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Realistic or Modern OOC: Santa Monica Home for Boys and Girls [Reboot!]

Alright, I'll wait for you guys to skip to dinner then jump in, feel free to ping me when you do! c:
Heyo, I'm sorry to say but I'm going to have to drop out of this one. School is picking up and i have a ton of hw to get through for the year and need to drop some rps. Hope you have a nice rp tho! Sorry about this again.
Hey it's all good, these things happen. Wishing you the best of luck with school.
So here is something I am thinking like stated Asher still very much plans on buying a new hockey stick for Jack. So within the next couple of posts he is going to be sneaking out to make that happen. So I was thinking that might be a good time to skip a couple of hours in game get the day to move along a little and such.
Awesome! I'm totally down for a little time skip so we can get things moving.
Hey just wanted to let you guys know work is pretty crazy cause they are kicking us out a few hours early for some kind of maintenance. So I probably won't get a post until I get out of hete
Me and Kai were discussing it in here like 10 posts up in the OOC here, we doing a timeskip in like 1 or 2 posts time so likely later tonight. Skipping to right before dinner.

That'd both coax Jack out of his room, and kinda reset interactions - letting Miaow's characters the chance to get better involved.
With the added set-peices of dinner and the hockey game on TV.
Hey just wanted to let you guys know work is pretty crazy cause they are kicking us out a few hours early for some kind of maintenance. So I probably won't get a post until I get out of hete
All good man, you post whenever you can and ur ready. We understand. Best of luck at work.
Me and Kai were discussing it in here like 10 posts up in the OOC here, we doing a timeskip in like 1 or 2 posts time so likely later tonight. Skipping to right before dinner.

That'd both coax Jack out of his room, and kinda reset interactions - letting Miaow's characters the chance to get better involved.
With the added set-peices of dinner and the hockey game on TV.
Yep exactly. I think a time skip soon would be in order. We can skip to right before dinner. Obviously Jack has to come out of his room for dinner, so he will be forced out in that sense. And obviously after dinner he wants to watch the hockey game, so more of Jack being out of his room lol.
Yep exactly. I think a time skip soon would be in order. We can skip to right before dinner. Obviously Jack has to come out of his room for dinner, so he will be forced out in that sense. And obviously after dinner he wants to watch the hockey game, so more of Jack being out of his room lol.
Jack might end up with Felix joining him watching the game - not guaranteed but there is a chance, assuming nobody pulls him away that Felix will end up ruining the goal of 'zero interaction'.
Haha who knows. I think Jack would hate having someone join him along to watch the game, but hey, can't stop kids sometimes lol. Jack is going into it thinking it'll be just him watching, maybe Asher.
I mean he could ask for Felix to not watch. Or possibly Nate or Dez' or someone might drag him off.
Or Asher will drive him off again. :P
whew... okay Nates post is up. Now unless anyone wants to get one last post up I am gonna be getting the GM time skip post up here soon.
I'm all good here and ready to time skip to dinner! How bout you guys?
and posted I will let others post first having just wrote to posts I gotta take a little bit to be a dad lol

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