough to not run right into anyone.
Akane smiled at Kira, it was up to her now to see how long she could hold onto the girls powers. Kira looked so happy, so free from the constraints Insanity tied her mind in. Akane made a silent vow to hold it as long as she could, she never knew how long that would be. Each power would be held for different amount of time, some were content being absorbed and lay still for days and some fought her mind from the moment she locked them away. Insanity was different, it ran up along the edges of her whispering tales of power and influence if she only let it in. Akane ignored it and walked to class,she couldn't guess how long it would stay as tame as it was but she had a feeling when it got angry she would definitely feel it.

She took her usual seat by the door and focused on fortifying her inner walls, becoming lost in thought and not seeing her surroundings anymore. Kei who had been in the hall at the time saw her enter her class and followed her. He knelt down beside her desk, he recognized the far away look she made when she was inside her mind and gently held her hand. He had to trust she knew what she was doing but she hated that she out herself on the line for others. He wouldn't talk out loud about it because he knew she kept it a secret but he squeezed her hand, giving her any form of support he could.
Seikatsu Life Sei pulled her hand down to touch the limp body. It fur was soaked and matted down with blood. Along it's fragile body a tire mark rolled across. Bones were sticking out from a few limbs and Sei had to keep herself from throwing up. Sei's hand hovered over the dead body for a moment before she drew back. `No Sei, you mustn't heal the poor thing. This world is torture, wherever it is now it needs to stay there.` Sei sighed. She stood up, and continued in her direction to the school. Her head was down in a sad expression as her hands swayed at her side.

When Sei was near to the school, she broke into tears. She wished she had helped out the kitten, but she left it there. She told herself it was in a better place, but she highly doubted that. She saw Yoki and Uso and she walked away from their direction. She ended up finding herself in the school. She wiped away her tear and looked around silently. Sei sighed, and began to slowly walk to her first class. She walked in, knowing well enough that classes wouldn't start to soon, but she didn't want to be seen by Yoki and Uso while she was crying over a dead animal. She sat down and looked off in another direction. About 5 students were also already in the class and Sei waited for a bell to ring. @Anyone
Ryuus' eyes fluttered open as the morning sunlight poured into every corner of his room, his black curtains having being opened by none other than his roommate, Yuki. He cursed under his breath as he sat up to face the smaller boy, who was already dressed and ready to go to school. It was like this every morning. Yuki getting up, doing chores, making breakfast, and then getting Ryuu up, though sometimes it seemed impossible to get him to snap out of his dreams."Get up, Ryuu. You know we will be late for the first bell if you don't get going soon." Yuki stated as he stood above Ryuu. The taller male just flopped back down on his bed, and Yuki sighed. "What am I going to do with you... If you just sleep all day and not go to class or study, you're going to fail. You know that, right?" Ryuu just nodded. "They should have school start later... I need my beauty sleep. Besides, I don't even have to walk to school."

Yuki started to drag Ryuu out of his bed. "You know the reason why you're so tired all the time? It's because you teleport everywhere. If you walked to school with me and didn't go out in the middle of the night to stare at the stars, you wouldn't be sleeping this late in the morning, and you could get better grades than you do now.." Yuki had been putting up with Ryuu for a while now, but he was going to keep putting up with him until he could wake up by himself in the mornings. Ryuu soon got changed into their school uniform and grabbed his school bag.

Ryuu had mixed feelings about Yuki. He knew he could trust him wholeheartedly to give honest opinions and things like that, but Ryuu never dared tell Yuki any secrets. He didn't fully trust the shorter male with all of that. Sure, the kid could keep his mouth shut, but if somebody had demanded that Yuki give information on Ryuu, all of his darkest secrets would get out, and everybody would believe what Yuki said, since he could never tell a lie. Ryuu had always wondered, if Yuki did lie somehow, would his nose get longer like Pinocchio, or would something else terrible happen. Ryuu didn't really think about that much, but it crossed his mind occasionally. He knew Yuki could never tell a lie even if he tried, so the Pinocchio thing would be impossible, but he thought about it anyways.

Ryuu had decided to walk with Yuki instead of teleporting to a few blocks away from the school like he normally would. He definitely didn't want to fail this year just because he was always dozing off in class, or that he was too tired to do his homework. As Ryuu and Yuki approached the school, they saw Yoki and Uso outside the gate. Ryuu would follow Yokis' orders, sure, but if he ever told Ryuu to do something insane, or something he didn't like, then he just wouldn't do it. He wasn't the type to take orders easily.
Kotone Animal Kotone smiled. His nails had finally finished drying, and although the scent still lingered he loved the color of them. Violet fading into pink with white black and gray spots scattered all over. Kotone poked at each nail again and again to make sure they really were dry before he got up from his spot on the floor. He grabbed a bag, the shape of the bag was that of a sewn together white bunny. Kotone wrapped the bag onto him and smiled. His attire was only black shorts and a white button up shirt. It was simple enough for Kotone.

Kotone left his home, but not without grabbing his violin first. It was one thing that comforted Kotone, the soft hum of the music it makes, and all he had to do was slide strings together to create the lovely melody. The violin was wrapped around his shoulder, and the bunny bag hung from his back.

