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Fandom OOC Talk

[COLOR= rgb(178, 34, 34)][SIZE= 22px]Shoutout / Info[/COLOR][/SIZE]

Just a little shoutout to the one's who haven't posted yet and an info for the ones posting in the RPG.

Since a few people have been asking: who's still part of the RP? I know the current scene is uninteresting for most characters. So I guess that's the reason why you stay out of it yet :)

I'm going to tag everyone in the RP as soon as she switch to the next school year. (Because perhaps some of you have noticed that the climax of the scene is arriving soon.)

Shoutout: @The_RP_Paradise_ @Darkiplier @Here For Your Tears @Temptress

Info: @MysticalVoid @Kylo_Solo @Itsrainingacorns @someghostinthecorner @Blackinnon_love @ReverseWells @controversial @Mathias No Bias @Lycaon ( @ShadowRogue )
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Aye, okay. I see. Anything Peeves should know before he hops in ?

Just think about that you have a character that's a harrassing damn ghost, he could literally swoop in through the wall at any time :smile5:

And I'd imagine Fenrir Greyback thinking he's entertaining as few.

..Um.. He's funny.. D : I'm sorry if I put that wrong, English isn't my native language :smile5:

How I feel you ;-; 

Also if you see that your post is edited by me ignore it - I didnt edit anything I just hit edit instead of post by mistake >_<
The "as few" part confused me. Omit that and your sentence is perfect; I see what you mean. ;) But what does Greyback gotta do with this ?
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I suddenly realized...

Greyback is one of these characters that we get very little information on.
Alright Lovelies,

so since most people haven't really been active lately I thought of asking who actually still wants to do this... I would still hate it for this to die out but if most of you don't want to continue that's alright.

I'm aware that December is full of last exams, pre-Christmas stress followed by the Holidays. Hopefully you all had a nice time with your friends and loved ones! Anyways New year - new luck. Who's still interested in this?

Oh and since we kind of seem to be stuck in that scene - I thought of skipping over the rest and "restart" with the beginning of the new school year, aye?

Oh also could you give me a quick head's up if you're still part of this or prefer to get out? Both is fine with me but I would like to know if we need to look for new people in case many are still interested in doing this.

@LadyMasquerade @Kylo_Solo @Itsrainingacorns @The_RP_Paradise_ @someghostinthecorner @Lycaon @Blackinnon_love @Darkiplier @Temptress @Sam_1910 @ReverseWells @controversial @Mathias No Bias
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Im still in yes ;p in fact i keep checking myself but things seemed to stick.
I'm really sorry, okay. I don't think I can get into it now it's been so long. I'd have loved to join, but the thing is, I just wasn't notified when it started, and I realised it had only too late. If I could join, I would.
I'm really sorry, okay. I don't think I can get into it now it's been so long. I'd have loved to join, but the thing is, I just wasn't notified when it started, and I realised it had only too late. If I could join, I would.

Don't worry about it. We would start all over. So please feel free to if you want to join and establish Peeves. Otherwise it's alright : )
So for the rest of us: I will wait until the end of the week to give the others, who haven't replied to wether they would like to continue or not, some more time. After that I will remove the people who haven't replied yet and declined from the RPG. Of course you can also contact me in PM.

Status Quo would be that everyone has replied yet except for:

  • Severus Snape
  • Lucius Malfoy
  • James Potter
  • Remus Lupin
  • Tom Riddle

Everyone, who has not replied till Friday, will be replaced or removed! In case you are interested in switching canons to any of those, feel free to contact me. : )
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