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Futuristic OOC: When Night Falls [Space/Sci-fi]



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Having all but used up as much of our mother planet as we could, she had finally stopped being able to provide for us. We were on our own, forced to search the stars for another home. Our first colony ship left Earth in 2143 to land on what we now call the Elder Planet. It was a strange world orbiting a binary star, whose surface - though nearly three times larger than our old Earth's - was only habitable on a mere 10 percent of it; the rest consisting of vast oceans, and jungles so densely thick and overgrown, they extended for nearly half a mile above the ground.

It was from there that we launched four more colonies on more distant worlds, each more exciting than the last. To protect the interest of these new colonies and all that lived there, an alliance was formed. The discovery of the "gateways" gave us a way to trade between these new colonies. The Elder Planet became a hub, a mere port between our old mother Earth and the new worlds. But with time, even the Elder would come to waste.

After years of serving as a gateway to the new worlds, the Elder planet's single city has grown old and overpopulated. Its people share what limited space and resources they have, often in abject poverty. Crime is high in the streets, and the colony has become a breeding ground for mercenaries, pirates, and thieves. With the old world nearly empty, the Alliance no longer has much interest in the Elder planet, and has moved the militia away from its perimeters; leaving it without support, and turning a blind eye to its fate. But this is not the worst of Elder city's problems.

From outside the city's high walls, built long ago to protect people from the native species, strange things have begun to happen and all of a sudden, the cities overpopulation doesn't seem that important an issue any more...

When contact is lost with the Elder planet, your character is hired, among a team of elites, to retrieve information and try to re-establish contact with the Elder Planet. But, upon your arrival, you realize everything is not what it seems. And getting back might not be so easy...

[/div][/div] [div class="header personalityheader"]The Elder Planet[/div] [div class="textbox personalitybox"][div class="scroll"] The Elder Planet, VT-24 of Galactic Sector Beta-5, was never given a proper name, as it was only meant to be inhabited temporarily due to its harsh climate. It was chosen primarily because of its proximity to the Gateways, that allowed for rapid movement of colonists to the Alliance colonies. It was given the nickname in recent years by scientists who noted it was older than Earth.

Due to its size and rotation, the Elder Planet has a 30 hour day, as opposed to Earth's 24. The Elder Planet's largest moon, referred to as Alpha, is actually another planet, knocked from its orbit into a path around the Elder in almost perfect synch with the Elder's rotation. Because its surface is covered in iridescent desert whose sands reflect nearly 30% of the light cast on it, there is no complete darkness during most of the year. The "night" lasts about 8 hours, during which the dark side of Elder Planet experiences a period of half-light, instead of a real night. Only once every 100 years does a period of true night time occur, as the axis of the Elder tilts so that Alpha begins a total eclipse. During this time, the days grow shorter and the dim cycles longer; at the climax of the total eclipse, the skies go completely black for fifteen days straight, and then the cycle begins to reverse.

Climate and Vegitation.
Because most of the landmasses on the Elder planet are elongated and stretched out across vast oceans, the majority of the planet shares a very humid tropical climate, with average temperatures between 28 and 45*C for most of the day and cooler temperatures during half-light (between 16 and 32*C). Much of the planet is covered in dense, overgrown tropical rainforest whose canopies stretch almost a mile above the forest floor in some areas. Because of the dense air and humidity fires are nearly impossible except in the upper layers, so the plant life continues to grow with very little check; some species that inhabit the Elder are primarily herbivorous, and live in the middle to upper layers where the climate is cooler, and the air easier to breathe. Though little direct sunlight reaches the forest floor, temperatures can sometimes exceed 36*C there during the hottest part of the day because the air is so thick and humid, so special care must be taken while exploring to avoid dehydration.

Nightfall is feared within the city and most often used in legends to scare people because most native creatures on the Elder Planet are night time predators. Also, Nightfall tends to fall quickly instead of gradually, changing day into night in but a few minutes. For good reason no one is allowed to leave the city when its dark.

The Elder Planet's wildlife consists primarily of insects, birds, and mammalian creatures that spend much of their lives in the mid-levels of the canopy. The Elder's dominant life forms, however, are very large reptilian creatures known locally as Gyeth. A Gyeth's life span is well over 200 years, over which time they can grow to as large as twenty feet in length and ten feet tall. Their longevity is a product of their incredibly slow metabolism, and very low rate of genetic adaptation. Due to their large size and the climate of the forest floor, they spend most of the daylight and even half light hours completely motionless and often half-burrowed in the sand. The first settlers mistook them for bizarre rock formations at first, until they discovered the rocks moved and breathed (just very very slowly).