Kotone approached the school, he was close to it from where he was living and it took him a near two minutes. Kotone saw Yoki and he ran up behind the leader, hugging him from behind and smiling brightly. ``Goood morning Yoki-kun~♥`` Kotone looked to Uso, who Yoki was speaking to. ``Morning to you as well Uso-san!`` Kotone said cheerfully, not unwrapping his arms from around Yoki. @xRobotical Loverx
Ryuu didn't bother greeting Yoki, Uso, or Kotone as he quickly walked passed them. He hadn't liked the idea of going with the rest of the opposites to school here, though Yuki was eventually able to talk him into going. He didn't really like much of the opposites and barely talked to them, the only excpetion being Yuki.

Yuki had stayed behind for a second to say hello to Yoki, Uso, and Kotone. "Good morning!" Yuki said cheerfully as he stood in front of the three. He didn't really understand why Ryuu wouldn't even bother to say hi to their leader. He was interesting, yea, and sometimes made decisions Ryuu didn't like, but he could at least try to be friendly for once.
Kotone Animal ``Morning Yuki-san!`` Kotone looked to Ryuu, who was walking away. ``Good morning Ryuu-san~!!`` Kotone called after him. Kotone felt a bit hurt when Ryuu had just walked by, Kotone wanted to be friends with bunches of people it would mean he would never be alone. It was one of his worst fears to be alone, without people. Kotone hated the thought of it.

Kotone smiled. ``Why doesn't Ryuu-san like us Yuki-kun?`` Kotone asked. @Oliverfan
Yuki smiled at Kotone and thought for a minute about his question. "I really don't know why... I've been trying to figure out why he only talks to me. I have a feeling that something happened when he was younger that caused him to have trust issues, and with me being able to only tell the truth and all, he trusts me. Though I'm not completely sure. Plus, he doesn't really like coming to school. It puts him in a bad mood whenever he goes. I guess that's part of why he really doesn't like anybody." Yuki was pretty spot on about the whole trust thing though. Ryuu had always been back-stabbed or abandoned or lied to by people. He couldn't trust anybody, especially Yoki. The way you could never tell what he was thinking... He was always paranoid that people were plotting against him, or something of the sort, so he just didn't talk to anybody, and nobody talked to him. @xXDeathXLifeXAngelXx
Kotone Animal ``Oh.`` Kotone looked at Yuki. ``What if he loves you Yuki-san?`` Kotone asked, smiling. Kotone had always been into romance and stuff like that, he would read books like the Twilight saga all the time. Kotone always wondered what it was like to fall in love, and books didn't tell him how it felt. Usually they just put "I don't know why I love her I just do" in it. It always annoyed Kotone, but he wondered if when he did fall in love, if he himself could describe it any better.@Oliverfan
Yuki blushed at the thought of Ryuu loving him... It was a possibility, right? No, Yuki was sure that Ryuu didn't like him. He was sure it was just trust. He was sure...

"I doubt that.." Yuki said to Kotone and sighed. "It's a possibility, though the chances are slim. I-I don't think he would like me like that." Even if Ryuu did like him, Yuki would be constantly questioning why. He didn't think many people liked him. His honesty sometimes hurt people's feelings when they asked for opinions, and Yuki could never really tell people his opinions on many other things without offending or pissing off somebody. Ryuu has heard every single one of Yukis' complaints, opinions, and beliefs. Besides, Yuki was pretty sure Ryuu didn't like guys like that. But if he had stuck with Yuki for this long, maybe Ryuu did have a thing for Yuki.

Yuki didn't really want to think about the possibilities any longer. It was making his head hurt.
Kotone Animal Kotone felt a bit dissapointed. He wished he could read minds like Yuki could. ``Do you love Ryuu?`` Kotone asked, knowing that Yuki could only tell the truth. Kotone slowly unwrapped his arms from around Yoki and smiled. He folded his hands behind himself and stared at Yuki. Kotone then wished that he would fall in love. Everyone around him probably had crushs already, even Yoki way deep down. @Oliverfan
Yuki blushed. He didn't want to admit it... He really didn't... If he just walked away now and didn't say anything.. Kotone would know that he was hiding something. Yuki looked at Kotone and nodded slightly and looked at the ground. "Y-Yea..." He said quietly. He hated telling the truth all the time, but he really didn't have a choice. He's tried to lie before, but he just couldn't do it. Yuki adjusted his glasses and sighed. @xXDeathXLifeXAngelXx
Kotone Animal Kotone smiled. ``Really!?`` Kotone was a bit surprised. ``Then can you tell me what it feels like to fall in love with someone?`` Kotone asked. He hoped that Yuki would reply with "I don't really know" like all the books always did. He hated that, but he was excited to know that someone was actually in love, someone he knew. He was also really happy that Yuki had told him, Kotone knew that he couldn't just lie about it, but it still made Kotone happy, it made him feel trusted by someone, and no one in the Opposite group really did trust the young boy, because of his powers. No one wanted to be manipulated by him, so anyone being honest, even if it is Yuki who is being honest, makes Kotone very happy.@Oliverfan
Yuki looked up from the ground and thought for a minute.

"Well... It's very confusing. Love is, I mean. But falling in love is the best feeling in my opinion. You can't help but be happy when you are around the certain person. Everything they do makes you love them even more... There was a quote I had heard in my English class. You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. That pretty much describes the feeling. Though love feels different for everybody. Some people may be really confused about their feelings because they've never experienced it before, and they would have no clue what to do. Others may feel like they need to impress the person they've fallen in love with."

Yuki smiled at Kotone. The younger boy was so curious about love... Yuki didn't want to see his heart break though... Love could be amazing, but love could also be painful. @xXDeathXLifeXAngelXx

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