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Realistic or Modern [IC] Castle on the Hill -- 90s / Modern Time Capsule


soul mates are overrated anyway


Interest Check

Inspired by Ed Sheeran’s song
Genre: Slice-of-life / 90s / Modern-day
Keywords: Time Skip / Small Town / Foster Home / Friendship / Ohgodwhathaveibecome
Players Needed: 4-7
[skip to tl;dr]

Broken isn’t broken, at least not to you. You’ve lived a shattered enough existence to know that when enough shards come together, they start to shine like diamonds.

You close your eyes, reaching into a piece of your fragmented life. You’re thrown back into a place you once called home. Home is surrounded by evergreen trees and snow-capped mountains. It smells like the seashore, and sounds like an endless pitter-patter of rain. Everyone knows everyone here, so it’s never been a secret that you don’t have a mom or dad like most everyone else. Like most everyone normal, anyway. Discarded by choice or circumstance, you’re broken, everyone decides.

Maybe, but never alone.

Their faces and their voices are seared onto your mind, carefully preserved in a state of eternal youth. In your head, they continue to bask in the glory days of the late 80’s and early 90’s, while you continue to collect wrinkles and grey hair. When you think of them, you think of drunken nights at the cemetery, or the chill in your bones after an unplanned midnight swim. When you think of them, your mind wanders through the woods behind your rickety foster home, past the ragged rocks, beyond the narrow stream, and finally up the bushy hills. At the top stands the moss-laden remnants of a small castle. You’ve always found it haunting -- this grand edifice plucked straight out of a fairy tale, and yet every bit as broken as you.

It’s only inevitable that it becomes your hideaway.

You remember climbing up its tallest tower, watching the view from above, mesmerised by how you can fit the entire town in your hands. You remember screaming, running for your lives, as one of you hid in a corner, making noises, pretending to be a bear. And finally, you remember the last night you are all together in the castle on the hill.

Your memories are hazy, broken by drunken bliss. You see it in fragments: dirt on your hands; aching shoulders after mere minutes of shovelling; the phrase “twenty-five years from now”; small offerings, letters to a future self, all locked in a box buried six feet under. In retrospect, it seems more like a funeral than a promise to stay close.

For days after, the promise haunts your every waking minute; it’s impossible not to get excited, not to wonder what everyone else wrote and buried. Time listens to your pleas. Days turn into months, months into years, and years into decades. Its existence -- their existence -- eludes you these days. But then something clicks, and all at once, everything comes crashing back down.

Because it’s 2018. You’re still here, still living, still broken as ever. But it’s been exactly twenty-five years since that day, and it makes you pause. Your thoughts hark back to sunsets over a castle on a hill, and finally, after too long, you find yourself once again thinking about how broken shards can shine like diamonds.

tl;dr: You grow up at a foster home in a backwater town. One day, you get together with the other foster kids -- the only family you've ever known in a while, or perhaps ever. You bury a time capsule, agreeing to return for it in 25 years. You also promise to stay friends forever. Doesn’t happen, of course, because life did.

25 years later, it's due to be dug up. Time for you to come back home.

The RP will last 2-4 IC days, with the first half taking place in 1993, and the second in 2018.

Roles / Rules / Timeline

Roles [^]
One friend left to sell clothes
-- A Awakening AKIRA
One works down by the coast -- animeloulou animeloulou
One had two kids but lives alone -- mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties
One’s brother overdosed -- Open
One’s already on his second wife -- Slade Slade
One’s just barely getting by -- Error 420 Error 420

Rules & Expectations [^]
  1. This is a semi-centralised roleplay. The RP already has a predetermined set of general endings (to be adjusted according to IC progression). Expect to be paired off with 1-2 other players (to begin with), and given relatively open-ended prompts / objectives to complete.
  2. Observe proper roleplay etiquette. Do not god-mod or metagame.
  3. Roles are not given on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  4. You will be playing a character at two different points in their lives: As a teenager, and as someone nearing middle-age. There will be more emphasis on the older character.
  5. One character per player allowed, unless another character is abandoned along the way. Limit may also be adjusted if not enough players are interested.
  6. There will be no formal CS other than the prompts used for sign-ups.
  7. Be able to post at least 3 days / week. Not a strict rule, and can be adjusted if enough players request/need it. Activity requirement will most likely be lowered at the end of winter break.
  8. Be able to post at least one paragraph. More detailed responses are preferred -- but not necessarily all the time, mind. No need to force it.
  9. Write in third person, past tense for the RP proper. Try to be consistent.
  10. Notify OOC in case of absence / exit. No hard feelings.
  11. In case of abandoned characters, the characters will be up for adoption either by the GM or another player.
Timeline [^]
  1. Interest Check (Need min. 3 players to proceed)
  2. Sign-Ups (Open for 1 week ... after I finish my own app lol)
    Players will be given two prompts, both of which they must fill in order to apply. The first prompt will be a first person, IC letter to the teenage character’s future-self. The second prompt will be a role-specific, RP-style post from the present character’s POV.
    Once accepted, the player will be given a
    third prompt that can be done OOC, and will be sent to me via a PM.
    OOC Thread will also be open. Lore Thread will be posted, which mainly just talks about our fictional small town, and key NPCs like the houseparents (spoilers: no dragons).
  3. RP Proper -- Then
    The first half of the RP takes place in 1993, after the graduation day of the oldest kids among the group. The time-capsule is buried at the end of it. You’ll be paired off with 1-2 other players, and given certain tasks to complete. The cast will come together halfway through. GM might intervene by introducing the occasional NPC or two, but there's really no "concrete plot" brewing. The main goal is to establish relationships between the characters. Players may volunteer to control the NPCs if they wish.
    Depending on the rate of activity (i.e., if we are moving too fast), players might receive a bonus prompt at the end of the first half.
  4. RP Proper -- Now
    The reunion. Again, you’ll be paired off with 1-2 other players -- likely different pairings from the first half just to switch things up. Expect more GM-Player interaction at this point. Some NPCs may still be up for player control, but some may be crucial to certain plot points so … (hint, hint!)
Helpful Links: [^] Interest Check / Sign-Ups / Lore / OOC / IC
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Awesome! Have my hands tied all day but will get up the sign up thread sometime tonight. Cheers
All righty, folks! As promised:

[Sign-Ups] I'm not quite done with the second half of my app myself, so I'll remove the 1-week deadline thing for now. I'll set it as soon as I finish mine (sometime this weekend, give or take)

[Lore] This one isn't quite as polished as I would've liked, but wanted you folks to have at least a more concrete idea about the setting. Fair warning: This section is pretty detailed (I'm really wordy if you haven't noticed yet), but I'm not going to quiz you or anything, so feel free to just skim through it. All that detail is just there for reference later in the RP.

Any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

Cheers to you lovely people:
mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties PrinceOfMilk PrinceOfMilk animeloulou animeloulou
hey just wondering if theres anything set in stone about mike currently? besides that he's dead.

Nah you'e free to make up whatever you want about him. Same thing goes with the prompts -- feel free to switch up the genders even (as in for the one with the second wife). As long as the general idea is the same, making stuff up is very much encouraged!
Running to write my last final today, but I just realised I forgot to open up a OOC thread! Will get on it right after. mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties hmu if you need face claim help! ;)
Running to write my last final today, but I just realised I forgot to open up a OOC thread! Will get on it right after. mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties hmu if you need face claim help! ;)

This looks STUNNING. I shall get to a CS right away - which characters are looking unclaimed atm? (i.e. is the person who was asking about Mike still planning to apply for the sibling, if you know?)
You kidding ? It's amazing ! Love that she's not the stereotypical tomboy and I'm interested to see how life turned out for her.

Sorry to bother you YET AGAIN but for the brother's overdosed role - would changing it to their mother be acceptable? (ps best of luck with your final!)
Sorry to bother you YET AGAIN but for the brother's overdosed role - would changing it to their mother be acceptable? (ps best of luck with your final!)
Thanks, much appreciated !

I was thinking more along the lines of the brother was in the foster home as well (and he's an NPC for the first half). He OD'd sometime after the foster home got dissolved (which is around 2 years after the first half of the IC) -- exactly when is up to the player applying for the role. Preferably this is long after the friends have drifted apart, and no one except for the sibling was thusly able to attend the funeral. I would like to keep the Mike character as much as possible, as his passing away is sure to generate some drama in the reunion.

However, the plot point about a mother dying of overdose sounds interesting! You could always just apply it to another role. Perhaps a character who finally found their birthmother's identity, only to discover she had already died of an overdose? Or that she overdosed sometime after they reunited? Or perhaps someone who got sent to the foster home in the first place because their mother is/was a junkie? The possibilities are endless. ^^.

Having some late lunch and driving home afterwards, but I hope to get the OOC thread up, and answer any other questions as soon as I can. Cheers !
Thanks, much appreciated !

I was thinking more along the lines of the brother was in the foster home as well (and he's an NPC for the first half). He OD'd sometime after the foster home got dissolved (which is around 2 years after the first half of the IC) -- exactly when is up to the player applying for the role. Preferably this is long after the friends have drifted apart, and no one except for the sibling was thusly able to attend the funeral. I would like to keep the Mike character as much as possible, as his passing away is sure to generate some drama in the reunion.

However, the plot point about a mother dying of overdose sounds interesting! You could always just apply it to another role. Perhaps a character who finally found their birthmother's identity, only to discover she had already died of an overdose? Or that she overdosed sometime after they reunited? Or perhaps someone who got sent to the foster home in the first place because their mother is/was a junkie? The possibilities are endless. ^^.

Having some late lunch and driving home afterwards, but I hope to get the OOC thread up, and answer any other questions as soon as I can. Cheers !

Oooh the Mike plot point sounds super interesting. I'm going to choose a different role, and instead (cheerfully enough) I'm going to alter the mother dying b/c she offed herself - both to give him a reason to come back to the town, and a reason why he split off so hard from the group (I'm setting it as she died shortly after Bryce left, so the two combined caused him to split off). I hope this is still acceptable? Reading this over, I was thinking it might also give him and the sibling of mike character something to reconcile/bond over now that they've both lost a family member to something unpleasant.

Hopefully this is acceptable, if not, please let me know and I shall play retcon!

((FYI I've gone for the 'One Who Sells Clothes' role instead but mwuhahahaha interpreted that line creatively because I'm evil))
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heads up, i'm currently working on "one's brother overdosed", it'll be a female, im sure of that. Of latin descent
And I want to give her a job as a nurse/doctor, on account her older brothers sudden death [and terrible life choices] inspired her to pick herself up, go to school, and prevent it from happenning to anyone else

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