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Fantasy (Open to first/Zombie) Bitten


It all happened so fast. There was no time to react. Michelle was bitten before she even realized she was bitten. She screamed and began to cry. Her thoughts were going to her brother, who would now be left alone in this world when she turned. At the same time, she knew this meant her death. She had always been terrified of dying, even before the dead had risen. She could not handle these thoughts.

Laughter was faintly heard in the distance. Two figures were standing a safe distance away. The two were from a local gang that had formed after the world went downhill. The gang did not usually accept outside people. Normally outsiders were disposed of in various ways. This time it was to be eaten or bitten by the dead.

Alexander was barely handling the zombies on him until he heard Michelle scream. He glanced over and saw that she was bitten. This enraged him and scared him at the same time. He used his new-found adrenaline to bash the two zombies in the head. He managed his way over to his sister afterwards, killing the zombie that she was struggling with.

Alexander hugged his sister tightly and took her hand. The pair ran off, away from the figures in the distance. The two did not know where they were going to go, but they had to get out of this town. It might be their hometown, but obviously they were not welcomed here.

Eventually the pair found a vehicle that wasn’t totaled or surrounded by inoperable vehicles. The keys were still in the car. Alexander got in the driver’s seat. He turned the key. At first it did not want to start, but one more try and it came alive. The gas tank read full. This made him smile a bit, at least this would get them out of town.

Michelle got in the passenger’s side. She leaned against the door and began to cry. She probably did not have long. A day was the most she had, or so she thought. “Lets get somewhere peaceful so we can get this over with. I don’t want to lay to rest in this chaos.” She said to her brother, who was now maneuvering the car in between others.

“A-Alright.” Her brother struggled to say. He did not want his sister to go, nor talk like she had to go. He knew the end was inevitable though. The two would make the best of what time they had left. Alexander did not know what he was going to do when she was gone. Maybe he could find a local group that he could convince he was worthwhile to take in.

~~~One week later~~~

Michelle and Alexander could not believe it even though it had been a week ago. Michelle was still around and not a zombie. There weren’t any signs showing until today. The bite mark on her arm was no longer just red. The mark was turning black, which should have happened the same day she was bitten. Underneath her eyes were slowly turning a gray color, as if she had not gotten enough sleep lately. She could not tell if her skin was getting paler because she was pale to start with.

The two had found a new town. Alexander had drove until the car was almost on a fourth of a tank. He pulled over to scavenge for gas while Michelle looked for food and other supplies. She knew, or assumed, whatever she found was only going to her brother to help him survive after she was gone. She found a few unopened water bottles and snack packs in the back of a minivan. These must have been for kids who played sports before the apocalypse happened because there were a bunch of soccer equipment in the van as well.

Now the pair stood by a river. They had parked their car nearby and did their best to camouflage it. They filled their canteens and the water bottles from the van then loaded them into the car before they went back to wash off. Michelle took off her bandage and cupped up her opposite hand to get water, so she could pour it over her wound away from the water in case it could somehow contaminate it.

Once done Michelle wrapped her bite in a new bandage. It was on her forearm, near her elbow. It was a bit hard to do one-handed, but she had learned to do it because sometimes her brother was busy scavenging or keeping on the lookout.

Alexander had just finished cleaning himself. He had a rag that he would dip into the water and rub dirt off. It was not the best option, but neither of them could afford to be naked out in the open. Who knows what could come up. He cleaned the rag the best he was able and handed it to Michelle, who repeated what he did until she was done.

Afterwards the two packed up and were about to head out when they heard a shot. They had not been looking on the other side of the river since they were getting ready to leave anyways, but now they were looking in that direction since that is where the sound came from. There were two figures standing on the other side with weapons pointed towards the siblings. It was not the two from a week ago, which would have been weird since they were so far away. Of course, this did not mean that these people were not just as dangerous.

Alexander cursed under his breath and whispered, “Not again.” He moved to stand in front of Michelle, who had already been moving to stand behind him. The two did not have long range weapons, only melee type. “What do you want?” He shouted as loud as he dared because he did not want to draw unwanted attention from the dead that could possibly be nearby.

He studied the two as he waited for an answer. He could not get much except they were armed with guns and that each were a different gender. Alexander just wanted to get out of here and he was sure Michelle felt the same. Neither of them wanted to trust other humans anymore, even if the people were the politest individuals you would meet because they could easily turn against you. As well, people could consider others closer to them more important, which could mean getting left behind or having no resources if they were relying on others.

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