The City.
The city is overpopulated, houses were build on top of each other due to lack of space and they're badly kept. Because of the lack of alliance control and wealth, it has become a breeding ground for mercenaries, pirates, and thieves. Amongst the community the Alliance is not gladly received, in fact; it's both feared and hated.

The City Walls.
The fifteen feet high wall has been build out of Etnium, a solid alloy about ten times stronger than earths steel. It was made in order to protect the city from the planets original inhabitants. Enforced by Electricity the wall has been a successful barrier for over hundreds of years. Around the city they dug trenches/canals, which were later used as a dump site for the cities sewers.

Alliance Facilities.
The Alliance Facilities are located north of the city, they were build high up in what the Alliance believes to be a sleeping volcano or old crater. It was established that because of the altitude only a few of the planets natural organisms would reside up there. Simply due to the difference in temperature. The facilities are divided in five different cells; The bridge, which is the main communication center, everything that happens on the planet will go through there. The environmental research labs, the biological research labs, the armory and loading docks and lastly the cafeteria and sleeping quarters.

[/div][/div] [div class="header likesdislikesheader"]Alliance & More[/div] [div class="textbox likesdislikesbox"][div class="scroll"] The Alliance was formed to provide protection and political diplomacy to prevent war between the planets. They used to be stationed upon each planet within the Galactic system in order to serve as a defense against foreign or native threats.

Over the years the Alliance has began to fall from its original cause. It has become a force no one likes to mess with. Their operations have grown more secretive as they tightened their grasp upon the reigns, making it clear that they are the prime rulers of the Galactic system instead.

Diplomacy has grown scarce as the army officials have grown accustomed to beating down any possible threats. Lately and for more reasons than they dare to make public, they have abandoned their stations upon the Elder Planet, leaving it -in their words- to the mercenary's, pirates and outcasts who form a threat to the safety of the public and other planets.

The Planets
Within the Galactic Beta sectors one to eleven there are six planets that are or have been inhabited by the human race.

Earth is located in Galactic sector one. It no longer contains a suitable environment that could sustain human life.

The Elder Planet.
The Elder planet is located in Galactic sector Five. Because of its climate it was never meant to be much more than a pit-stop between Earth and whatever new planet could be reached from there. Nevertheless up till this day it's first and only city is still in use. For more information view the following post: The Elder Planet. Humans native to this planet tend to have light colored eyes due to the amount of sunlight they’re exposed to.

The Alliance has always taken interest in the vegetation of the Elder planet, because of its sheer variety of plant species. A great number of plants have proven great potential for advanced medical uses. Over the years the Alliance has acted as a police force, however for unknown reasons the Alliance has recently left the Elder Planet.

Terra is located in Galactic sector Nine. The surface of this planet consists out of vast deserts and rock formations, but hidden beneath the sand dunes are massive cave systems, wells and even vegetation. As a mining planet Terra has abundant resources and houses one of the richer civilizations within the galaxy. Humans from this planet have a good sense of direction.

Due to a strong, independent, democratic system and a growing militia the Alliance has started to lose its footing upon this planet.

Ignis is located in Galactic sector eight. As a fairly young, small planet Ignis is very similar to earth in its younger years. However, due to a lot of volcanic activity it houses but a small population of humans, stowed away on islands. There is little in the sense of technology as the natives prefer not to repeat earths mistakes. Due to physical labor those born on this planet are usually in good shape.

The natives heavily outmatched against the Alliance forces and as a result Alliance is ever present here, taking resources whenever they wish.

The Aeris is located in Galactic sector four. It is a sharp lined planet that has a lot of altitude differences, deep chasms, steep cliffs and rural weather. Monsoons come and go on a whim and most cities have build domes to protect them from the forces of nature. Aeris has a fast growing, technologically advanced civilization. Those born on this planet are taught, from a very young age, how to climb.

Aerians where the first to oppose the Alliance and as a result, they have been in an on and off war for the past thirty years.

The Marinus is located in Galactic sector eleven. Also known as Sapphire, this planet’s surface consists for 88% out of oceans, therefore most cities have been build under the water’s surface. Due to dense cloud coverage and ever present thunderstorms it is considered one of the most defensible planets. Governed by the Alliance it is the most populated, technologically advanced planet. Unfortunately it is also known for the massive gap between the rich and poor. Humans born here are natural swimmers.

Marinus is the home planet to the Alliance, although not all inhabitants seem to be happy with this arrangement. There have been rebel factions that tend to rise up every now and then.

[/div][/div] [div class="header historyheader"]The Rules[/div] [div class="textbox historybox"][div class="scroll" style=height:94%;] First and foremost follow RPNation site rules.

