• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern [ooc] Say 'I Do'

Lately Lately are you fine with your male being partnered up with a female despite being homosexual?
Lately Lately are you fine with your male being partnered up with a female despite being homosexual?
Yup. He's not completely out of the closet at the moment. I'm still working out the exact details, but in summary just his inner circle of friends and family knows about his sexuality.
Yup. He's not completely out of the closet at the moment. I'm still working out the exact details, but in summary just his inner circle of friends and family knows about his sexuality.
Ah okay. Just keep in mind if your character is accepted, a lot of users are using their partner for an actual romance and everything so that's something to keep in mind.
just wanted to write here that i look forward to reading this roleplay!
i, unfortunately, won't be participating in this, but regardless, hope yall have fun <3
just wanted to write here that i look forward to reading this roleplay!
i, unfortunately, won't be participating in this, but regardless, hope yall have fun <3
Ah I’m really sorry to hear that. Thank you for letting me know and for expressing your interest!
Accepted Characters: Males
Sorry for being so late but I've been dealing with a lot of shit so I finally decided to do something. I chose those who I felt fit best with the roleplay and the partners I have planned for them.
I hope you all understand, regaurdless of whether or not your character was accepted. They were all super good!

(I also understand if a lot of CS's are complete because everything has been crazy so it is possible I may have characters on a waiting list. Just contact me okay?)
females coming soon

1.) Ju - laybaeby laybaeby
2.) Jiwon - Nap Nap
3.) Siyoon - Yunn Yunn
4.) Yong-ju - allure allure
Last edited:
Accepted Characters: Females
Sorry for being so late but I've been dealing with a lot of shit so I finally decided to do something. I chose those who I felt fit best with the roleplay and the partners I have planned for them.
I hope you all understand, regaurdless of whether or not your character was accepted. They were all super good!

(I also understand if a lot of CS's are complete because everything has been crazy so it is possible I may have characters on a waiting list. Just contact me okay?)
I will be posting pairings later this evening both here and in the discord chat

1.) Riel - MinnieMin99 MinnieMin99
2.) Kana - Nap Nap
3.) Subin - Yunn Yunn
4.) Nayeon - @Y o u n g j a e

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