OOC Discussion

What if Riley and I get in a scuffle and Chris happens upon it? Would Chris help subdue Luc, or is he more likely to try to pull Riley off of me? How likely is Riley to hear and understand if Luc submits? Does security at AEGIS have an obvious and recognizable uniform? I think if Luc recognizes Riley he would yield immediately, but if she catches him by surprise, he might defend himself reflexively. He trains in JKD, and has superhuman reflexes from high nerve conduction velocities within his electron based physiology, so he might attempt an intercepting hit without thinking about it first... and I am thinking that would be a bad thing to do to somebody under the influence of PCP.
Riley essentially manufactures and does ALL THE DRUGS at once and at superhuman levels. She's on a timer to prevent any major issues and she is wearing an AEGIS uniform. She's pretty pumped on addy though so she'll know right away to call for backup and/or practice discretion. If an unknown enters the fray, she'll call in backup. If Luc complies, she'll tag em' and start sweating as much chloroform as possible to calm and knock people out.
Knocking Luc into the harbor would kill him. And possibly electrocute everyone in Baltimore. But maybe not? It would certainly make for a dramatic conclusion to the RP!
Sensing danger, Gus dashes out of a nearby broom closet, stops time and fixes everything while nobody is looking! Yay! Day saved, and he wasn't even approved to be in this RP! (Heroes don't wait for an invitation) ;)
[QUOTE="CRiTiCAL ERR0R]//shoos Gus back to his broom closet
No cameos 8U

Not even ooc? Dang...
Thanks! Once this RP is back on track, do you guys want to do a timeskip, or keep working through the class scene?
I haven't even made it to class yet, so I am all for that. Especially if it means surviving my encounter with Riley!
Ffffff- Now I know how Havoc felt. I stopped getting notices from here. DX

welian said:
Thanks! Once this RP is back on track, do you guys want to do a timeskip, or keep working through the class scene?
I feel that if we've lost quite a few people during this downtime, purrhaps a time skip would help any new peeps who'd wanna jump in integrate better, as well as any new characters coming in from the open profile acceptance period.

But I'd totes be cool with playing out the adventures of Detective Kokinos and the Case of the Disappearing Intruder~

[QUOTE="Suzuki Mine]
Ffffff- Now I know how Havoc felt. I stopped getting notices from here. DX
I feel that if we've lost quite a few people during this downtime, purrhaps a time skip would help any new peeps who'd wanna jump in integrate better, as well as any new characters coming in from the open profile acceptance period.

But I'd totes be cool with playing out the adventures of Detective Kokinos and the Case of the Disappearing Intruder~


To clarify, I would also be ok with a time skip. Either way.
@Teh Frixz So how do we handle this? I am new to scrapping in this kind of RP. Do we roll dice? I am thinking that maybe I looked over my shoulder when you are actually approaching from the front, but I am certainly open to suggestions. Do you think Riley would just barrel into Luc, or does she have the presence of mind to stop and offer a challenge first? I couldn't seem to get a conversation started with you, so I decided to put it here. Maybe other people have suggestions also?
I will happily roll with whatever happens, but I did promised DJMagicHat that I would eventually get to class.
Hheeeeyyy, hope my post doesn't come as overly long winded. Just wanted to give him a good introduction.

I also hope all the lore referenced is accurate, feel free to Cow-tip Sigismund if not

I also hope you don't mind me involving you in my introduction.

I just thought It would be a good way to actively get into the RP instead of just waiting for someone to bump into Robo-man.

STATIC said:
Hheeeeyyy, hope my post doesn't come as overly long winded. Just wanted to give him a good introduction.
I also hope all the lore referenced is accurate, feel free to Cow-tip Sigismund if not

I also hope you don't mind me involving you in my introduction.

I just thought It would be a good way to actively get into the RP instead of just waiting for someone to bump into Robo-man.

no problem, its why i left my post open-ended :P

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