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Realistic or Modern (OPEN AND ACCEPTING) Little Big Cup Cafe CS



Do the monster mash...

Little Big Cup Cafe CSName:
Favorite Book:
Favorite Drink:
Role: (Employee or Customer. If Employee, indicate if you are a barista or an employee. If you are a customer, indicate if you are a regular or a newbie)
(For employees only) Shifts and Days: (There is a morning shift, afternoon shift, and evening shift. The store is open every day. Hours of Operation: 0800-2100 M-F; 1000-1800 Saturday & Sunday)
(For customers only) Cardholder: Y/N (if yes, please indicate if you are a Little Cup Cardholder or a Big Cup Cardholder)
(For customers only) How often do you come in and at what time(s)?:
Any occupations?

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Name: Silvana Loveheart

Age: 23


Silvana can be described as someone who is passionate about everything she does. Silvana is a very dependable person and is always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone who needs her. Silvana loves to be creative in her everyday life, so whenever she is working and someone asks for the Silver Silv specialty, be prepared to taste either the best drink in the world or the worst drink in the world. Silvana has a very strong habit of teasing people constantly, though this has caused her to always be constantly lectured by her (distant) cousin Mannon.

-Creating music
-Playing different musical instruments
-Teasing people
-Playing video games

-Being bored
-Messing up on an order
-Being late to work

Cosplaying (popular in the anime/comic community)
Streaming (popular in gaming/irl community)
Gaming (worldwide moba champion)

Favorite book: Divergent

Favorite drink: Her personal favorite, the Silver Silv as it's always random

Role: Employee- Barista

Wednesday-Friday: Afternoon shift
Saturday: Evening shift

Maaya Sakamoto

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Name: Hanah Solo (H-A-N-A-H (people has had problems to write it right))
Age: 16
Hanah is very submissive and shy. She's bit clumsy, but tries her best to do her best and does what ever it takes to stay at work, even if it means working at extra shifts.
Likes: mechanical stuff, working, roof over her head, easy food.
Dislikes: making food, high heels, being centre of attention.
Favorite Book: muscle car magazines
Favorite Drink: raspberry juice
Role: Waitress
(For employees only) Shifts and Days: every morning shift and all extras that she can get.
(For customers only) Cardholder: Y/N (if yes, please indicate if you are a Little Cup Cardholder or a Big Cup Cardholder)
(For customers only) How often do you come in and at what time(s)?:

Her adoptive family kicked her out with minimal clothes and money just enough to some food and 1 month rent in apartment she found. reason why she get kicked out would be because poor grades and burning food, even pasta. Her adoptive family never really liked her and she didn't get much of preschooling and was first bullied from that and when she turned to be pretty looking teenage, she was bullied by other girls, both popular as they saw her easy target and non-popular because she was pretty. Her clumsiness didn't help as it meaned that her writing was messy and was easily tripped both own doing and by "help" of others. (Only thing where she isn't clumsy is working with mechanical things)
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Name: Mannon Everheart
Age: 27
Personality: Really loud and outgoing. There are some days where you want her to shut up about whatever the hell she's talking about, and other days where she's talking about ideas she has. She always likes to put up posters of nerdy things like superheroes and anime. She has pride in her nerdiness and gets upset if someone insults her or what she likes.

-People who think it's too early to celebrate Christmas (I see you Richard and the next time you wanna tell me that it's too early to put up a Christmas tree, I'll take a $*@# in your coffee until next year you little &*$*#.)
-People who don't like coffee
-Whenever someone leaves a mess
-Messes in general
Favorite Book: The Mortal Instruments
Favorite TV Show: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (Come at me if you say anime isn't real television. I won't hesitate &*%#%. I will take you out and it will not be on a date)
Favorite Drink: The Kib (It's so frothy and light and happy. It makes me happy to look at and makes me happy to know that I invented it)
Role: Manager of the Little Big Cup Cafe, her pride and joy. She helps with making sure everything is running in ship shape order and planning events. She handles customer service and financials. She also helps out with serving customers and making drinks. She does training every Saturday at 0800 in case anyone is confused about running things or if a new hire is on.
Shifts & Days: All day, every day except for an hour off in the morning, afternoon and evening. She does training every Saturday and will ask specific employees or all employees to come in.

Name: Juliette St.Aubrey

Age: 24


Personality: Juliette is a warm and charming person. She’s exceptionally polite, and usually soft spoken. While she’s not super talkative she’s a great listener. She’s very empathetic and compassionate. Juliette is incredibly intelligent and is very proud of this given the amount of work she has put into her education.

-Listening to music
-Her dogs

-Short deadlines
-People who talk too loud
-Sugar free anything

Favorite book: Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Café

Favorite drink: Hazelnut latte

Role: Regular customer

Card holder: Yes, big cup cardholders.

How often do you come in and at what time(s)?: She comes in everyday, Monday through Friday around 3 o’clock once her classes are done.

