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Opposite of Happily Ever After

Felicity Smoak

Elder Member

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One year after Ariel was married off to Prince Eric. The rest of Ariel's sister started thinking about their future. Some want to leave Atlantica for a normal 'human' life after seeing Ariel happily married to Eric. But, not all of King Triton's daughters wanted to leave the ocean to be human like Ariel.

Attina, for an example would like to experience being human. But, she has duties to be trained to be Queen of Atlantican because she is next in line for the throne. However, she still hasn't found the right man yet for her to be Queen after she is married. She wants to be Queen of Atlantica, but she doesn't want to get married just to be Queen. She wants to get married and be truly in love.

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Arista went looking for Attina with Andrina "I think she'll find the right guy if we take her to the underwater club." Arista said, sounding hopeful. "I love the music they play and honestly almost every guy I see is cute. We have to get her to come with us." Andrina said. The searched for Attina until they finally found her. "Attina we were just thinking about going to the underwater club. Come on. You deserve fun." Arista explained. "I'm sure there will be plenty of boys. Please come with us!" Andrina said, begging and pouting.
Attina let out a laugh, before shaking her head. " There's no way, I'm going there. Things go crazy at the underwater clubs. Girls end up falling in love when they barely even met the guy. I certainly wouldn't want that," she told them. She'll need a bit more convincing to go to the underwater club. She's just a bit stubborn and worried that she'll fall in love with the wrong guy. And even if she does go, she has no idea that she was going on a blind date. If she had known her sisters were setting her up on a date, she would literally kill them.
"We wouldn't let that happen to you, Attina." Arista said.

"Yeah we will make sure you meet a nice guy. We've got your back, Attina." Andrina said with a smile.
Attina sighed. Her sisters has always found a way to outvote her by agreeing with each other. " Fine... But you guys are paying for everything," she said, with a grin.
Later on, Attina goes to the Underwater Club with her two sisters that insisted they go because it was fun. Had she known that her sisters were planning something from her maybe she would of avoided going.
Arista was looking around and dancing when she noticed Uluses.

Adrina swam over and practically dragged him over to Attina.
Attina wondered what was going on when Andrina dragged Ulises with her. "What's going on? Are you two friends?" She asked Andrina, wondering if Ulises knows Andrina which is why she dragged him with her. She had no clue what was up next.
"Well I suppose your sisters are my friends. But I've heard so much about you, Attina." Ulises said, smiling. "My name is Ulises. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Arista smiled. How could Attina not even like him? It's not as if her being the heir to Atlantica is why he was being polite.

Adrina thought if they got to know each other and like each other they might eventually get married. She stayed quiet and watched.
Attina looked between her sisters, before awkwardly facing Ulises. She was honestly kind of shy with boys. " I see.. It's a pleasure to meet you, Ulises," she said, with a small smile.

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