OOC Thread
- Character Thread

RPG Requirements
Proper literacy and grammar.
Minimum of 300 words per post.
Minimum of 1 post per week.
OOC conversations.

Age 18+
Possible violence and death.
IC cursing.

Please take a look at the Character Thread.
You will find detailed information on how to apply there.

[/div][/div] [div class="header galleryheader"]Gallery[/div] [div class="textbox gallerybox"][div class="scroll" style=vertical-align:middle;] [div class="gallerypic pic1" style=background:url(https://i.imgur.com/d25oh2N.png);background-size:cover;margin-top:0px;][/div] [div class="gallerypic pic2" style=background:url(https://i.imgur.com/g23lZvQ.png);background-size:cover;][/div] [div class="gallerypic pic3" style=background:url(https://i.imgur.com/RHfrx78.png);background-size:cover;][/div] [div class="gallerypic pic4" style=background:url(https://i.imgur.com/PhUJADL.png);background-size:cover;][/div] [div class="gallerypic pic5" style=background:url(https://i.imgur.com/PhUJADL.png);background-size:cover;][/div] [div class="gallerypic pic6" style=background:url(https://i.imgur.com/PhUJADL.png);background-size:cover;][/div] [div class="gallerypic pic7" style=background:url(https://i.imgur.com/PhUJADL.png);background-size:cover;][/div] [div class="gallerypic pic8" style=background:url(https://i.imgur.com/PhUJADL.png);background-size:cover;][/div] [/div][/div] [/div] [div class="credit"]Code by: Stellar Nursery.[/div] [/div]
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I don't know about anyone else, but this RP kind of gives me The Outer Worlds vibes and I'm super here for it.
I haven't played it but I have seen it across the internet, it does feel...familiar.

I greet you, sharing the same level of excitement for this nicely thought idea for a Roleplay.
It's a really well done game, kind of short, but super fun nonetheless.

But what I'm really excited for is the idea of punching a Gyeth, cuz I mean like who doesn't want to punch a giant dinosaur-lizard thing?
It's a really well done game, kind of short, but super fun nonetheless.

But what I'm really excited for is the idea of punching a Gyeth, cuz I mean like who doesn't want to punch a giant dinosaur-lizard thing?

Oh hell yeah, I'm so ready. Catch me punching ALL of the giant lizards :coolshades:
Punch Gyeth... 🤣🤣🤣 You lot can always try, you'd better make one-punch-man in that case though! 😏


Edit: Gaaaaaah I was planning on writing a bit more on technology concerning, spaceships, weapons and medicine.... But I got an exam tomorrow and I REALLY need to get some sleep x.x
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Good hello- I see threads! And a lot of character sheets. Better be quick with the ol' grey matter and get to writing something.
Hope my characters get accepted, 'cause I spent all night on those profiles! xD Also I believe the GM's preference (stated in the rules) is for drawn FCs over realistic ones ._.

How's our roster coming along?

My understanding of the roster we have going so far (barring the GM refusing any of the characters, of course) is as follows:
-The Mercenary '??' [ played by Loralyda Loralyda ]
-Ex-Alliance 'Colonel' [ played by Shannon Trevor Shannon Trevor ]
-The Medic 'Cross' [ played by Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater ]
-The Native '??' [ played by Krowe Krowe ]
-The Weapons Specialist 'Gat' [ played by Ayama Ayama ]
-The Demolitions Expert 'Blitz' [ played by Ayama Ayama ]

Blemmigan Blemmigan Said they wanted The Researcher
Rassforth Rassforth and Krowe Krowe both have placeholder posts up in the CS (so I'm assuming Krowe Krowe is planning to submit a second character)

I believe all the suggested roles have already been reserved or claimed so far, though I had some additional suggestions, such as:
-The Leader
-The Veteran
-The Rookie
-The Sniper

Hope that helps, especially since there was also interest from FabulousTrash FabulousTrash Dmitri Tolenka Dmitri Tolenka coeur coeur and Abendrot Abendrot

Kind of wondering if there will be enough roles to go around, for so many interested players xD Guess we shall see~!
Writing up a researcher character concept now, but fell down a reference image rabbit hole... this always happens! None of the ones I already have are Quite Right, and all the ones that turn up online are either too good-looking or too cool-looking. I don't know how people do it.
Never mind! Will just go without for now.

On the plus side I did save about 20 pictures of cool robots
Writing up a researcher character concept now, but fell down a reference image rabbit hole... this always happens! None of the ones I already have are Quite Right, and all the ones that turn up online are either too good-looking or too cool-looking. I don't know how people do it.
Never mind! Will just go without for now.

On the plus side I did save about 20 pictures of cool robots
So. Flippin'. Relatable xD

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