Vincenzo "Vinny" Patchouli

Vincezo Patchouli.jpg

A lean, ectomorphic man. Around 6'2 but very hunched and grovelled in stature, walk and speech.
Plainly clothed, unless going out in which case he dresses up to impress himself.

Reserved in nature, Vinny is a glacial, yet, still irascible person. Discontented with every task put towards him, Patchouli often feels the need to fret and grumble about his life, however, it's not always grey skies and thunderclouds for the Italian, covertly inside him resides a relaxed and impish man; despite his efforts, a smile is often seen creeping upon his face.

-Bitter & Sour foods: the harsher it is to the taste buds the better, Vinny believes food should only taste good once the food is understood beyond the taste.​
-Cold Winds: the brisk movement of the cold air, engulfing you is a very close feeling to Mr Patchouli​
-Dried leaves: Vinny's reason for liking these leaves are unknown, maybe it's their satisfying crunch sound, or possibly just their relaxed design, but Vinny loves them.​
-Roller-Skates: Vincenzo has always held roller-skating close to his heart, so he makes sure if there is nobody on shift, to roller-skate back to his apartment.​
-Easter: to Vinny, it's the only celebration worth spending.​
-Birthdays: The effort put in birthdays, more importantly, birthday parties are overruled by the heartwarming outcome.​
-The Cafe: it's a second home to him, especially as he ends up closing the shop.​

-Coffee: can't stand it, the scent, the colour and more notably the boost of energy it provides.​
-Christmas: all of it, the singing, the gift giving, the theme, the mascot, it's all a silly song and dance to him.​
-Winter: the joyous idea of snow leaves a level of effort that Vincenzo does not appreciate.​
-Stains: Vinny doesn't quite know the real reason as to why; stains just irritate him.​
-Effort: minimal work is maximum work to Vinny.

Favourite Book - 1984
Favourite Drink - Disco Volante
Role - Employee (Merchandise Vendor and Event Co-ordinator)
Shifts and Days - 9000 - 2100 (Mon-Fri) 1100 - 1700 (Sat-Sun)
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Name: Jack Verone
Age: 32
Personality: Kind, empathetic and chatty
Likes: Conversation, music and his family
Dislikes: Mean people, disrespectful people and avocado
Favorite Book: Count of Monte Cristo
Favorite Drink: The Kib
Role: Customer, regular
Cardholder: No.
How often do you come in and at what time(s)?: Hangs out there most days in the afternoon, around 11-4.

.Johnny B.jpg
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♡ scroll ♡

♡ ―𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐲.

choi min-kyo

Min-kyo, 18
A 18 year old male from Canada. Born to Korean parents. Min-kyo, who also goes by the english name: Miles, is a first year college student and is majoring in art. He's been struggling to find friends as he is new in town.

FC| Heo Hyunjoon / Hwall

Min Kyo / Miles is a very nerdy guy. If you don't see him practicing his dance moves or drawing in his sketchbook, he's usually just playing video games or enjoying a good anime. He tries to do positive things in order to ignore the bad things in his life. He suffers from anxiety, but he doesn't let it stop him from being his optimistic self. He is very dedicated to his work along with passionate.
Anyone that gets to know him realizes that he's very childish at times, but knows when to turn it off and on. He is also quite scatterbrained and gets sidetracked at times, almost forgetting what he had been doing before getting distracted. He is also very timid when you first meet him, which caused him to never really be good at introductions. Overall, he is a very ambitious but sheepish guy but also very trustworthy and open. With his trusting nature, this is what he's pretty much loved for. There are many times when friends count on this and his sweet nature especially when they need comforting or support.

Born in Toronto, Canada to a mother and father, and one older siblings, making him the youngest of their family, Min Kyo had (in his opinion) a rather generic life. Their family moved to Vancouver when he was ten since his mother had to stay close to her family during the time of his grandfather's sickness. When it was time to teach him how to speak, Korean was taught to him first, then English. He watched a lot of American / English television growing up, which also helped him learn and study English.

Growing up, he looked up to his mother a lot. She was a fairly famous dancer up until the birth of his older brother and wanted to be like her in the future. At his middle school graduation, he got to perform on stage, which brought a lot of attention to himself. He then started a youtube channel his senior year of high school and posted dance covers, causing him to get many scholarships to art schools.

Role: Customer (Newbie)
Likes: Sweets, Cute scenery / items / themes, anime, video games, art, dancing
Dislikes: Waking up early, being woken up, insects
Favorite Book: The Giver
Favorite Drink: White Chocolate Latte
How often & at what time(s)?: Likely everyday, Monday through Friday, either in the morning or around 4pm, after his class.
code by pasta
Name: Andrew "Andy" Maguire
Age: 22( two days away from 23)
Andy is the poster boy for Awkward. He is a slightly talkative, yet deep thinking college student with a tendency to ramble if he's nervous--which can be provoked a number of different ways. Andy is almost always an optimist and even his pessimist days SOMEHOW carry a little enthusiam with it. Definitely not one to start an argument, but rather come up with a quick and painless way to finish it. Known to make awful puns around those he is most comfortable with.


