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Realistic or Modern OOC: Santa Monica Home for Boys and Girls [Reboot!]

Hehe. Go for it. I bet it'll look amazing. 🏳️‍🌈

You gonna wear that pride shirt you took to school before if you still go it?
Haha yeah its gonna look so good!

Yeah definitely wearing that shirt. I'm trying to get Max to come but I don't know if he will
Haha, I should find some Pride stuff I can wear to the hospital when I go back to work next week. I can't wear a rainbow shirt, but I can get some new bracelets maybe.

I wish you luck! But don't force him if he doesn't want to.
Yeah ya gotta find something you can wear bracelets are good. I don't know if you can wear rainbow socks but maybe you could do that

Yeah I don't want to force him but it would be super awesome if he came.
It was just awesome there were so many people there that were ya know either LGBT or just there to support us. And everyone was so nice!
I was super excited to go but I was also kinda nervous that people would tell me like I'm to young to know anything or something cause I mean a lot of people try and tell me that at school and stuff but nobody ever did they just wanted to know my story and then they completely supported me.
There was this super nice lady that painted a pride flag on my cheek for me I found out she was born a boy so like I got to kinda got to talk to her about some of the stuff I've been dealing with and asking questions and it just felt really nice to talk to someone who deals with some of the same stuff as me ya know.
There were pride colors everywhere!! It was soooo colorful.

I also learned about like why pride is so important like everyone is trying so hard to make things better for LGBT kids in the future and so they don't have to go through the same struggles as a lot of adults now had to.
There were also like a tonn of kids there which was super awesome cause like me and Max are the only two at our school that I know of well plus Max's one friend I guess that are LGBT so it was cool to meet so many others.

Okay I typed a lot ummm I'll stop for now haha
Haha. That all sounds super-duper awesome!! 🏳️‍🌈
I've never gotten to go to a big pride event myself but that's pretty much how I imagined they'd go!

And yeah.. A lot of us have had a really hard time growing up as LGBT or know friends who have. We want kids like you, and those after us to have it way easier.

Glad it really helped getting to meet all these people, and seeing that plenty of other kids either support or are also LGBT too. <3
Yeah it was super-duper awesome! There was also a lot of food and like clothes and stuff it was so fun!

Yeah I'm sorry that it was so tough for you guys and that it still is for a lot of kids who dont get lucky enough to have parents as awesome and supportive as my dad's. I really want to figure out how I can help make things better for kids and help change the stupid people in the world who can't just love their kids for who they are.

Yeah I was usually the youngest kid most of them were a little older than me but oh well they were super awesome anyway most of them also said they kinda knew at my age that something was different but they just didn't know what which is kinda like me so yeah we all made a group chat so we could talk whenever we wanted.
Haha. That's cool about the other kids. Take your time with it, like with them. You don't need to have it all figured out yet, you don't need to have the words to explain it or commit anything.
Just knowing something feels different is a good start.

And nice you can keep in contact. :D
Yeah I know sometimes I wish I had it all figured out so I could stop being so confused all the time but I know i don't need to and Like that it will all come in time.

But yeah I made lots of friends!

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