OOC Discussion

HunterJJ said:
Dude that would be great this is the color I want to use
edit, you know what, I can do this, I think
If you need help still later on, let welian know I'll code it for you. xD

I'll be stepping out for a bit here... soon.. eAe;;

When soon is, I'm not sure. Waiting for my bf to get home.

I'm basically a code expert at this point, lawl people go to school for this shit? Pfffft

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Staying up all night to complete that character profile was beyond worth it.

*Bathing in satisfaction*
Turns out I don't have a Precalc quiz this weekend, time to trawl back a few pages and start reading profiles.... Remember, you all are encouraged to talk about each other's profiles as well.
HunterJJ said:
One of my characters will be a teacher and I was wondering if I could reserve a class for mental resiliency to control powers.
If no one else has claimed the Mental Discipline class by the time you're able to make a second character, I don't see why not.

TheDaftStudent said:
My first iteration profile.
Tag me when you're done, yeah?

[QUOTE="Manic Muse]Morgan, Page

A great start! There's a few minor errors I'd like you to fix - Adjective should be Objective, and the limiters for C rank are Level 1 - and I think you should reconsider her second power of empathy. It doesn't fit the fire theme of her other powers, and feels like it's there just to be there.

HunterJJ said:
Akachi, Ime
Not bad at all! Looks like you survived the coding. The powers are interesting, but I'd like to see you try to squeeze a few more negative aspects of them in there. The personality section needs to be reorganized a bit so that it's clear what his four main personality traits are. And... this is optional of course, but the history is longer than what I was expecting anyone to submit. I would suggest condensing it, but I can tell you had a lot of fun writing that out, and I'm not going to force you to do the backstory over.

M0N0 said:
Like Hunter's character, I'd like you to reorganize the personality section a bit so that it's more obvious what Yoji's four main personality traits are. The biggest issue by far though, is that you have a LOT of sub-powers listed under his primary power of data manipulation. I think it's awesome that you got into such detail, but I did specifically ask for descriptions of powers to stay concise, and to stick to only two secondary/sub-powers. I would suggest making the initial data manipulation description a bit longer, and wording it in such a way that all of Yoji's observed moves are implied in the primary power description.

HunterJJ said:
One thing I'm wondering, are we allowed to be S rank or is it limited at A, I remember it being A as the max earlier but I'm not sure if that changed or stayed the same.
Teachers and faculty are allowed to be S Rank. At some point I had a rule that students go only be up to A Rank (I wanted to prevent roleplayers from going power crazy), but I couldn't come up with an in-universe justification. As it stands, I'm quite pleased that lots of people went for medium-powered characters, and of course, like I said before - any S Rank characters will be intensely scrutinized, and I will be checking the roleplayer's post history to make sure that they can handle not being a dick with that much power.
TheDaftStudent said:
But I mean, thoughts would be nice... you know.. so I know how little more effort needs put in. :P
It's been over two years since we met, you should be able to read my mind by now.
HunterJJ said:
1000 word story in the flash fiction section
I dont know about your education system, but my teachers immediately stop reading past the 300 word limit for flash fictions, and grade you on just that. Going past the limit is tantamount to getting marks docked off.

I'm just saying.
Also, content over length, mate. It's a personal thing, and maybe you don't agree with me, but to spend 500 words describing what can be done in 50 tends to be a mark of a person who's trying to compensate for something.

That's just my opinion though. I'm sorry if I sound harsh or curt when I say these. I have issues with social communication, especially in text, so take my words with a pinch of sugar.
HunterJJ said:
Also, sorry about the history section, as you can probably tell I have a long winded way of writing that delves into everything.
//slowly looks over to history that's almost a page long in google doc

//slowly looks over to history that's almost a page long in google doc

Lol omg I'm so glad I'm not the only person that writes things up on google docs too. Actually history is usually pretty long too now I think about it.

Laurel ( my character ) is one of the few that I just half assed - I think her original backstory was like a paragraph or two. But I got to figure out how to add her partner "Tom Cat" the talking cat.
HunterJJ said:
half baked 250 word snippet
Flash fictions are meant to be short, though, right? Theyre supposed to convey a story in the shortest manner possible. I would disagree with this sentiment, honestly. 250 words can speak more than a thousand can sometimes.
welian said:
I am lazy.
I expect others to be lazy like me.
I try to be.. But I'm one of those people that rambles. Like when I talk to my friends I can take talk for hours about random shit. I once talked for two hours on the use of parchment of Harry Potter universe.