-His beagle puppy, Sandy
-Drawing (known to sketch at work during break or off periods)
-A good action movie
-Pineapple Anchovie Pizza
-Funny Sarcasm

-Not knowing what to draw
-Making one too many mistakes in public
-romance/drama books
-Brussel Sprouts
- Failed conversation with girls

Favorite Book:
The Hatchet, by Gary Paulsen
Favorite Drink:
Role: Employee--Barista
(Transferred member after moving to new area)
Weekdays with Afternoon shifts

Name: Daniel Wilkins
Age: 83

Personality: usually calm and observational, but confident in himself
Likes: coffee, books, whiskey, Fridays, jesting
Dislikes: Salads as a meal, painting (because he can't seem to do it right)
Favorite Book: Tie between War and Peace and Lonesome Dove
Favorite Drink: just coffee, sometimes with milk, sometimes not. Iced Tea sometimes.
Role: Regular customer
(For customers only) Cardholder: Big Cup
(For customers only) How often do you come in and at what time(s)?: Much of the day, ducks out to other non-coffee establishments nearby routinely; attends some events
Any occupations? N/A; US Marine Corps (Ret.)[/font]
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Name: Emilia Petitt

Age: 24

Personality: Emilia is strict and neat. She likes thing in a certain order when she works and has a tendency to be short with people; but she’s good at what she does. She’s been in the kitchen since she was young, mainly focusing on deserts, as she found she had a considerable amount of talent at making them from a young age. Which was odd, considering she herself didn’t like sweets much. Emilia doesn’t mingle much with the other workers and gets snappy when things get messed up. She tends to be a bit stubborn at times and hard to deal with, but she really does care about her coworkers. She has a strong work ethic and devotes all parts of her life to cooking.

Likes: Emilia likes bitter things. Black coffee, dark chocolate, etc. She has a secret soft spot for animals and has always wanted one, but she stays too busy with work. And, obviously, she loves baking.

Dislikes: Emilia doesn’t like sweets or girlier things. She doesn’t like peppy people, people who talk to her before she’s had coffee in the morning, and people who don’t listen to her orders in the kitchen.

Favorite Book: Along For The Ride by Sarah Dessen (She secretly likes sappy romance books.)

Favorite Drink: Almond Latte

Role: Pastry Chef

(For employees only) Shifts and Days: Emilia works everyday the cafe is open, not having much of a life outside of work. She arrives an hour before they open everyday to prep everything, and she stays an hour late to clean up everything and prep things for the next day.
Name: Camilla Graclynn
Age: 21

Personality: Camilla is a very friendly person with an upbeat attitude. She wants to see others smiling and having a good time.
Likes: Cute clothes, Sweets, Coffee, Animals, Reading
Dislikes: Rude people, Bitter foods, Getting dirty, Conflict
Favorite Book: Speak
Favorite Drink: Caramel Latte
Role: Waitress
Shifts and Days: Every evening except Sunday
Name: Emery Woods
Age: 19
Personality: Soft spoken, reserved, loyal and kind.
Likes: Music, Lolita style clothes, Coffee
Dislikes: Being crowded, Staring
Favorite Book: Dragon Given
Favorite Drink: White Mocha Frappe
Role: Customer - Regular
Cardholder: Big Cup Cardholder
How often do you come in and at what time(s)?: Every morning, most afternoons, and randomly in the evening
Any occupations? College Student
Name: Ellie Groves
Age: 19
Appearance:549D4804-2632-445D-9B72-C604DCD70FA1.jpegPersonality: Very much a people pleaser but can also have moments of shyness. Especially around new people. However once she gets a conversation going she won’t stop talking. She tends to be a very creative person and is always humming along to a song or drawing.
-Singing but never in public
-Drawing and painting
-People watching
-Spaghetti Bolognese
-Big crowds
-Being clumsy
-Humid days
-Talking in front of a crowd
Favorite Book: Wonder
Favorite Drink: The Kib
Role: Regular customer
Cardholder: Little Cup Cardholder
How often do you come in and at what time(s)?: Most days. One quick stop in the morning on the way to work. And then around 4-8 after work.
Any occupations? Currently working on an apprenticeship in interior design
Name: Tara Kinsale
Age: 25
Appearance: earth.jpg
Forever stressed, charismatic, procrastinator, messy
Likes: People watching, rain, curling up with a good book, seeing others reading/talking about her works.
People who complain about authors not releasing new books on time, people who nitpick tropes, people who mock immigrants.
Favorite Book:
Favorite Drink:
The Silver Silv
Yes, Big cup holder
How often do you come in and at what time?: At least once a day for about an hour to outline, but if she's on a role or is approaching a deadline she can spend all day there. She typically gravitates to a specific spot and sets up her area.
Any occupations?
She's an author. Currently working on the second book of a young adult trilogy.

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