Unfortunately this habit translates to writing too.

Not to say I can't half ass things but that's only if I'm just slapping something together. And I respect your roleplay too much for that sadly.
readingraebow said:
Lol omg I'm so glad I'm not the only person that writes things up on google docs too. Actually history is usually pretty long too now I think about it.
Laurel ( my character ) is one of the few that I just half assed - I think her original backstory was like a paragraph or two. But I got to figure out how to add her partner "Tom Cat" the talking cat.
I got in the habit of writing in a doc when the website I was previously on used to auto-log you out after so long of inactivity. So I'd have a 700-word post that just disappeared off the face of the planet.

Ahh the good old days of being rage induced by a lost post~

Leo (the character I'll be using) is one of my personal favorites. His history generally stays along the same lines but varies depending on rps. But that also means each time I write it up differently instead of just attempting to fill in blanks.
xD ;;
simj22 said:
Flash fictions are meant to be short, though, right? Theyre supposed to convey a story in the shortest manner possible. I would disagree with this sentiment, honestly. 250 words can speak more than a thousand can sometimes.
simj22 said:
Also, content over length, mate. It's a personal thing, and maybe you don't agree with me, but to spend 500 words describing what can be done in 50 tends to be a mark of a person who's trying to compensate for something.
That's just my opinion though. I'm sorry if I sound harsh or curt when I say these. I have issues with social communication, especially in text, so take my words with a pinch of sugar.
Clearly overcompensating..... for awesomeness (this was the piece I handed in, still had it in my documents)

Contrasting the utilitarian and angular style of human craft, the architecture and design of the tomb ship was extraordinarily ornate and every surface within the dead ship harbored countless curves and arbitrary designs meant to enhance aesthetics while leaving functionality unobstructed. As foreign as the ship was, what astounded the crew more than anything was the age of the well preserved vessel. The readings, taken by exploratory probes, had estimated the age of the deceased beauty at roughly fifty thousand years, long before even the earliest recorded human civilizations.

Within the silence of the dead vessel, the ground crew that had delved into the torn hull of the craft admired the gilded artwork inlaid upon the walls of the main causeway. Carvings made from the rarest materials known to man flowed in a river of expert craftsmanship, glittering dully in the somber glow provided by the light strips upon the helms of the spacefarers. Etched in gold of both pale white and metallic yellow lay scenes of glory, honor, and courage, displayed in finery for the explorers to admire while also giving the human crew insight into the naval history of beings long since perished within the harsh vacuum of the small moon.

With hardly a word spoken during the course of the journey from stern to bow, the group of pioneers came to a halt before a massive and ornately furnished pair of doors that lay before the bridge of the boomerang shaped vessel. As if choreographed, the members of the group aligned themselves before the doorway in a broken line, admiring the impressively detailed carvings that decorated the metal surface of the elegant, yet imposing gate that lay before them.

Within the center of the tapestry where the two halves of the door came to meet, a perfectly round stone of pure onyx lay embedded within the gilding, symbolizing the black hole at the heart of the Milky Way's galactic disc. The volcanic rock served as a perfect antithesis to both the somber gems and dull yellow gold that twisted around it's black surface, each one colluding with the other to form the swirling rivers of stars that one would see if looking at the galaxy from afar.

The first mate wondered to himself if they had crafted the artwork from merely a hypothetical point of view or if they had crafted the beautiful piece after coming to know what the Milky Way truly looked like from an outsider's perspective, a technological feat that would require knowledge of space travel far exceeding that of even the quickly expanding human race.

As the first mate turned to signal his demo man to breach the door, a panel on the right side of the massive gate came to life.

From a hidden lens by the small panel's housing, a thin crossbeam of light scanned the line of pioneers that had arranged themselves before the doorway, reading each one before flickering into non existence once more.

Against the anxious expectations of the crew, instead of triggering some further security measure, the electronic panel emitted a high pitched note. Then, as if held in hibernation, the doorway came to life with the dull vibration of gears and ancient electrical systems, long since frozen in time.

The doorway held it's position without movement, sending nervous thoughts through the minds of the crewmen, but after a short time, as if on cue, the two halves split down the middle, releasing thousands of near microscopic particles, each one floating outwards from the crevice of the portal, settling slowly upon the deck before the spacefarers in the low gravity of the small moon. Several seconds passed with the door open by only a hair's width, giving the first mate cause to turn to his demolitions man once more in order to prep explosives, but as he turned his neck to face him, the massive blast doors parted ways in one smooth motion, peeling back to reveal the pure darkness of the bridge.

As the crew cautiously stepped through the doorway, light strips older than the Book of Genesis came to life, flickering on one by one, casting their callous luminescence onto the round bridge of the ship from the domed ceiling high above the explorers.

Gradually, after the initial shock and denial became lost in the wake of time, the eyes of the crew came to accept what the light had revealed, and with this revelation, the men began to disperse and break from one another in their disbelief. Some leaned against the walls of the cylindrical room, unable to support themselves with their legs alone, while others stepped back into the hallway to digest the implications of their discovery, and one fully turned from the sight, unable to accept the new reality of the human race. What their reactions lacked in solidarity, their emotions shared, for each one struggled equally to understand what they had come to find within the heart of the ancient ship.

Unlike the motley crew of marines, geologists, astronomers, and biologists that he led, the first mate of the

UNSF Columbus

stood motionless, seemingly unaffected by the sight, but despite his outwards calm, within his mind raced the thoughts of a man lost within a universe once understood.

After a few dozen seconds, the lights of the control room stabilized, halting the incessant flashing and sputtering that the crew had grown accustomed to, leaving the first humans to arrive in the Alpha-Centauri system within an awkward vacuum devoid of motion or radio chatter. In an almost hesitant manner, the crew turned to face one another, each one staring at the others with a mixture of confusion and wonder, lacking words in the aftermath of the discovery. For within the ancient and infinitely advanced ship that they had found almost five light years from Earth, the seemingly fresh corpses of humans lay strewn about the bridge, perfectly preserved for over fifty thousand years within the absolute vacuum of the airless moon.
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Ah, heck. Time to meander out of lurking to post this profile. Of course, let me know if anything's out of place/could be elaborated on/fixed.


  • Full NameRei Rinaldi
    RaceMixed - Middle Eastern, Asian, Caucasian
    Eyes Blue
    Hair Dark brown
    BuildSomewhat stocky
    LimiterLevel 1, active
    NotesAlways seen in tacky glasses
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I got in the habit of writing in a doc when the website I was previously on used to auto-log you out after so long of inactivity. So I'd have a 700-word post that just disappeared off the face of the planet.
Ahh the good old days of being rage induced by a lost post~

Leo (the character I'll be using) is one of my personal favorites. His history generally stays along the same lines but varies depending on rps. But that also means each time I write it up differently instead of just attempting to fill in blanks.
xD ;;

Yeah I started because the old site I was on the reply feature and edit feature were close together so I would continuously edit an existing post and lose momentum in a story.

So I did docs to keep a log of my posts.

Yeah I'll probably have to redo hers because she was a part of a twin duo and I would have to create her sister at the same time and that's not allowed. And since I can't bring in her partner right off the bat I'm working on having him be like an uncle. lol. Uncle Tom....Cat.

but it also depends on how long I get to work on it, since I'll be filling the profile in during brief batches at work.
@welian so this is probably a stupid question but if she dyes her hair would I put the original hair color in the appearance and that she dyes it in notes?
crackedbat said:
Ah, heck. Time to meander out of lurking to post this profile. Of course, let me know if anything's out of place/could be elaborated on/fixed.

  • Full NameRei Rinaldi
    RaceMixed - Middle Eastern, Asian, Caucasian
    Eyes Blue
    Hair Dark brown
    BuildSomewhat stocky
    LimiterLevel 1, active
    NotesAlways seen in tacky glasses
I hope you don't mind me having a pure cryokinetic.

readingraebow said:
Uncle Tom....Cat.
My cat's name is Tom, I approve
TheDox said:
My cat's name is Tom, I approve
I like to be punny. I think his code name is people mocking him, as his name is actually Thomas. ( he was a human whose power is turning into a talking cat. Just that no turning back into a human he's just permanetly a cat )
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